If I Were Looking For A Tech Job In 2024 I'd Do This

If I Were Looking For A Tech Job In 2024 I'd Do This

A Life Engineered

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@callous21 - 20.01.2024 02:41

And I don't appreciate the attitude. 😂

@maximcoding2667 - 20.01.2024 00:03

so brainwashed comments 🤣

@EMdragonKnight - 19.01.2024 21:45

Yah, but if you're referring people you don't know does your referrals still have value?

@simpleplan2528 - 18.01.2024 14:41

Hey I kept on staring at your watch, what timepiece brand is it?😂

@Inquiringmind718 - 18.01.2024 07:23

Hi Looking to enter the IT field, currently in Nursing, would you be able to share your thoughts on outlook for Java developers? Would that be a good / high demand position?

@denizkerim6112 - 18.01.2024 02:37

Am I missing something here? If the person you interviewed is really well qualified, but he failed the interview. Doesn't that mean that the interview process is flawed?

@manny7662 - 18.01.2024 01:26

I don't have a completed degree but I have worked a year as a web developer for a startup with some internships. It took a year to land that opportunity, and I decided to stay with them until I had something to showcase to my next employer. I made a web app that I am the sole developer of and I'm trying to find my next job since my current job is doesn't pay consistently.

I don't care about Faang or anything prestigious. It doesn't necessarily have to be 6 figures. 
I just want a job that is more stable. 

If people with several years of experience and have multiple degrees or whatever are struggling, I'm going to build my own startup to get myself going on my own path. Seems like it's the only way these days.

@ajinkyapahinkar6463 - 17.01.2024 21:18

While this is good advice it’s slight different for the 2024 market. If you have 100s of people apply before you are able to get a referral then it’s best to just apply without referral, referrals don’t hold the same power they did earlier, so it’s much better to work on your resume and have it tailored and apply as soon as possible. Practically speaking applying for just half a day is not advisable rather apply in small batches through out the day so you make the most of your time and don’t miss out on opportunities at the same time. Also have a job scheduler isn’t going make a whole lot of difference most positions don’t even have the hiring manager or Recuriter specified on the position so just follow up with the people you see on your LinkedIn msg. Also given the number of ppl In the market getting a reply is really difficult all recruiters are overwhelmed with msgs so the best bet is to keep your eye out for positions as soon as they open and have msg templates ready to go.

@gradientO - 17.01.2024 16:08

Congrats on completing almost 2 decades in Amazon. Onto the next chapter!

@lilithscanadiandiary5852 - 17.01.2024 07:39

Hi 👋 , thank you for your videos, they are really helpful!!!

I'll have an interview with Amazon soon. I'm more Bob from this story.
Do I have a chance? I really like backend development, but I have no experience.

But I really want to and I'm sure I can learn quickly.
Will the possession of experience become a barrier?

@Cryogenics12 - 17.01.2024 02:17

What are your thoughts on AI's impact in the going forward?

@TreeLuvBurdpu - 16.01.2024 23:44

Spreadsheets? TaskWarrior and CSVs.

@StalkedByLosers - 16.01.2024 22:25

Just got a job at Meta after failing my interview at Blue Origin a few months back. This is 100% on point. I ramped up my interviewing skills after I failed Blue Origin and had to fight my inner demons during that time. It paid off. Really good self psych to prevent you feeling down after failing a good opportunity is to think of these opportunities like surfing. If you miss a wave surfing, you don't go home. You get ready for the next wave. 🏄‍♂️

@LizzyBu - 16.01.2024 20:55

Moral of the story: part with your ex on good terms 📝
I want support all people struggling to find a job at the moment. I was looking for a job in 2023 for 5 mo (being a senior engineer with 8yoe) and I hope market gets better soon. The only thing I can tell, there is definitely a moment of luck: like being one of the first applicants or encountering a good company with humane processes, however you have to be prepared to make the best of the opportunity when it finally occurs.

@ChristopherPisz - 16.01.2024 18:21

I have no idea to this day why people think Amazon is such a special employer in the software industry. Just go buy "cracking the code interview", play on hackerrank, and memorize all the common algorithm type interview questions. Their interviews are always more about what you memorized and how quickly you can reproduce it then your abilities as a software engineer, your creative design and problem solving, and your people skills.

I've interviewed candidates that worked for Amazon that can't even write "Hello World" and parse command line arguments from memory in C++, but they can sure as hell code an algorithm that will tell you if a word is a palindrome or find a path through a 2d grid.

@Arcwise - 16.01.2024 15:06

“Everybody has a network” is the truest statement. I am extremely introverted, basically a hermit, and my entire network consists of only 5 people (family and friends included) for whom I’m the most capable engineer they know. Almost all of my opportunities (failed and successful ones) have come from these connections alone.

@Aiworld2025 - 16.01.2024 13:13

If Dice is sponsoring this video then we know this video is already bias… also to be fair technical interviews in 2022 and before is nothing compared to 2023 and 2024 😅 introducing AI

@ehm-wg8pd - 16.01.2024 05:54

Hi uncle steve nice video, i wonder why you never talk about decision to stay or leave a company?

@sotasearcher - 16.01.2024 03:31

the first sentence is literally me and SEVERAL people from my cohort

@harryjamessmithmusic7762 - 16.01.2024 01:36

Great video! But 'connections' and 'network' are all what I hate about it! It feels like corruption. It's not about how talented you are; it's all about who you know. Some people don't even need any qualification or a college degree; all they need is good connections. Favoritism and nepotism everywhere! The others have to do tons of resumes, applications, all the 'hard work' to get a job, almost begging for a job. And yet, some people need only good connections. That seems fair! You know, I earned a Master's degree and a PhD in liberal arts. I graduated from the university with straight A's always. And yet, I have been unemployed for almost 6 years, and no one cares! Most employers just ignore me completely. No, thank you. Yes, I would rather be homeless than use my connections to get a job. I am not from the US though. (I'm from the EU). Good luck to all!

