The Inevitable Downfall Of The Arrowverse

The Inevitable Downfall Of The Arrowverse


1 год назад

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@GAMERBOI-lh1ef - 16.01.2024 10:26

I can really watch arrow verse in repeat forever ♾️

@TungNero - 16.01.2024 06:27

im just rewatch all seasons of arrow, and i do like the dark tone, the character's evolved in first 2 seasons, or maybe third too, i dont know. But yeah, the show "got lost" when the flash involved (im not saying the flash's start is bad, it actually good), and many of super powers events that barely dont fit arrow at all, make it turning into a teenage colourful show and the next episode go back to dark tone (but get more light each episodes later), and like when too much super powers involved, the show is crap in 90% of its showtime, not to mention about how arrow's characters's problems are repeated again and again, like really annoying (like mr terrify or terrific somethings - is my most hate, annoying character - who always act like a kid, like WB tell him have to act like that, lol).

@shebelieves9650 - 04.01.2024 21:27

In the end I bought Smallville, The Flash and DC Legends. I lost interest in Arrow Supergirl turned to Woke Propaganda, along with Batgirl. Black Lightning wasn’t for me. Lois and Superman was about their teenage boys so I lost interest

@rdnowlin1206 - 16.12.2023 02:34

It was a good run, but all good things come to an END

@balajinathan6713 - 15.12.2023 07:25

It became really hard to defend the Arrowverse franchise post 2019

@Nathandrake04 - 01.12.2023 17:59

I stop watch arrow before finale s4 idk why

@69MUSTANGE - 01.12.2023 01:39

They went Woke then went Broke! Instead of making good and exciting shows!

@austinr.905 - 27.11.2023 10:02

Why doesn't anyone ever mention how political the shows got? They didn't flat out talk about it but the writers clearly added their own opinions on common political issues. Such as gun control, lgbt+ issues, etc. but in doing so they alienated a large portion of their viewers. I imagine a lot of viewers were young or didn't care but a large number are slightly older comic book fans who do care. So by clearly showing a political bias in a show that has nothing to do with politics you are costing yourself thousands of viewers at least. The shows were most successful in the early seasons when they left politics out of it and then you have batwoman which was political from the start talking about feminism, race, lgbt, etc. it never saw the same success as the other shows did earlier on. I'm not saying it was the only reason or even the biggest reason they were cancelled but no one ever mentions this and to me it's obvious.

@TripleXGames - 19.11.2023 14:32

The crossovers where fine. It was the writing that killed it. Supergirl after season 2, Batwoman all the seasons. And not allowing Batman to show up or any of his rogue galleries.

@TipPit-XE - 17.11.2023 23:34

This was the time to be alive!!

Enjoyed Every Moment till it went down hill. Had it run, thankful for what they did.


@GarrettWesley - 07.11.2023 19:24

Lot was so good until they went too far a into the woke rabbit hole

@MalBeats - 31.10.2023 15:51

I couldn't keep up with all the shows and all the episodes and stopped watching

@DavidMartinez-ce3lp - 29.10.2023 20:16

TV budget, CW teen soap opera writing, and bad showrunners happened. These characters belong on the big screen. Even when done well, they are always held back. Could've just made use of some of the story elements and casting decisions they had for the show, and put them into the live action movies. With a bigger budget and better writing, it could've been amazing. I'd rather have a good Flash movie, than 9 crappy seasons of a Flash show.

@MattfrankelMusic - 04.10.2023 00:35

Nextstar forced the downfall of the arrowverse

@marcelosadasilva1973 - 24.09.2023 03:24

Errorverse from day one.
No sex appeal.
Lots of CWoke.

@romaldomadrid3819 - 16.09.2023 05:26

These felt like my old Saturday morning cartoons

@JunayedMahin - 15.09.2023 04:29

I think they should have just combined them all under one show After flash season 3. Most of the arrow verse shows started strong but their quality dipped after season 2

@MarcGomezPod - 06.09.2023 20:34

It ruined Arrow for me. I loved Arrow until I needed to watch like 5 other shows to understand it + everything started getting supernatural. Arrow was so good at first because it was so gritty and as realistic as a super hero show could be.

@MisterE-yi2es - 04.09.2023 18:44



@sue9197 - 31.08.2023 02:57

With CW going to sports and a few shows, I have to say goodbye. I've been watching CW for years and enjoyed most of the shows. I dont watch sports or reality shows. I went from reading comic books (turning into big screen movies to tv shows. I hope that some networks will continue superheros and shows like Buffy, supernatural.

@madnessarcade7447 - 07.08.2023 00:13

Nothing happened

i’m sorry society has conditioned you to be miserable and cynical towards wholesome and heartwarming comfort media Seems really cute to me

Sorry society has conditioned you to be such a bitter and jaded soul over something so wholesome

That’s your loss

Have a nice day .

