DSers Aliexpress Dropshipping Tutorial (2024)

DSers Aliexpress Dropshipping Tutorial (2024)

Tutorials by Manizha & Ryan

2 года назад

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DSers Aliexpress Dropshipping Tutorial (2024)

In this video I show you how to use the DSers App to Dropship on Shopify. It is really easy to do and learn to do it in just a few minutes by following this super helpful tutorial.

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@tutorialsbymanizharyan2121 - 25.05.2022 14:24

If this video helped you out please consider leaving a like & commenting down below! Thank you so much :)

@peterjerome6446 - 29.08.2022 22:48

he, how to fulfill orders on shopify to dsers?

@nonitogavito1416 - 24.08.2022 07:36

Very helpful, nice explaination
From Philippines 🥰

@Meierle - 14.07.2022 14:19

When you push a product to shopify, does it mean that when the customer buys This product from you, it will be directly paid to the supplier and you keep the profit Margin? Or is There a extra step to automize this Concept of „doing nothing“ once you got your Store Running with your products?

@jayjaytr1849 - 04.07.2022 16:47

I used Dsers to import a product from aliexpress to my Shopify store and it shows up in products but when I want to add the product as featured product on me debut theme it doesn’t show up to add it but if I customized my own product without Dsers it shows up as featured product?

@holdmeon - 24.06.2022 20:41

How do I make sure there is a tracking number, there are products that come without a tracking number so how do I set in DSERS to have a tracking number on every product I advertise in shopfy ?

@xanderjolie9349 - 21.06.2022 12:25

corsi(punto)rip è l'unico sito che vi fornisce corsi ad un prezzo scontatissimo

@Ariscarola - 10.06.2022 02:52

Thank you this is very helpful. But don’t you have to email the supplier and let them know you are partnering with them? Or does Dser eliminate that step?

@JesusSanchez-xb5ok - 07.06.2022 22:41

This is gold, thank you very much. I have a question, when you changed the price do you have to convert it to rupees? Or can you select the currency sign? I'm in the U.S
