How UnitedHealth Grew Larger Than The Biggest U.S. Bank

How UnitedHealth Grew Larger Than The Biggest U.S. Bank


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@christopherbecker8703 - 16.01.2024 07:00

United Healthcare is a nightmare to have as an insurer. They will attempt to deny any specialized treatment no matter how necessary based on feigned misunderstanding of the nature of the treatment sought. This company is the type of parasite that is driving up the cost of healthcare, delivering poor service to customers, and bankrupting the United States Government. These are very bad, ill intentioned people. I doubt anyone with a conscience works there.

@capnsean8365 - 12.01.2024 19:44

I work in medicine. My office does not accept UNH as a payer because their negotiated rates are not worth working for. Participant's premiums are being collected, but not distributed fairly. This is the reason I bought their stock, which has served me well.

@cactustree505 - 12.01.2024 07:43

United Healthcare denies routine claims that are clearly covered in their policies. They deny claims giving false reasons for the denial, this makes providers and patients spend so time, energy and money to fight for the coverage due them that many people give up, UHC pockets the money. There have been exposes and documentaries on UHC's denying valid claims and their horrible treatment of their customers. It's blood money.

@LouisWilen - 06.01.2024 09:25

Email your senators and ask them to co-sponsor H.R.4968 - GOLD CARD Act of 2023. This bill, if passed, will eliminate the ability of Advantage plans to require prior authorization.

@SK-lt1so - 07.11.2023 04:57

A dirty, greedy company that obstructs/delays/impairs patient healthcare.
Any MD who did what they did would lose their license.

@TidyCode195 - 06.11.2023 17:52

Insurance companies don't provide a service. They are leeches on society.

@ewenchan1239 - 19.10.2023 10:39

Your capitalism at work.

@myleshungerford7784 - 16.10.2023 15:41

It’s odd that you would do a story about United without interviewing any of their customers. Everything I hear from people who have United is that they don’t like it, that United tries to deny every claim and ration health care. You also didn’t cover their predatory pay day loans to doctors practices. They force doctors into debt by taking many months to pay claims, so the doctors need to take out loans to keep their businesses running, then United will deny most claims leaving the doctors unable to pay the loan that United lent them. Then Optum offers to buy the doctor’s practice on the cheap. Totally predatory company, and you spent half the video just letting their spokesperson talk without challenging anything.

@webwatcher75 - 12.10.2023 07:32

We pay them thru the employer but won't pay our son's emergency overnight stay overnight as mandated by the doctors. Unethical and doesn't pay the medical claims. Just watch, it can happen to anyone. UnitedHealth doesn't care and being so arrogant now. Took our money only. I was thinking about their stock but it's unethical to own the stock.

@monkeyoperator1360 - 09.10.2023 18:14

they should be delisted from the stock market CEO pay capped at 150k a year and be broke up

@mamatrain100 - 09.10.2023 02:21

US healthcare =corporate death panels. Invest today. The will let people die to protect profits.

@zemogaming395 - 21.09.2023 06:16

Pending claims more than 90 days

@brendangalios1961 - 18.09.2023 17:06

More reasons to nationalize healthcare.

@Agent_Mi - 15.09.2023 07:34

As an employee garbage management.

@niteshsetin - 12.09.2023 15:02

Does anyone used Zelis Healthcare services 🤔, i am new here and looking for some reviews on Zelis if anyone has experience

@paurider - 03.09.2023 02:00

UHC is so big and owns so many working parts of our healthcare system...their universal denial or delay in paying claims is just a business model to them. Patient's lives be damned. UHC doesn't wait for their premiums. Doctors are forced into cash flow situations which drive them to use pay lending institutions owned by UHC. By buying up medical billing companies UHC gains access to what medicare/medicaid is paying other insurance company claims (giving UHC an advantage over other insurance companies). By buying pharmacy companies and home health care companies, UHC directs it's insureds to only use those companies, leaving little or no healthcare choices to the patient/doctor. UHC insureds need to be aware, UHC directs their care on so many levels, no matter what you and your doctor might think. Sure the stock is golden. Sure Wall Street loves them. Because it's all about profit. Not about healthcare. There ought to be a law.