There was no fall

The shows were designed to be wholesome and for comfort

We are in a writers strike support all writers

They aren’t bad they just had the guts to try something different

You mean you hate the more fun and whimsical and more colorful side of the hero in later seasons which is more accurate to the tone of the cartoons and comics and you prefer the darker more serious tones of the first few seasons?

It’s supposed to be

They changed showrunners and Eric Wallace who runs the later seasons came from the comics and writes the show as if it were a comic

Isn’t that what people always say they wanted from adaptations to be treated closer to the comics?

It has good writing for optimists

It’s not the boys lol ur expecting this bleak hyper violet dark action drama or something

Watching the arrowverse is supposed to be like watching a Christmas movie with the family

Something cute and cozy you can watch by a fire with hot coco

Nothing was ruined it’s just a different take kind of the point of the multiverse

@afazekas81 - 06.08.2023 13:09

Well Flash is shit anyway, their writers are morons and their fanboys are retards!
Some lame roadrunner in a red pyjamas.

The predecessor Smallville was way better anyway.

@OYJluv - 01.08.2023 17:03

Those tv showe were overhyped trash

@kidsoulworld6879 - 29.07.2023 23:32

sad cuz it started off so strong

@on-uo8bc - 18.07.2023 02:40

It started to feel more like power rangers episodes. (Power rangers were great nostalgia ) The soap opera feel, the 1 villain per episode to build up a final villain in finale each season became more wash, rinse repeat cycles. It got way too saturated with so many characters in their shows -it lost the focus on the show itself. (It felt more like the supporting cast of the Flash/arrow or arrow shows rather than the main character) It became more fan service later.
I believe cw nailed Superman and Lois though.

@dangerxcom - 09.07.2023 20:08

The JLU green arrow’s my favourite version of the character. I saw a bit of the cw arrow but don’t like him as much

@planetdee3587 - 04.07.2023 19:10

I think the true reason it all ended is too many shows. Once they got to 5 shows they should have made a JLA show of all the characters and used the characters needed for a specific episode as needed like in Justice League Unlimited cartoon which managed like 50 characters.

@karimgroves7792 - 29.06.2023 20:00

The downfall of the Arrowverse honestly came from not having learned critical lessons from previous franchises like Law & Order, CSI and NCIS. First critical lesson is that character development is everything, the less a character grows - the more boring they become and this is evident very quickly in Supergirl, the Flash and even Arrow. Second, when a lead character was assassinated in NCIS - the impact of that death was felt for years to come. Everyone had to mourn and evolve accordingly from that tragedy, death doesn't count for nearly as much in the Arrowverse and the shows suffer as a direct result of this. After Sara Lance and Malcolm somehow dodged death on multiple occasions, it became more difficult to buy the idea that anyone was going to remain in a grave for any great length of time. So many shows have been irrevocably ruined by the will they or won't they of the main characters actually finally getting together. You can't play that card over and over again without it getting tiresome so by the time you actually have the love story fulfilled; the audience has all but checked out is is ready for the next adventure. When I talk about character growth, Kara and Barry both needed to grow beyond young adulthood. Supergirl always feels like the B team next to Superman which is unforgivable, you want proof? Just look at the skirt that comes with her suit - if nothing else, the Flash movie at least gave us a badass Supergirl who wasn't suffocatingly overly feminine. I would also add that there are too many inconsistencies and a declining quality of villains as all three shows progressed. Malcolm and Prometheus proved to be the most intriguing villains to go up against Oliver compared to Damian and Diaz. Don't get me started on the villains that followed after Thawne, speedsters whose motives were painfully shallow and boring. When I talk about inconsistencies, take Oliver's last stand: having seen him train with everything from sticks to swords etc, you are going to just carry a bow and quiver of arrows into your final fight?? Even Marvel's Hawkeye had more sense then that, another inconsistency is the notion that crime somehow disappeared from Starling City after the Crisis. Crime doesn't take a day off or disappear, I would have LOVED to have seen Thea helping and training Mia to become the kind of badass Oliver started out as being, we're not even going to discuss William because once again - there's not enough depth to the character for an audience to want to see him and Mia as Oliver's successors.

@stikx8542 - 25.06.2023 23:29

The best 2 things were the flash season 1 was amazing with wells and arrows first 3 seasons especially the flash backs that was my favorite part and what made me fall in love with it.

@seangriffin2053 - 25.06.2023 03:12

Arrow, Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow all started strong. As did Supergirl, but pretty soon, they started sacrificing comic lore for equity, fan ships, and political messaging. Those things only got stronger the longer they aired.

@ishathakor - 24.06.2023 22:56

these shows just didn't have their own identities. everything was stuff we'd seen before. the shows never evolved. season 1 of any of these shows exactly like watching a later season, except it's less convoluted. there was absolutely no long term planning and the cw is allergic to cancelling shows when it's their time to end. it genuinely did feel like they just kept renewing the shows and the writers room was going ah fuck now we need to come up with something for the characters to do for another season and they were genuinely completely out of ideas. i think legends of tomorrow was luckiest in this respect because the nature of a time travel show means you can always figure out a new time and place to go to and come up with something vaguely interesting for the characters to do there. i think generally there was too much of an attempt at serialization for shows that did not have enough story to tell over 22 episodes. it felt like they were in a weird limbo where they weren't really serialized but they weren't really episodic either.

