Dramatic Classic: Understanding her Shape and Styling

Dramatic Classic: Understanding her Shape and Styling

Style Thoughts by Rita

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@JuliaKirsty - 29.12.2023 01:04

A bit of an excerpt of my Kibbe journey.
I first heard of it about 7 years ago and was very interested. I took the quiz and came to the conclusion I must either be SG or TR (not understanding a single thing I read tbh). I tried both of those lines and it looked very weird on me, so I was like "this either isn't working or I was completely wrong". I then hopped on when someone offered free typing as long as you'd accept your pics being shown in their video, I submitted and waited. They told me I was SN and probably had strong Ingenue and a bit of Ethereal essence. I then tried those lines, still felt too soft, too romantic and rounded for me but I wasn't sure if that was just my personal opinion/aesthetic clashing with the image the SN lines created on me. I then neglected any recommendations and just went down my own road, wore whatever I liked and felt insanely great.
Then a few years ago (2 or 3) I hopped back on the Kibbe band wagon and then read about his height restrictions. I then knew I could only be either DC, FN, SD or D. Since that person back then had told me I had width, I was thinking "alright, I must be FN then" and didn't feel too bad in FN lines, but somewhat wrong, like almost drowned. I was then contemplating if I might be D, but felt like that was impossible since I don't have the sharpness or narrowness of a D at all. I had ruled out any D ID in the very first moment of starting to read about Kibbe because I only ever saw videos featuring Classics in all formal clothes which wasn't my thing at all. But I then reviewed my pictures I had taken to type myself. Full body in underwear and full face (at a distance of about 1.5 to 2m, slightly zoomed in, then cropped to avoid any lense distortion, wearing no make up at all). And I was like... "I don't see width, I don't see extreme vertical, I don't see typical Kibbe curve, I don't see narrowness. My arms, legs, hands and feet are super moderate but my shoulders are square yet rather narrow... In conservative body typing systems I always was considered a lower heavy hourglass or pear with my shoulders balancing the shape, mimicing the silhouette of a slight hourglass. My face proportions really... without any make up nothing sticks out, nothing is overly prominent, selfies really distort your face and might make some features look way more prominent than they are.", so I just hit myself on the forehead and was like "I am so dumb!", I do literally fit the description of a DC perfectly. And I then thought about what I wore the most when I didn't think about what could be my Kibbe ID. I did wear athleasure but in DC lines and always in monochromatic outfits. I wore thicker fabrics that would hold the shape and anything did really fit the DC line recommendations.

Thing is: just because you don't like wearing blazers, tailored pants and chic mules, doesn't mean you can't wear DC lines. It totally works. Remember: Kibbe is not a style or an aesthetic. It merely just allows you to learn how fabrics drape over and down on your body and which type of fit/line/fabric quality and density works best for you. You can go for whatever style you like, no matter your Kibbe ID. I prefer edgy and comfy clothes hence why I prefer athleasure in darker colors with trim yet minimal details. the lines I choose include mock necks, trim edges/seams, structured outlines and as I said fabrics that holds you in a bit more. Whenever I wear joggers, they usually look like dressy pants and my sneakers are slim, minimal and do have a sculpted look to them. These clothes look amazing with tailored faux leather jackets over top or even with a trench coat thrown over.
If I don't wear these types of clothes, I usually go for skinny jeans, a basic and plain fitted longsleeve or turtleneck or something like that. I by now own a blazer and dressy tailored pants that I really like but that took a long time until I found something I would not only wanna wear for special occasions.

I now have lots of unconstructed and oversized clothes in my wardrobe and I definitely won't toss them out, but I am glad I now understand why I VERY OFTEN look at myself wearing them and think "Meh, this doesn't do me much of a favor, really.", if I feel great in them, I don't care, but if I feel weird in them, I usually put them aside and into my collection of "clothes to flip" and am glad I can sew. But if you have clothes that don't go with your lines, don't forget, you CAN make certain things work if you can combine them in a way that does allow you to honor your own lines (e.g. an unconstructed button up shirt tucked in pants/a skirt and a tailored jacket on top).

And no, DCs are not boring and don't have to dress boring. They also don't have to wear formal outfits all the time, definitely not. But their superpower really just is that they can look put together, elegant and cool in very minimal and simplistic outfits WITHOUT looking boring at all.

@margaretfederal7378 - 17.08.2023 23:15

OMG, so me. I finally know what body type I am!!!! Thank you!

