Grimbeard - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (PC) - Review

Grimbeard - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (PC) - Review

Grim Beard

4 года назад

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@Kindlesmith70 - 28.12.2023 06:25

Strongest memory of these games is going from rad free to instant death due to an unrealistic spike of radiation. Those infuriating invisible radiation walls.
Chernobylite has upgraded some of the nechanics, although I do wish they'd put in just a bit more effort to get the audio to function as well as the Thief series. Sound volume and direction is a must for any stealth game, although later on you get the ability to just see through everything (fall back to stupid/lazy aspects of most games that include stealth).

@thecstineman - 18.12.2023 22:51

I know I'm really late, but great vid. Always love your stuff mr grimbeard, and congrats on 100k. Also, I saw that Mandalore watches you, so that's really cool. Thanks for the content, bro!

@PraxisAbraxis - 17.12.2023 18:19

Been a long time since I first played the game but it was one of the primary ways I cut my teeth with my first pc build.
I'd play the game modded if I were to boot it up these days, something I do every so often. Quite interesting being reminded how raw the vanilla experience was, though.

@danielhathaway8817 - 15.12.2023 16:17

I would LOVE to see you cover the sublime Into the Radius, which is what would happen if this and New Vegas had a VR baby. See habie or a wolf in vr's videos on it for reference. I adore your content, goth gamer brother!

@antondavidovic3996 - 04.12.2023 07:07

Half-Life 2 better than STALKER? Fair enough. But Fallout 3 better than STALKER? Boiii, STALKER is what Bethesda wished Fallout 3 was...

@Vadimassan - 30.11.2023 03:03

Great video!

@anthonyp.4734 - 29.11.2023 20:13

I have never failed in stealth....crawl..

@hepatitisdd - 14.11.2023 02:20

It being a desolate sad place with a foreboding atmosphere didn’t really vibe with me because I already live in Pittsburgh.

@saschaberger3212 - 20.10.2023 14:20

May you find your way to Anomaly mod and have the hours of fun you deserve

@Milkjiest - 25.09.2023 14:38

i hate challenging games, i dont like them one bit, i never play games on hardest difficulti.. but stalker? Played on master first time 3 years ago and i fucking love it.
Only one thing i wish for is to play SoC for the first time again without knowing anything about the game.

@bigotgaming1554 - 30.08.2023 22:11

who the bloody hell is this

@FinUgShiet - 18.06.2023 10:08

But how come didn't Professor Sakharov (Sugar-ov :D ) recognize Strelok as he from what I've understood had helped him get the psi-helmet earlier, if you've played Clear Sky, you know.

@lukasgroot - 17.06.2023 06:49

"People who like Stalker, really like Stalker." -Grimbeard in best Stalker review on youtoops.

@swmtothemoon6660 - 11.06.2023 12:51

I love you

@aceghost1074 - 08.06.2023 05:57

I feel like most people's gripes in the review sections (like most of these review sections) have a misunderstanding of what a game is going for, vs comparing it to loosely similar genre games that have a different goal all together.

Saying something is bad, because it isn't like X, 9 out of ten times is just a wack comparison.

@guyincognito959 - 29.05.2023 04:33

In fact, when you ads your pistol you can take out many things with one hit, especially on hardest difficulty. At least when you use some better calibre.

And mods and free full and legal conversions exist... I played this for like 1000hrs minimum. Absolute classic shooter that was not half life or quake.🥺

@rena10009 - 26.05.2023 21:22

lol future ukraine? this is a wild fantasy game huh?

@chrismaher8084 - 01.05.2023 17:33

The only game I never stop coming back to.

@mattirealm - 29.04.2023 03:23

The Tarkovsky movie is quite amazing; though I have still not read Roadside Picnic. I really like this game as well, but the bugs should have been fixed after all these years. Texture pops, things on the map that are clearly missing, broken side quests and OVERLY anal AI that can wipe you out in a moment while it takes 2 full clips to do one foe in. It respects the head shot, but should be more balanced. Again, this is a good game, but the sequels have better stuff in them....but are more unplayable, despite how strong of hardware a person has. Metro series is also badass.

@MadMan-7978 - 30.03.2023 17:36

It’s a game that’s good but you don’t know why

@prob1em4tic42 - 01.03.2023 20:59

No crosshair is the way to go. Amazing review.

@Millenia3D - 19.02.2023 01:01

This game was honestly transformative when I first played it, it'll forever have a place in my heart & I genuinely can't wait for STALKER 2

@jordifilali8297 - 31.01.2023 23:42

never finished this game but it was super cool

@jakedill1304 - 30.01.2023 09:56

One thing that I don't really understand is the stealth being problematic.. I never really had an issue with stealth in the game, like if you're operating on rainbow six rules which were burned in my brain at that point.. (OG rainbow six not the console ones) like it wasn't like your sneaky vision cone base stealth, more like making sure your targets were isolated and that you had cover or concealment.. and suppressors and whatnot.. I just don't remember it being a point of frustration...., And I do remember a lot of stealth stuff from back when I played it... cuz I remember in addition to turning the iron sight zoom off immediately in the game files I also created duplicates of the ammunition, one with tracers one without tracers.. this after finding out how useful they were for some of the ballistics like bouncing bullets into things that had front armor.. or just the curve in general as it changed per the ammunition type and weapon.. but at the same time using a suppressor and having a bunch of laser beams coming out just seemed really off putting and bothered me.. now that I don't have a choice in modern games LOL it bothers me less but, still bothers me LOL.

