Rhaenyra will take kings landing and Reign all of Westeros and all the seven kingdoms. And be the Great Ruling Queen who parents knew that she would.
ОтветитьALICENT AKA ALICUNT IS Treasonous power hungry Dracarys to her and all of the Hightowers
ОтветитьReally sad we never got to see sunfyre in all its glory before rooks rest
ОтветитьTeam Rhaenyra Team Black
ОтветитьGoodbye Rhaenys and Meleys😢
ОтветитьPlease make sure, meleys and reneys stands and fight and don't make them look like they tried to flee.
ОтветитьLooks good!
ОтветитьSunfyre looks so good, they heard the crtics about it being not gold enough
Ответитьanyone who knows the books is actually shaking rn seeing Meleys
ОтветитьTEAM GREEN ALL THE WAY!!! Let's go Ser Criston Cole.
ОтветитьThe first dragons will fall
ОтветитьAlicent can’t even take accountability for her actions, so much for being “honourable”
ОтветитьRIP Rhaynes & Meleys 💔
ОтветитьWonder how Damon will take Alicents misunderstanding. 🤫
ОтветитьFinally. I'm see more Aemond🎉
ОтветитьDaemon in the throne room must be an illusion of his ... Horror Harenhall 💀
ОтветитьThe budget GoT!!!
ОтветитьEmma D'Arcy slayed in Ep3. She barely moved yet her expressions showed how shaken Rhaenyra was when she realized Alicent believed her claim, relief at the realization of the misunderstanding and finally her reaffirmation that she is the rightful ruler. Girl gonna be more determined than ever now.
Kinda annoying Alicent wouldn’t admit she also believed Rhaenyra after that moment. Stellar performance from them both… Also Cristen running scared was super satisfying to see. Baela was definitely proud about it. ep3 def a good one!
If Vhagar will get any serious damage after the fight, i stop watching this show
(Im writing this because the writers made everything against the greens, even if it is not like in the books)
Poor granny Vaghar will do some work😭
ОтветитьDragons -2
ОтветитьThat graphic scene was too much. Please don’t do that again
ОтветитьBro why you do not know Alicent is not the king.Agon must speaks in trailers
ОтветитьPower kills power. Logical, tragic, Shakespearean and stupid. Westeros' DNA. I like this vision never black or white, black and green maybe...
Ответить"The horrors I have just loosed, cannot be for a crown alone" PLEASE writers, this gives me hope that the writing will be good for the entirety of the show.
ОтветитьTeam Rhaenyra Team Black
ОтветитьLet the Dance of the Dragons begin. Team Rhaenyra Team Black will win.and eliminate every Hightower. Rhaenyra will take her throne she is the true and rightful Heir. Long may she Reign
ОтветитьTeam Rhaenyra Team Black
ОтветитьTo be honest, this show lacks of all the prime factors of GoT. The excitement, the thrill, the action, colorful characters - all are missing. This show is so linear, monotonous and predictable. Characters are so boring.
ОтветитьSurely they aren't doing the aemond and daemon fight this season? Right? I thought that came after you know who looses
ОтветитьAegon with some white stripes or anything jack white pumping in the background!! 🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️💚🤍❤️🤍❤️
Ответитьi hate you so much max for letting a woman ruin the story with the garbage episode 3
ОтветитьWhy does this season look so blurry?
Is it on real 4k?
Season 1 looks much cleaner.
it crazy to think this time tomorrow we will have all already witnessed the battle of rooks rest 😂😭
ОтветитьThis should be Saturday 9pm EST not Sunday. Many people have jobs. We cant watch directly on Saturday night.
ОтветитьAwesome season so far and amazing entertaining show can't wait for this episode. The House Of The Dragon and The Boys are the only too badass,edgy non sterilized and politically correct shows left who are not afraid to show gore and sexuality and I love both of them for it we need more shows like this and not zoomer garbage.❤
ОтветитьHouse Of Dragon and Game Of Thrones(1-6 seasons)=greatest fantasy shows of all time. Can't wait this episode looks amazing.🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьTeam Black. Season 2 is incredible so far and show of the year.😍
ОтветитьI can't wait for the introduction of Daeron The Daring and his Dragon Tessarion!!! 💚
ОтветитьHeck yes a little bit more HOTD action yes pls 👏🏻
ОтветитьTime to send the dragons to war
ОтветитьI can’t believe they used real dragons in this episode
ОтветитьY’all blaming alicent just so team Rey Rey can still feel like they’re doing something
ОтветитьNow, i understood the hype for this season. And one more thing , Aemond can take a hike 👀 that mf better not make it through the war
ОтветитьWhat's sadder is Vhagar was once Baelon's dragon and Maeleys was Alyssa's dragon, both Baelon and Alyssa were husband and wife and parents to Viserys and Daemon.
ОтветитьAegon broke the most important rule about dragon riding. Never fly under the influence.
Ответить“We must send the dragons to war”
“The horrors I have just loosed cannot be for a crown alone.”
This was the best episode preview ever. Something about her speech to Jace as Aegon and Meleys flew to battle really sends the chills down a spine