Mass Effect 2 Soundtrack - Combat Theme - Overlord DLC

Mass Effect 2 Soundtrack - Combat Theme - Overlord DLC


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@SyrinxOfTemple - 05.10.2023 16:16

This track was awesome after having struggled through ME1 on insanity. Really drove in a "just like old times" feeling taking down the Geth with Garrus and Grunt learning from the two pros.

@tamiloxd7168 - 13.09.2023 09:24

I love the Ilusive Man, because he denies responsability for all the wrongs in Cerberus, but he is totally in command in these proyects.

@icar202__7 - 26.07.2023 01:43


@marek9364 - 12.03.2023 20:27

Square root of 912,04 is 30,2… it all seemed to harmless

@jozefu8726 - 03.01.2023 20:10

Hands down thr BEST DLC. I was legit choking up at the end.

@guisgd1184 - 15.06.2022 00:27

Pov: you're the google engineer's who leak your talk with the most smartest AI

@Weexry - 22.02.2022 18:33

Square root of 906,01 is...

@Starcry85 - 14.02.2022 23:28

I can still hear David asking for help while you battle against the firewall. :(

@bastienb2329 - 10.11.2021 18:37


@YoungMrBlue - 12.10.2021 05:21

One good soundtrack that made it to ME3

@dovah1216 - 27.09.2021 06:57

30.1 ..........

@twilightparanormalresearch186 - 25.09.2021 23:44

Honestly this mission made me sad as he didn’t mean to hurt everyone he kind of lost his mind. Shows the evils of Cerberus

@danielzsigmond2518 - 02.08.2021 10:02

Quiet please! Make it stop....(can't stop listening this..)

@jordandennis6794 - 22.06.2021 19:57

Badass theme.

@joeytrimboli2845 - 13.06.2021 10:09

This is some Hans Zimmer shit

@gorilli09 - 04.09.2020 13:16


@johnharris721 - 23.08.2020 01:52

This great combat music is also heard in the dual reactors mission.

@johnharris721 - 21.08.2020 01:09

There is also a gentle theme for David that can also be heard in the Grissom Academy mission.

@nothingismysavior - 30.05.2020 22:05

Oh god the nostalgia

@woody72691 - 25.04.2020 00:58

The sense of dread and urgency this music is well done this vi from destroying everything basically

@alexandredurufle3667 - 05.12.2018 19:38

Silence ! Je vous en supplie ! Faite que ça s’arrête !!!

@user-jg7vg8pb4m - 22.03.2018 17:33

Classic. Best game series ever.

@sourmeat7982 - 22.04.2017 21:34

Top 10 Horror Animes

@carterheer8278 - 28.02.2017 05:58

This DLC wasn't my favourite, but damn if it didn't have some great music!

@Koujujutsu - 27.12.2016 05:02

Sumbitch, the Overlord music is just a super slow version of Shadow Broker music :( I'm just realizing this after all these years.

@FatalFist - 14.12.2016 16:29

Just about one of the very few highlights of Mass Effect 3. This plays when you're going after Kai Lang, before you realize that the Citadel has moved and it happens to be the missing part to complete your project.

Beating the shit out of Cerberus Phantoms to this beat was so satisfying. It's like the moment this track started to play, it was go time!

@bubthegreat1 - 11.11.2016 03:24

This song SOOOOO reminds me a little of the soundtrack to Quigley Down Under, "The Attack"

@ayandanxumalo9699 - 03.01.2016 14:41


@redcardinalist - 19.07.2015 04:29

When I was playing this I was trying to think what the music reminded me of - Xcom Enemy Unknown.

@valerieverith2358 - 21.04.2015 21:13

Had this music in my head today, on the walk home from work, and couldn't remember where it was from, until suddenly it occurred to me.  That was 'Overlord!'  :D  So thank you for this upload and I now have this fantastic track on my phone.   Though, as awesome as this music is, I don't think I can bring myself to listen to 'David's Theme' from the same DLC.  I was so upset during that scene in the game, that I started sobbing, so much so, that my boyfriend offered to throw the game out, seeing that something had upset me that much.  I wouldn't let him of course, it was a great DLC, but man . . . that ending! :*(   Thank you again for the upload!