I do remember hiding in bushes, and all sorts of other things.. which kind of makes me wonder if something broke in the engine in the translation to modern CPUs.. I find a lot of weird junkie glitchy problems are often the result of the translation from single core or thread or whatnot 32-bit architecture into the modern 64-bit architecture with instructions.. it used to be a lot worse back in the day, and Windows 10 to its credit has solved a lot of the problems that used to be just genuinely game breaking without somebody fixing it on the programming end.. and workarounds like disabling cores or whatnot ended up being really hit or miss..

Good example is with GTA San Andreas.. using multiple cores and a 64-bit architecture, there were strange glitches with crouching and moving.. as well as you couldn't seem to swim down.. just weird stuff like that.. and it would be not a stretch to maybe posit that some of the AI is bugged out even if the game just kind of works in general.. on account of the translation from modern hardware.. I've often wondered this about a lot of games that I remember having good ai and people complain about.. I also wonder if that might have something to do with people's problems with hit registration, cuz I always looked at it as a a mechanical problem with animation and presentation more than anything else..

I would really like to get to the bottom of these things.. but it seems like if somebody knows they're not telling, and probably nobody actually knows to look for it nowadays.. and like given that despite efforts like Gog to try and patch some things.. steam usually just doesn't even care and they repackage the original game.. which is why I own San Andreas a couple of times lol cuz I thought that good God if they're selling it, obviously the CPU problems have been fixed right? They had not LOL.

@HazyJ28 - 27.01.2023 11:47

Metro, or STALKER? Vote now and berate each other in the comment forums.

@laniakeas92 - 30.12.2022 02:17

I binge watch all your videos and love it tremendously.
Thank you for existing 💖

@unbearifiedbear1885 - 06.12.2022 00:13

STALKER, Metro, DayZ, Tarkov... gotta wonder if Ukraine "predictive programmed" itself into this war...

@VaunaKiller - 29.11.2022 03:55

In fact at first it was called just "Oblivion Lost", and was inspired more by Stargate series, rather than Stalker movie, or Roadside Picnic.
They even showed some aztec-like pyramids in jungles in early preview footage.
The shift to "the zone" we all know happened after the unimpressed reactions from THQ (no proofs here) and a travel to real-world exclusion zone (you can read about it online)

@VaSoapman - 27.11.2022 05:37

I think your clock got stuck on b:bb o clock.

@alieremainsalie6469 - 08.11.2022 01:05

good.....I will play stalker

@TheLeageOfAwsome1 - 21.10.2022 15:32

Just discovering your channel but I’m loving these videos Goth Daddy. Thank you for the fun, informative and charismatic content!

@joearnold6881 - 08.10.2022 11:14

I still go back and play this and Call of Pripyat every few years.
They fill a similar role as Morrowind in that way, but when I’m looking for a different feel.

Definitely among my favorites.

I keep meaning to get one of those mods that fix the unfinished Clear Sky and playing that. One day.

@RogueSabre - 05.10.2022 04:27

all the guns have the ejection port on the left side (g36 can be made to have the ejection port on the left side, maybe?) unplayable :)

@heckinmemes6430 - 03.10.2022 22:43

"Nuclear bomb"

Pfaw. More like, chest X-ray. This man is delusional.

@PROSTO4Tabal - 25.09.2022 03:32

Apart from book and film also Half Life 1 was inspiration to Stalker 1 you forget to mention that. Think how many similarities apart from RPG

@Hardworlder - 19.09.2022 15:45

On the difficulty thing, a LOT of games end up getting made easier before release as a compromise between the publishers and devs, who are so close to the project that it's just not as hard for them. So there are cases where the original "normal" ends up getting renamed to hard. And, aside from that, publishers have no confidence in their fans, so they simply err on the side of easiness. But it's not at all uncommon for the devs to envision a game being harder than the normal difficulty would imply. Of course, none of this necessarily applies to STALKER because the difficulty settings in this game are kind of fucked. All I'm saying is you shouldn't assume normal is what the devs intended, because there's a good chance they did not.

@tendiesoffmyplate9085 - 06.09.2022 22:04

Master. Run to the first military outpost and pick a fight. Then lure them to the loner camp. Instant loot.

@GodOfWarConnoisseur - 03.09.2022 11:45

Did you notice that one of the negative reviews was written by "Blind Man" 😂

@GodOfWarConnoisseur - 03.09.2022 11:42

Wtf??? If you can't get out of the first loaded area, you are not allowed to speak one word about the game much less provide a paragraph 😂😂😂

@mclarenf1gtr99 - 31.08.2022 05:53

One of my favourite game franchises, next to Dark Souls and Metro. Yes, I like games with depressing stories.

@PlasticCogLiquid - 30.08.2022 01:01

Do a review of Xenus :]

@willianjohnam5395 - 20.08.2022 06:46

Saw this review 2 months ago.
It's august 2022. I've read Roadside Picnic, watched the movie, played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and all I can say is: Такий шлях Зони

@mabs9503 - 17.06.2022 22:55

The Brain Scorcher segment is one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Fighting my way down that terrifying dungeon and then scavenging every thing I could to escape, using busted up weapons with almost no ammo and near death when I finally crawled out of that pipe will always be with me.
