Is Fixing Art EVER Okay? (Why Are Art Fixers Still Doing This?!) || SPEEDPAINT + COMMENTARY

Is Fixing Art EVER Okay? (Why Are Art Fixers Still Doing This?!) || SPEEDPAINT + COMMENTARY

Duchess Celestia

1 год назад

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@RealFordKensa - 16.06.2024 03:53

great video, I know that is the main focus, but the art you where drawing in the back isn't like anything I have seen before, and it is so cool.

@user-ux4fw5fi9x - 14.06.2024 20:22

There is no such thing as art fixing art something you make and you love or like art something that is as beautiful as its creator

@adners1175 - 11.06.2024 14:43

I'll be honest, art fixing shouldn't exist even if asking permissions to the OG artist.

Like hear me out, this is just my opinion so you can disagree with me,
But If someone one day came at me and asked me if he could "fix" my art, i'll took it a bit personally because Fix is like saying he doesn't likes my stuff or that he could do it much better than what i did,

plus"fixing" the art in their way is not even fixing, is just a twisted way they do to sate their desires to make characters be recolored to the other race or make them chonky and ugly to "fit their standarts" as if it was some kind of weird fetish, inflate their ego and gain popularity from your own which is already way more insultive.

Why did this even became so politically aclaimed tho? I don't understand it.

@dinosaurgameplay6196 - 09.06.2024 22:58

Why I don’t draw humans:

@swifttitan8126 - 04.06.2024 00:36

okay I hear you and I agree with you about the whitewashing issue but you're specifically speaking on whitewashing what is your take on black washing. imo it's reprehensible regardless, and i think you do too but i just don't hear the same tone

@SupiSuki - 01.06.2024 18:29

question to all the art fixers, why "fix" art when you can just make art?

@SynnarSun - 29.05.2024 16:35

Drawing over anyones art is actually ILLEGAL. No matter whose art it is.

@mikaelciel - 28.05.2024 19:29

Here on chile is ilegal take the work of someone else to "finish" his work or "fixing" all without the artist consent, you can go to the jail and being fine (penalty) by the law.

@KatsudonArt - 27.05.2024 15:07

You see a commissioned portrait of someone and "correct" it without seeing the original picture of the person the portrait is based on? Colleen, I mean asshole

@someoneweird8936 - 27.05.2024 10:14

I don’t think either whitewashing or blackwashing is ok. leave them be

@Theyadorealyssa - 27.05.2024 00:08

That thumbnail is terrible

@lcgl09 - 26.05.2024 23:20

Every time someone brings up art-fixing just gives me an image of a nerd emoji saying "well aCtUaLly you piece is wrong + L + Ratio + I have audacity 🤓" xD

@Furina_Neuvi - 22.05.2024 15:59

If it's others ppl art no not good
But if it's somone raicist motivation like whitewashed a blck Charakter ppl can be mad abt it

But there is no harm if lets say ppl edit genshin splashart/drip marketing for fun

@yes_hello_how_are_you - 18.05.2024 03:09

I saw someone “fixing” a pro-shipper’s art of a farther being weird with his daughter (it was Fnaf if you know you know) and all i could think was, why not just draw your own fan art of the two having a normal dad and daughter relationship? Instead of “fixing” their art and giving them exposure?

@The_Local_Degenerate - 17.05.2024 01:43

I think "fixing" someone's art is just insulting. "This isn't good enough for ME."

@xxmissthailandxx3780 - 16.05.2024 20:23

Off topic

When I was in year 10 (9th grade), my art teacher would always come to my table and "fix" my work because she thinks i could improve from her literally drawing all over my artwork ruining it and then would ask me to improve it.
She would erase the drawing i made (that took about 10-30 minutes) and make the drawing look worse by pressing the pencil graphite so hard onto the paper that it would take a grueling hour just to rub it off.
Now I'm in year 11 (10th grade) and i don't have her anymore because i have my gcse exams.