@Luddites - 16.01.2024 00:32

Ya, i guess most people lack follow thru, like we'll follow thru when we're motivated --but not when we're down in the dumps

@sea0920 - 15.01.2024 23:57

Great. I think this is general advice you would give to anyone looking for a job. Not just in 2024.

@Damian-cd2tj - 15.01.2024 21:37

In today’s market, you get very few callbacks, if you spend a lot of time researching and documenting every company you a apply to, the chances of you getting a call decrease. You need to apply 100 companies to get maybe a few callbacks. Say you can apply to 10 companies per day, doing research and documenting, you’ll spend 2 weeks applying and 0 time preparing.

@VyseMalice - 15.01.2024 21:33

I have a Master's Degree and can't break into the field; I graduated in the last recession; then I got into sales and did well there. Sales crashed, and I ended up back in Industrial work; someone fell asleep on an electric pallet jack and I almost lost my leg. I left Industrial Work in 11/1, and committed to getting back into IT; Got my A+, Sec+, and Google Sec since between 11/1, and 12/24. I never get technical interviews; I upskill daily, and am studying Machine Learning.

@nathanli6039 - 15.01.2024 20:50

Thanks for this, your videos really help not only in terms of good solid advice, but also in the motivational aspect

@JonathanTheZombie - 15.01.2024 20:28

I’m a senior engineer. I have never gotten a single job without networking and leveraging it heavily.

@Dekutard - 15.01.2024 19:02

it’s been so many years for me since i got laid off from my first tech job. i can’t stand doing the work anymore to keep trying to get back in software.

@DataScientistLuna - 15.01.2024 18:04

I love your story of how you got into Amazon!! Keeping the connection strong is definitely difficult but it is so worth it :) Thanks for sharing!

@danielqu4947 - 15.01.2024 17:53

Just have to say thanks, I learned valubale advice from it. Currently I am stuggling with lack of experince and getting well prepared for machine learning jobs, but it turn out harder than I thought, as a comprimise I am searching for backend jobs, and prepare for it everyday, since I am lack of experince and skill as well. Now I spend most of my time on learning backend stuff trying to get a beckend job first and spend small potion on reviewing machine learning knowledge I have spent a lot of time learned previously, I dont have a degree, droped out in college, and trying to get out while stuck in China. Although job market is likely to be much worse this year, I have to stay organized and disciplined. Anyway, Thanks.

@icybreath1 - 15.01.2024 17:41

What are your advice for a beginning master's student looking to make the jump from data analyst (not too technical) to being a software engineer?

@basil9633 - 15.01.2024 16:22

I feel like I am a synthesis of Alice and Bob but more Bobibsh

@ArjunSingh-qt5jn - 15.01.2024 04:04

As always, great video!

@izamalcadosa2951 - 15.01.2024 00:44

For all of us that are having a hard time finding a job in Tech, specially as a Software Developer or Software Engineer, I would suggest looking for other types of Engineering roles within IT. For example, I have been doing Hardware, Operating Systems and Network Engineer the last 2 years through contracting. I have a BS in CS and have only had one Software Engineering job, since I graduated from college several years ago. As Engineers, we should be able to do more than Software Development and Engineering! Hardware, Operating Systems, Network, Server and Data Engineering are other options, amongst like 20 different other tech jobs you can do with a CS degree. Great videos, Steve!!

@MasterMcCubbin - 15.01.2024 00:25

I think I read this story in his newsletter

@PacoOtis - 15.01.2024 00:10

GRAMMAR! If I WERE looking.............. go apologize to your English teacher!

@chineseRATFACE - 14.01.2024 22:54

This is what "software dev" and "CS" actually is. Full of skids, noobs, people who think theyre genuinely good at coding (when they arent). Its so massively a skill issue. When you mentioned bob was working on a leetcode problem for a week straight, you had me realize both in the example are leechers. The bigger problem is those who are actually skilled go unnoticed. Theres a big reason why employers do not want Gen Z, theyre totally bad at coding.

@filthyfrankblack4067 - 14.01.2024 22:37

A Life Engineered: "Keep your interviewing skills warm even if your not getting any callbacks".
Employer: Why is everyone leaving a job they just got for another one? They must not want to work.

@xxcryicesxxcryices3382 - 14.01.2024 21:36

Love your videos - I’d like to see one addressing when is the right time to switch teams, or managers. It’s risky switching teams and has a big effect on your career. Anyways, keep up the good work!

@TheRogueRockhound - 14.01.2024 21:35

This is pure and utter BS

@shafiulAlamShafi - 14.01.2024 20:58

Super helpful to make solid preparation

@ianmyers5784 - 14.01.2024 20:54

Hi, would you like to be apart of my network? and may I please have SWE interview at Amazon. Thanks! I am a SWE II with excellent hygiene and organizational skills.

@Jacob011 - 14.01.2024 18:24

Guy dated a girl and has a network, thinks everybody has a network has spent too much time living their life unaware that others don't have "connections" and former "girlfriends".

@kcnl2522 - 14.01.2024 16:41

You reap what you sow

@amram86 - 14.01.2024 14:59

Your the man Uncle Steve, keep making great videos.

@lady0shady - 14.01.2024 14:53

I have a feeling like talking and presentation (even via resume) is the most important part of all of that.
You can have amazing skills etc., but in today's world talking & selling has the biggest impact on how you are perceived by the company
