Inside of an extremely rare Daeyoung DX-3120A hard drive

Inside of an extremely rare Daeyoung DX-3120A hard drive

Arnold0 - Arnlol

6 месяцев назад

2,542 Просмотров

The story of this drive is ridiculous.
I paid way, way to much for it. It has a rail that’s completely rusty.
I expected the worst. At first the drive was detected (which was more than I even expected), but had IDNF patterns so was unusable. I opened it and it looked like the corrosion hadn’t made it to the inside though the top platter had some damage. I recorded it running speedsys which is this video.
I tried the ST jumper just to see what it was going to do. After that, the drive seemed to work, it had a bunch of bads as expected but the IDNF issue was gone!
I tried to format it with DOS but it failed after the end failing to write, and with windows as well. I then tried to format it with speedstor, and in the middle of the format it spun down…
Now it just spins up and does nothing at all. It’s even worse than how it started. I had hope the drive had recovered only for it to die for good.
I’m lucky that I recorded this when I did, as I could have ended up with nothing to show…
I wish it could’ve worked considering how rare it is and how much I paid. I took a ridiculous risk and it didn’t work out.

If you want to see a working one, @TheDiskMaster is the only person I know that has another one of these, his is working properly and he said he would post a video of it tomorrow.
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