The Rise and Spread of Psychotherapy

The Rise and Spread of Psychotherapy

The Berean Call

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@keithwilson6060 - 17.02.2016 05:05

Spoken truth. However, Dr. Bobgan cannot adequately emphasize the magnitude and seriousness of this issue. It is a bigger heresy than can be expressed, because it is so entrenched in our thinking from every quarter.

@oppressednolonger1497 - 30.12.2016 20:22

Gratitude to you Dr Bobgan for revealing this history of psychotherapy or "heresy" to think that the licensing was only the last 50 years or so. May I contact you I am an individual who is recovering fr, om a deeply toxic family. I believe I was given new hope through Jesus Christ, which is why I am alive now. I consider myself a person of the faith. Recently, I have considered obtaining a counseling degree, but began to realize the contradiction between faith and the psychologising of sin when I came across the idea of "psycho-heresy" Thank you

@debraharper677 - 12.09.2018 16:10


@seavale11 - 21.11.2018 21:23

true all theses so called Christians used these methods. sick mind are in the church these days Jennifer

@beasaroze5596 - 14.12.2018 00:03

The "mental health" agenda is trying to replace spirituality with state sponsored MIND CONTROL . When they can no longer control you with fear/drugs they will use technology.(the chip) The scripture repeatedly tells us to GUARD our MINDS. If you don't submit to Christ you WILL become a slave to the state(satan).
👸🏿🏆👑 JESUS is LORD ❗ 👑🏆👸🏿

@traditionalgirl5585 - 06.09.2019 16:16

Mesmerism is hypnotism and hypnotism is a spell and a spell is black magic... all this stuff goes way back in history... Mesmer was just re-hashing witchcraft to be fit in medical terms, so the Christian public would be fooled into accepting it...

@cdc3 - 03.10.2019 20:55

I graduated in Psych Ed from then BIOLA College in 1973. It is interesting to hear it mention in this video because at the time I graduated I had come to the conclusion that psychology was a competing belief system which is dangerous to the body of Christ. It stultifies the guilt natural to sin and "cures" it through rationalizations and projections, preferring the techniques of eastern mysticism to confession and forgiveness before God. BIOLA was one of the premier "bible colleges" of that day, yet even then I would have characterized it as a decent secular college with a "religious" tone to it. It hasn't gotten any more biblical since then in my opinion...

Edit: Fascinating. I made the comment above without having listened to the rest of it past that point. The main reasons I became a devout "atheist" to psychology's god while getting my degree was that it showed itself to be a house of cards based in the self and mutual congratulatory opinions of the practitioners. I went into the major for lack of vision to do anything else (read: LAZY). As far as I could deduce, most all of my fellow students took the major under the self inflicted illusion that they could be of "help" to benighted souls when in reality it appeared that they were trying to define their own existence in some way through it rather than knowing who God is and how He sees us. They became "self healing physicians" doomed to failure.

@Scott-hr7bn - 11.12.2019 08:55

Modern man has recently fallen into the pit of humanistic psychology due to the mind sciences that have flourished since evolution has replaced God's Word in many education circles these days. This modern human is very self centered and desires to relate to things that feed their own flesh and caters to its heartfelt needs, not truth. Man is also claiming he is no longer responsible for his own actions but he plays the victim. We see this all over the culture today and examples are:

*Man sees himself as GOOD at heart not evil of fallen
*You are not practicing sin (like sexual perversion) but you are just born gay
*The eternal law of God has been replaced by what makes me feel good as a person.
*Rather then God being the center of truth, man is now the center unto himself.

@carolynwilson7803 - 12.01.2020 17:51

Amen Amen Amen!!!!

@homebrewer7 - 11.02.2020 04:39

Thank you for posting this

@theresemcnerney7961 - 06.04.2020 00:26

Thank you love this couple so much and thank them for their biblical teaching on how to counsel..

@kcrcbest - 11.12.2020 01:05

this is sooo true, to destroy anything they can't change I know

@NA-uc1el - 22.12.2021 20:13

Where does Sociology fit in with this? It seems to me the same dangers faced in psychology are at least equally dangerous in Sociology.

@jeffkovene4420 - 28.12.2021 03:37

Praise God for giving me the wisdom to get the hell out of therapy! Right before I was regenerated they drugged me with "antidepressants" that depressed me to the point of contemplating suicide. Luckily I stopped the meds before it was too late. I then called upon the LORD in complete brokeness and He gave me new life. All that was in 2016. Today I don't need luck, I got Jesus in the Holy Spirit which guides me. Now He tells me "STAY AWAY FROM ALL DOCTORS FOR ALL NATIONS HAVE BEEN DECEIVED BY HER SORCERIES"
They can have my head before they get my arm to shoot me up with their poisons! Pharmakeia=pharmacy=sorcery.
Study your bibles!!!

@jontoubeaux7361 - 13.03.2022 07:20

"you do not believe in the inerrancy of the bible unless you believe in its sufficiency." Amen.

@wandalester8624 - 10.10.2022 21:34

Money, Money, Money! They say, "We wills, instead of God 's Will!

@ONLYLOVEIZATION - 16.03.2024 20:38

Wow 😮 this is mind-blowing! Thank you.
