The First Descendant Just Got So Much Better!  Huge Patch, Big Changes and More!

The First Descendant Just Got So Much Better! Huge Patch, Big Changes and More!

Open World Games

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@midnitecro3915 - 19.07.2024 03:06

They still need to fix Ajax's abilities. The fact that most attacks go through the shields is ridiculous. It almost makes it pointless to use him.
The only attacks it blocks are the inital projectiles, but if the attack has any aoe, you are screwed. You have to run out of the bubble and prey you can find some cover.
I can understand some attacks not being blocked, like boss abilities, but when you go to revive a teammate, pop a bubble and get downed by aoe, what's the point of the bubble???

@luxter858 - 19.07.2024 03:10

ult viesssa is cooking in the oven and a great update released...this weekend will be great

@ToastyYokai - 19.07.2024 03:31

Ayo, forget the first descendant. Open world games getting that sponsorship, get it dude. Keep it up! like this comment if you agree! jk, you dont need to do that.

@SindraNox - 19.07.2024 03:33

Where the hell is this UI update to access the quest library... I still haven't receive my catalyst

@ExiledTraitor - 19.07.2024 03:37

Hopefully I don't get afk kicked lol. I just use freyna and poison puddle the entire time without moving. I did it all the way to wave 14 after they ditched me at wave 10 xD still passed.

@ryanbelt9064 - 19.07.2024 03:40

The first descendant devs is one of the best dev team I've seen in years

@Weep_TTV - 19.07.2024 03:43

What do you define as afk? i've been grinding this mission for 5 hours, just because I get up stretch my legs, before starting again. That should be okay, to us gamblers we don't want to lose that luck roll.

i want more time to change characters on bosses, and I personally feel the timer should be removed. Timers should be set for a certain hard mode that you only do if you want to mid max.

@danimalthreat8483 - 19.07.2024 03:48

About the AFK farming. I have this glitch called preparing shaders and it takes a long time to load into a map. Every loading screen is about 3 to 5 minutes.

@varsinzo4844 - 19.07.2024 03:50

Im glad the developers are listening and improving the game at such fast time frame.
Id love to have pet companions in the future and they could pick up loot, or heal you or give you ammo or maybe give you some elemental damage different from your descendant, for example have play as bunny and have ice damage and electric damage.
I also want a photo mode. Some landscapes on the game are quite nice. 🐰🍑

@ArsevensX - 19.07.2024 03:51

Some people just don't understand what drop rates means. It can be annoying, but unless they lie about the drop rates, that is nothing burger really. I farmed Sharen all mats for 4 hours, similar to Rayna.

@chandrashakarkuldeep4792 - 19.07.2024 03:55

63 relics and 0 energy activator bp 😢
Drop rates seem worse

@geraldclark9280 - 19.07.2024 03:57

When does this game start getting fun cause the world building and mission structure suck pretty hard. I don’t see this game sticking out from warframe in the slightest besides just being lesser.

@magicmandirtlurper7732 - 19.07.2024 04:04

I think they patched the rolling reload it hasn’t worked for me at all today

@DoctorPlay - 19.07.2024 04:07

Game runs like absolute trash on console so nothing to be excited about at all. Uninstalled the game and permanently deleted.

@migattenokobe2562 - 19.07.2024 04:15

Hopefully they add larger scale raids at some point, I also please change lepic losing his arm cannon when a screen appears or you get teleported during fights 😂.

@alexandersveryown4760 - 19.07.2024 04:16

"You guys are exploiting a bug to make a farm more efficient? We'll patch it but also increase drop rates!!!" - Nexon

"You guys are exploting a bug to make a farm more efficient? We'll patch it and that's it!" - bungie

@angcil88 - 19.07.2024 04:21

Man if only we have a shield gating like in Warframe..

@brianmiller8097 - 19.07.2024 04:34

Nexon is setting the example for how to listen and react to the community

@zeroxepntance - 19.07.2024 04:36

Rng still trash

@MangoHero247 - 19.07.2024 04:45

In missions we could add a green light red light next to the name you see. 1min with no interactions (menu or not) turns the green to red so we know. Add a timer once it hits red after 3min auto report and vote to kick allowed. Give us an auto report warning for missions at the main screen. Something like this would fix afk missions ez

@tainteddragon2438 - 19.07.2024 05:32

My biggest peeve at the moment is the battle supply shop with getting the Ajax helm.