@potatorandom1316 - 14.05.2024 12:28

One thing that bothers me especially is when they “fix it” with race it’s just turning it black. Like no other race exists.

@ChariTheAlternate - 14.05.2024 06:01

I really don't think changing anyones art is valid, no matter what, an artists work is theirs, their ideals, and their beliefs, even if thoae thoroughs or beliefs are considered bad, it doesn't matter, well thats my take anyway

@ChariTheAlternate - 14.05.2024 05:56

Your drawing of Madotsuki looks great

@Galacticz - 13.05.2024 17:26

i just wanna say that there is one case where art fixing is ok, once i saw somebody taking art that was sexualizing a child, or making a father simp for his daughter, and this person fixed the art to remove these weird implications, and in that case i think it's ok, but that's the only exception

@the-og-cerealkiller - 02.05.2024 16:15

People always forgetting that Anime/Asian producted characters aren't "white" (Unless the characters are specifically stated to be European/American)
These activists are erasing Asian characters, because the characters are light skinned/not dark enough, which is racist and hypocritical asf
Not that I think attacking Caucasian characters is okay either, make your own characters if you want to see representation of yourself specifically

@DTiSthimself - 25.04.2024 00:47

Fat fucks
Do not need representation argue with me I don’t care

@DTiSthimself - 25.04.2024 00:38

You can fix somebody’s art Only if the artist consents to it like asking the fans to submit their art so they can fix it for a video

@schwarzerritter5724 - 21.04.2024 20:04

"Fixing" art is pretty arrogant to begin with. Claiming to be doing it in the name of a group is the height of arrogance.

@Nightmare-od1hy - 20.04.2024 09:18

I do have a thought:
What if someone is "fixing" or "redesigning" a piece that is supporting bad topics?
I see this one artist sometimes who "fixes" FNAF fan art because it's shipping child and an adult.
Would that be considered okay to redesign/fix?
What are the limits to fixing something based on a topic? What topics?
Love your videos btw, I like listening to them while drawing. =)

@Justplanecrazy25 - 19.04.2024 05:29

I think art fixing wouldn't be nearly as popular if people honestly didn't engage with it. Somebody posts it, don't say anything. The fact they don't get attention from it makes them less likely to do it in the future.

@KiwiDragon15 - 16.04.2024 01:10

Most of the art fixing I see is “Fixing Proshipper art” and I don’t really see anything wrong with that, but that’s the only one.

Also, can we talk about how good the picture in the background is? It looks so cool!

@The_entity666 - 13.04.2024 00:18

The only way in my opinion to “fix” is if the ARTIST themselves redone the art THEY made not art SOMEONE else makes-^-

@Wala_na - 09.04.2024 10:08

Didn't know digital graffiti-ing was a thing.

@angeldevonist4582 - 08.04.2024 00:19

the thing about the sumeru characters being lighter skinned and the genshin community getting mad because they "just arent darker skinned" is kinda wrong, each character in genshin is based on a real person from history like how candace was based on kandace which was a fully black women and hoyo scrapped that and made the character lighter skinned. yes in this instance it would be correct to "fix the character" and its not just her cyno,haytham and the literal god of the nation were all more pale while being based on characters with darker skin. its not only disrespectful to the poc but also disrespects the history of those characters because their culture is all so meaningful as it is apart of what made that person someone of history in their land

@Compass_theCrazyCatLady - 04.04.2024 21:03

I think the problem here is “fixing” things. I feel like it’s ok if you’re just seeing what a character could potentially look like and wanting more representation by redesigning them yourself, but when you say you’re “fixing” that character or person or thing is what makes it bad. Adding representation to an existing thing I like to think is ok, but when you change, for example, a white character to be a person of color or something snd then saying that’s how it should be, that feels wrong. Changing a character that’s a person of color to be white and saying that’s the correct version, that’s wrong. I have a self insert character that is supposed to look like me, if someone changed how she looked a bit for fun, I’d be ok with it if it’s in a positive light, but changing her and saying that that’s “how she should look” isn’t ok and I would be hurt be it. In my personal opinion, you can change things and characters for fun if it is not hurting the creator or anyone, but you can’t say that your version is the right one.

