The Sneaky Plan to Subvert the Electoral College for the Next Election

The Sneaky Plan to Subvert the Electoral College for the Next Election

CGP Grey

5 лет назад

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@tommyfrerking - 11.09.2024 23:37

Watching this again in Sept 2024 and we're only 77% of the way there to have this adopted. Really hoping the orange Cheeto doesn't win.

@chollettgarrett - 31.01.2024 06:53

We also wouldn’t notice this in effect if the Electoral College winner also wins the popular vote

@kazzar831 - 09.01.2024 22:13

I'm sad the spreadsheet video that came out with this is now locked behind membership when it originally wasn't. :(

@creedrichards137 - 14.12.2023 00:22

One hopes G.K. Chesterton's Fence is respected here.

@mattiganoleary3102 - 05.09.2023 03:56

Did anyone else catch NY menacing NC with a bat? Because it's just.... 😂😂😂😂😂

@jahenders - 24.08.2023 01:44

If it goes into effect in an election, it won't just be the states that are NOT part of the compact who will go to court. Some citizens of any state IN the compact whose outcome was changed (against the will of the people) will go to court arguing that their state ignored the will of the people.

@nicedubs8163 - 16.03.2023 04:52

The assertion made in this video is "data disproves the legitimacy of the electoral college but you have to live with it because it was intended to be broken." No. Wrong! The popular vote would mean uneducated inner city bigots would vote out basic needs via pure ignorance because their echo chambers will speak to their low-brow foolish thoughts. Information is basically free and people are voting for exponentially polluting battery-powered vehicles over much cleaner fossil fuels. Proof of itself that the populous regions are incapable of supporting a republic.

@LiveHappy76 - 06.03.2023 22:30

The main point of the Electoral College, as I see it, is to assure that every state has a voice in who the president is (in the same manner that the representation in the Senate +assures+ every state has a voice in lawmaking). Going with pure popular vote is HARMFUL because then just a few major states, and a few major cities within those states, would rule everyone else. The more populous states with their large cities get proportionate, majority share in the House of Representatives, just not the same in presidential elections and the Senate. The U.S. Constitution balances ALL interests and resists tyranny by EITHER tyranny of the +majority+ OR tyranny of the minority. Disbanding or circumventing the Electoral College WIDENS THE DOOR FOR TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY, also tyranny of URBAN population over RURAL.

@angelrios5897 - 04.03.2023 08:55

The other problems with the Pact is that it isn't binding, it's a voluntary agreement. Meaning, just because a state signed the Pact, doesn't mean a future Governor or Secretary of State has to enforce it.

Alternatively, not only would something like this most likely trigger a U.S Supreme Court challenge, but also the same at the state level as well.

@ShortArmStrongArm - 29.01.2023 06:39

CGP Grey has neither land nor a Time Machine? Why are we listening to him?

@Breexee - 17.01.2023 20:28

I am not American but I figured out the Electoral College.

@Writer_Productions_Map - 31.12.2022 18:46

=The Current NaPoVoInterCo Status=

Number of states that adopted: 15 + D.C.
Number of states that are pending: 3 (Michigan, Pennsylvania & Texas)

Number of votes in the Electoral College: 195
Percentage of votes in the Electoral College: 72.2%

Number of votes in the Electoral College IF the pending adoptions are passed: 269
Percentage of votes in the Electoral College IF the pending adoptions are passed: 99,7% (approximately)

@jan-pi-ala-suli - 30.12.2022 17:20

Illinois:3rd state to join NaPoVoInterCo.

@funnimonke7837 - 28.12.2022 01:38

Ah yes sneaky (creates an entire video explaining it)

@scotthullinger4684 - 23.12.2022 07:30

What this video communicates to me is that any attempt to change, dismiss, or destroy the electoral college process is essentially the same thing as allowing the electoral college to continue as is. If that's really the message here, then there's surely nothing sneaky about it. In fact, those who object to the electoral college are extremely vocal about it, and they make no attempt to hide their negative opinions about it. But they surely are hiding something - their motives.

@inpuris13 - 17.12.2022 21:50

could you do a video explaining why puerto rico is a territory and not state and the issues that causes?

@boyyladd - 11.12.2022 03:10

It should fail. otherwise, we'd have New York, California, and Texas alone deciding the president.

@octobrain23232 - 10.12.2022 02:54

To have the person that won the most votes win the election, what a sneaky ploy!

@GunsandGuitars69 - 07.12.2022 18:56

Lmao 3 years later and now we all know the entire concept of fair and unrigged elections was subverted in 2020, not just the electoral college 💀

@anthonyminimum - 06.12.2022 18:14

Here’s the defying factor to this plan, ITS LITERALLY ILLEGAL FOR THE STATES TO DO THAT, The Interstate Compact Clause specifically prohibits the States to go into an agreement like that without the approval from Congress. In other words, if the Electors from each state stormed the Electoral College, Congress would enact the Interstate Compact Clause and terminate the Electors from holding office in the Federal Government for inciting a coup d’état attempt against the Electoral College system. It. Will. Never. Work. Period!

@Davidsavage8008 - 04.12.2022 18:54

The only states that want to get rid of the electoral process are the western states with large numbers of electoral points..

