Answering White People's Questions About Slavery: The London History Show

Answering White People's Questions About Slavery: The London History Show

J. Draper

3 года назад

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@Pugiron - 02.01.2024 15:46

The English and the French killed each other a lot. Other than that, they never did anything good.

@jmoliere1207 - 02.01.2024 15:22

what about the sounth american we were over in the us long before black people were

@catfootball592 - 01.01.2024 13:20

People exploit people fact. To make the point that the wealth in the west is the result of the Transatlantic slave trade is not very sophisticated and not that true. The nonsense that some people are in poverty, because of slavery is nonsense. Some good books to read are Thomas Sowell.

@galolito - 01.01.2024 04:30

My first male ancestor in America was an English planter in the 1620s or so, my first female ancestor was his Africian slave who did take grand dad to court and forced him to admit that their daughter was his, making her English not African. She was Elizabeth Key Grinstead, look her up. Being English she could only be a bond slave for 7 years but after her father bonded her out and then moved back to England she was reenslaved for life but then met a nice young Englishman, William Grinstead, who was a bond slave. When free of his bond he read law and took thier master to court and got Elizabeth freed again and permently. That is why I am "white" today. English common law, love and smarts.

@duckshoes5496 - 01.01.2024 01:03

Excuse me if i dont trust the British, who have doctored history books far more than anyone else in the world

@thomasfarrier9122 - 01.01.2024 00:39

Happy New Year, Ms D. Thanks for creating truly enjoyable content.

@thelastknight8794 - 31.12.2023 05:23

Excellent video! Well researched!

@emiliajanus4328 - 31.12.2023 04:57

❤ This may have been posted two years ago, but as a yank who withered under the Trump Regime, I feel you have done a splendid job of threading this needle so eloquently. (Yep, I am a big fan of the run on sentence. Best to admit it up front). Fair and Balanced almost has no meaning in American cable news, especially in prime time. Oy 🙄. No one bothers to look at the news that other watch and there is truly a news bubble created keeping many folks limited to one slant on history with almost no actual facts enlighten them. And what’s worse, they are lazy sheep! I could go on and on about the state of our national discourse when it comes to the topic of America’s original sin of slavery, but I won’t. Mainly because I’m recovering from Covid and I’m exhausted. lol I will end my two cents worth by promising that I will share this vid with anyone I know who will watch with interest, if not an open mind.
Can I assume you built this channel during lockdown? You seem to be a great fit for this platform! Please keep those videos coming! I will send friends and followers!! Cheers!😊

@mistorWhiskers - 31.12.2023 02:44

"What about the Irish?"
"Well, the crown had to run their Beta on someone now didn't they?"

@timconnolly6249 - 31.12.2023 00:33

Why are the numbers for Indentured Irish "hard to judge because of lack of records"? Is it simply because their servitude was not commodified in the same way as African slaves?

@jhakama - 30.12.2023 23:43

Absolutely wonderful video! As a non-theists and a skeptic, I appreciate the sources. This human is new to the channel and will be watching many more videos.


@thirdpowerful1 - 30.12.2023 22:58

We need to develop a final solution to the white people question.

@westower7898 - 30.12.2023 22:50

SO pretty much you are saying and proving that slavery of the last 500 years is pretty much a sin against humanity that EVERYONE living now has benefitted from to some degree. That includes Europeans, Africans, Arabs, people in the Americans. And includes all races, ethnicities, and nationalities.

@thesilentdiva - 30.12.2023 20:07

The fact that there has to be laws like "you can't enslave humans" shows the depravity of humanity.

@thesilentdiva - 30.12.2023 19:48

Thank you so much for explaining this to them because I am done. Because most of the questions or comments white ppl over the age of 14 ask are them being willfully ignorant. Gaslighting. Red herrings, And internalized guilt.

Imagine how cruel , sick, and evil u have to be to disregard one of the worst atrocities in modern human history and being up a what about argument....

So ty for this

@absentmindedprof - 30.12.2023 19:48

Captain Bligh and the Bounty were sent to the Pacific islands to bring back breadfruit plants. The plan was to grow breadfruit to use as a cheap food to feed slaves in the West Indies.

@CanaryCaia - 30.12.2023 16:28

Slavery was a common thing in history since the beginning of Humanity. When a tribe fought another tribe and won, they got the losers as their slaves.
With evolution, after the Roman Empire fall, slavery wasn't common anymore in Europe but it was still practiced everywhere else.

