10 Mistakes To Avoid During The Amazon Interview

10 Mistakes To Avoid During The Amazon Interview

Dan Croitor

5 лет назад

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Jerry Yang
Jerry Yang - 18.04.2019 23:02

If you are never used coaching service. I recommended you book a session with dan. I booked 2 and it helped me land a job from amazon. The technical rounds wasn’t perfect, so I think it’s the behavior rounds gave me the job.
I thought i was good before booking the sessions but it turns out I learnt a lot from the sessions.

Sandy Damron
Sandy Damron - 21.12.2022 14:27

May I use my own phone?

Hieu Luong
Hieu Luong - 02.05.2022 12:36

Too general information. Not really helpful. These infos you can find out a lot in internet. You don't have to repeat.

Salaheddin AbuEin
Salaheddin AbuEin - 01.04.2022 15:27

Thank you, Dan.

Potpourri - 17.03.2022 06:26

How can I book session with you?

Vineet Harsh
Vineet Harsh - 04.01.2022 01:36

Dan’s videos are helpful. I got an L6 job at Amazon! If anyone needs anyone interview tips, dm me

K Johansson
K Johansson - 29.10.2021 15:06

Good one, the recruiter at AWS pointed me to this video. ;)

Cloud Boys Music
Cloud Boys Music - 03.09.2021 05:59

Piece of Cake!! I'm an INTJ, can see how the rest of you losers would struggle in the behavioral scenario. Te Dom/Aux for life!

श्री कृष्ण उवाच
श्री कृष्ण उवाच - 15.07.2021 19:37

Hello Dan, how to answer ‘tell me about yourself’ ?

Lin Shao
Lin Shao - 15.07.2021 10:50

Hi Dan, I really appreciate it for your videos, just got the offer from Amazon. This is a great opportunity that can make my life different.

Geo Rg
Geo Rg - 08.07.2021 12:32

I was expecting 10 mistakes to avoid during the Amazon interview, but you only delivered 5.

KittenBowl - 27.06.2021 20:42

Amazon may be a great company to work for. But it’s very unfortunate that they don’t know that most well accomplished people avoid Amazon interviews..I know these people and I’m one of them too. They’re my colleagues mostly and ex-colleagues. They’re already working in a great company. They have wealth of experience already and they are already working for a famous company and have already worked for several pedigreed firms everyone knows about. The thing is Amazon is not paying anyone to prep these rigorous intensive interviews that takes hours of preparation because they are working and devoted to the current company. While it’s reasonable to go through the resume and prep what they may ask, a day or two of private time, there’s no way these well paid people in their current firm will be ecstatic to prep for Amazon interview this extensive that takes days to prepare. And this is why Amazon is losing already talented people.. and they’re B to C company, most well established people go for B to B companies that make billions and possibly have a chance to make millions in near future.

K S - 30.05.2021 17:33

So are you saying that anyone over 35 should not apply?

akshay wahi
akshay wahi - 10.05.2021 22:56

Thank you Dan. You really have created a wonderful content. Kudos.

Rashed Ahmed
Rashed Ahmed - 05.05.2021 17:17

Thanks for the video. I should have watched this video before my interview. I am desperately looking for an answer of my questions but didn't get any help from different AWS recruiters. I hope Dan Croitor you are reading this and you can give some light to this questions. Is there any possibility that after your last interview - your profile may be placed in Black list? I had an interview last year - on site interview was done over phone due to covid. Overall - my interview was good but i was stuck with one question raised by bar raiser and i was kind a stubborn to my answer and bar raiser was pushing for the correct answer. I also mixed up my answer about same projects with different interviewer just simply because i didn't have enough examples or couldn't find any better examples. How much possibility is that AWS put my profile in black list or do they have such kind black list or not?

the reason i am asking because i was in touch with other AWS recruiters after the interview and they seems to be not replying my email after first conversation and also if i applied for any role i don't get considered at all. In linkedin, i see that my profile did showed up in AWS searches but still no contact from them. I personally email some recruiter to know whats really wrong my profile - as usual no reply from them. I would like to know what you think about this Dan Croitor and do i have any chance in future to get calls from AWS?

Paolo Fu
Paolo Fu - 29.04.2021 12:02

Can you speak louder???

D. Williams
D. Williams - 07.04.2021 22:57

Are you kidding me? The entire process is based on you being a "BS Artist" nobody should have to study to "Pass" a interview.

Tianqi Wu
Tianqi Wu - 06.04.2021 01:06

I just completed my interview loop on Amazon. Thank you for the contents! All the best!

Kim Pei
Kim Pei - 17.03.2021 19:59

Hi Dan. Thanks for sharing. It's very informative. I watched all your tutorials about Amazon and I finally landed an offer today as a Financial Analyst. I will definitely recommend your video to Amazon applicants. Thanks again for your help!

Vishal1111 - 15.03.2021 17:56

​What if a candidate fails on second application after an onsite interview. Would cooling period become longer?