@thecourtjester1931 - 28.11.2022 04:21

I like how in the future Grey has a robot arm. Already making a fanfic but not in a “cringy” way but like fanfics aren’t cringy you should just do what you want, why should you care what they think you only need your own approval because you are a beautiful person, so fly and spread your enchanting wings

@Т1000-м1и - 26.11.2022 00:37

Ahh the legal mess

@GivePeaceAChance12 - 21.11.2022 02:24

Remember in gore vs bush the SC stop the recounting in Florida and gave it to bush?? And Dems have won the citizen vote the majority of the last elections!

@randombystander991 - 16.11.2022 19:38

Imagine government officials being unable to make constitution do whatever they want via totally legit voting procedure.

@louiefillet6932 - 14.11.2022 06:02

"Citizen votes" lmao imagine that..

@RazaSyed12345 - 11.11.2022 20:49

Update wanted

@kinglogeta1127 - 09.11.2022 22:13

Can we appreciate that in the past part only 13 states were there

@ThatCanadianGuy - 28.10.2022 04:27

I love how Rhode Island is looking through the window during the decloration of independance

@nikheetisnotcool2951 - 04.10.2022 05:16

Doesn’t the compact clause of article 1 of the us constitution say that states may not enter into an agreement w/o the consent of congress.

@NotAntury - 04.10.2022 03:55


@redrenagade0423 - 02.10.2022 08:22

Supreme Court: snap
Everyone arguing over the way the president will be elected
Who's going to go see that absolutely DISTUCTIVE (but awesome) TYRANNY?

@ThatBritWorm - 18.09.2022 06:03

We cannot let this happen

@evgenyvarganov1892 - 16.09.2022 16:32

Also a nice plan to start another civil war, btw

@windofice8903 - 15.09.2022 09:08

Congratulations your on the cia and ss watch list

@BobSmith-zq6gz - 13.09.2022 21:27

As someone who owns TWO lands, I would definitely double vote against this.

California and NYC shouldn't elect every president. Urban Los Angelites don't speak for Oklahoma farmers. Center city socialites don't speak for rural hunters.

People with different needs have the right to be represented.

@drewisenman7910 - 13.09.2022 08:21

Benefits of republics over pure democracies: 1 Prevent the rule of the majority at the expense of the minorities. (Benjamin Franklin famously described democracy as "2 wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner") 2 competitive innovation. republics are made up of little democracies that have to compete with each other to keep their citizens. If it gets bad enough, you can move to another state and they can't stop you. And because of this competition, individual states and counties can experiment with different and new laws that make people want to live there. (Like a free market) 3 Allows for variety of cultures to coexist. Federal laws are often one size fits all and are rarely the best for all people. The federal government is only supposed to step in on issues states can't handle themselves. Frankly, some people just want to live in different ways in different areas with different laws. 4 Decentralization of power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The more power in the hands of fewer people, the greater the potential of abuse of that power. 5 Accountability. The greatest check and balance at our disposal is the right for the people to hold their rulers accountable for thief actions. The smaller the government, the easier it is for the people to know what their representative is doing, and vote them out if they don't like it.

If we get rid of the EC, we still won't be a pure democracy, but we will be a step closer. Are we so sure we are aware of and can handle all the problems the EC was designed to prevent? If you find a fence post, do you ask why it's there, or tear it down because it's in your way?

@Sunnywastakentoo - 09.09.2022 18:27

And there is no way this could be abused to suddenly stop caring about majority and start caring about a singular party.

@rmitton2008 - 07.09.2022 01:46

The compact will immediately be overturned by the supreme Court if it ever actually does something

@davitz77 - 06.09.2022 20:17

Democracy is terrible.

@Flameo326 - 05.09.2022 11:41

I love malicious compliance.

@henryhorner3182 - 03.09.2022 22:51

Must be a Democrat plot to use in case the vote switching in electronic voting machines fail.

@charlesrobinson9881 - 02.09.2022 16:39

The electoral college was a compromise to make the union possible between large populous states and smaller ones. It still serves that critical purpose and has helped make us the greatest and most powerful country in the history of the world. But the chosen people demand a totalitarian control ;they must in the electoral college and with it the two-party democracy. The chosen people cannot achieve totalitarianism and until have destroyed the opposition party. They are very close as proven by their ability to impeach any president without finding a crime.

@LegateMalpais - 01.09.2022 00:46

USA is a third world shithole country acting as if it were a "democracy".

@ZeldaFan2004 - 29.08.2022 20:42

My question though is... what happens if members of this plan don't follow through? Like they have enough members for it to go into effect and during the next election some members don't follow the nationwide majority? Is there a consequence? Because if it is true that states can cast their votes however they like, it sounds like there wouldn't be and if there isn't any consequence for not following through, then I see little chance of this plan actually working out in the end. Or, at least, not being a long term solution.

@cmilkau - 29.08.2022 10:04

There could be a soft version where if your state vote agrees with the national vote, all your EC votes go to that candidate, but if they disagree, your EC votes are split among both candidates proportionally to state votes. In theory, this would require all states to sign, but in practice, it would be very effective even with just a few states participating. And it's much easier to sign, in fact this policy is even undetectable until after several elections.
