good info
ОтветитьPersonally I just find too much of it to be ridiculous. Anything huge wouldn't be interested in us because we would not be enough worth for it to eat us deliberately. It would need to spend a huge amount of energy to move a bit, and one of us wouldn't replace that energy if eaten, so we wouldn't even be on the menu for some colossal monstrosity under the sea.
ОтветитьDid anyone here wonder why people are scared of the deep ocean or thousands of miles from land?
Ответить2222 comments
Ответитьunrelated but, scp 3000 mentioned
ОтветитьNo mention of Barotrauma and horrors of the depths? Hah.
Ответитьsome things never really change with humanity fearing things that are different and dont really understand
ОтветитьDeep sea is banned
ОтветитьThe Meg was based on a novel.
Ответитьscary shit 😐🔥
ОтветитьI don’t have thalassophobia, but I definitely have a healthy fear of/respect for the ocean. You’d be stupid not to.
Ответить"Point Nemo" oh hey I've listened to The Magnus Archives, I know what that is! (For those who haven't listened to that, or that episode: a guy hijacks a research vessel to end up there, because he has dreams about the deaths of anyone he's nearby, so he wants to get as far away from humanity as possible. And then a satellite crashes and kills everyone. And he's the one recounting the tale; The Magnus Archives is that kind of story.)
Ответить"Why the deep see frightens us" didn't need to be 20 minutes. 😂
ОтветитьSubnautica was a lot more than facing the fears of the depths for me too. I was there in the beginning of development all the way to its full release, each build slowly added new life and biomes that were fascinating to me as a kid and still is. While I remember the moments of fear; hearing the roars of the reaper while I’m in the darkness of a wreckage. Or it’s psychological fear like the moment of hearing the warpers on my radio tell me they were hunting survivors only to hear a day later “only 1 unaccounted for”, reminding me that I was truly alone. The memory that I first warmly recall of the game is printing out a picture of the lost river and putting it on my wall, to me it was a beautiful biome that accumulated the history and growth of the biodiverse ecosystems that built up the world. The lost river had skeletons that were millions of years old, with leviathans whose corpses became nutrients that sowed the seeds of further life in the deep. I remember being fascinated by the bioluminescence of creatures in its world and seeing how the flora complimented the fauna in their respective biomes. Learning how the different animals coexisted by scanning them and reading about them—it made the world so awe-inspiring.
ОтветитьGentlemen, I have a proposal: a really, really big net. Lets settle this mystery.
Ответитьthanks i have Thalassophobia
ОтветитьDude im going scuba diving in a couple hours..
ОтветитьWell maker isn't sharpest tool in shed, if he thinks mermaid document seems real.
ОтветитьTake it from a former USN Sailor...the ocean is straight up MONSTER SOUP!!!
Ответитьits so scary because WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE DOWN THERE, ever.
Ответитьthe video i watched before this one, was a small documentary about mantarays
ОтветитьRoblox Pressure is a prime example of this video's message (I haven't seen the video yet. Watching it rn so don't get mad if it is in the video)
ОтветитьUnderwater 2020 is one of my favorite movies about the ocean
ОтветитьIf you gaze long enough into the deep ocean abyss, the ocean abyss may eat you
Ответитьwell because of "detecting multiple leviathan classforms in your area are you sure what your doing is worth it?"
ОтветитьI will just say that there was a submarine made in the civil war around 1865 , so 20000 leagues didn't predict it
ОтветитьFor those with talassophobia, even Abisu sounds frightening. (thats me
ОтветитьGoing into my playlist of "Speculative Philosophy"...this is why i have no actual friends huh?
ОтветитьCause we are not fish!!!!
Ответить“Every known star and habitable planet vanished” - game proceeds to show an ocean of blood, on a moon in a lit up environment with thousands of stars in the background 😂
Ответитьim not afraid of any giant creatures in the sea, my fear of the deep sea is a strange twist on the fear of heights, there's nothing but water for sometimes miles below, not to mention there may be no land for hundreds or thousands of miles in any direction, it isn't truly empty, but it feels like there might as well be nothing but water at all, being eaten by a big monster almost feels like a blessing to the horror of being stuck on the open sea in a raft for weeks, dying slowly
ОтветитьLook at Trailmakers. A happy, colourful game about building vehicles and exploring. But then you stumble about the High Seas DLC. It's not necessarily frightening in itself, but if you play for some time you really feel uneasy. Depths below you that you cannot see, gigantic waves rolling over your ship, strong winds blowing your plane from the sky and the endless storm cloud covered sky.
ОтветитьAhh the shark in the pool. Good to know I wasn't alone in that. And to mention another game where the deep can frighten you: Ark survival evolved/ascended. It took me ages to try going under water and when I did, quickly all tamed animals I'd brought with me were killed off, I lost my way and didn't know how to get out of the water and then a huge squid (an alpha) seemingly came out of nowhere and killed me, too.
The second time I managed to save myself, but I noticed my high level spinosaurus hadn't followed me through the pipes (gen2 map). I was horrified to realize I had to either go back to rescue my loyal pet and bodyguard, or leave it to die. I went back, got to it right as it died to an alpha megalodon and then I died myself.
If you go in unprepared or mess up somehow even though you thought you were prepared, the ocean biome in ark can easily be many times scarier than anything on land. To me, anyway. It does depend on which body of water you enter. Gen2 having no normal surface but being entirely underground (in the belly of a spaceship) makes it particularly scary at times.
Yo Godzilla 😄
ОтветитьI saw that mermaid thing when I was a kid! I actually thought it was a real (speculative) documentary! Like "probably not but maybe" or even along the lines of like ancient aliens, where it was easy to assume that these were just wild theories or even just some people believed one thing and some believed another, sort of how my brain processed religion or ghosts at the time
Ответитьi have thalassophobia but in a means to justify it during arguments with my family i learn all i can about the ocean even though it deeply terrifies me
Ответитьme like water ‼️
ОтветитьWhat if space if the deep sea of another planet and we are just a speck of a greater planet out there?
Ответитьi always thought Cthulu was an octopus but recently saw footage of a cuttle fish and Cthulu is more like one of them imo
ОтветитьFear for the sea god
ОтветитьI think the video game that does the Abyss the best is Endless Ocean, it’s pitch black, you can barely see, and there are creepy creatures all around you. You have to navigate through narrow tunnels as well, which adds to it
ОтветитьThe vampire squid is so horrifying to look at that it's Latin name literally translates to "Vampire Squid from Hell".
It's a detritovore though, it literally scavenges debris that falls from the upper ocean as "marine snow" with those fearsome arms, then squeezes it into marine snowballs and chows down.