Why Do Dentists Have Highest Suicide Rate - Dentist Shares The Truth

Why Do Dentists Have Highest Suicide Rate - Dentist Shares The Truth

Doctor Avi

1 год назад

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Doctor Avi
Doctor Avi - 25.07.2023 13:38

If you found this video valuable - follow me on instagram - @doctor.avi

ХОРОШО - 16.09.2023 11:59

Personally I don't have a problem of working 12 hours a day and taking 1 weekend every 3 moths, but that's because I love my job and I only work for myself. I can't image how hard it is to work for somebody, I never did.

Rajit Kamboj
Rajit Kamboj - 15.09.2023 16:23

Holy shit Avi, half a million views. haven't watched it yet, but I just had to blurt that out. sounds like the NYU debt.

Also, HELLO! It has been six years or so? How are you and neha? I thought of you during the Urban Meyer fiasco with the jaguars.... I am shook at how big a fraud that man is. Never really paid attention until his signing with the Jags. Never cared for college sports.

Goodluck my guy.

oili van warmerdam
oili van warmerdam - 13.09.2023 22:54

Welcome to the world of capitalism, bud...

Whazzat - 03.09.2023 07:12

? "Effective Disorders" ?
Maybe could learn to read
Dental clinics just are a tool to sell financing of notes. generated by overpriced procedures.
get your head out of the clouds. You went to work for the Mafia, take your cannoli and get out of the car.

John at the Falls
John at the Falls - 03.09.2023 00:52

You did not explain the suicide rate. Way too many people have crappy jobs where they are exploited to the bone and they do not have significant suicide rates. Every person should take some business and marketing courses along with their main course of study. Then they will understand when they are being exploited and lied to.

che182015 - 31.08.2023 00:44

Thank you for sharing this Dr. Avi! Just when I thought dental school is toxic (aggression, sexism and racism in my school).

Dv8 -Makaveli
Dv8 -Makaveli - 29.08.2023 18:38

Dentist often inhale the toxic gas from removing cavitys like amalgan fillings which lead to mercury poisioning which can lead to Depression... back in the days it was often removed without a safety protocol for the patient also for the dentist

henrique costa
henrique costa - 29.08.2023 14:42

you should chose gardening, more relaxing for you...

Keeli Judge
Keeli Judge - 29.08.2023 11:25

Do you think chemicals dentist are exposed to, could affect their brains, and hence their emotions and mood.

Shine - 29.08.2023 01:17

Why don't dental schools provide education about these common obstacles in the workplace as part of their criteria?

aWoman Freed
aWoman Freed - 28.08.2023 18:43

I knew he wouldn’t give the real reason

Ba Ché
Ba Ché - 27.08.2023 16:53

Since brushing w a mild solution of clo2 I haven’t had a dental problem in 15 years.
Recommend clo2 👍

soarornor - 27.08.2023 12:44

What kind of insane editing is this? My god, take a damn breath. I hope you don’t write music.

star crystal
star crystal - 27.08.2023 05:17


sarah lilburn
sarah lilburn - 26.08.2023 21:32

Having to spend all day with only a dental nurse aka young female with an attitude problem would be enough to drive anyone to contemplate ending it.

Ruby G. Edwards
Ruby G. Edwards - 26.08.2023 20:40

Perhaps it is karma. Why do dentists leech on unsuspecting people about the chronically fatal Bridge Work that they charge an arm and a leg for, with a pretentious look of honesty when they convince patients it is the best solution, whilst knowing very well Bridge Work is a slow killer of the immune system in many painful ways than one. Opening a portal of disease in a person's life. Instead, they are so focused on their 6 figure income and not serving to heal patients. So obviously, it's more about the dentists' financial gain only and not about the well-being of a human being.

Holy Smoke
Holy Smoke - 26.08.2023 02:47

I heard that working with mercury for fillings was also a big cause for depresssion as its one of the most potent neuro toxins out there. When I had my mercury filings replaced by a holistic dentist and subsequent chelation treatments to remove the mercury, it made a HUGE difference to my moods and social anxiety. r

Dr. Dr. Dr. Floyd (PhD, PsyD, DLP)
Dr. Dr. Dr. Floyd (PhD, PsyD, DLP) - 25.08.2023 13:23

Clear, thorough, informative, and persuasive. Thanks Dr. Avi. And I'm glad that your subscriber-count has ballooned up over just the month since you made this video. Also: in the early and mid 2000s, a fair amount of research accrued about the factors associated with suicidality in dentistry (especially research about age, gender, and length of practice). However, before the turn of the decade, some researchers began to hear from some clinicians that the publication of data about suicidality in dentistry was causing at least the feeling of stigmatization among some dentists, and perhaps actual stigmatization. And so. . . research largely stopped (likely still undertaken but in any case stopped from being published). Thus, now, many years later and with seemingly little more research on the topic: research on suicidality in dentistry seems to suffer from the same shushing that suicidology researchers have lamented accrues to many other aspects of research on suicidality among the health professions -- including, among others, nurses and physicians (especially psychiatrists). Thus, again, thanks for the video, and I am glad that it was so well-received.