@emilypamela7714 - 10.03.2023 03:02

I'm a DC and coincidence or not I'm a lawyer HAHAHA

@dailybls - 13.01.2023 19:02

Selena Gomez is definitely not a DC. She looks best in unconstructed outfits. She couldn't be further away from classic. Emma Watson is definitely gamine but she just likes to dress like a classic. All her outfits are for classics, and because classic outfits look ok on most people, she gets away with it. But she would look much better in gamine lines. She always looks like she's a child in adult clothes in classic outfits.

@wingsphysio - 12.01.2023 12:09

Very nice presentation. Thank you for your thoughts ❤

@dianathomas2674 - 10.12.2022 11:13

Confused about my type, my thought process oscillating between Flamboyant Natural, Dramatic and Dramatic Classic, I stripped it off in front of the mirror, basically a long, sharp skeleton with boobs. Same with whatever weight. You could call that frame dominant? After the panic attack settles, I guess it's Dramatic, then.
The Kibbe typology is God sent and amazingly healing, but can be emotionally demanding to go through. Years of body shaming and every harsh word has, in my case, surfaced, to be replaced with something better. It's a healing process I definitely recommend! 💖

@Melissasaved - 07.11.2022 19:38

Hey, I'm confused, because all test says that I'm a dramatic classic but I'm 5.8 feet (174cm) can I be a dramatic classic?

@ninasheen2965 - 05.11.2022 02:09

can i be 160 cm and be called dramatic classic? i've almost thought i was TR but my shoulders are straight and my face shape is masculine with feminine features.. i thought i was hourglass to coz my waist is slightly small but i have a small bust 🤷🏻‍♀️

@luciefrn459 - 14.10.2022 11:23

"you know the fancy rich bich aesthetic" - like the video immediately

@marise-cellardoor2031 - 21.09.2022 20:39

Never thought I was a classic because even though my body is very balanced I don’t feel graceful or elegant.

Well that all changed after I started wearing tailored clothes that fit me perfectly and going for a less is more approach. Always wondered why I felt so much more comfortable in more formal/smart clothes and have a penchant for finding very high quality expensive fabrics in thrift shops. And felt like I looked disheveled without waist emphasis or in very casual clothes.

Also from kibbe it made me realise how bad my posture is/was. After fixing it and getting a better fitting bra I suddenly look balanced and elegant :)

Gone from feeling gangly and awkward to feeling like a princess!

@TheRefinedBudget - 26.08.2022 15:59

I’m so torn on what my Kibbe type is. I took the test and received
5 a
3 b
5 c
2 D
Can anyone help?

@megan4799 - 20.08.2022 03:46

I always thought my body looked very similar to Selena Gomez’s when she was younger/at a lower weight (I’ve always been at a lower weight), so the R identification for her never made sense to me. I have her exact frame except I am 5’7”. I can definitely see her being DC!

@claudiaivonnemartinez8692 - 03.08.2022 04:12

Thanks for the info.
Could Dua Lipa be this style?

Btw …Amazing video and clear explanations.

@nikoletagencheva225 - 23.07.2022 00:12

Thank you! Kind of the most clear DC video I've seen by now. Really helpful.

@aarushikhanna4380 - 21.07.2022 23:28

I am somewhere between soft natural and dramatic classic.. don't know which specifically ...

@oh_lalala - 26.06.2022 16:01

So many commercial breaks 🤯

@rosepicquenard6433 - 23.06.2022 20:36

Is it possible to be a DC and a soft hourglass at the same time?

@blondie9909 - 22.06.2022 01:02

Now it makes sense why i like the heroin chic aesthetic

@amber7591 - 11.06.2022 04:00

I think this is my body type but I don't like the suggested styling very much lol

@nokapi - 29.04.2022 10:00

I am 178, so very tall. Can I still be Dramatic classic?

@lecy1075 - 05.04.2022 06:18

thank you!!! this helped me alot.. kibbie body types can be so confusing but you cleared it all up!

@jillianjacques4190 - 28.03.2022 02:03

Why can't they be taller than 5'7"? I have every attribute but I'm "too tall" If the idea is "despite a prominent yang feature you still lean towards ying" then isn't it theoretically possible that a woman over 5'7" tall could still be equally as balanced and so a dramatic classic. I see most people explaining this system iterating that the exception is made for girls shorter than the height range, but never for taller. I promise we're not all super skinny, narrow and angular. Some of us are softer and have pear and hourglass figures. It's almost like this system was created back when really tall=model=thin and editorial look.

@julieme7927 - 07.03.2022 09:06

I feel like I'm DC but I'm 176cm tall. None of the tall types seem right though.

@Ishtarthemoon - 27.02.2022 02:08

"fancy rich bitch aesthetic" omgLOL i died!

@Ishtarthemoon - 27.02.2022 02:04

i thought lily aldridge is verified DC? she is 5'9" i believe.