The Arabs, or mores as they were called, went as far as Great Britain in search of slaves. There's a saying in Spanish " no hay moros en la costa", meaning "the coast is clear (of mores)" It was until Spain kicked them out and the Arabs went back home. But still some hunting of slaves continued in the Mediterranean.
In Africa, the Arabs perceive the Black Africans or Subsaharians as inferiors and slavery material. It's illegal to take people as slaves, but it's still a reality. The huge business they did selling them to the rest of the world might have been as profitable as oil.
There's still people living as slaves in Asia. Kids working as slaves since they can walk.
But it seems the only slavery that deserves to be talked about is the one Britain abolished and made illegal even in Africa and the American one.
A few months ago I found a video talking about "Irish slavery" Another fake news. It wasn't slavery. It's a myth created by nationalists. The "slavery" was penal transportation and indentured servitude by contract. Not nice, but not slavery either.

@beckymaggie4606 - 30.12.2023 12:29

I could listen to you all day.

@vanbeuj - 29.12.2023 22:24

I recall a documentary saying that Indians (from India) were some of the first slaves in the colonies, but the mortality rate was much higher than that of Africans.

@Angelica-ps4cs - 29.12.2023 19:08

I'm Happy to tell you that the Boricua people of Borinkén, referred to here as Taíno, are still here! The rising popularity of DNA test kits has allowed many of us to determine Indigenous ancestry ❤ Great work!

@Angelica-ps4cs - 29.12.2023 18:46

This is such a well crafted video. I really appreciate the way you've handled this. Also, I must say; you have lovely penmanship.

@michaeldonovan6076 - 29.12.2023 18:08

in reality we are all slaves we just don't analise this going through life,,
Freedom is when we dapart from this grotesque world we live in,
I think we need to understand treating humanity with dignity and respect no matter of culture or creed is fundamentally the bedrock of raising children that become adults eventuely

For i may be black for i may be wight but my blood is red with no indifference is there a diffence or simply ignorance that distinguishes whom i am yet we bleed the same.

We are one in christ made of the same flesh in his infinit form we are the same no indifference but human.

@josephdegreeff9470 - 29.12.2023 01:33

A important note about Haitians freedom is France owners made them pay for their freedom. Driving that country into debt forever. France should be forced to pay them back.

@esl4287 - 28.12.2023 21:25

There are people in the USA who also genuinely believe that country was the first to abolish slavery.

One of the arguments is the Vermont abolishment. It's very odd. People really don't want to believe that their great-grandparents owned people/were living in a time when people were owned.

@trevorwilliams6362 - 28.12.2023 20:11

I've often cited the Irish were slaves too argument to emphasize how slavery of Africans was particularly heinous. 😔
I suck..

@hissingsidll750 - 28.12.2023 17:55

Im proud of Britain's roll....because we abolished it.....a fact the the insane left conveniently forget

@jl8750 - 28.12.2023 16:51

The “what aboutism” is relevant when there’s many people claiming that white people specifically “white cis hetero males” are inherently evil for the trans-Atlantic slave trade when many other races all over the world had slave trades and some of them had millions of more slaves than the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

@jeongbun2386 - 28.12.2023 09:38

I love education ❤

@Thoralmir - 28.12.2023 04:52

Slavery has been an institution of human society since before written records.
Great Britain was the first nation to not simply stop at outlawing slavery within the borders of their own empire, but tried to eradicate slavery everywhere. As in, use considerable military force to force other countries to give up slavery. And I don't think Britain gets nearly enough credit for pushing that policy.

@jennifercook4026 - 28.12.2023 01:53

@andthatsshannil, I believe what joelunchbucket was trying to say is that the Europeans claimed to believe the Bible, but just overlooked that verse in order to keep making lots of money.

@jeffslote9671 - 28.12.2023 00:04

Slavery has been shown to been an economic drain on the places that practiced it. No country was made rich by it. In fact it’s the opposite. For example in the American south was an economic backwater because of it. It hindered industrialization and development

@jeffslote9671 - 27.12.2023 23:41

Hati did not end slavery. They just changed who was the master

@user-bs3jl5gv8o - 27.12.2023 21:38

Please explain in detail the Irish slave trade of bring white people as bonded servants to USA.

@nokomarie1963 - 27.12.2023 08:07

It's no story in America that the Irish were enslaved in America but indentures Magicaly lasted as long as seven years to twelve years. An indenture could be extended without legal recourse. So, indentured servants could end up enslaved, but they did have an end if they survived. They were treated much as apprentices, if lucky, except no promise of a journeymanship or mastership in any profession. The Irish were treated like barf, but the Irish also dug in on their whiteness. Think Tammany Hall in New York.

@GuessWhoAsks - 26.12.2023 19:21

Would you accept the practice of chattel slavery if done in a morally acceptable way?

