Derren Brown Stuns with Mind-Reading and Reality-Bending Feats | Derren Brown

Derren Brown Stuns with Mind-Reading and Reality-Bending Feats | Derren Brown

Derren Brown

1 месяц назад

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@Pontius_Pilate1 - 15.01.2025 20:05

Amusing the septics, I see?

@gypsytarot333 - 15.01.2025 20:12

The real trick is finding that flip-phone 😅

@noeldc - 15.01.2025 21:14

I guess only two cogs were going around in Joe's mind ;)

@lukejones6813 - 16.01.2025 18:48

why does he love young kids in all his videos

@AskroftDarren - 29.01.2025 01:21

I went to see Brown live. Just before the interval he made half the audience fall asleep then put one of them on a kinda alter thing under a see through cover. We weren’t allowed to applaud in case we woke them up….. amazing. Truly amazing.
