Jordan Peterson - This isn't Progress, it's Tribalism

Jordan Peterson - This isn't Progress, it's Tribalism

Bite-sized Philosophy

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@mozorellastick2583 - 14.06.2022 22:03

So he hates tribalism but disagrees with multiculturalism? Make it make sense

@nomadbrad6391 - 01.05.2021 21:56

My theory on the RISE of TRIBALISM ..........Since 1970 America has seen a steady decline in church attendance and ultimately TENS and TENS of millions of Americans turning their back on their God....the result? They have empty lives now and are looking to fill it.....but nothing can fill the void of they are now turning to tribalism to find an outlet for their HATE.

@raymond3035 - 04.02.2021 14:04

By calling university tribalism, JP is shaming particularly the University of Toronto.

@1995yuda - 10.01.2021 08:13

Slayed them without breaking a sweat.

@amal-ti2zz - 08.01.2021 02:10

Nailed. It.

@mltiago - 20.11.2020 00:49

Jordan Peterson with his cold-war political world view, with a lot of preconceived and inaccurate statements, talking about contemporarily tribalism?

@chris432t6 - 18.08.2020 11:39

Excellent as always! First time hearing nervousness in his voice during the first few minutes? Looks like quite a large audience that are all formally dressed and i would think that any speaker would be little nervous?

@ducko1988 - 18.06.2020 23:28

A jewel amongst stones

@vkampi2312 - 13.06.2020 21:52

Dr. Jordan Peterson is, and I say this with the greatest consideration, the Messiah of our time! He manages to put in words, so many things I've known deep down to be true but have somehow not found the way to express. With every word, it's like he's waking up a certain part of my psyche that I have been consciously or subconsciously inhibited for one reason or another.

@ena1920 - 10.06.2020 02:24

The guy rocking back and forth isn't a great public speaker, I don't even have to hear him, but his shoulders are slouched, he's carrying out a repetitive behaviour to ease his discomfort, and he appears to be memorising a speech to an extent variant to his own opinions, its a shame.

@pedronunes8766 - 06.06.2020 20:56

disappointing to see the opposition glancing through a leaflet instead of hearing the closing argument...

@somebodywhocares9293 - 03.06.2020 22:06

From what I see,
A failed attempt to
Humiliate JP. Dyson
Tried to play mind games
With a clinical psychologist.
Smdh. Need I say more?

@cremedelacorn5356 - 01.06.2020 12:13

These riots had me thinking of this issue. Thanks for clipping this

@Jack__________ - 25.05.2020 03:07

Jordan is a “modern day - Jesus Christ” ... he speaks TRUTH!

@akirubamiru6700 - 07.08.2019 11:28

I don't agree with some of his idea vehiculed by this video but the general idea of the video, I agree.

@peterhayssen3609 - 19.12.2018 06:00

Jordan is so articulate

@Zgembo121 - 13.11.2018 03:49

Dyson is not even listening to Peterson, hes getting his word salad lines prepared so he can sound smart.

@creativejustice1298 - 21.09.2018 07:27

Tribe is an evolutionary anthropology concept - Peterson should stick to his jungian type shit

@harryhenderson792 - 11.09.2018 00:25

why are women there? they don't understand logic

@collegeo.b9654 - 11.07.2018 17:04

Worst debate he’s ever done, fry was just moaning about the subject when he could have just got involved with it, other side was just word salad that went nowhere. The only interesting thing from that debate was Peterson explaining how the left doesn’t think communism is a bad idea.

@fabiansw8 - 14.06.2018 23:47

I get the idea but I don't like the absolute way of looking at an individual of a group speaking for a group, you might agree with most of the beliefs of the group you are a member of but I guarantee you no one 100 % agrees on anything.

@tnwomantanyaneill703 - 12.06.2018 05:33

I felt this was EPIC! I have only watched this clip because i don't want to see the unhelpful parts that the other people brought to the debate. I may watch more later but I needed to concentrate on Peterson's part to give me an overview of what to expect from the whole debate.

@Emmanuel_Ramirez717 - 12.06.2018 02:26

Tribal wapachoso, tribal guarachoso

@danialroxx - 09.06.2018 20:12

You rock

@greenwoodorganics4681 - 06.06.2018 09:55

So insidious. This man is leading you astray. Everything he says is kind of right and sounds good, but it's twisted. I believe his purpose is to bring us back to materialistic, narcissistic consumerism. He never questions the status quo of corporate capitalism, only the "radicals"- left and right- in relation to it. The cult of the individual is one of the worst things to happen to society.

@kaymonster101 - 03.06.2018 20:29

Jordan....I used to think you were so wise, but now I see that you have a blind spot. We are all part of a collective group called humans. Western humans have developed incredible wealth and power, yet remain one of the emptiest and judgmental group ever to walk the earth. You're trying to tell me that history doesn't tell the power side of the story......really?? And hashing up all of the other collective groups like Ivy League students and professors, CEO's and all the other "Giants' of the industry isn't something we do all the time to give us position in the smart only goes so far, doesn't it??
Confidence does not replace competence......this is blind babble.