@rainyfeathers9148 - 26.12.2023 17:47

A young boy???? I don't even want to know🫣

@mikshin9825 - 26.12.2023 17:01

Population of Africa in the 1950s: 220 million people. Population of Africa by 2025: 1.5 bn. This wouldn't have happened without making Westerners feel guilty about historical wrongs and making them send money to Africa for decades. And now we have a migration crisis in Europe. BTW tell me how eastern Europe benefited from African slaves since you used the phrase "all Europe benefitted". Pedagogy of shame at its finest.

@denisschulz3814 - 26.12.2023 12:22

Such a great and important video. Thank you.

@pacificostudios - 26.12.2023 02:58

I'll warrant discomfort with slavery in Britain is far less than in the United States. Even Southern white historians haven't come to terms with the racism against African-ancestry people.

@JamesL42 - 25.12.2023 16:38

We must take the good that our country did as the good, and the bad our country did as the bad, and not try to mix them together to make some kind of judgement. Otherwise we will blind ourselves to one side or another.

@neilhowie8970 - 25.12.2023 14:16

What an excellent balanced exposition!

@sujimtangerines - 25.12.2023 06:42

I don't have concrete proof other than my own recollections, but the Whataboutisn & "first" claims for Irish Enslavement pre-dates 1993. I graduated from High School in the South - where the Civil War was STILL called "The War of Northern Aggression" - in 1988. I'd heard those claims, as well as "No Blacks or Irish" need apply for open jobs - or weren't even allowed in many businesses or public buildings - my whole damned life. It was the excuse for why we were poor, white trash. For why we lived in a trailer & were on free lunch programs.

I'm not certain where to even dig up documents to attest to that sorry - and yes, very racist - narrative. But, as much as it pains me to think so much about the past I cut ties with as soon as I could, if the current scholarly evidence only points back to as recently as 1993, maybe I need to pull up my big girl panties and find out why.

@mightymulatto3000 - 24.12.2023 07:57

It is important to acknowledge the roles all parties played.

A small minority of Africans benefitted from Arab and European trade and took advantage of the situation. That said access to the coasts and the European traders no doubt meant if you didn't control the trade routes you might be the victim instead of the aggressor.

@patrickholt2270 - 24.12.2023 06:51

It's baffling to me that people would so identify with slave owners and slave traders in the past to get offended on their behalf when they are discussed. Like, what makes you frame it as "getting at us?" Because they were English or British? But which Englanders and which Brits? Do you come from slave trade money? Do you own slaves? Then why do you identify with them? With those Englanders or Brits? That's a choice, to identify with them. And a stupid one. Nationalism is stupid in general, and idolatrous, but that's such an easy bullet to dodge: not me mate, not my generation, not my British values.

@kevincowan1913 - 24.12.2023 03:33

My 1st question to you , a brit . " why don't you take responsibility for what your country did to the Irish?" Wtf.

@corvanna4438 - 23.12.2023 06:50

I am a guide in Gettysburg. The questions we get can be very worrisome

@misterthegeoff9767 - 22.12.2023 19:01

I was recommended this after watching your video on the Muppets Christmas Carol. That was a tonal shift for certain! I feel like I know more than the average white British guy about this subject. Going to university in Bristol and seeing all the Colston stuff and living in a house built on "rum, sugar and molasses" money opened my eyes as a sheltered British teen back in the 90s. But I learned a lot today, like the extra nuance around things like that 1701 court case that ruled stepping on English soil made one free. I like to think that in a post "yeeting the Colston statue into the docks" Britain we are better educated in this country than we once were but the date of this video I guess proves the lies are still being peddled even among museum goers.

@cmtippens9209 - 22.12.2023 03:07

Since humans began forming societies and armies, slavery has existed, in some form or another, around the world in, probably, every country or territory.
It has always been wrong, but it has always just been "the way things were/are done". Doesn't excuse or give validation to it; just fact.
Human trafficking goes on to this day. No ethnicity is immune from blame, ....or victimization. As long as there is money to be made, a market for it, it will always exist.
As long as one party is willing to give money to another party for taking delivery of any human being, who was taken against their will, for whatever purposes, human trafficking will continue.
It is a sad comment on humankind that it does.

@boiledelephant - 21.12.2023 14:17

If people are bringing up the Irish thing to try to counter BLM arguments about the staying power of systemic prejudice, it's rather self-defeating, because there is a long, well-documented history of bigotry against the Irish in Britain ("No Dogs, No Blacks, No Irish", "pikeys", etc.) and it persists to some extent to this day, and a lot of people do still quite rightly complain about and draw attention to it.

@marvwatkins7029 - 21.12.2023 06:37

Shouldn't a black be doing this?
