The 7 BEST TIPS for ADC in Season 13 - League of Legends

The 7 BEST TIPS for ADC in Season 13 - League of Legends

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Emma - 20.08.2023 04:04

OMG thank you so much for the engaging support section. Im a supp main and I was watching this because Im tired of not being able to feel significant in the game! You spoke for supps very well by saying their performance can be based off of the adc's choices and waves.

Manuel Manolo
Manuel Manolo - 15.08.2023 13:15

The last tip is hands down the most important one

SticksBender - 09.08.2023 10:12

That last tip could be nicknamed “keep reins on your Lethal Tempo stack obsession”

A_Fake_Koala - 08.07.2023 23:28

I started playing adc. I thought the reason i always sucked was because i was just bad. Then i went to solo lanes and realized that having a support who goes 0/4/0 5 min into the game makes the lane much much harder to play. Why i switched to top lane, and instanly went up a bracket

Katapella - 14.06.2023 21:31

Do you get extra gold for last hitting the tower?

XD DX - 14.05.2023 01:05

The worst about these tips is that you have to assume your team actually has more than 3 braincells.

Tattimbet Zakariya
Tattimbet Zakariya - 08.05.2023 19:44

Enabling your support is a good tip, but what to do if your engaging sup pushes the lane very hard and shares farm with you?😢

Bernard Lierse
Bernard Lierse - 24.04.2023 01:43

did anyone else see their and not there?

John K
John K - 19.04.2023 20:34

All of those tipps are really really nice, but try to explain any of this to your low elo mates who spamping you if you dont run in like Rambo and start blasting

Charles Bilodeau
Charles Bilodeau - 28.03.2023 02:12

But what would tryndamere do ?

Mohamed Mohsen
Mohamed Mohsen - 08.03.2023 10:11

"And we will guarantee you have 7 new skills that most people have no clue about"
Video drops 100k views
Well good job skill capped, now everybody has a clue about them

Matze - 04.03.2023 13:17

wow that helped me a lot ... im playing since season 1 end never get high then plat 4... thanks! great Video

Javi Musa
Javi Musa - 04.03.2023 09:01

RAnked is doomeD. Im a member and subscriber. Yes, Skillcap works. It teaches you to win but more important to understand what and why you doing things. Last season I made it to Gold elo JAVIMUSA. Thanks to skill cap.Check. No bs. My record is crap but I am happy with the results. So..blah blah..

The point is that I REALLY believe tha season 13 is doomed. Now I am silver 4. And I dont know what to do!

Bot is a diaaster. You can play yasuo adc. Wtf. Jg. Well the jg. Top have like 3 chanps you can use to win. Mid too. The DAM Dragon Sol is broken. No one ban zed anymore lol... is kind of imposible (for me ) to carry. And no. I am not a nerd that ultra mega analyze everything to win. I just play i. ThE afternoons after my 8-5 job. I dont have 12 hours a day to "climb".

Fhdbffrjdntjf.. I am not tilted.!!

Dashtro Clan
Dashtro Clan - 03.03.2023 02:51

I go pantheon bot and I'm always viable, gold 3 elo.

Philipp - 01.03.2023 04:45

Adc 101:
1. Never leash (just don’t. no one cares about your random jungler who will go 0/4 any way).
2. Always try to hit level 2 first. If you can’t, back off and let your opponent push.
3. Slow push. 90% of the time slow pushing is good or even optimal. Crash the wave before the next canon wave to get loads of free time you can use to recall and spend your gold.
4. Maybe you just crashed your slow pushed wave but don’t have gold to get a good recall. In that case don’t afk at your tower but try to look for a roam mid. You will get so many free kills out of this because no one in low elo ever expects this.
5. Vision. Don’t ever commit for a play if you didn’t make sure jungle/mid can be around. Let your support die if they randomly engage without knowing where anyone is, it’s not your fault.
6. Drake is not your priority. Probably the most common mistake. Don’t ever move to Drake if your wave is not in a good spot unless you 100% you can get more gold from kills at drake than from your wave. Play for the most consistent way of income instead of flipping objectives. Fix your wave before moving, that way you can’t lose anything.
7. Catching mid waves. After a recall, look at the mid wave and see where your mid laner is. If they can’t get it before the wave dies to tower, move there to get the wave. You shouldn’t lose anything bot if you properly recalled after crashing a big wave.
8. Top tower. After you took bot tower, it’s far more easy to snowball your lane by taking top tower rather than going mid. Ping your toplane to go bot and your supp to follow you. best case you get herald with jungler here too.
9. keep your income high. take camps, catch waves but always stay loosely group in case a random fight might break out. (remember to let your mates die in case they go for something brainless - again, it’s not your fault, no need to int with them).
10. Don’t recall if all your mates are in the enemy half of the map during late game. Even if you can get a big spike in base, if your team doesn’t respect the recall, it’ll quickly end in a game deciding 4v5

warfirelord1 - 26.02.2023 21:34

this things are also good to know as support main

Mr calda2
Mr calda2 - 26.02.2023 16:26

The ezreal was honestly so bad

Parsee Mizuhashi
Parsee Mizuhashi - 25.02.2023 21:54

puppy dog eyes? yeah now usually junglers dont ask ... they just demand it or the "or i feed" quote happens^^

Ether - 25.02.2023 07:05

