GOLF: How To Transition From Backswing To Downswing - 3 Best Drills

GOLF: How To Transition From Backswing To Downswing - 3 Best Drills

Eric Cogorno Golf

5 лет назад

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@winston1234 - 12.10.2023 16:19

Looks like the width of your knees INCREASES during downswing. I always brought my right knee closer to target on downswing. Can you explain this process? I know I am doing it wrong but would like some clarification.

@jerrythegolfer - 06.08.2023 19:35

My left heel turns backwards during downswing is this bad and what kind of results will it cause?

@relaxvlog5424 - 24.04.2023 19:43

Great! Thank you so much!!!!!!

@stevensicherman4101 - 18.02.2023 19:37


@yudawicaksanaputra - 30.05.2022 17:45

Thanks your tutorial, you explain the importamt secret of swing that other not teach as simple like yours. It works

@garryjensen9526 - 16.05.2022 03:29

I'm confused it seems like a lot of upper body (head) movement in your talk but not so much in your swing.

@totosugiarto7977 - 10.05.2022 17:33

Very helpfull ..

@tonyjames7884 - 04.05.2022 23:12

Keep up the great work Eric!

@murf6023 - 16.03.2022 06:17

Hi Eric
I watched this tip yesterday and used it in my game today and found immediate results in consistently good strikes , increased distance and accuracy in my irons and recovery clubs but with my driver I could only hit big slices where the ball immediately started right(club face open at impact) and no matter how hard I tried to keep my c/face square or closed it still went right.
Any suggestions?

@marcseinfeld612 - 20.12.2021 14:16

One of the most impactful videos I have ever watched. Your videos (detailed & repetitive) really resonate! Marc

@jonnyk75 - 31.10.2021 19:52

These are great drills, really isolates some key fundamentals

@nmssmnnmssmn - 24.10.2021 21:27

What an excellent video. Such thorough instruction and very helpful. Thank you!

@rajeshdayananda1395 - 09.10.2021 12:20

Very good drills , thank you 👍💥

@cubfan69kmz85 - 08.08.2021 19:36

Eric, I started practicing this yesterday. The whole idea of reflexing the knees on the downswing while rotating is a good one, but is not coming easy to me. Should I be discouraged or do I need to keep drilling the move until it takes? I am videoing it and I see the move happening in my practice swings but when I actually hit the ball the changes are not so visible.

@winnifordable - 17.07.2021 08:10

Thank you for visual aide. Great video!!

@roycesar1134 - 03.07.2021 04:42

I'm from the Philippines, handicap 23 a year ago, of all the tutorial videos i've seen, THIS one INSTANTLY cured my drive, detailed explanation. now i'm handicap 14 & getting better😀

@JG-hp2ec - 01.05.2021 20:13

Eric Hi. Great videos. Thank you. If I may ask- what do you suggest regarding stance with 8 iron down to the wedges? is it good to open stance with each shorter club? If so does that create a more left to right ball movement?

@jathom21 - 30.12.2020 06:59

Thank you for bridging the gap and blending the turn with the weight shift. Other teachers make it seem like it is a shift and then a turn. I played baseball for years and make this move naturally, but struggled with understanding that in the golf swing it is very similar. Thanks Eric!

@bring156 - 25.12.2020 23:29


@sammiller827 - 09.12.2020 04:49

Well explained

@mtnbiker1617 - 10.10.2020 19:01

Love the bleep haha.

@justjames1111 - 23.08.2020 00:54

Usual top quality instruction Eric, really helpful and detailed to help us get better, and understand why.

@themusketeer9458 - 22.08.2020 11:30

When looking in the mirror, my right arm is visible under my left arm when winding up. I basically bend my right arm alittle early, but watching this, you can see the right arm being OVER the left arm when winding up. Does this have a megative impact for me? I guess that would mean my sholders get alittle more level to the ground instead of sideways, so maybe a bot of power drop🤔

@irfanmughal9495 - 31.07.2020 13:44

Thanks Eric!! breaking down the Swing steps. Excellent video👍👍

@oxbaby9884 - 18.07.2020 00:30

You helped me immensely with takeaway which helped my ball striking. Hip rotation is worst part of my swing an guys weaker than me hit it further. Gonna try this drill see if I can start firing those hips an getting those 300 Bryson bombs 💣

@michaelmcaree8543 - 04.07.2020 03:45

hi eric. it seems like your opening the face of club coming down on this drill. is this contradicting " the biggest mistake drill" of closing face?