@larryyoungquist6876 - 30.08.2023 20:31

The federal government should simply purchase UHC, Cigna, Humana, and other health care insurers. Merge them and consolidate all administrative functions under the CMS. And provide Medicare for ALL. Health care should not be a profit-focused service. It should be health-focused. Government may be arguably terribly inefficient in some areas, but in this regard, I'd trade some inefficiency for the high profit focus that corporations such as UHC bring to the table.

@jimfeaster4837 - 19.08.2023 21:25

They screw seniors

@jimfeaster4837 - 19.08.2023 21:24

Con job

@jimfeaster4837 - 19.08.2023 21:24


@jimfeaster4837 - 19.08.2023 21:23

United health care rip off seniors

@haruhisuzumiya6650 - 08.08.2023 14:08

Stop corporate greed
Socialized healthcare now!

@haruhisuzumiya6650 - 08.08.2023 14:00

Vertical integration is anti trust

@haruhisuzumiya6650 - 08.08.2023 13:56

Its criminal

@sally8234 - 04.08.2023 20:17

This year I'm dumping United Health as my MEDICARE supplement for MODA - a Pacific NW company. Large health-care systems have turned into large death panels that utilize AI to determine whether or not patients need/deserve the care doctors their doctors prescribe.

@fatcatkcfan - 23.07.2023 20:16

They did it by not paying claims

@fatcatkcfan - 23.07.2023 19:35

They do not pay claims. They have an out of network pricing scam. They have a very small in network provider group and those usually use out of network labs. They dont have a contractual agreement with out of network for maximum biilable amount so they decide the maximum they will pay. They accomplish this by using a 3rd party rate quoting company that underestimates the price of procedures. Then they pay 50% of the amounth the 3rd party states as fair, leaving the customer with a very large bill. Then they don't abide by their own maximum out of pocket in the contract with the members. They are a scam. They will not help you. They're out for your money.

@cricketer1987 - 18.07.2023 14:34

I currently own UNH (UnitedHealth Group) stock but that doesn't mean I don't despise their business practices. I have heard they routinely deny people insurance claims and make life hell for people with health issues. Whilst I do think UNH is a good stock to own if you want to make money you must be also aware of the bad practices of the business and together as shareholders its important to improve the experience of customers and ensure genuine claims are paid promptly without delay.

@user-jt5jd8ff4o - 07.07.2023 02:30

I work for UHC. When I asked for a raise after one year I was told by my supervisor that I may get a dollar increase in my hourly wage at the end of the year. Let that sink in.

@alex0589 - 18.06.2023 23:27

Americans who think they cant afford universal healthcare literally can't count.
Imagine if all of that was replaced by care. Treatments. Surgeries. Beds. Clinics.

@BenjaminCronce - 13.06.2023 14:45

There are a lot of complaints in the comments. This probably explains why the employer I work for takes an active role in making sure we have good insurance. We also use UHC, but they have clauses in the contract that says things like "Must support such and such hospitals/service within certain regions". And we have 3rd-party services that will "deal with" insurance for us. We can literally call up this service, give them the details, and they will work on our behalf to figure out what needs to happen. And our HR is really great at backing us up. I've had it where there was a dispute between a local hospital and our insurance. I contacted my HR and the problem was resolved within 2 days. It's sad there needs to be such services.

@user-wk2ch9sz5x - 09.06.2023 03:30

United Health is another MAFia monopoly taking control of that industry thanks to the Republicans working for the giant corporations and not for the people. The woman in red: horizontally or vertically they are a monopoly and have, time and time again, violated the Anti trust laws not to provide better service but to the contrary, to screw people out of needed medical care which is non existent in the US. That judge belongs in prison for blocking the slow acting DOJ. He’s obviously getting millions of $ in donations to his campaign as the senators (Thanks to Citizens United bill passed by the Repubicans c u n ts) The congress works for the big industries Health Care, Banks, Oil companies, Pharmaceuticals because they get paid by them. The American people keep electing Crooked men. The American people are just getting dumb and dumber every year. We should ban insurance companies completely. Therés no need for the middle man, Insurance profitable giants to deny treatment that doctors recommend and patients need just because they dont want to pay for any medical treatment. Their goal is Profit. PERIOD. Ban these mofos and the Government should do its job by controlling the prices charged for all medical visits, meds, etc. like all the other countries do!

