NASA Warp Drive Project - "Speeds" that Could Take a Spacecraft to Alpha Centauri in Two Weeks

NASA Warp Drive Project - "Speeds" that Could Take a Spacecraft to Alpha Centauri in Two Weeks

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@tentimesful - 17.07.2023 19:02

they are looking the wrong way and most impossible, as these people believe the faster you go the more the more power will hit your space ship... I think only allah al hamd can do this to blow out all things that stop your space ship to proceed as the power will rip apart your space ship eventually without removing this strong particles you make when you speed up in our way...

@franciscoesquea1692 - 08.07.2023 07:26

What if they figured out how to incase the ship in light, in order to travel at the speed of light ??

@napalmholocaust9093 - 11.03.2023 02:16

Still b.s. 👎

@kattarindian1168 - 14.09.2022 11:47

Not possible in our lifetime😌🤞

@transcend3145 - 26.07.2022 00:15

Waste of resources in futuristic "dreams" while we push war & famine right here on home ground.

Its pathetic how easily the ppl get captured in the illusionary futuristic plan and forget about what they are losing right now in the present! Its a "Child's" mind! And the predators have captured it with fantastically dreamy tales of future while continuing the slaughtering in the present!

@hidebehind2604 - 21.07.2022 21:05

Back to a more earthly plane Elon Musk is working with multiple nations scientist on building engines for space travel. Carrying large cargo would make a trip to Mars in under 4 weeks , and can offload then return to earth.

@mr.hamilton5393 - 20.06.2022 16:49

Bro I remember you doing these man I wish you would do more of these these are good

@sammencia7945 - 17.03.2022 02:16

The issue isn't the warp drive.

The issue is any travel that is ftl AND ALSO allows travellers to stay grounded to "common' universe time frame.
It is a matter of practicality.

@Rayway420 - 24.09.2021 05:43

Curious how G force is handled at that speed.

@philipmcdonagh1094 - 02.09.2021 00:17

If it happens it wont be our technology, our laws of physics forbid it, unless what we where thought is all rubbish.

@kurtpedersen7863 - 20.05.2021 04:36

I think a quantum leap in warp drives soon after studying b-wing engine performance

@kurtpedersen7863 - 05.05.2021 02:54

NASA Mon calamari b-wings might give us the answers to a quantum leap in warp drive fusion engines

@caturlifelive - 15.03.2021 23:50

Is it starting now?

@quietearthMT - 10.03.2021 05:04

How would it stop though?

@anthonycyr9657 - 01.03.2021 19:31

What are they going to use as shielding to protect from micro meteor and foreign impact damage at the speeds proposed? because space isnt totally empty.

@berenicealarcon1549 - 24.02.2021 08:48

Alerta máxima, las Superratas de la Gran Élite Mundial de la obscuridad se quiere escapar en una nave superrata: Nasa Proyect Speeds. Precisamente al Interespacio sideral.

Exactamente las Superratas quieren huir al Sistema de Alfa Centaury, después de contaminar destruir y desestabilizar el planeta Tierra.

Muchos ignoran que realizaron experimentos físicos de Física Cuántica en el Cern abriendo subportales e infraportales dimensionales.

Además realizaron experimentos cientificos diabólicos en los laboratorios de China.

También aplicaron tecnología moderna para desequilibrar y desestabilizar el planeta Tierra como terremotos, y otras atrocidades.
Que dice la opinión mundial ?

@berenicealarcon1549 - 24.02.2021 08:30

Opina Stevens Savage. Alerta mundial, las Superratazas y superratotas de la Gran Élite Mundial de la obscuridad, quieren escaparse en una nave superrata.

Esto hacen después de generar experimentos diabólicos en el Cern, pactos satánicos, exterminacion de la raza humana, por experimentos científicos demoníacos en superlaboratorios.

También incendiar, destruir contaminar y desestabilizar el Planeta Tierra.
Esperamos que estas malditas Superratas revienten, para que sea emocionante y poder festejar su desaparición.

@gillescollin54 - 16.02.2021 05:09

Theoretical absurdities

@dermachtige6123 - 14.02.2021 08:56

Light speed in our time , imagine.

@albertowusuansah5528 - 10.02.2021 11:07

The SUN 🌞 is the umbrella ☔️ to explore more of the universe and beyond earth 🌍.?????Anen

@albertowusuansah5528 - 10.02.2021 11:06

Warp speed is quantum mechanics 🧰 dynamics to propel highly effective engines to make it to Mars.?????Period.???))