@ko9306 - 16.06.2020 17:35

Eric is pretty good but all these golf teachers should teach with a philosophy of less is more....

@ko9306 - 16.06.2020 17:32

What do you mean by reflex? Is that the shift from your trailer side to the lead?

@ko9306 - 16.06.2020 17:29

When you say shift pressure...what do you mean? Pressure in the whole leg..thigh...or foot or all of the leg

@djreaction1 - 27.05.2020 03:19

Great video, is this for driver too?

@nikhilbk1 - 15.05.2020 15:58

This is really interesting, exactly what I've been trying to do on my own but without the hanger. Took some screenshots of Rory's P3/P5 positions and was trying to mimic the same. Can't seem to translate the same into my full swing at the range, probably need a lot more repetition.
Gotta try with the hanger next. Thanks Eric.

@erichmikula8922 - 01.05.2020 23:23

Phantastic again!

@bk8443 - 31.03.2020 05:10

Another excellent lower body move. So far, you're the best in explaining how lower body should work during the transition from backswing to downswing. Super awesome!

@7Rouleau - 23.03.2020 01:01

Older video, but I'm so glad I saw this two weeks ago. As someone who chunks when I miss, my brain didn't like the concept of lowering my shoulder in transition at first. But that, coupled with shallowing the shaft at the top and rotating through, has done wonders. My downswing transition actually looks athletic now, and I've shallowed my downswing tremendously with half the effort. Please keep doing what you're doing, Eric. You've helped my game out tremendously the past year or so.

@hotaylor4428 - 09.03.2020 23:21

excellent drill. after 25 years of hanging in Golf course and driving range experience. helpful even in four kinds of inclination as well.

@richraymond5190 - 05.03.2020 17:22

I watched a few of your videos this morning and I find them very informative. I built an indoor hitting situation up in Canada and purchased a SkyTrak unit however I’m tired of looking at 90% pulls. My path is outside to in 3° and my club face is shut. It looks like this drill will help a few of those things I also watched your drill called best combo drill you have ever seen. If you could point me towards more drills focussing on the first move at the top I would appreciate it

@sheila704 - 19.02.2020 17:40

Such a great and relevant lesson. Thank u thank u

@jaydeejohnson7 - 04.02.2020 23:53

KISS, right?
Been off lately and this really helped me focus on one thought on the course, pressure forward.

Here's to sluggin in the winter around the Pacific NW!

Thanks once again Eric!

@chrisrainger6578 - 26.01.2020 16:02

This video is so good. Thank you!

@taffyddu - 15.01.2020 20:19

Hi Eric, great drills, visual and very easy to understand, thanks. Is there a possibility the club shallows out too much and is too far "off plane" when you drop the club head ?

@AcaiAdvantage - 14.01.2020 07:01

Tried all your drills Eric. Completely lost. My Ott is getting worse.

@tonystopar7329 - 28.12.2019 17:32

Another excellent video. Hopefully you had an excellent Christmas!Thanks again! 🏌️⛳ ...a year later LOL

@georgecox6014 - 03.12.2019 23:08

Hi Eric, This 88 year old man learn more in the three free videos that you showed how, then I have in 20 years. Thanks George Cox

@jamiebreslin3242 - 02.11.2019 20:24

Great Video !

@marinettekozlow7926 - 17.10.2019 00:32

This is more of the modern way to swing a club. I'm 55 and have been pretty much a hands and arms player for most of my life. Was taught the old school way. I went to a rotational swing about three months ago. This was how I swung as a kid but got away from it over the years.
My power, distance went way up once I started relearning how to move my body. Awesome stuff.

@marinettekozlow7926 - 17.10.2019 00:29

I follow GG Swing tips. These two guys are very similar. Good stuff. Like the principles here. They totally line up with how I want to swing.

@stevestrang480 - 25.09.2019 19:32

One of your best videos. A good feel for shallowing the club on the downswing is to feel like your right forearm is facing up. Works for me and improves club head speed

@golfnutt1969 - 27.08.2019 18:49

Who downvotes these videos? This is great info! Another great video.
