Programming with MIDI in Python | Getting started and sending MIDI Messages

Programming with MIDI in Python | Getting started and sending MIDI Messages

Mo chreach!

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Jonah Cortezzo
Jonah Cortezzo - 19.11.2023 02:51

I'm having a bit of trouble getting this to work on virtual devices, rtmidi shows no available ports. Not sure if I'm misunderstanding this, but with something like FluidSynth installed, shouldn't I be able to send messages to FluidSynth and have it play through my computer audio? Is there a different process to set this up? Thanks!

Kyle Mcloughlin
Kyle Mcloughlin - 14.10.2023 13:29

Thanks, man. Great vid.

Rafael Costa
Rafael Costa - 09.10.2023 16:48

Hi, awesome video! Do you know any way to play the notes without the MIDI controller?

I need to convert frequencies and durations into playable notes on piano or a violin, for example. But all i can do now is work with that 16 bit weird sound rsrsr

Thank you

123qwe - 09.10.2023 15:55

Hi, I keep getting "No module named 'rtmidi'" when trying to import rtmidi in ipython. I already have rtmidi installed but still get this message, thank you 😁

Moacyr Prado
Moacyr Prado - 30.09.2023 15:50

Thank you for lesson! Do you know how to code for ble-midi?

Octavio P.
Octavio P. - 12.09.2023 09:56

Hello. this seems very interesting.
May i ask you a few questiosn?

Would python be a good choice to develope a precisely timed multi track midi sequencer?
I currently have a working prototype that runs on ruby (sonic pi) but the timing is inconsistent.

Would python be more precise?

Gregory Adorian
Gregory Adorian - 15.07.2023 17:57

My question is about a script with some sort of global variable that establishes the channels used by the midi devices used for any one project or song. I don't know much about midi but how to set it up is on my mind.

SHLD Music - Live synths
SHLD Music - Live synths - 18.05.2023 10:25

Thanks for your video! Which Python Midi lib is the best? (easy, well-maintained, etc)

Brick Briceño
Brick Briceño - 22.04.2023 03:59

Cool video! ✨👌🏻

Leo Rickli
Leo Rickli - 28.03.2023 03:37

Hey man, why am I getting this error? "AttributeError: module 'rtmidi' has no attribute 'MidiOut'"

goldcoastj - 27.03.2023 06:05

A great explanation. Thanks!

graham287 - 16.03.2023 21:22

Don't know who these people are that find this simple and clear. Up to 12 minutes in, the info was nice and easy and answered a load of questions I had about midi messages, After that you lost me, I kept askin Why? What's one of those and what does it do? But having said that, you have taken me to the next level. Now I need to know how to trigger messages using input devices

Rocketos - 04.03.2023 04:26

I dont have an opz can I use a Akai mpk249?

Xavier Chenot
Xavier Chenot - 21.02.2023 04:28

HI, thank you for your great video !
I have a Lk S450 piano, do you know how can I turn on the light with a midi command ?

impalagasper - 12.02.2023 15:28

Hi, thanks for the video! Is there a way to put a function containing "with" statement inside a while loop? I can't seem to get it working (it stays in the loop and waits, but executes the function only once). If you find the time to answer, thanks!

Stephen - 29.01.2023 03:27

can you clarify the with? how often should we open and close the port in our app, if we have a 1 -4 chord progression do we create a function for each chord that includes open and close for the port? or how best to proceed?

rolf johansen
rolf johansen - 26.01.2023 23:12

thanks for the vid: I am sitting and playing with sending CC messages, NOTE_OFF and SOUND_OFF , I have the impression you can "reset" midi-controllers that have gone into bad mode, do you know anything about this ?

Stephen - 11.01.2023 02:22

Thanks for your video! any chance you could do a basic rtmidi in howto video? absolutely nothing fancy just a basic python script that sits and listens for input from a keyboard and prints the data to the console?

Robby Kilgore
Robby Kilgore - 08.01.2023 18:30

Great vid. Very helpful and clear.
Im working on a new version of my midi rotator as a pi zero hardware version. I’m having trouble changing the midi in or out ports from within my software at runtime. What’s the proper way to reassign an in or out? Do I have to del the port and reassign from scratch? Or is there a simpler way?

exception code infinity
exception code infinity - 01.01.2023 08:17

awesome info thanks, and you have a great delivery style that is easy to follow :)

Dave Emerson
Dave Emerson - 11.12.2022 02:29

That was very simple and clear and helped me a lot. Thank you!

Love Living Life
Love Living Life - 10.12.2022 02:58

Really appreciated the video. Good job

James Kimbell
James Kimbell - 04.12.2022 03:15

This is really cool, man. I'm glad it came up in my recommendations
