Inside The DNR, The Russia-Backed Region Clashing With Ukraine (HBO)

Inside The DNR, The Russia-Backed Region Clashing With Ukraine (HBO)


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Geoff Crumblin
Geoff Crumblin - 18.09.2023 05:06

Is this the same mob that shot down the Malaysian Airline plane?

Reanimation EAS
Reanimation EAS - 03.07.2023 04:56

DPR and LPR= Occupied Ukraine

Manchagojohnson Manchago
Manchagojohnson Manchago - 06.06.2023 14:33

Hmm wounder how this will pan out?

Udit Malik
Udit Malik - 24.01.2023 20:12

What a biased reporting

Matt Cannon
Matt Cannon - 12.01.2023 04:13

Terrible journalism. This man is far too opinionated to have an unbiased agenda. It seems like he is there not to report on the situation of the people but instead to find any and all information that discredits the DPR. He is sceptical of everything, maybe he should sit through an hour of shelling and then check to see if people are "playing" dead in the street.

Romero Family Fun Challenge
Romero Family Fun Challenge - 31.12.2022 03:56

Full of propaganda

King Nevermore
King Nevermore - 27.11.2022 19:04

Disgusting terrible propagandistic documentary Vice!

Tatiana LYULKIN - 22.11.2022 18:25

Can someone please explain to me how villifying and dehumanizing the Donbass Rebels is gonna stop the civil war?

Aboubacar Diop
Aboubacar Diop - 19.11.2022 08:08

Vive les Russes, ils valent mieux que les racailles ukrainiennes judeo-nazies qui veuent les priver du droit à l'autodétermination qui se réclament après referendum.

John Hume
John Hume - 09.11.2022 03:52

Cant be sure whats really happening in the DNR but some guy in a ski masks word is gospel??
Clown World.

Braulio Bernard
Braulio Bernard - 22.10.2022 08:06

There is no way i go to ukrain as a volunteer

Siosaia Pouono
Siosaia Pouono - 24.08.2022 17:07

They should all move to russia

PTREK BOX BREAKS - 31.07.2022 00:14

I have an idea who that informant was giving info to Ukraine intelligence....I'm probably wrong but I have a guess

God's loudest shitter
God's loudest shitter - 22.07.2022 04:10

This is such a bs. First of all, this conflict started after Maidan and anti-Maidan, when people from the east didn't agree with Kiev regime and the change of government and wanted to secede but Kiev didn't let them. Watch 9th of the may, 2014 in Mariupol. There are many videos of soldiers from Kiev killing people there. Watch Patrick Lancaster. He went to DNR and LNR. He interviewed many people there. Why would you interview a guy, who doesn't even show his face, and assume that all he's saying is true, you dumb fucks. I swear to god, journalism has become something horrific

Wanda Meadows
Wanda Meadows - 18.07.2022 04:30

The way those people in DNR looked at Vice News is the same way all non-Leftist in the West look at Vice News.

SAHASRARA - 14.07.2022 04:14

it will never be not funny, how a group of alcoholics, drug addicts, former prisoners and other "cream" of the society call themselves "SPARTA" , "TIGERS" and other utterly redacted names, roflmao

Avi Bhagan
Avi Bhagan - 03.07.2022 05:39

Most of the violations start from the DNR, because the AOZV are in the DNR !

the Kiev backed military are the aggressors , the "separatists" are the locals who are defending!
Anyone who characterizes the DNR as " Russian invaders" and the Kiev backed military as the defenders is a lying propogandist and a shameless one at that .

the facts a very clear ! there is no ambiguity ! But the lying is almost second nature at this point.

Tim Minh
Tim Minh - 28.06.2022 08:55

30 seconds into the video and I sensed the first bias already. damn

The Entity
The Entity - 21.06.2022 19:16


* COMRADE * - 19.06.2022 14:40

Not separatist these are the DPR LPR idiot learn your facts Russia intervened to save its ppl what about the shelling of the DPR for 3weeks homes business markets were is the outcry for these ppl since 2014 14,000 have been murdered but nobody reports it u ppl need to learn the facts or shut your A hole

Polish, Norwegian and Spanish
Polish, Norwegian and Spanish - 19.06.2022 10:18

They don't fight to defend Ukrainian culture, which is older than Russian culture and is the culture of the country where they live in. They fight to defend culture of another, foreign country - Russia because they are Russians. They should have move to Russia if they love it so much, not bring war to Ukraine. Why they didn't do that? Because they have been sent and armed by Russia to destabilize Ukraine so it would not join NATO. Russia was doing to Donbas what China was doing to Tibet - sending Russian speakers there to spread Russian culture and traditions, as well as to shape politics in the foreign country. Instead of invading other people's land, they should have improve their own. 30 000 000 of Russians have no access to toilet or sewage system.

