The Fascinating Process of Installing Billions $ Wind Farms in Middle of the Ocean

The Fascinating Process of Installing Billions $ Wind Farms in Middle of the Ocean


1 год назад

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Welcome back to the FLUCTUS channel for a discussion about how wind turbines are installed in the middle of the sea, how they’re assembled, and how they’re moved from the factory to the farm.

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can can need
can can need - 08.07.2023 07:28


David B.
David B. - 25.04.2023 09:56

I like the idea but hate these constructions. The blades to these turbines are made from approx. 6 tons of chemicals, resins and fibre glass. People used to complain of the electric pylons and now there are hundreds and more everyday of the these turbine windparks, what a mess and eyesore. Its all about money which many turbine owners get subsidies for and is taken from your electric bills.

Reuben Nichols
Reuben Nichols - 26.02.2023 01:55

Subscribing entails a degree
of commitment . Thumbs up or
down . . . no commitment . (( 😊 ))

David Odejide
David Odejide - 26.02.2023 00:06

This is great content 👍

Bi çare-i
Bi çare-i - 25.02.2023 19:00

Why dramatic music???? 🤬

Kasey Thomas
Kasey Thomas - 25.02.2023 04:26

This must be a service and maintenance nightmare 😱.

RkStorm - 25.02.2023 01:04

I hate AI narration

Slick Diggler
Slick Diggler - 24.02.2023 20:05

No mention of the harm to sea life these windmills are doing. Typical

mudchunks - 24.02.2023 14:10

These thing are not efficient, bad for the fish , making our waters our junkyard I fear for our Mother Earth

Christopher Shibata
Christopher Shibata - 24.02.2023 08:51

Fascinating Engineering

Pine Hawk
Pine Hawk - 24.02.2023 02:05

I live in Brigantine NJ and they're killing whales with their sonar mapping and drilling... Over 20 juvenile whales have washed up .. wicked ,greedy people

CurtisDrew1 - 23.02.2023 23:06

If you go and look at the ground below the windmills in west Texas you will see that the land is covered in oil that has dripped out of the windmills. So I can't help but wonder how they are going to explain away the environmental damage these windmills are going to make to the marine life. Could it be this is the reason they are getting away from having them on the land? This way the ocean waves will wash away the leaking monsters and being so far out at sea their mess won't be discovered so easily. Don't believe me? Go see the land ones for yourself.... Same windmills, only mounted on ocean pillars.

John Ferrin
John Ferrin - 23.02.2023 22:40

Killing more Wales and polluting the ocean great job greenies

Logical_By_Nature - 23.02.2023 21:14

This is a scam! Pure BS!! And its destroying the Ocean and Sea life..... There is NO climate crisis. But there is a Major Self Inflicted Energy Crisis.

Pierre Banville
Pierre Banville - 23.02.2023 21:08

Windmill means these machines are creating flour, the correct term is wind turbines.

Narasimharao Katari
Narasimharao Katari - 23.02.2023 06:19

Thank you for sharing this

Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson - 23.02.2023 03:28

This is what's killing the whales

WINFRED KWAO - 22.02.2023 15:32

How long can this last in the sea floor? I'm talking about corrosion

William Rocket
William Rocket - 22.02.2023 13:51

Why still say feet ? 192 out of the world's 195 countries use metric.

The Felper.
The Felper. - 22.02.2023 10:40

There's no way those turbines can pay up, in any way, the millions of pounds and the energy used and the "carbon footprint " associated with the the mere installation offshore! Let alone begin to yield any extra gain. The whole operation is a robbery of funds, it's clear when you see the ultra expensive and energy consuming process. What a travesty.

Zafar Iqbal
Zafar Iqbal - 22.02.2023 10:22

when you will reveal your face?

Derek Crago
Derek Crago - 22.02.2023 09:13

Green energy really look at what it takes to put those together how much fossil fuel was being used???🤔

Luke Oxley
Luke Oxley - 22.02.2023 08:39

"the first process of construction the blades is designing and making the glassfibre shells." Not fibreglass?

costafortia - 22.02.2023 08:38

What happens during Hurricanes?

