How Limbo Became The Most Misunderstood Warframe

How Limbo Became The Most Misunderstood Warframe


1 год назад

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@longwingdetrain3183 - 28.06.2024 23:35

I was a OG Limbo main. I switched to Vauban when they reworked Limbo…….. until they reworked Vauban. Then I just quit for about half a decade.

New limbo is boring and not a skillframe anymore.

@TheAEsKing117proGamer - 21.06.2024 02:11

it would be great if the bullets stopped mid air again that was cool

@Yotanido - 02.06.2024 22:05

I didn't even play Limbo during Scarlet Spear and thought the nerf was BS. Don't nerf a frame because you can't design the event properly, lol.
(I was playing ground team. Yes, it was slower, but so much more fun. I don't think I would have played it as much as I did had I decided to go space instead)

@aquamarinerose5405 - 28.05.2024 18:33

I think saying Limbo is for "5-heads" is fair since like...

I know my brain isn't big enough to main Limbo. I WANT to learn Limbo, His Invincibility mechanic seems really useful for a ton of situations (Like I had been basically spamming Rift Dash in Open Worlds to be able to mine without being bothered, only to find out that you can't mine or fish in the rift, but it was still useful to just run through Grineer camps and watch them try desperately to shoot me). his ability to protect Rescue Targets and other similar points of importance using the rift seems really neat, but...

I know that while playing him, I was nowhere near using his kit effectively, even while literally listening to your explanation of how his rift surge works in the background.

Which, also... A Very Silly idea for a new Limbo Mod that probably won't happen. Something that makes it that targets inside the rift become invisible to enemies outside the rift, and vice-versa. Granted, this doesn't really do much when enemies outside the rift are already unable to damage you, but something would just feel really good about being able to run past whole camps without anyone realizing you're there. Though I guess that'd make him even better at stealth missions than actual stealth frames.

@zamallalexander9214 - 18.05.2024 20:47

Limbo is broken players to lazy to figure the warframe out

@CheckHertz - 18.05.2024 16:27

"I Miscalculated" Bruh...

@HaloDJumper - 17.05.2024 23:25

Limbo: Exists
Lua spy: Quakes in fear

@getclem - 09.05.2024 16:37

Btw, not sure if you mentioned. It is actually helpful for DPS Warframe like Mesa, to use her 4th ability in the rift, as Warframe ability can bypass and attack both enemies within and outside the rift, all while warframe can stay safe inside.

Not sure why people are bothered, i mean i understand weapon damage is affected, but ability is totally fine to use without much hindering.

@Wolfnrun - 06.05.2024 06:30

I find limbo very fun. Ive been called a troll playing him when im not even banishing people? Drives me nuts!

@Lotsofcaps - 05.05.2024 08:11

I've never been directly trolled by a limbo, I barely ever even see him in game.
But I still hate seeing him in missions outside defense.
Of all the frames in the game, you choose the one that is an inconvenience to me.
I'll die a limbo hater. Why does the worst frame get the best hats?

@hunterontherun807 - 05.05.2024 07:39

You're just bad if you're mad at limbo.

@lordvitae - 05.05.2024 00:57

I ❤ Limbo. Always have 😁

@Stinger05 - 04.05.2024 21:48

Void Wizard gaming

@boisq97 - 02.05.2024 17:43

i stopped using him after they made it so contagion doesnt hit through the rift

@danielcox7629 - 01.05.2024 00:51

If you see a limbo that isn't lvl 30 consider staying in the mission so they can hemlith the bastard and be done with him.

@Bagheera2 - 22.04.2024 20:47

Why 7 days?

@punking488 - 20.04.2024 09:37

Limbomb... Huh, that explains why my cataclysm is almost useless. Just use it to protect defense points and slow enemies now.... My first warframe and hes being abused by DE fantastic.

@NeightrixPrime - 15.04.2024 18:06

Limbo never should have made it out of concept.

@celphalonred1999 - 14.04.2024 06:17

I'm so glad no one uses him, those that do make the entire damn squad suffer headaches and irritation. We also tend to fail mission objectives.

So yea, FUCK limbo

@AscendtionArc - 12.04.2024 23:47

Thanks for this.

I always thought he was very cool.

@Minecraftassassin-re6og - 11.04.2024 22:27

As I always say "it's never the Warframe's fault that they're looked on as annoying it's the player's fault for not using them right"
Because in my opinion you can make any warframe a troll it just takes the player to make them a troll

@tighlia3375 - 11.04.2024 18:47

Watches entire video
Huh. Neat. Still going to leave if I see one in a public lobby.

@kisbiflos - 11.04.2024 13:33

Limbo and Loki used to be my main frames for riven challenges, they made so many challenges easier. I haven't seen the new Riven Challenges yet though.

@4bootest - 10.04.2024 20:58

I used to be a huge fan of Limbo in Heiracon times. That's how i got my Sibear and loads of "friends" lol.

@PoneyChad - 10.04.2024 01:57

When i see a limbo on my party i leave

@Jeffuraii - 09.04.2024 16:59

you forgot the jojo reference

@cowuwu1 - 06.04.2024 07:12

If you think of it, trolls actually saved limbo by making the devs allow pickups during cata

@Brandon-hc2cy - 05.04.2024 14:19

This video just makes me want to try to play Limbo again. I've had Limbo Prime in my arsenal for a long time now 😩

@joshbertolasi33 - 04.04.2024 08:31

all it takes is a eximus unit to wreck him and due to this it has really ruined his power unless you shield gate and I'm sorry I don't care to have to constantly maintain that because they want us to exploit that system. frames should not have to do that in order to survive.

