The Most Terrifying Ocean Mysteries

The Most Terrifying Ocean Mysteries


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@reddeaddude2187 - 27.12.2023 09:56

God was flexing on us when he made the oceans

@Jameskenomis3 - 26.12.2023 21:04

I was in the Navy. I assure you there are things in and on the oceans that we can’t explain. Most people keep it hush hush so they aren’t labeled crazy. I have massive respect for the sea. I never swim in it. Not after some of the things I’ve seen. I love the woods. Atleast there I can breathe, see and move easily. I can also carry and shoot.

@oldogre5999 - 25.12.2023 08:40

The Ocean is no more scary than my pond out back! I and my neighbor own the entire 65 acre pond and the ONLY human habitation anywhere near it is his summer cabin clean across the pond and I've found spots over 125' deep out there and regularly catch Trout in the 30" range. There is nothing more creepy than swimming after midnight from a dock on a very large pond with no lights around, no camps around and absolute silence. We prohibit motorized boats down here as well. Not that it matters as the ONLY way to the pond is on my private gated road, this is how the neighbor gets to his cabin as well. Anyhow you have to be able to drive the dark thoughts out of your mind when swimming when you cannot touch the bottom and the water is dark from all the Tannin from the forest that completely surrounds the pond... And just as you get comfortable bobbing around in the water a Beaver angrily slams his tail on the water like a gunshot only 25' away...

@matt_Guitar0734 - 25.12.2023 07:41

Interesting thing about squids and octopi is that they don’t have bones so they can’t leave behind fossil record that there were monster sized krakens that could take down a galleon

@nelsonx5326 - 25.12.2023 06:31

Your chances of getting eaten by a shark go up 50% the moment you go in the water.
I warn my girlfriend when I'm about to do a giant fart by yelling 'Release the Kraken'.

@benjaminhewitt2376 - 24.12.2023 08:39

This whole “we know less about the ocean than space” is such horse shit, I have thalassophobia, I do not like the ocean at all but space is infinitely more terrifying because space is infinite, or, it might as well be, and that’s part of my point, we know literally nothing about space, we can see all these other celestial bodies and galaxies but we have no idea what they’re like, what lives on them, it’s the same as the Mariana Trench except on a massively larger scale, there could be things out there watching us no matter where we are, possibly even intelligent life, we know how to stay away from water but how do you escape space? The ocean is a small part of our planet but our planet is a pathetically insignificant speck in the universe. Anyone who says we know more about the ocean than we do space, or that the ocean is more terrifying than space is absolutely insane, just because you’ve experienced oceans and haven’t experienced space doesn’t make oceans more dangerous or scary.

@chrisott9129 - 23.12.2023 21:33

“That’s how the ocean gets you”

@kingasparagoose6849 - 23.12.2023 12:01

the bloop was confirmed to be an iceberg rubbing against the ocean floor

@pb-kf1hk - 23.12.2023 03:59

i was on a boat in a storm when i was young and ive never been able to go in the ocean since its so scary man

@starmnsixty1209 - 22.12.2023 03:59

You mentioned a couple of the more famous sea mysteries in Mary Celeste, and the abandoned lighthouse. Some books you may/may not know of are Posted Missing by Alan Villiers about ships that have vanished, and Invisible Horizons by Vincent H. Gaddis. Edward Rowe Snow did over a hundred books on the sea , so just google him for a run down of them.
Fiction wise, William Hope Hodgson's THE GHOST PIRATES and THE BOATS OF THE "GLEN CARRIG" are worth searching out. Since you mentioned
Cthulhu, August Derleth's additions THE MASK OF CTHULHU, and ....TRAIL OF... are also of interest in battles against this being.

@TheAsp29 - 22.12.2023 01:13

I can't wait till we make that AI that can accurately predict all human history so we can know what happened to this crew

@PolishBigfootCircle11 - 21.12.2023 20:48

The ocean is literally just an angry bowl of soup.

@kevinvandelft2797 - 21.12.2023 03:24

The only thing on earth more terrifying than the ocean is women

@ATS_Jack - 19.12.2023 18:22

The Bloop was the sound wave of ice breaking on a glacier, wasn’t it? Idr

@marcjohn9404 - 16.12.2023 09:25

Mary Celeste's crew being vaporized by a large explosion would explain everything.