Shane M
Shane M - 13.06.2022 16:44

It was NATO funding the proxy war.

Mono Palle
Mono Palle - 09.06.2022 23:08

To THINK these people could have just MOVED to russia.... Now over a hundred thousand people are dead because of them.....

Mr Cactuar
Mr Cactuar - 06.06.2022 17:27

Right now, they kicking the asses of the ukronazi hordes there. Soon, the entire Donbass region will be free of the influence of the Zelesnky thugs

cnccarving - 03.06.2022 00:25

can someone spell out that kiev led forces waging war against ukrainien citizens?

A - 28.05.2022 10:07

The Donbass is very close to be free.

Iain Clark
Iain Clark - 19.05.2022 01:42

Where are we now.....part of the pariah state Putin created with nothing but soul searching aspirations to comfort you... or.... potentially part of a defeated separatist movement. You have destroyed any future you may have had by your "revolution". You deserve your destiny.....either way it will not be a good one.

electricalife - 17.05.2022 22:49

Same ol tired Russian propaganda.

Dinesh ganpat
Dinesh ganpat - 17.05.2022 08:59

The people of DNR gave u a chance to tell their side of the story and all u did was tell lies

bowmag803 - 16.05.2022 00:42

Maybe because the Ukraine had been killing them since 2014

Dacian Rider
Dacian Rider - 14.05.2022 11:13

the second they'd say something pro Ukrainian or anti ruZZian... those guys would have them tortured, ridiculed and kicked around. ruZZian thugs really are inhuman monsters ! I mean we talk about the by gone Nazis... but man ; these guys can't hold a candle in the sneakiness and devious department.

Daniel Hutchinson
Daniel Hutchinson - 08.05.2022 03:40

Victoria Neulands War continues.....
The US seems to pour 5 billion bucks worth of weapons into ethnic differences, in hope of provoking Putin.
He seemed to just watch until March 16 2021 when NATO demonstrated their low budget version of Operation Barbarossa, and installed the 82nd Airborne in Warsaw.
That seemed like a somewhat serious threat.
But the Propaganda since then has been deafening....

Vincent OuYoung
Vincent OuYoung - 07.05.2022 17:41

Wow such an unbiased reporting.... NOT!

Boop Boop Globetrotters
Boop Boop Globetrotters - 03.05.2022 08:22

ITS DONETSK PEOPLES REPUBLIC......{D.P.R.} !!!! get it right people!

E_Valley - 03.05.2022 00:00

Noticed that this reports never mentioned when this all started - 8 years ago.
Please reference the UN (OSCE) saying "... most started by Donestk ...).
Irrespective of the story you're trying to sell aren't you admitting that the Kiev regime has (had) a problem that they refused to negotiate through their signing of the Minsk agreement?
You guys obviously haven't been checking Patrick Lancaster's video reports.

fixitright - 02.05.2022 02:18

I have completely changed my mind on journalism, you never know if what they're saying is for real or if it's for show?, Journalism used to be a voice against propaganda and now that it is all that it is...

takiri dixon
takiri dixon - 01.05.2022 12:42

This clown Jake Hanrahan's perception of the DNR is viewed with doubt. He is just another propaganda mouthpiece from the west.

Sylvia Beam
Sylvia Beam - 30.04.2022 15:05

I'm really beginning to dislike Vice. Your reporters are too opinionated!! You don't want to except the citizens feelings but just want to push your narrative. Stop it and let them speak. This Ukraine citizens have lived for over eight years in a war with those Nazi Azov Ukraine military pigs. Why don't you report on the truth? The hell these people have lived in and maybe you can except the fact they want Russia. No one else has helped them they just want peace. Don't acting like the evil NATO cartel!!!

Richard1 - 29.04.2022 03:09

Zelensky is a thug

abangklcc - 28.04.2022 09:23

Haha when DPR people believe the vice tell their stories but end up VICE being biased to the west n talk bad about DPR.

lifeisabanan - 28.04.2022 07:30

As long as the Ukraina are there, there will e no peace that is clear now.

Surly Pugsly
Surly Pugsly - 26.04.2022 06:18

Kinda makes The North Korean Rule look amateurish.

Pho-King Soup
Pho-King Soup - 24.04.2022 17:11

Meanwhile Russia is slaughtering Russian speaking people all over Ukraine right now. The only interest they had in these people was as an eventual excuse to invade Ukraine and subjugate its people.