Being locked is dumb but if that it is going to be fine but why the extra cost then on the helm. If it is unlocked by buying all other items, the unlockable helm should be free not cost an extra 50 supply points.

If supply points were easier to obtain with more objectives to get the them, this would be less of an issue. Imo the helm shouldnt be locked out since there is already a locked out second page of obtainables at season level 96.

@dallasellis3027 - 19.07.2024 05:42

i would like to play but there's a outage right now Microsoft at it again

@dragonmaster1599 - 19.07.2024 05:53

Big W with making the favorites 1000 to bad its to little to lait and i will never get my thunder cage reactor for gley back with Gold CD and Duration -_-

@xitsbeej5846 - 19.07.2024 06:02

I'm getting MUCH worse performance post patch than I was and it wasn't great before. I think they still need to work on some performance issues

@danielstone2541 - 19.07.2024 06:06

I get there is people level grinding their descendants but the biggest issues is no guild drop rates and lvl 50 and up is dead while I literally saw lvl 40 players in lower levels this right here is going to be a huge reason I quit the game because certain quest you get bum rushed by mobs of enemies

@myface5792 - 19.07.2024 06:10

I’m hoping someone talks about the bunny premium skin cuz they put too much of a grind just for a cool skin but damn even reset our progress when ur halfway there into the skin grind

@MightyGandolf - 19.07.2024 06:18

came back to your video to piggy back on my comment regarding bugs, there is a bug when doing weapon adjustment its weird, I have all gold passives crit hit, crit change, weap att etc and my DPS went down on the weapon its so weird

@MrC8025 - 19.07.2024 06:26

lost frame gen with this patch. Also crash when exit game.

@zelohendricks51 - 19.07.2024 06:27

Literally the devs are WHY people afk. They made Bunny boring asf to play alongside. Missions with them generally just has us racing to the final boss.

@SamuelLua - 19.07.2024 06:32

I know people were abusing the void missions but they didn’t make it easier just grindier, if something doesn’t change it’s gonna kill the game. No I haven’t paid for anything and I won’t, I’ve unlocked ult bunny and on the grind for ult gley, 80 tries on her cells and finally got it. 3/4 parts and the grind is setting in as it costs an atrocious amount of shards just to fight the boss once not to mention the amount of 5 minute cooldowns you have to go through to do an outpost to maybe get the morph. This update I barely feel any difference. It feels grindier.

@badgaming7099 - 19.07.2024 06:36

Having to farm the same missions hours on end for mats is ridiculous. It's almost as if they designed it for people who are willing to throw money at the screen. If there was an actual endgame I could understand the grind. Instead its just get more powerful to kill the same bosses you fought in the story.

@michaelspurling6985 - 19.07.2024 06:48

Fianlly a new souls game

@king.canute21 - 19.07.2024 07:02

still not drop descendant fragment or module

@dracael - 19.07.2024 07:05

I can tell you how to fix AFK issues.. Character blocking!. Specifically fkn Bunny!, That char is the cause of every AFK'er i've seen in this game.. Annoying and obnoxious Bunny players being greedy 'just because they can'. There's nothing worse than joining a defence rota for XP and just watching everything melt before you can even ADS a mob. Personally i'd like to earn more than passive XP during these mssions lol, it's fucking boring. It'd be awesome if they'd add a function 'Do not match me with X-char'.. would save all the frustration for other players and all the Bunny's would get less butthurt when everyone abandons (or AFK's) the matches they're in..

@christoheunis7209 - 19.07.2024 07:09

Love the game and happy about the update BUT as a gamer with a day job and limited time to grind each day the 5 min timer is killing me plz make it shorter or take it away completely

@INeedJesus55 - 19.07.2024 07:16

That was the smoothest ad transition I've ever seen, never saw it coming.

@HushedDispatch - 19.07.2024 07:27

We need a patch for folders in our inventories. It would be nice to have a folder/equipment preset for each descendant. Hate having to read through my hearts to figure out which of my external components and reactors is for which character.