@coolmanplayz438 - 15.12.2023 20:47

Just because I've seen a lot of arguing between people on posts, I'm gonna go ahead and give a basic, I guess, essay on this. Deep sea gigantism is a very real thing that does exist. However, the "deep sea" is pretty much just anywhere where absolutely no light reaches the ocean. At about 650 ft, you start losing light, and anything deeper than 1000 feet loses light completely. The deepest known part on our planet is 35,000 feet deep. (And yes, I have to say "known" because we know more about the surface of Mars than our own ocean) Deep sea gigantism does affect different species as you get deeper into the deep sea. However, it does hit a climax point, where no matter how deep you go, life doesn't get any bigger than that point. Let me also caviat that, and say that we do not frequently visit the deepest parts of our ocean, so there very well could be more things down there that we just haven't seen yet. In short, yes and no, things get bigger as you get deeper, but there are bigger specimens of a similar type at shallower depths than others.

@theazuzhaters9988 - 15.12.2023 19:42

You know, the one lifeboat thing makes a lot of sense if they were just transferring ships for insurance fraud

@meTj2 - 15.12.2023 18:54

I would love more of these

@FlashHawk4 - 15.12.2023 18:28

The reason I give for my specific thalassophobia is that we, as a species, are simply not built to be going out into the ocean. I'm fine with being on a boat or ship, regardless of size, I actually enjoy it. I even considered a naval career, specifically submarines, which is hardly something someone with full blown thalassophobia would ever do. But the moment I consider actually getting INTO the water, as a swimmer, I hate it. And I've done it before, too. I've been snorkeling out in the Gulf of Mexico, and in the Florida Keys. I've seen sharks way too close to me for comfort, with the knowledge that if they DID choose to attack me, all I had was a goddamn knife. I've been the only person in an eight-man snorkeling group to not be stung after we unknowingly passed through a school of jellyfish. And every time something like that happens, it reinforced my distaste, to the point where now if anyone ever asked me to do it again I'd laugh and tell them to go fuck themselves. I can't even play the game Subnautica, because that shit freaks me out.

Even with all of our technological innovations, a human being actually immersing themselves in the ocean is surrendering not only what advantages evolution gave us, but also the vast majority of the advantages technology gives us too. When you consider what a person can carry on their body, the gear that lets us breathe underwater, the gear that lets us move underwater, the gear that lets us see underwater, etc. is all just a clumsy attempt to bring us on par with the stuff that's actually MEANT to live down there. And if we were to be attacked, well, let's just say I'd much rather be up against a grizzly bear armed with a rifle on land than up against a great white shark armed with a speargun or even the fancy Cold War special-forces underwater firearms like the APS or ASM-DT. On land I'm a good shot with a rifle, I'm in pretty good shape, and I've been known to keep my head in a crisis situation including while heing shot at (thanks to being EMS in the worst part of Houston, I know what it's like and how I react). Down there, though, I'm some clumsy thrashing thing that can move around at an exhausting crawl, can't see very far, can't really hear for shit, need bulky special equipment to even breathe, have to constantly worry about air supply and safe depths, and so many other elements that actual marine life just don't. Every little thing that's a disadvantage to us is actually an advantage to them, because they're just built for it and we're not. Plain and simple.

@jsythe7143 - 15.12.2023 18:12

If I were just listening to this, I’d think it’s an episode of Drunk History.

@jasonwhite1995 - 15.12.2023 09:17

Your good stuff! Awesome videos

@jsythe7143 - 15.12.2023 07:05

lol. “See, I suffer from”. 🙄 and it’s not “respectable locations”, it’s respective. Fyi

@kylemeilun4946 - 15.12.2023 06:13

So The thing about being afraid as the endless void of the ocean, You kind of need to remember it'll kill you before you'll find anything in it. So I mean it's not that bad.

@fiddleback1568 - 13.12.2023 22:20

Most likely vapors from the cargoe chased them off the ship. Some unexpected ocean currants moved the lifeboat far from the ship.

@fiddleback1568 - 13.12.2023 22:00

You should do something about the McCreary sea serpent. It was most likely a super eel.

@AndorRadnai - 12.12.2023 19:34

As someone who also has Thalassophobia (and Submechanophobia), let me strengthen the point that the things living in the ocean (sharks, Humboldt squid and the like) are the least terrifying thing about it.
For example, all my favourite animals are all sea dwelling.

The reason why I am so scared of the Ocean and seeing Ships etc. on and under it is… well, Wendigoon explained that perfectly. ^^

@dezzydezz1684 - 12.12.2023 14:51

The ss ourang Medan is also a scary ocean story 😢

@Peepaapeepoo - 12.12.2023 04:50

the shark getting dragged down has a WAAY worse explanation than anything you could imagine, it was most likely killed by humbolt squid, who are super aggressive and known to eat shark, the awful part is, they hunt in packs of THOUSANDS, and drag their prey deep underwater extremely fast

@delphipascal - 11.12.2023 17:56

The Kaz 2 sails being ripped doesn't mean much. If they were poorly set and it by strong winds then that can happen. Could've been before or after the 3 men went MIA. The corona's report is fairly believable to me as someone with a decent amount of experience. Maybe not quite as quickly as 30s but someone falling in and another jumping in after is defo believable. Its also believable the last was hit by the boom. All of these things new sailors are warned about.