--Dr. Dr. Dr. Floyd

han el
han el - 25.08.2023 00:44

Watching this as an accountant 😂

Daniel Survivor
Daniel Survivor - 24.08.2023 22:03

So you telling us that catchy song that starts as "COME BE A DENTIIIST!" LIED to us and glamorise dentistry when in actuality it's not all sunshine and rainbows? 😢

Groovy Woomy
Groovy Woomy - 24.08.2023 05:47

My aunt worked as a dental assistant for years, and genuinely enjoyed her job, for the most part, but when her Dr. whom she had worked for for 25+ years sold the practice, the new Dr. and hires were incredibly rude to the former staff, one had the police called on them for a stupid reason though nothing was done, and the majority of them left after that.

But she stayed because she enjoyed her job and also needed to keep the insurance that came with it because of my uncle’s many health problems. She dealt with an incredibly toxic and demeaning work environment for around 2 years before she had a full on mental breakdown that left her physically ill for a bit and persisted for months and she’s still currently dealing with some of the effects to this day.

Those ladies isolated her, switched electronic systems earlier than they were supposed to just to mess with her, degraded her for her age, they blatantly trampled on her boundaries she placed, mocked her religious values, and completely shattered her self esteem. They sent her to a “job counselor” when she said she was considering quitting or looking for another job, whom told her to stick it out and some stuff she very much disagreed with and jabbed at her for her age mid 60’s, which she actually looks younger a good 10-15 years younger than according to strangers even when she’s revealed her age to them, and had a conflicting religious belief with, they even knowingly set her up with said person for that reason I’m sure. It doesn’t help that the new Dr. was a Scientologist, the former one I’m not sure she was religious but at the very least she respected her coworkers beliefs, that new one, however, not at all!

How dare she! How dare she do that to someone whom only had good intentions, heart, and a passion for her job! What a piece of s-something she is…

And my uncle did not help as he had been the one that kept insisting on her staying despite her blatant and obvious reservations to the very end about doing so even though he knew they were actually financially capable of paying for things that could have popped up even though she was showing obvious signs, to literally the whole family when we just so happened to actually see her, of a mental breakdown MONTHS in advance and we were trying our best to reason with her to leave in the meantime.

On the bright side, she’s been doing a lot better as of late, though she isn’t 100% as of yet, she’s got a new job doing something else, and has been much happier as of late, for the most part. She’s still struggling a bit every so often and my uncles health has been declining as of late so that is a large part of it but she still struggles because of what those people did and it’s heartbreaking to see.

SCINTILLAM DEI - 23.08.2023 18:15

The last time I went to a dentist, he was angry that I did not return "on time."

He saw my teeth are not perfectly aligned, and suggested braces or something. I love my smile. The amount of women who fell in love when I smiled, is a lot.

Dentists seek money more than the well-being of customers. There are exceptions.

Sir Charge
Sir Charge - 23.08.2023 09:31

My friend and dentist about 10 years ago attempted suicide but lived. He got dragged in a brutal divorce and destroyed by family court and his ex wife. Poor guy is a barista today. Such a shame.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 23.08.2023 01:52

Dude, my daughter(her mother is a lawyer) loved the lifestyle of our dentist. He takes his son on a tour with friends to ballparks every summer, maybe 4-5 a year (all of them eventually, countrywide, Boston, SanDiego, Seattle etc etc etc, ALL OF THEM) in a rented RV. He works 3 days a week. His practice is open 4 days but he takes Monday off and his partner takes Thursday off. She shadowed him one day in high school and came to the conclusion he has a rough life. Only 3 days but it’s 14 hr days. Hands in the mouth of people that hated him (even though he’s their savior at the time). She decided NO WAY! You deserve whatever you make. God bless you.

Jed - 22.08.2023 22:02

I'm not a dentist but I want to die

welfare office
welfare office - 22.08.2023 18:10

my mom use to talk about dentist, he guilty of scam, fraud

K Fergus
K Fergus - 22.08.2023 17:44

It’s to hard to find a good dentist, I had a dentist that mess my teeth up…I call them Voodoo Doctors

Ben Hoffman
Ben Hoffman - 22.08.2023 15:33

Not really more like you tubers do I think know it alls and attention needers are first

Carolyn sarratt-meyer
Carolyn sarratt-meyer - 21.08.2023 14:45

explains a lot

Jasmin Flower
Jasmin Flower - 21.08.2023 02:16

95% of Dentists are lying crooks, I hate them!

