Formation Flying Trainer Mission

Formation Flying Trainer Mission


1 год назад

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@kerbalette156 - 01.12.2023 14:45

Awesome thank you for showing us this

@antoremo08 - 06.10.2023 13:29

Great vid but how is your camera shaking so smooth?

@weswheel4834 - 04.09.2023 14:37

Thanks, great video. d0ppler's mission looks fantastic. I briefly joined an online group and they said "Go and practice with this offline formation mission" but I found it frustrating knowing what the lead was going to do, and also know how close I was supposed to get (you see videos where people are within touching distance of the wingtip next to them, which is impressive but not easy for a n00b). Great to see that this mission helps solve those problems. Also gives a way to track progress, very nice. I notice that there's a version for slower aircraft as well :)

@maxxawesome7412 - 03.09.2023 21:00

Got the mission, thanks. If you know, can you give some more pointers—what are the recommended stack, line, and spacing references on the F-16 to stay in position? Also, when making the left turn (outside turn) are you leading with power before the turn? And are you staying level with the horizon or going up above it slightly to stay on the same position on the lead’s wing? Thanks for the help!

@UnguidedBomb12345 - 19.08.2023 18:23

Thanks for the mission im already at 95% after one day. I also want to point out that a proper stick is a big part in this(I recommend the vkb gladiator for budget)

@razorseal - 28.07.2023 00:19

This is great, but the legs are so shirt. I am horrible at this, and by the time I get myself in a decent position, she changes directions. Maybe make an alt version with much longer legs...

@macgeek2112 - 23.04.2023 21:18

When will tankers warn of upcoming turns? This has been missing for way too long.

@502nd7 - 13.03.2023 01:09

I don’t have any of them modules and I have trialed all of them is there any other ones for f-15 or SU-27 and 33

@ltsmum3316 - 03.03.2023 04:30

What if I didn't purchase the F-16?

@Swanny.31 - 01.03.2023 23:01

This is a must have!

@alexsachse - 25.02.2023 01:31

Awesome mission - she just told me that my result was way below standards, and I need to brush up on basics...on the upside, this was my second time, and at least I didn't lose her completely. Fantastic mission. 🙂

@rogeraylstock3641 - 16.02.2023 05:05

Great mission but i need a lot of work! 🙂

@viperkeeper - 13.02.2023 03:34

Great training mission, however, I lose any authority with my Joystick randomly. The mission log at the end shows all sorts of system failures with the A/C.

@ColonelAkirNakesh - 12.02.2023 01:39

Thanks for the mission spotlight! Do you have any recommendations for similar landing patterns or manual bombing with grading?

@Zryachiiy - 05.02.2023 04:28

Hey Brother, Love your vids.
Quick question.. How did you get your name inside the cockpit? Would love to know how to do it.

@dummesschaf5169 - 04.02.2023 15:44

How can I get that name over the icp ?

@shastasimulations9767 - 01.02.2023 17:49

Thanks for posting this. Wholly tough to keep formation with AI. You mentioned AAR in your description, do you have any recommended videos for AAR for the Viper?

@BloodHoundOFICIAL - 01.02.2023 06:15

ei man, pode compartilhar seu perfil de reshade? esta otimo gostaria de te-lô... "hey man, can you share your reshade profile? it's great I'd like to see you"

@Agent0range67 - 31.01.2023 20:47

Can you start a discord server?

@iammorpheus7345 - 31.01.2023 08:35

Thank you for bring this up. I been flying for about 1 month and chosen the F-16 as my starter. Started this mission today, first run got a 14% about 6 runs later I am up 41%. I find trying to catch up to them in the beginning is my hardest part so far and throttle control. Also love the history they throw in there on the flight. Thanks for Sharing this and what you can for all of us to grow, thanks brother.

@thecodphein467 - 27.01.2023 02:58

Really starting to miss your presence in the community

@viperjavo - 19.01.2023 13:35

can you make a tutorial on how do you edit the texture of the cockpit putting your channel name?

@valuedhumanoid6574 - 17.01.2023 04:12

You still with us BD? Been a while since you posted anything. Just a concerned fan. DCS is kinda boring with out guys like you

@filipohr4076 - 15.01.2023 14:03

Found your channel recently as I just started getting into DCS and I got to say that your videos are a straight godsend and I dont know what I'd do without the videos, keep it up!

@Masongoh - 11.01.2023 11:37

Great stuff, thanks for sharing man. Awesome work by D0ppler for the mission, really helpful.