@Ishtarthemoon - 27.02.2022 02:01

i've narrowed down my type to this one and i'm starting to feel more and more like i've nailed it especially now i see not one but two images that i've already pinned on pinterest before as epitomising my style. Love it!! So happy to have narrowed down my style and glad to see i've already been wearing it mostly.

@eabhatwomey9101 - 18.02.2022 23:10

I thought I was dramatic classic -but I’m 5 foot 10

@KelsaurusRex - 11.02.2022 06:59

Dramatic Classic, otherwise known as "fancy rich b!tch aesthetic" 💁🏻‍♀️ 🤣

@alisahayeva6056 - 21.01.2022 17:38

There’s no way Selena Gomez is a DC. She does not look like DC at all to me 😳 I think she looks great when her shoulders aren’t super defined, but rather with a sloping shoulder (but not extreme, just a an inch or a bit more down) + a vertical line silhouette

@treasure3863 - 14.01.2022 19:05

It's funny how my body type matches my personality and style/aesthetic

@SmellyCatSmellyCat - 11.01.2022 12:47

are dramatic classics like a longer gamine? im so confused whether im a DC or G cause my height is 5’5

@deadsoon - 16.12.2021 04:52

I just realized I'm this type after years of wondering why none of the SN, TR, R, SG and even FG recommendations truly worked on me. Being short, people always pointed to the shorter types. However, my vertical line has never seemed as small. I look awful in ruffles or relaxed clothes. Eccentric details look tacky on me. Almost nothing except skin tight and monochrome looks good on me- two colors per outfit at best. Prints look dreadful on my body.

An odd thing I've always been self conscious about has been my pointy elbows, and as weird as it sounds, I've been realizing just how common of a feature they are in classics in general, but especially so in dramatic classics. It can appear in other body types but not as often. It's a funny detail, I guess.

@pm9197 - 12.12.2021 02:01

“Captain MARVEL could be D.C” 😲🤣

@marianapaola9831 - 03.11.2021 22:21

i’m 158cm but i think i am dc is that possible?

@annacamila_ - 28.10.2021 16:40

I’m pretty sure that I’m dramatical classic... but I’m 10 pounds overweight so my hips and butt are waaaaay larger and my body seems much more rounded and yin than it should be, I think.

@ScandalousUnicorn - 11.10.2021 23:32

So this is why people always tell me I look snobby 😅

@grlfromneptune - 29.08.2021 05:58

I think I’m dramatic classic. This is so interesting!

@ElberethOhGilthoniel - 23.08.2021 13:14

I suspect I am a DC or a C but I'm 1.65m tall,so not so strong looking I guess. Is that possible? I just don't feel like I match the G from what I've seen.They tend to have smaller frames,I am thin but my bones aren't small for my height.

@MichelleSMV - 17.08.2021 13:13

This is so interesting! Thank you for this video! 
The more I research dramatic classics, the more I feel like I may be one.
I do wish there were more verified woc celebs though to make it a bit easier for me to understand but it is still very interesting to contemplate.

@hermoinegrangerful - 06.08.2021 07:15

never show these slides to a consultant

@marinav.4440 - 24.07.2021 19:54

Selena is not dc🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️a terrible mistake!

@marinav.4440 - 24.07.2021 19:51

Some women in the video are not dramatic classic types

@mesia2453 - 18.07.2021 14:13

realised something. All DCs are beautiful except me

@fatalvampire - 13.07.2021 08:50

Okay after watching this video, I'm pretty sure I'm not dramatic classic :) thanks! Still don't know if I'm dramatic or natural flamboyant though.

@fatalvampire - 13.07.2021 08:34

I really can't tell what type I am. I feel like I'm probably flamboyant natural. Possibly dramatic. I feel like I have the slightest curiosity of if I'm dramatic classic though, just cause I know when I'm at my ideal weight, I kind of have some similarities? Also I'm tall, but not especially tall (5'7 so I'm taller than average, but not tall enough to be a model).

@jillmarieweingarten3048 - 07.07.2021 15:54

I have been typed as a Dramatic Classic or a Flamboyant Gamine. I stylize myself between the two. I prefer DC, as I am 55.😁

@seriouslyinsanediva - 22.06.2021 19:19

I see Jackie as a Gamine, with long body, short arms and legs, petite boyish frame, large eyes and far apart, all of her dresses have a bit of a little girl proportion without flouncy feminine details but clean cut. Perhaps a Flamboyant Gamine. The fact that she wore suits doesn't make her a classic. Her suits are very gamine accentuating the smallness of her neck and shoulders. Tres Chick!