Sam Premed
Sam Premed - 20.08.2023 22:42

Thank you man for this information 💯

Standard Nerd
Standard Nerd - 19.08.2023 20:17

This was an eye opening video but it deepens my concern about how to choose a dentist. I am in bad shape and need dentures but I’ve been scammed before by dentists who’ve taken my money then the practice closes. Or we devise a plan and then I get the inevitable “talks” about how I need all these other treatments we never discussed before but are now imperative. I don’t know where to turn.

Danl Hendle
Danl Hendle - 19.08.2023 19:52

Thanks for the heads-up

Marsilio Ficini
Marsilio Ficini - 19.08.2023 19:08

this guy realy goes hard on the cut-stop talk mode

Andrew K.
Andrew K. - 19.08.2023 16:06

Answer: because they know 95% of their industry is withholding better treatments and technology because it wouldn't be profitable.

youre* mom
youre* mom - 19.08.2023 15:52

duck fentists

Damoce kay
Damoce kay - 19.08.2023 15:38

Maybe it has nothing to do, being a dentist....

Jezzzero - 19.08.2023 11:19

I admire you! I hope you are doing well with climbing the ladder with your journey in the contact creator field.

A Car
A Car - 18.08.2023 23:26

Unfortunately I had a dentist break my jaw and left me in daily pain for the last 21 years… He admitted to doing a procedure that he wasn’t trained for… but because he died the insurance company would not pay. How that made any sense was lost of me!

A Car
A Car - 18.08.2023 23:24

I truly appreciate this message.

Eugene Wong
Eugene Wong - 18.08.2023 16:13

Thank you for sharing this, doctor! This really sheds light on what might be the Canadian experience also.

The Great Outdoors
The Great Outdoors - 18.08.2023 06:47

I'm a security guard. I get payless. And I love my job.

al bagherzadeh
al bagherzadeh - 18.08.2023 06:12

You are very lucky not to be in Cuba 🇨🇺 my greedy friend 😂

slay - 18.08.2023 04:49

My dentist is an amazing, super talented 40 year old Asian man, I wish I could make him feel appreciated by doing something but I'm a bit embarrassed

Anthony Starfield
Anthony Starfield - 18.08.2023 03:45

Thursday, August 17, 2023 ☁⛅☁

The real reason so many dentists commit suicide is ... many dentists breathe in mercury vapor! 😮

Mercury is about half of a mercury filling. There is - NO - safe amount of mercury. Even small amounts of mercury can seriously damage your health. Mercury binds with serotonin, one of the feel good neurotransmitters. Mercury interferes with zinc, and zinc is involved in over 300 enzyme reactions.

Mercury also destroys tubulin, the backbone of a neuron. There are several other damaging effects of mercury. These are the ones I remember.

I used to suffer from severe depression and anxiety, because I had several mercury fillings.

I came across articles and videos by Professor Boyd Haley, University of Kentucky. Professor Haley studied mercury and Alzheimer's Disease, and mercury is probably the primary cause of Alzheimer's Disease.

I also discovered Andy Cutler, who was a PhD chemist. Andy had chronic fatigue, and he cured himself with a method he invented for chelating mercury, using alpha lipoic acid, which can chelate with mercury.

Alpha lipoic acid is not actually an acid. It's a nutrition supplement, and most vitamin shops carry it, including online shops. 🧑‍🌾

Chelate means claw. Alpha lipoic acid combines with mercury, then your body can eliminate it, 90 percent through feces and 10 percent through urine. Plus you lose a super tiny amount through sweat and your hair.

Andy wrote a book about his mercury detox method, but he was the worst science writer I have ever read! 😕

A much better book is Mercury Poisoning: The Undiagnosed Epidemic, by David Hammond, who is Australian. David got mercury poisoning from working at a plant that recycled old cars. Some of the cars had mercury switches, and David breathed in mercury fumes.

And you have to read the book. You can not just start taking large amounts of alpha lipoic acid, as you could damage your kidneys, due to a large amount of mercury moving through them.

David did an excellent job of explaining The Andy Cutler Method in language that any reasonably intelligent person can understand. I used this method to detox myself for mercury.

It worked! 😀 I don't have those horrible bouts of depression or anxiety anymore!

A key point is that you can not use The Andy Cutler Method if you have even one mercury filling. Alpha lipoic acid would take mercury from your fillings and move it into your brain!

Renee Calvin
Renee Calvin - 18.08.2023 03:29

Wow this is eye opening. I was told by Aspen dental about a month ago that I need a deep teeth cleaning , and it will cost $8'000 . I'm not paying it ; I'm 61 years old so I'll just keep brushing, and taking care of my teeth the best I can, but they won't be getting that much money out of me; are you kidding.


if you have back and neck problems, carpal tunnel you might not be able to do your job, around pennsylvania alot of dentist only work 4 days per week. 9 -6 monday, and tuesday 11 - 7pm, wed 11 - 7pm, thursday 9-5 or same variant of those hours

Ensensu2 - 18.08.2023 01:20

If this video does anything, it should get you to brush your teeth.