@rebekahyt5218 - 01.06.2018 18:39

Bite Size Philosophy , I've got a challenge for you. A compilation of JBP denouncing right wing authoritarianism so we can put an end to the ignorant claims of lefties, where ever we should encounter them on social media, with a quick clip. 😉

@clagos247 - 28.05.2018 04:52

I am generally inspired by professor Peterson and his efforts.
I must confess that I am discouraged by what appears to me (liberal) to be a carefully orchestrated attack not on wrongs in society but only on wrongs perpetrated by the left.
I understand that we are all motivated by the chemical payoffs of our thought processes but I still look to find balance in his venom distribution.
Let's side with him for arguments sake that only the left is worthy of his venoms., That socialism for example is evil, ok.
Necessity is the mother of invention right so let's talk about the conditions that preempt it.
Let's acknowledge the radical right who engage in class warfare everyday while we work .
I suspect he is somewhat drunk on being shoulder hoisted on the right.
He has a great power to comprehend and communicate.
He must see the absurdity in knowing the group machinations from the right, meanwhile telling the left to be only individuals.

@seychellesyuri - 28.05.2018 00:52

The debate was proff that tribalism runs in our DNA.
I think the central point made Jordan Peterson still holds. We don't have a low resolution grand narrative that unite us anymore.
The obvious consequences will be to fight or to separate. Tribes fight, but they also do separate and make another tribe. The most optimal path would be to sepparate those two grand narratives that cannot coexist in the same place and make another tribe somewhere

@thusspokezarathustra5179 - 26.05.2018 20:15

Why don’t you tell your Jewish donors about tribalism.
Is Hollywood not the Jewish tribalism?
Is Wall Street not the Jewish tribalism?

@lovelove-lu8wo - 23.05.2018 15:45

Jordan Peterson - Explanatory Power is off the roof!!

@lovelove-lu8wo - 23.05.2018 15:44

We returned to Tribalism or Identity Politics. ----> Hmmm... History seems to repeat itself.

@isitoppositeday6944 - 23.05.2018 11:59

When I was young my father told me there are two sides... the collectivist side and the individual side. I knew then that preserving individual liberty effectively ensures freedom to the group.
My response surprised him as he was more a collectivist at the time. To him I think it seemed selfish... but which really is?

@john1107 - 23.05.2018 09:59

The price of diversity and unity.

@lucilagk3215 - 23.05.2018 07:16

Oh, poor Jordan. The debate was disappointing and difficult to go through without wanting to actually punch the screen. This guy has to tolerate so much shit thrown to him being completely controlled. He needs a hug.

@jamesbrooks7694 - 23.05.2018 06:55

In approx 150 yrs, U.S.A. became a world superpower (1776 - 1914), why is that? because it's constitution enshrined the rights of the individual. There's empirical data right there!

@billybrothers2492 - 22.05.2018 22:24

I’m glad he exist.

@claudes.whitacre1241 - 22.05.2018 17:44

I watched the entire debate. The comments of the people that saw the debate, and the results of the survey done before and after the debate leads me to believe that the people attracted to this kind of debate are of above average education. Just keeping up with Peterson's thinking requires a sharp mind.

@EmperorWelkin - 22.05.2018 11:58

Unfortunately, individualism assumes that each person is capable of the same level of sane rationalization. Hierarchy is not something that can be removed. It is bound in nature itself.

@robertaglarsen - 22.05.2018 10:47

Dyson is a racist

@LEXI-jv2xn - 22.05.2018 10:39

Bullshit! The mechanisms to prevent corruption in hierarchy have failed completely.

@bobwhite3895 - 22.05.2018 09:55

Did anyone expect anything different from Dyson?, he is nothing more than a demagogue profiting from the uneducated and impressionable. His argument was horrible and proved Peterson's points.

@km91420 - 22.05.2018 01:52

Kinda understand why some people were bummed out by this debate, but at the same time, did no one else find this hilarious? Whathisname Al Sharpton had a potato peeler, Peterson had a D.Eagle. Just chill and go watch Life of Brian or somethin...

@klausmuhlhoff1464 - 22.05.2018 01:11

I'm left wondering " is it just me " thinking that Jordan was the only one making sense ?

@paulthoresen8241 - 22.05.2018 01:04

I sort of can't believe how much he has exploded, but at the same time I felt that he would, he is too influential to be ignored. His name will go down in history.

@winniewildflower3540 - 22.05.2018 00:50

This snippet is brilliant. I feel like i want to memorise least i will listen to it over and over. I would not listen to the whole debate because i'm sure it would be a matter of casting pearls before swine ( no disrespect intended)

@pikupz - 22.05.2018 00:38

I'm liberal and I fully agree with Jordan Peterson for the longest time, if this is what being liberal has become, well fuck being a liberal now