@jaames - 06.06.2023 13:59

I worked for United Health Care briefly and there's one thing I cannot forget, we spent DAYS discussing the whole company understanding each separate department and entity and I can tell you, days are not enough to fully grasp the extent of how big this company is. People would be calling in and asking for help about a specific service from a company I've never heard of, so I tell them that it's not us, until the end of the day when I talk to my manager and learn that that company is under United Healthcare. LOL

@nintendo1709 - 05.06.2023 04:31

So I went to high school with the daughter of one of the original founders of United Healthcare. For her 16th birthday, she got a 100k Range Rover. Two months later she totalled it, a month after that, her dad bought her a new one with more features in it. Meanwhile, one of my classmates’ mom had just lost her job while her little brother was going thru medical complications leaving them uninsured. That was the day that I told myself I would do everything in my power to make sure that company goes under…

@trails3597 - 04.06.2023 17:42

Strategic vision+ strategic investment? Code of making money. No mention of patient care.

@MDavidoff - 04.06.2023 06:04

OptumRx is a cartel

@ericpaulgoldie - 01.06.2023 17:41

this is perfect, the government can now easily take over and provide universal healthcare for a discount for tax payers

@zeminoid - 31.05.2023 04:11

This is basically a big ad for UH, y’all are so dishonest.

@zeminoid - 31.05.2023 04:10

This is basically a big ad for UH, y’all are so dishonest.

@Chronoir3 - 30.05.2023 08:27

Ahhh your health in the US, It's free real estate

@acesley - 29.05.2023 17:48

3:24 Am i the only one who noticed how they didn’t blur out the SSN? 😂

@dandydoodigery9854 - 28.05.2023 14:06

Wanna fix the system? One way we could do it it make them publish the Master Charge Book for each medical provider….

@lovepeace8918 - 28.05.2023 09:38

UHC are the death panels that Sarah Palin warned about under OBama. Now we are seeing it up close, when your loved one is patient of UHC they will have their claims denied, and quickly told they must be placed into Hospice because it would be far too expensive to treat the patient and help them get better, instead they must be treated as terminal Illness, any Heart disease, cancer or other serious conditions will get you into the death panels they decide in UHC death panel who to put into Hospice, then call your doctor give him the orders, this patient is terminal we will not cover any further care other than hospice, here give them this liquid morphine every two hours till they overdose and die. Thank you !

@lovepeace8918 - 28.05.2023 09:32

Medicare pays Advantage plans $1,200 a month to manage the billing, United Denies all healthcare, pushes cheap pills, lets people get sicker, when they near death, UHC helps end their lives fast and cheap, instead of providing recommended or normal medical care, UHC is a for profit company first, healthcare comes very last. Great company if your a CEO of UHC you made Millions per quarter in bonuses, but if your a patient of UHC, your going to get worse and die, not ever get any better healthwise guaranteed.

@lovepeace8918 - 28.05.2023 09:30

Yes United Health Care hijacks Medicare Patients, as an Advantage plan. United then kicks back money to the primary care doctor towards his vacations, to deny care, only see the patient once or twice a year. Then United rejects all claims, if a test shows patient needs surgery MRI for example, United will reject payment and the Surgeon knowing he wont get paid has to tell patient sorry your very sick, but not sick enough for surgery to get paid for. If your dying cancer, heart or other, instead of paying expensive medical services, United will simply put your loved ones in Hospice, given them end of life morphine, let them die of Cancer, instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars ot remove the cancer, or fix the heart and your loved one will die in 6 weeks instead of live for another 6 to 12 years. That is how UHC makes money,

@lokesh303101 - 27.05.2023 19:10

Encourage 3D printed Tablets on Prescription.

@zimbabwesteve4620 - 27.05.2023 17:33

The DOJ and the FTC need to breakup defense contractors, healthcare insurers and hospital chains, telecommunications, and oil companies

@ljacobs357 - 27.05.2023 12:22

I have an AARP supplement with United and have been pleased with them so far.
