The Sad State of Bethesda Games

The Sad State of Bethesda Games

Captain Meaty

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@SR-ti6jj - 08.02.2024 11:55

His sweet little lies, oh his sweet little lies

@LG1ikLx - 08.02.2024 08:21

Just to throw this out there. People really need to learn what optimization means. Starfield is optimized. Watch Gamers Nexus video cos this comment would be to long.
While the game doesn't live up to previous Bethesda games but if you purely go in for quests then I personally liked it. But exploration and looting sucks.

@Shootashaad003 - 06.02.2024 12:32

I dislike ppl who play games just to try to do things it’s not ment to them trash the dev oh this game is crap you can’t do xy and z. Like crying about the load screens or crying about this is repetitive like all games are like that some point. Some mf just never satisfied

@majorlouis956 - 06.02.2024 10:11

Don't call Baulders gate 3, bald and gay , you pregnant goldfish (Tw.T

@bubdubs5294 - 06.02.2024 08:35

Been hitting FO76 like crack hit the inner cities in the 80s

@Falcone45 - 05.02.2024 05:27

Is Todd leaving Bethesda? He and his execs need to leave.

@3llusiiv331 - 04.02.2024 04:06

And all those woke flags in the crafting menu fk off with that shit we dont need that in gaming

@3llusiiv331 - 04.02.2024 04:04

I wish fallout and skyrim belonged to ubisoft there games are flawless in terms of animations and world there engine is fantastic imagine if rockstar made skyrim and fallout they would be the most played games ever, get Todd out and fresh up or sell it to people who will put genuine passion into it not reskin the cover and resell at full price

@Kenaiwolf - 03.02.2024 14:52

After 200 hours, I'm BORED playing Starfield.

@boomnik3431 - 03.02.2024 09:26

✋✋✋this is not a bethesda or any dev team fault to many whoops to jump through because of a messed up society everything woke these teams follow what you streamers and gamers are playing just a random example 😵survival "chore" genre my god the most boring fun factor killer in games realism isn't fun that a fact so blame yourself for support this genre just because a game trending on steam data base doesn't mean its good take away the multiplayer elements then you just left with bs🤔

@xaxaxaxaax - 02.02.2024 10:36

Why does Starfield use fonts from Windows95?

@simple-commentator-not-rea7345 - 01.02.2024 13:45

What, like, the 2500th video this year talking about Bethesda's decline? And it still makes the same mistake; hopes for something good to come out in the future. Haven't the last few years given enough of a hint on what to expect?

@arimoh2840 - 30.01.2024 01:16

Fallout New Vegas is easily my favorite game of all time, easily the best RPG ever made in my opinion. Better than all of Bugthesda's games combined. Bugthesda are like the Nazis of the video game industry with how purely greedy and soulless they are.

@averageadam5001 - 28.01.2024 23:06

The game was booty. Played for 20 hours and couldn't continue. Such a bore

@markbishop9225 - 28.01.2024 04:55

No other game company has people saying, "Don't worry modders will fix the game." with every release

@griggletv6974 - 26.01.2024 20:41

After fall out 76 the very fact people still thought starfield would be good is dumb founding and even after the fact of starfield being out people still coped by saying you have to play for 11 hours for it to be good its just sad really

@conormctee3942 - 26.01.2024 13:08

Sadly tod is on crack

@mariolopez-kl4tk - 24.01.2024 07:16

this game is GARBAGE 😂

@Jorbz150 - 22.01.2024 04:27

I'm so unbelievably sick of designers complaining about people not liking their games enough.
You are not children, it isn't the job of society to tell you that the effort is what counts. You are making a product and selling it. In EVERY OTHER INDUSTRY it is well understood that people expect a product to be good, and complain when they spend money on things they dislike. The fact that it's hard to make good things doesn't mean people will pay 50 bucks for something that they don't want, and nobody has ANY moral obligation to avoid criticizing your product because of your effort.

@stevenguitink5947 - 21.01.2024 09:23

Personally, I think something being bad is at least interesting, because you can talk about and criticize why its bad. Also, if something is bad, by and large there is still a design philosophy there, whether the philosophy is incompetent or offensive.

If something is mediocre, that's worse. Because more often than not, it demonstrates that there is competence behind the creation, but the creator themselves were usually either too lazy, too scared to push boundaries or not good enough to carry the product. Starfield to me from everything I've heard sits in this category. Everything is competent, but is so bland, so inoffensive and so milquetoast as to please no-one but the most diehard Bethesda fans.

@mattsharpey361 - 21.01.2024 05:09

Love the game, love the hate as well.

@Drak976 - 19.01.2024 06:41

I really liked VATS. The fact you couldn't even mod it into Skyrim was confusing. Does shooting arrows at dragons manually really interest people? Like with a console controller? It should have been a future sequel to Fallout there's nothing wrong with that.

@sannyassi73 - 19.01.2024 01:54

Bald and Gay.... LOL, I almost missed that!

@sannyassi73 - 19.01.2024 01:43

I never understood Fallout 3 love (I didn't like 4 much, it was okay- certainly worse than 3), I just didn't like it. But then I like a lot of stuff others don't love so it's probably the same thing. Bethesda just does not innovate, they repaint the same game mechanics over and over.