@AdmiralCarsten - 02.09.2014 16:57

Good combat music, scary DLC :/ I jumped every time I heard Geth-David scream over the comm! Shows even the best of game series can get scary!

@Umbrella4117 - 16.07.2014 22:46

I was looking so much for this Music. But i was looking a the wrong game in the series  i heard it in mass effect 3.  Sadly i never did any of the Mass effect DLC except Zaeed which was useless and boring to me.  

@dwightperot1774 - 28.04.2014 23:29

This mission was never okay and will never be okay.

@RayMKlll - 15.03.2014 22:38

I can almost picture this soundtrack in a Transformers game, or even Metroid.

@The_Raven_168 - 17.12.2013 01:18

One of my favorite combat themes (the other one being "The End Run" that plays during most of the suicide mission)!
It motivates me to fight the geth or Cerberus (in ME3 during "Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists" the same music plays during combat).

@bigfatcarp93 - 14.10.2013 23:48

Yeah, in hindsight, I kind of see your point. I should be more rational than this. Sorry.

@bigfatcarp93 - 07.10.2013 00:36

"Does nothing..." Except save your life in the Collector Ship mission and share funny banter with Joker. Dude, trust me, I'm a writer, I know a good character arc when I see one. You do too; as we have established, you're just trying to provoke people.

@epiccarrot88 - 06.10.2013 17:23

SHE DOES NOTHING IN ME2 other than mentioning she has a block on any question you ask her, that is until the end of the game when you unshackle her, then her story arc starts getting interesting.

@bigfatcarp93 - 06.10.2013 03:41

That's idiotic. She has just as much of a character arc in ME2 as in ME3.

@epiccarrot88 - 06.10.2013 03:20

I hate EDI in ME2 as she is bland due to the fact that she is shackled. I like EDI in ME3 because (when unshackled) she has a personality, and a good one at that. I prefer David to EDI in ME2, but EDI to David in ME3.

@bigfatcarp93 - 06.10.2013 02:24

Obvious enough: you don't actually hate EDI, you're just saying something controversial for attention. Bitch plz, I've been doing this for six years.

@epiccarrot88 - 06.10.2013 00:31

Hey, he's got more personality then EDI (in ME2, not ME3), as long as he promises to just "catch a ride" and replace EDI, I would have been fine with it.

@shmono15 - 26.08.2013 09:46

someone needs to make a car or plane chase scene with this song in the background. It needs to happen. It will be amazing

@Timeoable - 07.08.2013 22:38

I don't know what it is about Mass Effect, but I generally take all my time to kill my opponents just to get the most outta their soundtracks.

@Gyuresssz - 02.08.2013 13:19

This and Arrival's story is more interesting imho than Shadow Broker's. Also Overlord could be the first time when you see a geth ship from the inside. And the morals.

@IronicAtheist - 06.07.2013 14:50

Almost, they did it so much I don't even. Nevermind Shepard relaxing while watching the war on Earth, the Kai Leng and Codex images on posters. Indoctrination Theory isn't dead, far from it...

@PonyUpTillymahoo - 20.06.2013 02:24

there was an option to save the clone, he/she just didn't want to live. and as for a shitty plot line i'd have to disagree but that's your opinion. The plot line it itself was just a way to set up a bunch of fan service, like bringing everyone into one mission and providing some funny situations and one liners, almost breaking the fourth wall.

@MrRudiMentary - 11.05.2013 12:54

Overlord and Bring Down the Sky are the only DLCs in the whole series that have choices.

@MrRudiMentary - 06.05.2013 15:28

Well Omega and Arrival sucked, so yes. Shadow Broker? Sure. Citadel has a plot line equal to Shadow Broker, but also has the whole bunch of social stuff.

@OmniHakurei - 15.04.2013 23:26

btw all goood song in me 1 and 2 :D me 3 no good no colll bro