@ColorfulAbstraction - 02.04.2024 00:47

Forced diversity is never okay.

@just_peace - 30.03.2024 15:24

I get what you're saying, but genshin isn't "just some artist". And a redraw of a commisioned drawing by someone who drew exactly as they're told and paid for isn't an attack on this artist. The moral behind this is still questionable at best, but we can't keep thinking of redrawing official genshin art and some chinese fanartist's free internet drawing as two identical things

@peacefusion - 23.03.2024 19:18

If Genshen doesnt want to make a SINGLE dark colored character, thats fine. Its thier art. They can do whatever they want. People seem to forget this in the amount of bullying.

@romyresident2133 - 27.02.2024 18:35

its NEVER okay to fix art.

@vampireilluminati9087 - 19.02.2024 23:52

I was so mad at my ex-friend at one point. We're both into Genshin, and the whole Sumeru thing caused a whole 'lot'a bullshit. For reference, im white, shes black. I saw her watching tiktok while she was next to me. She liked a video of someone making Candace, Nilou, ect, sooo much darker, and when someone in another video whitewashed another character from dark to white, she blew a fuse and started complaining to both me and a mutual friend. How are you going to be perfectly fine with an artist completely changing a character's actual race that has white skin based on area, and change them black, but not the reverse?

For some added context: Nilou, one of the characters, is Persian, an area that everyone is light and fair skinned. So I understand the confusion and how they may have been irritated, but please do research like I did when this whole thing happened.
Even tho I wasnt bothered by the whole thing because frankly I dont care about social justice, It annoyed me that there wasnt more dark skinned characters, but my god did everyone "fixing" the characters piss me off

@jessicahanson6105 - 19.02.2024 22:15

Misery loves company so regardless of what it is people start crap just because they hate their own life when they can put all this effort into bettering themselves.

@BuckBlaziken - 01.02.2024 05:56

The worst are the people who “fix” art but are snobbish about it. It’s not fixing it’s being incredibly rude and messed up. Especially if you’re changing the race of an indigenous person or other PoC because they aren’t blackified enough

@emberthearsonist - 26.01.2024 22:02

There's really only one type of art-"fixing" I see as even somewhat acceptable... When their viewers submit it and its meant for the sake of comedy. Think Bright Guardian Akira, she mostly makes Warrior Cats content and her "Fixing your Warrior Cats fanart" is not "I genuinely see something wrong with this" and more "Rainwhisker just wants to share his catch with Squirrelflight". This is not really "art fixing" since its meant for comedy and her viewers submit art so shes not scraping Warrior Cats fanart off the internet. I really don't agree with actual "art fixing"

@chickadeestevenson5440 - 23.01.2024 04:11

ugly sonic is like... one of the few examples. Becuase DEAR GODS....
Also the fix and reactions did bully the company into not being stupid.

@dearrationals - 18.01.2024 14:42

I think movie, anime, cartoon characters are fair game. With so many characters already being light-skinned, "whitewashing" is done to erase POC but the other way is done to represent POC. Just maybe leave people's personal, normal, art alone unless they're doing something actually racist. But otherwise, have at it.

@dearrationals - 18.01.2024 14:39

There are not enough dark characters, and there are some artists whose pages are filled with one boring light skintone, so I can see why some might think they're going somewhere with this. I don't have an issue with people having fun and making brown powerpuff girls or other stuff. And if someone does have a problem with it then they need to get a life..
But people's personal art should probably be left alone. Call them out if they're doing/drawing something racist but there is no need to take someone's normal art and change it. But I think characters from cartoons, anime, movies etc are fair game.

@r3nnn._ - 15.01.2024 02:14

the issue with people "fixing" anime characters and the like by changing their race is that they're trying to get more representation by race-bending supposedly white characters - however, a lot of those characters are asian, not white. many people tend to assume that any pale-skinned character is white, which isn't always the case.