@SomeoneYKFR - 03.04.2024 23:35

As a limbo main/new player, i always wondered why people hated pr didnt trust me for no reason

@Angelo._ - 25.03.2024 19:37

I'm late to this video, but Limbo used to be one of my favorite frames. But the introduction to overguard enemies absolutely made him obsolete. I hate that. I tried it just a few days ago, and overguard does allow enemies to kill him or the defense objective while he's in the Rift.

Overguard ignores planes and can kill Limbo or the defense objective regardless of either being in the rift. All it takes is an eximus bum rushing the objective, since they can hurt you or objective, but you can't hurt the overguarded enemy. And you can't just drop the cataclysm because enemies that weren't affected by Rift Surge + Stasis due to keeping their distance will just snipe the objective or you on top of the overguard threat.

All DE needs to do is allow him to affect overguard. Having a group of eximus with high levels spawning in just makes it a mission failure. Overguard should not allow them to ignore the rules of "different plane of existence" and harm Limbo or the Objective in the Rift. That should not be a thing. But DE just won't do anything about it.

Edit: I just tested it again, and I can hurt the overguard now. And eximus can't ignore planes if they aren't in cataclysm. I swear it wasn't working like that a few days ago. Sorry about that. Maybe a bug?

But it seems only the melee eximus and Thrax Centurion can still hurt Limbo and the objective while in the Rift. Still sucks when a high level or Steel Path Centurion just 2-3 shots the objective

@seannim - 23.03.2024 03:20

The way I use limbo is that I build my operator and amp with purely damage, I use limbo's passive then use transference to go out with the operator then boom... pretty uninteresting but it works well

@MrModestsamurai - 12.03.2024 22:46

a good use of banish(1) is some high level missions is to cast 4>2>3>1 then spam 1 over and over while they are in cataclysm(4) to repeatedly do max hp dmg to a group of enemies, while also spreading the banish due to rift surge(3) as you are technically sending them outside of the rift thanks to banish. ive used this as sort of a quick and dirty way to get the 3 chain started

@benhale6773 - 11.03.2024 06:00

Limbo feels like the only warframe that doesn't need a helminth ability now that I know how rift surge works.

@helpme2883 - 09.03.2024 23:28

Domain expansion: Limitless Limbo

@davidsoyele7829 - 09.03.2024 19:13

I just fucking wish it was easier to see when enemies are in the rift, like my God that slight outline is not enough to fucking tell what’s going on.

@christianGamerDude - 08.03.2024 11:50

I like limbo and mostly play him, but I never fully understood rift surge, so that is gonna make playing him so much more sustainable than it used to be, thanks so much!

@snickers2143 - 06.03.2024 22:03

I only liked him because of the top hat.

@ProlificPianist - 06.03.2024 19:05

Limbo was unintentionally the most well kept secret, (next to grendel before his rework). Told people to stop playing him as a bubble boy and use surge, but nobody listens lol. Finally a larger voice gives him the credit he deserves.

Only real issues is that
1. He's hard to learn and play (get good)
2. He's clunky (doesn't work in high speed missions like exterminate)

The only change I'd like to make to his kit is to let stasis be a toggle skill. Hate having to recast that.

@Dusk-meme - 05.03.2024 05:22

He is not bad, but just to be on the safe side.
Limbo is great for kavat gene samples. That if known what you're doing.

@Fake_thiuz - 04.03.2024 17:26

I'm deadass putting more effort in understanding limbo as a MR 6 player then trying to understand math at school

@PolandDoge - 04.03.2024 16:33

Limbo is the discord light mode of warfame and I love him

@Male_Parent - 24.02.2024 20:01

Please DE allow operator to enter the rift. It's impossible to last gasp revive yourself if you screw up. 😢
Rift surge is really fun to use, it's just a shame that public lobbies don't understand how he works so they'll just hate you.

@mkzhero - 22.02.2024 14:23

'limbo is squishy'? Just use rolling guard lol

Also, idk why you didn't mention it and said he just guards the lures, but in eidolon hunts he used to be, and still seems THE go to because he helps replenish trinity's mana, and negate the magnetic waves after killing a limb. For actually DEFENDING the lures tho? No, he's almost useless, since eidolon stuff goes straight through his dimension. Unless something changed? Its been a long time since I played. Either way, the classic comp for eidolons was limbo to ignore magnetic and replenish mana for trinity and allies, trinity for the damage reduction and healing on allies and lures, volt to boost operator and Warframe damage through his shields, and the last spot would usually be chroma, or sometimes mirage with self fire damage to allow her damage boost, and a couple other damage frames but was overall optional because players with high enough damage weapons would shoot down the limbs as a team really fast too.

@c00t_doggo - 22.02.2024 03:21

Limbo in raids worked way too well for people who weren't too far in the gam. He allowed you to survive really easily, and also acted as a support since you can revive teammates while in the rift.

@khaens1116 - 19.02.2024 09:03

I came back to the game some weeks ago and matched with one limbo so far and when i realised i couldn't do anything and took a sec and read the buff, and behold it says right there that you can roll to leave the rift. Ever since i took a habit of rolling a bit more when playing with a limbo, i think most of limbos team issues can be alleviated if people just read the bare minimum of what does affect them.
