Thomas Malthus (Malthusianism): Does Population Growth Lead to Food Shortages & Resource Depletion?

Thomas Malthus (Malthusianism): Does Population Growth Lead to Food Shortages & Resource Depletion?

One Minute Economics

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@wesjones1417 - 14.01.2024 20:26

Should we not blindly dismiss everything that has to do with Naziism too? Thomas Malthus was 100% wrong about everything. 100%. And his ideas weren't born out of a concern for humanity, but a hatred of it. His fears were the poor would threaten his elite lifestyle, and thus the solution is to cull those unnecessary to provide it to him. Yes, we should dismiss such evil thinking.

@kraakar - 02.01.2024 04:56

Malthus was right, and people refuse to see it

@doomguy584 - 01.12.2023 07:01

Im ok with depopulation if the rich decide to go first

@Ramkumar-uj9fo - 05.10.2023 12:47

Is it true that corruption and distributio. Instead of food supply causes hunger as a scientific iota of truth by Amartya Sen. Say yes or no and nothing else

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@Ramkumar-uj9fo - 05.10.2023 12:34

Is it true that malthusian has been overcome scientifically by revolutions like GMO and other advanced agriculture has an iota of truth? Say yes or no


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@winstonjen5360 - 16.08.2023 11:59

If we keep breeding the way we are, we're going to run out of space eventually. And then we won't be able to make any food.

@winstonjen5360 - 16.08.2023 11:58

We should be imprisoning breeders, not rewarding them.

@jeremiahbenton7907 - 06.06.2023 08:03

As the population goes up, jobs lag, and people get desperate to afford increasingly scarce resources. This allows employers to pay their workers less and less as there will now be people willing to desperately work for less and less without a choice. This decreases quality of life while also contributing to the wealth gap. Higher population, worse average life for the working class, better for the upper class.

@robertdore9592 - 27.12.2022 00:18

Another thing that Malthus didn't factor in was first world waste, just how much food is wasted in the USA alone? population control invariably ends up costing certain ethnicities more than others -I'm sure that this is jus ta coincidence.

@bryanbufton4358 - 08.12.2022 11:56

Tom was Wrong,, and he would have believed in global warming

@brantpam222 - 23.09.2022 02:03

I’d argue with the point that pollution is a “price tag” of the population boom of the Industrial Revolution. There are more trees and cleaner air and water over more of the planet than 200 years ago. Now it took some time to get there, because the wealthier a country gets, the more the people direct resources away from basic necessities over to secondary concerns.

@lovesemoboys3 - 19.08.2022 23:41

The best part about all the gay people they cant reproduce lol

@flaviopalmiro - 09.07.2022 19:27

I believe Thomas Malthus was right. Even tough the green revolutions happened and food production is growing, it will stagnate at some point. The land area of Earth will not grow. I look at the productivity of farms in my country Brazil and for some areas the proctivity is already high, it is not growing anymore over the years.

@moses777exodus - 08.07.2022 02:02

Very informative. Much Blessings to you. Thanks for sharing, Lord-Jesus-Christ dot

@rinnin - 12.02.2022 15:58

Perfect example of soft climate denialism.

@Gracchi - 30.01.2022 17:31

His ideas were later used by others in power ,that made birth control, part of their population control, esp in certain areas of the US.

@whalercumming9911 - 05.01.2022 23:40

Not only was Malthus correct but he was also short sighted, he missed a large opportunity! So much of today's misconceptions could have been avoided if Malthus would have simplified his work so as to let the 'less mentally stimulated' learn from his writings.

@walzingdewormed3425 - 11.08.2021 00:50

Instead of billionaires flying to space, burning fossil fuel and everyone applauding progress, humanity should look at more inclusive and truly human means of existence.

@properjob2311 - 21.07.2021 15:16

don't worry the Elites have a plan to address this doesn't end well

@pyhisic3875 - 19.07.2021 03:27


@Cd5ssmffan - 15.06.2021 23:24

Malthus was right. we should exterminate all the poor people.

