International Travel Tips | 8 things you MUST know in 2024

International Travel Tips | 8 things you MUST know in 2024

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@halepstein-h3w - 08.02.2025 00:38

I carry several camera plus extra battery's for international travel any suggestions

@SmokeNTraveltours - 21.01.2025 12:28

Who’s still here for 2025🎉

@913suz - 14.01.2025 21:32

Carry on only

@Thylazine - 19.11.2024 19:55

Carry on only

@pumpkinvinewreckingcrew6219 - 13.11.2024 20:41

Carrion only

@PreciousPerrotte-t4m - 29.10.2024 13:04

Christmas flights international will be going quick how everyone miss carnival Tobago festivities wonder what will happen for jazz festival 2025 and film festivals all over the world.

@davidlarson2534 - 15.10.2024 22:46

Once again, useful information. BTW, that is a cute outfit you are wearing. It’s perfect for you.

@LB-ty6ks - 12.10.2024 11:45

Good info.

@carlosa.sanchez896 - 01.10.2024 08:37

Obviously, if our first stop is boarding a river cruise, just the cruise line and ship's name should suffice.

@morrisyarnell6083 - 14.09.2024 19:28

Carry on only but this time flying first class as I have a back injury and sitting up anywhere for that long will not allow me any comfort. I know the expense is outrageous but my health takes priority.

@shanewilfon6860 - 25.08.2024 03:17

This 304 talks funny 🤣

@riyukasumi007 - 11.07.2024 22:13

we notice that, when we fly to egypt and we need to buy the food on the airplan, which it was for free befor 25 years xD lol

@ugottabekiddin_ - 01.07.2024 20:10

These are nice tips! Thank you

@Dr.ARMAND - 29.06.2024 15:02

I booked my tickets from qatar airways website but the plane is from Finnair. Will I be free to choose seat or its paid?
Or can i check on qatar airways website or Finniar?

@kevinkimwiley2661 - 04.06.2024 00:29

Carryon only

@tyecooper4536 - 02.06.2024 15:12

Why does this say 2024 but it's from a year agao. Smh

@Cosmotravels20 - 26.05.2024 04:23

Carry-On Only to Ireland from NJ

@bsdontop1000 - 30.04.2024 10:13

Carry on only, I never check a bag

@batmama4242 - 15.04.2024 01:55

Are all airlines created equal when it comes to flying from San Francisco to Barcelona?

@christophermatos43 - 31.03.2024 13:43

Carry on only, first time going international since I was 17 and my biggest fear when flying is losing my luggage… not risking it for my first time out of the states 😭

@a.r.r.5626 - 19.03.2024 21:45

Flew Los Angeles to Beijing in 2011. THANKFULLY the airline agent at check-in warned us that this Chinese airline serves very authentic Chinese food.
Loaded up on snacks at the gift shop. I have low standards and it still was difficult for me to stomach...was some stinky seaweed dish that made the entire
cabin of the airplane wreak. (My 5-year old daughter asked out loud, "WHO POO POOED?!" ...yes....was very embarrassing....)
HOWEVER, the flight from Beijing to L.A. two weeks later was on a different Chinese airline. BEST airline meal I ever had!
Was a steamed shrimp and rice dish that was fabulous! My mouth still waters thinking about that meal....

@ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ - 17.02.2024 02:42

Carry-on only to Ecuador in a month!!

@ronnie-taylorS685 - 22.01.2024 10:01

what a great video! another tip - I also land up saving up on unnecessary expenses like atm fees etc abroad - using apps like ATM Fee Saver - it helps find atms with no fees or lower fees than others along with withdrawal limits etc. worth adding to your list of tricks!

@user-bw9lv5dx8d - 16.01.2024 01:13

I'm doing a personal item only for 2½ weeks down south, flying internationally. I don't like worrying about there being no overhead bin space so I just bring one backpack.

@user-bw9lv5dx8d - 16.01.2024 01:13

I'm doing a personal item only for 2½ weeks down south, flying internationally. I don't like worrying about there being no overhead bin space so I just bring one backpack.

@robreuler144 - 02.12.2023 21:23

Nothing new to me.

@victorstewart8666 - 08.10.2023 17:18

How did the last tip catch u by surprise if u are the one who made it 🤔

@Olafsgaming - 07.10.2023 09:43

Carry-on only

@larasmith5723 - 24.09.2023 08:40

Wow is that true that even some meals are no longer included? That sucks! So be very aware what's included in your air travel & tickets. How much baggage weight allowance you are entitled to. At least you can pack a bacon & egg sandwich & a small bottle of softdrink or water. From LA to Barbados I was surprised to see the American pax eating their own pack meals in the plain during paid food service while I have nothing to eat because I didn't order anything from the snack menu. Pringles didn't appeal to me at all or their expensive sandwiches. It's good that I had eaten a good full meal before the flight to Barbados. It would have been nice if I have some of my favorite Japanese chocolates so a cup of coffee might appeal to me. But hey one blogger says that coffee served in the plain is not safe to drink due to a pipe that is hardly being clean. Well water it is.

@gracebergeron949 - 05.09.2023 04:53

Carry on only

@jasondean7669 - 01.09.2023 06:14

carry on only... This will be my travel luggage from now on

@kolekarn - 17.08.2023 09:32

Carry on only

@ali94777 - 30.07.2023 03:19

Carry on only

@gordflint - 19.06.2023 19:36

Carry on only to Japan in Sept

@SebastianOsborn - 04.06.2023 00:56

It's crazy that even though international flights are so expensive nowadays, some flights don't even provide anything for free anymore (according to you). Seems like these airlines are a bit greedy, or am I missing something?

@tomgolab3958 - 03.06.2023 08:05

Emirates economy carry on board is 7kilo which includes your personal items. It's gona be tough, I might have to check in something.

@degaben - 01.06.2023 05:56

I look forward to your very informative videos, but please look into De-essing your audio to get rid of those very shrill esses. Thanks in advance. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

@zzkeokizz - 28.05.2023 16:06

What’s a pencil?😂

@ECUJNB - 23.05.2023 03:52

Carryon only

@lt_chewie2170 - 23.05.2023 00:15

I’m traveling to Mexico in a few weeks to see family and I’m going solo. This video was pretty helpful and I a little bit nervous

@sarahkovensky3650 - 21.05.2023 16:22

Carryon only! Going on a week long river cruise through France.

@AlbertusMagnus_44 - 19.05.2023 17:23

One thing I look for in an International flight is economy classes. I find the cheapest class and avoid it like the plague! United calls it “Basic Economy.” No checked bag, no seat selection, no meals, etc… By the time you pay for a single checked bag (both ways) you have already paid for the “normal” economy class. That way you get meals and such. It’s worth it.

@musratjahan7003 - 14.05.2023 08:22

Carry on only

@sothearachea9088 - 08.05.2023 19:06

does officer check vaccination ?

@samuelloso7022 - 03.05.2023 18:11

Why not just talk about the documents in this video?

@EMOxji - 30.04.2023 16:52

Carry on only

@lifeisgood141 - 22.04.2023 19:33

If you are flying in economy, many airlines will charge you to select a seat.