@ethana.kaknes6014 - 19.07.2024 07:42

The "fix" for people being able to use their amorphous materials after a void reactor clear is not good. The void shards were only for the main drop rewards not the amorphous mats so they straight up made the farm worse while fixing an actual bug and a not really a bug bug. Now everyone has to have all previously not required mats which require specific characters some people may not have to farm thus forcing people to grind completely separate missions and waste time making characters instead of grouping up and playing what they want to because of a new and stupid requirement that was not a bug.

@samdacombe - 19.07.2024 08:21

I would love a TFD companion app similar to the warframe one so I can do crafting, view access info and check rotating target farms

@lazydgsf7429 - 19.07.2024 08:40

I had fun until the end game. I find the boss battles catastrophically unfun. I don’t think that will ever change. Was fun while it lasted.

@tallen9914 - 19.07.2024 08:47

First off, can we get increased map scroll speed for controller next patch?? (it's slow as heck)

-reduce outpost mob visibility and spawn rate
-100% chance at amorphous material from outposts
-remove Sharon invisible skill delay

I've played a lot of Sharon for outposts, solo/duo both private, and public as well. Here's my thoughts on improvements for the outpost grind.

They should nerf the visibility range of the outpost mobs, sometimes you're on 2/4 stealthing and a player runs up to the outer wall hoping to join the run, and the whole attempt has to get scrapped cause he gets spotted 100yards out. Reduce their detection range or make them only go on alert if someone is spotted inside the actual outpost. Or have a terminal on the outer wall to activate the attempt like an overworld mission, so you can at least start and reset at a place of guaranteed cover.

Outposts could also be improved by slightly reducing the respawn time of mobs, give us like 10-15 sec of breathing room to focus on the boss between mob waves. Even with hp and def mods on, a fresh waves of mobs appearing simultaneously can easily nuke me, all attacking at once (since all enemies seem to have perfect aim and player tracking.)

I would like to see Sharon's invisibility skill lose most or all of its activation time as well. Mobs can easily interrupt it, and sometimes it doesn't activate if you're getting hit so you need to press the skill again. This leads to (at least me personally) overcompensating in the heat of battle trying to spam the skill till it starts working but I then often end up double tapping and deactivating it myself before the invisibility even finished the activation animation. (Skill issue, I know) I believe it would make for a smoother experience using her though and I don't really see why the activation animation is necessary.

Last point on outposts, drop rates, everyone already knows, everyone wants them to improve, but just to keep the push going and my input on how and why:

I think amorphous mats should drop 100% from outposts. Dungeons have a 100% chance and while yea, they take a bit longer, with the timer on outposts and occasionally having to reset due to other players or approaching incorrectly myself (see above), I'm sure the times almost equal out. (Some faster dungeons take like 10min tops)
Nothing eats away at my soul more than farming outposts for hours and getting goose egg after goose egg, can't even get a chance at chance for what I'm farming. Or getting the wrong ones over and over, making zero progress.

Thanks for reading.

@parramaniac6155 - 19.07.2024 09:04

I'm happy with everything besides the nerf to the outskirts fortress farm. The amount of mobs isn't the same, the number of elites that spawn is not even 1/4 what it was before. Averaged about 130k gold and 10k+ kuiper before, now it's like 80k gold and 5-6k kuiper. It wasn't just a farm, it was straight dopamine seeing poison ticking on 100+ enemies all at once lol

@optimusdan2655 - 19.07.2024 09:16

This game had huge potential because the game is very fun and addictive and best of all the devs listen to community feedbacks! However, one thing that they missed out is an auto save feature for the PS game settings. I have to adjust my game settting preferences everytime i load the game. Also noted that everytime I teleport my ammo reset to below 200 when I have 400 full before. I have tweeted them but yet to see these issues to be fixed. Hopefully they get fixed asap because not having a an auto save feature or a save button for game setting is not excusable. Also this game is ammo hungry and having less than half of my ammo count every time i teleport is very frustrating.

@crisis514 - 19.07.2024 09:23

Can't wait for ultimate valby

@crisis514 - 19.07.2024 09:30

Can't wait for ultimate valby 🌊💧

@akatsuki2793 - 19.07.2024 09:38

Why is male character movement so awkward compared to the female characters???

@XxWolfxWaRioRxX - 19.07.2024 09:57

They need to add more shield mods, buff them and add more shield synergies because right now shields are useless in hard mode