@simianwarthog - 19.04.2021 08:20

Nobody has proven him wrong. We have just used our brains to delay the inevitable.

@chocolatefun7895 - 05.03.2021 14:47

A very informative video

@kerrithomas5528 - 22.01.2021 14:31

Nice video!

@GreenDistantStar - 02.12.2020 03:49

LOL. Malthus was right. Without infinite resources, all exponential growth halts. So we either control our population or reduce the Earth to an unliveable sludge. It just depends upon how far out you extrapolate the growth and the rate. Not understanding how exponential growth works has lead to Cov-19, another exponential growth phenomenon.

@TomF291 - 04.11.2020 17:33

these academics come along with their dubious and often negative theories and have more influence than they deserve as they fit in with the agenda of the powers that be and as the masses are by and large uneducated in certain areas and increasingly lack critical thinking

@ponkimiah - 08.10.2020 00:18


@pulsarbalajinavigation5154 - 15.05.2020 05:43

Clear explanation tq for video

@thede4679 - 20.04.2020 14:33

Do you think he is wrong still?

@MrMonakat - 19.04.2020 00:41

Humans produce nothing but piles of stinking useless shit that benefit virus and bacteria

@wuffles-km7wv - 16.01.2020 09:42

this is such a sex moment

@jerryloh1893 - 16.01.2020 09:38

I like firetruck and monster truck

@FollowerofDuck - 09.10.2019 14:18

birth control is only mainstream in wealthier countries

@johndickson9542 - 06.09.2019 04:44

First, I shouldn't have criticized your voice, and for that I apologize. Here's my problem with the video: You didn't point out that demographers tell us that the world's population will start declining in about 30 years. So we don't face inexorable population growth, but most people don't know this.

Also, the United States and Europe are doing a very good job with the environment. Our nation has more forest than it had in 1920. Our air and water are cleaner than they were in 1960. As for plastics in the ocean, we're responsible for only 1% of them. This is despite the fact that our population is far larger than it was 100 years ago.

In fact, studies show that the standard of living worldwide is the highest it has ever been in history. This, again, is despite the fact that the population is far larger than it once was.

People need to hear the good news and understand that wealth and freedom lead to better environments, contrary to myth. The Third World, which is dirt poor, is where the environment is taking a hit. And the more we become like the Third World, the worse our environment will be.

This said, my initial comment was unnecessarily harsh, and I have deleted it.

@mr.niceguy8533 - 12.06.2019 21:25

Food can be reproduce but natural resources cannot and our world is running out of it..dont tell me we can survive without natural resources?

@luiscarloszardo2588 - 02.06.2019 17:38

Higher population does not create "more producers", people cannot "produce" anything, we can just transform things and for this we need resources, resources are finite and cannot be produced, just transformed.

@lemurlimearts3184 - 11.05.2019 06:02

Malthus is almost like thanos in a way

@MusashiAndMiku - 26.02.2019 05:10

high food production + one child policy = food surplus

@mistacole1335 - 12.01.2019 08:26

"We shouldn't blindly dismiss Malthusian thinking"

It isn't blindly dismissing, his views were both verifiable & testable, and they were proved incorrect. He believed we would run out of food to feed ourselves by 1900, it's now 2019 and more people have access to food than ever before.

The only reasons you listed for why it might be correct can be boiled down to "Well it can still happen"

Calling disproving a theory "Blind dismissal" is just dishonest.

@kmicanakreku3905 - 29.12.2018 11:52

We should dismiss malthusianism because its a racist genocidal ideology.

@jamesroyal1159 - 02.10.2018 05:24

This message is approved by Keynesian socialists Luciferians everywhere

@Pfsif - 20.08.2018 00:09

Just take your dam vaccines.

@Jackson-rf6rv - 14.08.2018 12:49

Birth control isn't mainstream in the third world..

@toady7741 - 29.07.2018 08:57

The Holocene (Sixth) Mass Extinction is well underway. Educated, professional and rich people from China, India, Iran, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines . . . are pouring to Canada, Australia, US, NZ, EU, even Russia.