David Anthony
David Anthony - 22.02.2023 08:21

Not one sentence on how average power they can generate and what percentage it contributes to the demand. Wonder why we never hear those numbers?

Pete Smith
Pete Smith - 22.02.2023 08:10

They are nothing but an eye soar and a joke!

jaycweingardt11 - 22.02.2023 08:02

I cant wait until people realize that wind is inadequate to provide our society with the power that it needs at the price we need it
It's just too expensive, kills birds, and the towers and blades have a limited life and are not recyclable. not to mention an eye sore.
They are Not "green", not environmentally friendly, not renewable energy, they have become the thing they swore to destroy.

amnesiai - 22.02.2023 07:00

I knew the oil and gas nuts would be in the comments 🤣

TreXpedition / Go Travel!
TreXpedition / Go Travel! - 22.02.2023 06:13

Like it or not, the work it takes to create such an immense scale of windmills and turbine’s is very impressive!! An engineering marvel!

Glen Crandall
Glen Crandall - 22.02.2023 06:13

I haven't heard anybody mention the danger of ships at sea running into one of these. How are they protected from that?

KodÄk - 22.02.2023 05:00

Windmills at sea do not turn faster than those on land. The speed is limited to design standards and gear ratios.

Wisuth CNX
Wisuth CNX - 22.02.2023 04:44


Ace Lightning
Ace Lightning - 22.02.2023 03:29

Some years ago, somebody thought of using tidal energy to generate electricity for New York City. They put a turbine in the East River (a tidal estuary with some strange currents). The tide immediately destroyed it.

Eric Swain
Eric Swain - 22.02.2023 03:11

What an atrocity, wind farming is a scam and cash cow for corporate investors and more harm than good for the environment and an eye sour in the wilderness and oceans.

RED DAWN - 22.02.2023 01:17

And how many years will it take before you start making an actual profit once you paid off all the costs and expenses of installation? What about when a big freighter comes through there because the pilots drunk and he cleans up half those Farms? That's one way of spending good money piss poorly and getting a very very minimal return and I'm not even an accountant! JUST SAYING! 🤔🤔

Kev E
Kev E - 22.02.2023 00:44

What a waste money time and effort

Edmon Blocker
Edmon Blocker - 22.02.2023 00:24

What a stupid idea....I don't have an extension cord that will reach that far,

Mohamed Jarjis
Mohamed Jarjis - 21.02.2023 23:43

Future is wind power source and solor

Kathy McBride
Kathy McBride - 21.02.2023 23:26

see yer next time x

Nicholas Bunnetta
Nicholas Bunnetta - 21.02.2023 22:26

Not 100s of years ............... People have been using wind energy for thousands of years
By 200 BC, simple wind-powered water pumps were used in China, and windmills with woven-reed blades were grinding grain in Persia and the Middle East.

Masaharu Morimoto
Masaharu Morimoto - 21.02.2023 22:14

Not environmentally friendly at all, wind turbines are resource hogs built to green-wash politicians and corporations. Build quality nuclear and have safe reliable power that your economy can grow upon.

االفارس السبيعي
االفارس السبيعي - 21.02.2023 22:08

لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

االفارس السبيعي
االفارس السبيعي - 21.02.2023 22:08

استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه

Maeton Gaming
Maeton Gaming - 21.02.2023 21:26

The Fascinating process of killing wildlife and large ocean mammals because we've become obsessed with the green energy scam. Amazing.

João Alberto Dos Anjos Gomes
João Alberto Dos Anjos Gomes - 21.02.2023 21:15


정의의이름으로 - 21.02.2023 21:09

지구를 망치는 일....
특정 기업 세금 퍼주기....

dbmn - 21.02.2023 21:05

Nobody "owns" the surface of or the bottom of the ocean. What or who is going to protect the windmills from intentional damage? A fence? 😂

Ken Lendener
Ken Lendener - 21.02.2023 20:51

In the middle of the ocean,. Please, gimme a break