@carvuh8939 - 11.12.2023 12:29

Tacklefog nacklefog

@rangergaming9245 - 11.12.2023 11:15

wait hang on the kaz 2 corners report makes no sense how can one of the sails be completely destroyed but every single person was thrown off the boat due to incompetence? who or what ruined the sail if everyone "jumped over board?"

@zoe_cbk - 10.12.2023 19:59

Not to discredit your theories but the coroners report from the second story is totally something three Queensland bogans would do

@Mrs.Valentine222 - 10.12.2023 13:25

What I personally think happened on the Mary Celeste was that someone, maybe the captain had some sort of really bad mental disorder. Let me explain, mental disorders if left untreated can get very bad very quickly. And it's not unlikely to have someone on a boat have one because all the movement on a boat could make a person go mad. But if someone was suffering from something like hallucinations, it would explain why that person would be scared for there life as well as there loved ones life. Now if you're about to mention the cratch marks, then bite your tongue because this boat was huge and whatever was at the surface of the sea more than likely hit that part of the boat, leaving some marks. So that's what I think happened. ♥️

@valtonen77 - 10.12.2023 01:25

Another reasonable explanation to kaz is that 2 guys started fighting or goofing around and fell off, and the 3rd guy knocked himself off or had some accident.

@kimdracula676 - 09.12.2023 20:46

This video makes me even more glad i stayed home from the family cruise trip

@CC3GROUNDZERO - 09.12.2023 17:37

Every time I remember it, I find the Witch's Hole sinking the most terrifying ever. The hypothesis (never quite proven) is that in the early 20th century, a small trawler sank in the Witch's Hole (150 km off the coast of Aberdeen, Scotland) due to a methane burst. So basically, the trawler was in the wrongest possible place at the wrongest possible moment: the methane bubbles reduced the density of the water so that the trawler was abruptly swallowed by the sea, claiming the lives of everyone on board. They must have been so incredibly scared for those last few moments of their lives.

@otterandfox - 09.12.2023 06:00

"a sounding rod" the way my head WHIPPED UP from my dinner

@angelfuel7493 - 08.12.2023 06:28

It was big, scary, and pink

@robertjlaw9485 - 07.12.2023 06:56

The Mary Celeste was obviously Muslim pirates that’s why they didn’t take the alcohol

@colehitch6058 - 07.12.2023 01:41

Congrats your at 3 million now dude you really seem deserving ❤

@SocietyofFear - 06.12.2023 11:50

The ocean is quite possibly the single most terrifying thing in this world. I too have Thalassophobia and Submechanophobia and everytime I see the endless void that is our ocean my whole body tenses.

@shawnwillis7561 - 06.12.2023 06:23

Dont forget, when they took the data from the tag from the shark, they also had temperature data. I saw a video about this and it said that when the shark was brought down into the deep, it held a temperature like it was inside of an animal the whole time. I believe the sensor takes the temperature of the water the shark is in, so it should have gotten way colder when going down to 1,600 ft, but it didnt

@kitty0chan444 - 06.12.2023 03:45

So happy I live in the middle of the US far away from the ocean

@alapalacasual - 05.12.2023 20:58

It was touched on here, the frustration of people to assume that what we call paranormal or mythical or folklore is completely made up and can’t exist. That it’s “unrealistic” or “illogical”. Germ theory was once considered unrealistic, the origin and cycle of storms was considered a product of gods. There’s a lot we once didn’t understand and there’s plenty we still don’t. Ghosts very well could exist, but operate in a way we don’t understand and so can’t study. Monsters like sea beasts and folklore creatures could be real in some measure, but in a way we don’t fully know. The world is wild and mystical and trying to believe that it exists as a completely explainable thing that structures itself to modern beliefs is..real stupid.

@MarkCannon-qt9yw - 04.12.2023 23:12

The bloop was debunked as an iceberg crack

@stephenkrambeck6589 - 03.12.2023 03:25

I love hearing someone who never lived near the ocean talk about how terrifying and formidable it is. I’ve grown up in New Jersey and even being reserved to fishing in the shore I’ve seen just how terrifyingly powerful the ocean itself can be, much less what lays beneath it. Yet most folks here see it as a damn tourist destination.

@user-xh3zo4ts6h - 02.12.2023 23:48

No security cameras on ships seems stupid anymore...