@weed89ilt - 04.01.2023 03:32

Thanks to BOTH of you :) i NEED HELP for sure!! i still do not know how you are able to scream up on the lead...and just SHUT down to her speed like you do...making that part look so easy :) Again to PRACTICE land...swishhhh

@valuedhumanoid6574 - 03.01.2023 22:54

Damn, there are some really clever people in the DCS community. This mission is just...dope (see what I did there?) In formation flying, my biggest problem is my hardware. I have the 3 piece bundle from Thrustmaster. The stick is not too bad, the throttle is actually pretty good, but the biggest issue is the pedals. They're not the push/pull like most, they are the slider type. There's no way to move them smoothly, all movements are jerky and rough. And once I do manage to close up behind the tanker, speed control is my biggest issue. I actually found that flying with the speed brakes about half deployed gives me some better control on speed. This trainer should help that out a bunch. Thanks for finding and posting.

@abbyabz6940 - 02.01.2023 02:48

Ow sweet I need this ! Thanks

@nfr201 - 30.12.2022 20:57

Thanks D0ppler - this is a great mission and just the first time doing I found myself having so much better throttle awareness and feel when flying the F-18.

@kenpoh2u - 30.12.2022 19:22

just download 3 days ago and it's stunning and fun flying in VR...

@frogs_green1116 - 30.12.2022 03:23

I feel like it’s extremely difficult to formation fly without track ir because I can’t move my mouse while both hands are on my hotas. It was easy to formation fly with a controller because you could hold everything in one hand so you could use your other hand to move your mouse

@indigosaiyan4738 - 28.12.2022 20:52

This is amazing I love it thank you so much for whoever created this and came up with the idea!

@blenderalien - 28.12.2022 19:30

I gotta say, when I tried it I didn't like it at all. I like to come in very close and the abrupt 45° turns where a deal breaker for me. And the (cool) voice warning where rather an audio verification of what I was already seeing when the AI announced it's turn, rather than a heads up.

Did you feel this way? Btw by close formation I mean: My nose cuddles with the other vipers outer pylon by 1-3m or so
A bit disappointed. Thanks for the video though, I suspect for learning formation flying it's a great ressource.

@Sandboxcode - 28.12.2022 05:11

Excellent video, hope you had a happy holiday

@justinallen2285 - 28.12.2022 03:33

I have a few questions that maybe somebody might know as it relates to the F16. I can use adaptive cruise control in my car to keep a consistent distance between the car Infront of me and my self. Shouldn't the F16 have something similar when air refueling? keeping an exact distance away from the tanker making it easier to refuel or fly formation? It seems with todays technology this would be possible.

Another question is do real pilots actually have to boresight their AGMs? It seems like this is something that was required in the 90s but I would have thought in 2022 the military with all their smart people found a better way of doing this that is not manual.

@bluedevil7370 - 26.12.2022 13:16

Not struggling myself but the people I fly with are, so that's very handy.
Thank you for sharing this good sir.

@Addoganli - 25.12.2022 00:48

Hello mate, nice video. I have a question for you: While "DCS" is super smooth in your videos, it can stutter while I'm playing, even though the FPS is high. Have you ever had such a problem? Or do you have a solution? <3

@tomhedlund4299 - 24.12.2022 16:29

Thank you for sharing this mission and video. You make it look so easy.

@74Grizzlyman - 24.12.2022 15:13

why do your planes look more detailed do you have higher sharpness?

@wiwa23 - 24.12.2022 10:07

Thanks for the heads up! Nice and fun mission! Such a shame you can't control the AI roll rate though. It would be easier to get the 100% perfection.

@ComdrStew - 24.12.2022 06:44

Wish they would make the tanker with the basket more realistic. It's way too easy.

@johnmclean6498 - 24.12.2022 02:22

Bogey this is great! been waiting for someone with the skills to do this. Now. How about one for piston fighters? I will ask Doppler...

@arktosTM1 - 23.12.2022 22:08

this looks really helpful, I'm definitely going to check it out. Thanks for bringing attention to d0ppler's work, @BOGEY DOPE!

@DerekSpeareDSD - 23.12.2022 19:14

Thank you!

@stang46l - 23.12.2022 19:12

Did dcs changed the flight model for the F16 I feel like I’m all over the place. My Hotas and Stick settings haven’t changed.

@turfboi56 - 23.12.2022 19:06

Sad war thunder noises! 🤦🏾‍♂️

@rickmasseur2008 - 23.12.2022 17:27

I so need this!

@Vireca - 23.12.2022 17:15

I see your name on the ICP edge. How did you add that? Looks so cool!

Great mission man. Just picked the f16 and it will help me for sure

@uglyigor3055 - 23.12.2022 14:43

I am so glad that a great channel like yours exist for my all time favourtite module f16-C! Never stop with your amazing content please dude. I learned so much about this amazing aircraft from your channel <3 all the best for you and your beloved and have some great holidays!

@GotSpaceGame - 23.12.2022 14:05

This looks amazingly useful! Definitely on my to-do list after Christmas!