@keyproblems7590 - 24.06.2023 03:48

Black lightning and batgirl were never good. Legends was awful after season 2. The flash never should instantly beat every villian unless they are other speedsters. And superwok was cringe.

The only show that had potential was arrow because it’s a normal guy without powers. But it got bad in the later seasons

@katiasnr4904 - 10.06.2023 20:35

Cw axing all superheroes and so and so has some problems, sure. It doesn't make money for cw

@GhostPlanetFilms - 03.06.2023 06:07

"Tights n Fights"?

I'm TOTALLY gonna use that from now on!

@anthonydedios4720 - 25.05.2023 23:40

Cringe writing and sjw agenda really killed the Arrowverse

@manojbhargav320 - 21.05.2023 15:37

Even though the cw flash was good from season 1 to season 3, i would still cut short it to 9 to 12 episodes each season and focusing more on their character development than fighting a C lister every episode.

@user-wk2rv6zd8q - 19.05.2023 09:40

They also went way too far ahead about peace and non-violence and repetitive pep talks. The Flash stopped being a series with actual action and just became a show about barry allen giving speeches and then all of a sudden some murdering supervillain just suddenly stops being a villain all because the Flash gave them a 2-minute pep talk about friendship and hope and just become friends now and walk around as if they didn't just try and murder and entire city. It was unbelievably cringe and unrealistic and it ruined the shows. Doing it on the occasion and showing an actual redemption arc can make for a good story like it was with Deathstroke, but repeatedly making talking about your feelings being your only method of taking down bad guys is just mind-numbingly cringe.

@psychoapplesauceeater8562 - 18.05.2023 01:05

Just like MCU’s post-Snap the Arrowverse post-crisis it has been eh. Superman and Lois and Stargirl has been so good tho

@perceivedvelocity9914 - 17.05.2023 18:55

The arrow verse suffered from terrible writing, poor special effects and actor's who were only hired for their appearance. The universe had some great moments but overall it was just soap operas in costumes.

@baxatakbaxatak2014 - 16.05.2023 04:41

Way too many episodes per season. If these shows had anywhere between 10-15 a season, they’d have remained fresh for a few years longer. 22 episode seasons meant the show would often decline by season 4. Eventually, they would decline by the halfway point of SEASON ONE.

@jedilove1972 - 12.05.2023 04:47

Honestly I think the Arrowverse needed a complete reboot cause they strayed away from the comics like Oliver Queen should have been with Black Canary not Felicity Smoke. The Flash has too many speedster villains I think they split one with Zoom and The Reverse Flash. I feel that Crisis On Infinite Earths should have ended everything. The one thing I'd love for a fan editor to do is a complete chronological order cut of everything

@khushgarg6403 - 11.05.2023 15:09

Who is here after FLASH s9 ep 11 or its end

@GalihRivky - 01.05.2023 06:07

as a superhero, you can only have so many power ups, until you become invincible, and after 6 season this superhero supposed to be threaten by street level thug? no, I'm not interested in that, go bigger

@Basan614 - 24.04.2023 18:06

One thing bothers me

They never showed batman

@MrStatistx - 24.04.2023 01:01

Arrow and Flash were great til they started to have a bunch of heroes (at least for me), cause a superhero is not special if every other cast member is also one.

@skip741x3 - 21.04.2023 23:57

Each of the Arrowverse shows Started Strong... think of arrow and flash...those stories in their 1st season were fire! arrow was dark, intense, scarey as hell, gritty.. Flash was incredible, unique and the storyline twist with the reverse flash and who it turned out to be was superb writing... Then as seasons progressed, the downfall that happened to them all was bringing too many of the same into the mix, too many speedsters, like almost Everyone was a speedster, to the point that it meant Nothing anymore and the unique core of the story was reduced to nothing.. in arrow, his intense ,hardedged character was softened and weakened to the point where he lost that quality that made Him a menacing badass ..the other thing that totally ruined all these shows was adding way too many peripheral characters around their core..I call it the "scooby gang" syndrome and it ruined the specialness of each show by diluting and taking emphasis away from its main character Too much..

@devgaykvad - 17.04.2023 20:32

dubb hindi

@Lpp360 - 02.04.2023 21:34

You know thinking about it. They're probably just going to reboot the Multiverse. And then we could probably get a Green Lantern show or an Aquaman show. If you want to be inclusive maybe I Wonder Woman Show.

@punkrock94 - 29.03.2023 09:10

Not enough crossovers

@KSSKAYDEE - 28.03.2023 15:04

the arrowverse well be legendary in the next 10 years you will see 🎉 ☯️