@gsentinel4821 - 04.02.2021 07:44

THIS I would love to see but its so hard to be optimistic when all we've managed to do is land man on the moon over 50 years ago. That's just sad.......

@fielding68 - 02.02.2021 16:45

Great video

@kawdoshe6396 - 02.01.2021 01:35

So if your experimenting with Warp Drive. You must be building a Starship. What kind of people would we be. If we stayed here without exploring the vastness of space, to boldly go where no human has gone before.

@jhafersaturno240 - 21.12.2020 02:45

mr. Sulu warp nine on

@crabbingclammingboatcampin4962 - 18.12.2020 02:56

Trying to explain how to attain the fastest, unimaginable speeds with a video with the slowest explanation ever given. A big YAWN.

@yellowsaturn2873 - 13.12.2020 11:15

So did nasa make a spacecraft

@TheBigballs75 - 05.12.2020 18:00

Nice how they put a Vulcan cruiser in here and voyager , enterprise d and e. Also if our 1st warp capable vessel isn't named enterprise it will be a sin against humanity

@jasonsmith-ci3ph - 25.11.2020 15:52

Lol nasa

@martinruddell2682 - 23.11.2020 03:36

Yes, it is both speculative and bullshit.

@VyacheslavGrzhibovskiy - 22.11.2020 16:48

Elon Musk wanted

@brendawilliams8062 - 15.11.2020 17:30

It experiences meditation. Chills down.

@preethamcg3863 - 27.10.2020 14:35

What are joke 😂😂

@williamwallace69 - 13.09.2020 20:05

If its a ring why not make a tube? One ring in front one in back. Maximize space. How do you get it into orbit? It would be a large craft.

@Cwelle - 25.08.2020 10:43

Many years later it's still a fiction...

@erichayes2890 - 24.08.2020 03:26

So many problems here on Earth, to solve first b4 we even attempt something like this.

@johnshilling2221 - 14.08.2020 15:56

Einstein was right! Paraphrasing, "There are two things that are infinite. The universe and human stupidity...., and I'm not really sure about the universe." LOL! Don't hold your breath. This is pure speculative theoretical science fiction. The "negative energy" required is a synonym for anti-gravity. We are incapable of generating gravity. We cannot even detect, let alone generate, a graviton. Now this ridiculous site tells us that NASA is "testing" a warp drive mechanism that requires negative energy to operate? On a scale of energy produced by a black hole? With a gravity generator coupled to an inverter to produce anti-gravity? You have been clickbaited! Lol! Again! Stock footage of Star Trek vessels! Now that's evidence, right?

@epicguineapig6983 - 12.08.2020 02:35

Imagine if the world worked in a way where each country was a clan of humans working together as equals who would craft and progress as much as possible for ten year intervals. Where at the end of each decade 1 representative from each country (all humans should learn a universal language) during a large science fair and present what their country has developed and are awarded if they provide the most valuable information to the rest of the world so the world stays competitive and learns and progresses faster than we ever have. After a few intervals I imagine that we'd have interstellar travel and each country can then divide and diverge into the rest of the universe and learn once again to have a representative to share with the rest of humanity. However we have created money and a hatred for others and have split our species into small groups who cannot afford to open to others. We have stunted our own growth. However this probably isn't the place to spend my time with this theory of a perfect world. A simple troll on the internet

@zPamboli - 07.08.2020 22:51

if in the future, humanity builds a spacecraft capable of doing this, how would the travelers experience time? Because of the time dilation and everything, but you are actually not moving while in the bubble.

@3lpancho657 - 06.08.2020 03:37

Worry about now. We arent gonna have much time

@Aurumk1 - 04.08.2020 12:03

So they finally figured out my work huh. About time.

@glennslater56 - 30.06.2020 11:01

Waiting for the invention of the dampening field otherwise the only thing arriving at other stars will be pancakes.

@Aswaguespack - 25.06.2020 22:43

Just think of the pilot dude amped up when the Alcubierre drive begins firing up the wave, yelling “cowabunga” going off tubular to Alpha Centuri 😂

@mikeschmidt3810 - 20.06.2020 21:02

This is such a good joke. Come on really. NASA can't even launch their own astronauts into space without the help of Russian rockets. Glad Space X brought it back stateside but this is centuries away...if ever.

@opasailor - 19.06.2020 02:43

It would be cool if we found a way to do this with hydrogen fuel

@ltyr-mr2if - 12.06.2020 08:34

Imagine if we develop this technology while still acting like the monsters society is today.
Spreading our civil wars to other places. We would be a cancer in the cosmos.

@richardlayman8876 - 10.06.2020 02:13

Buy NASA some crayons