@Binnonexe - 18.01.2024 21:05

when the best written fallout games weren’t made by bethesda 😂

@CharlesBotero - 18.01.2024 15:34

Creation engine : pls let me die :(

@Andrewf5251 - 17.01.2024 15:18

bethesda`s main problem is their writers . imagine creating a big open world with interesting locations and beautiful jeremy soule music to explore all of it but having your questlines being written by an incompetent imbiciles . i loved skyrim`s world but damn every guild`s questline / main plot / most of secondary quests sucked . everything related to narrative in bethesda`s games is just so bad .

@ShuhanDeath - 17.01.2024 06:33

Simple solution - Kick Todd out, bring those ex-Obsidian devs that were involved in FO New Vegas, or at least someone passionate about making rpg games

@gathel8574 - 16.01.2024 11:33

Its funny if Bethesda best games was Fallout New Vegas

@micshazam842 - 14.01.2024 23:15

I don't really see Bethesda "falling" until Fallout 76 and Starfield. Before then, they were just up to business as usual. Morrowind might have had somewhat deeper quests than other Bethesda RPGs, but all of the rest work much like each other. So I don't feel like Skyrim and Fallout 4 are disappointing at all. They're just the usual Bethesda approach and I like that. If anything, Fallout 4 does the Bethesda magic better than any of their previous games, with the game world feeling not just big, but very hand crafted, interesting and atmospheric. I've played 90+ plus hours of the game and have barely gotten started on the main storyline, and I'm not bored yet.

Open world RPG sandbox dungeon crawlers, basically. Bethesda were never good at doing choice heavy narrative led RPGs and they've never tried to pretend that's their strength either. The thing that sucks so bad about Starfield is that it doesn't even manage to do what Bethesda has historically been good at. It's a bad sandbox RPG, on top of being a bad narrative oriented RPG.

I don't want Bethesda to do narrative heavy RPGs about choice. I want them to make big worlds full of dungeons, treasure chests and sandbox RPG systems. It's clear that the zeitgeist has been leaning in favor of RPGs about conversations with NPCs and about moral choices, but that's not what I'm into. I love the old school approach of exploration, traps, monsters and treasures. More Eye of the Beholder than Dragon Age. I just think this is interesting because I see a lot of people criticizing Bethesda games for being bad at doing the Dragon Age thing, when I don't think that's even what they're trying to do in the first place. Just an observation. Oh well.

@VenomSteak - 13.01.2024 23:10

A friend of a friend of mine said it best: Starfield is a terrible game if you have no imagination.

@wischfulthinking - 13.01.2024 21:49

So basically every game sucks. You’re an idiot bruh.

@saladinbob - 13.01.2024 15:22

Bethesda's problems stem from the simple fact that the Bethesda formulae is out of date. It's essentially the same formulae used in 2002 for Morrowind and beyond minor tinkering around the edges and iterating on graphics, which since Skyrim have been behind their peers, is essentially the same as it was 22 years ago. If they're to survive they need to update it. Trouble is I don't believe Todd Howard is either willing or able to doing that, I think he's so wedded to the formulae he's become a roadblock to success, and, let's be honest ever since FO76 he's been a complete PR disaster. Either he sits down and listens or gets out of the way; BGS can't go on like they are.

@jessefaucette7323 - 12.01.2024 15:47

Starting to think I'm the only one that thinks fo3 is better than NV

@GrannyPlaysGames-dm4hq - 12.01.2024 02:39

I have played Starfield for 160 hours. I had no preconceptions. It was touted as the next best thing and a new era in gaming...... and it is not. it's politics and psychology are earthbound, colonial and trashy. And don't even talk to me a bout the romantic dialogue, cheesy... It was quite ironical that they had adds on Dorito packets. It is not for me because I see it as a dull, cheesy, space themed spaghetti' western, where it seems the humans have over-run space... So far I have not seen any other 'intelligent' life forms, so have the humans wiped them all out to take over their planets? I actually hate this game. And I haven't even mentioned all the load screens, no underwater exploration, no flying your spaceship, boring modular building, etcetera.

@thomasneal9291 - 11.01.2024 13:50

Hey, idiot, did you not know that the guys that ORIGINALLY developed the fallout series FORMED Obsidian software? yes, that's right, the original programmers showed yet again what a failure Bethesda was. but you didn't spend even 30 minutes researching this trash. sad.

@thomasneal9291 - 11.01.2024 13:47

If you want to see an actual detailed and ACCURATE review of FO3, try Hbomberguy.

@thomasneal9291 - 11.01.2024 13:40

Beth stole the Fallout series. they did NOT develop it.

@BillO62 - 11.01.2024 09:26

Greatest game Bethesda has ever published is Fallout New Vegas

@marktaylor6553 - 11.01.2024 06:44

Todd said they optimized the games. Modders looked at it and said they didn't. Then the modders optimized the game themselves within a few days - something Bethesda claimed it already did, but obviously had no clue how to do. Bethesda magic is gone - all they know how to do now is created empty boring worlds, hoping modders will make them interesting. Oh, and Starfield's NPCs look like asz!

@dubbyx8490 - 10.01.2024 14:35

Never liked Bethesda.. The fighting/battle mechanics of their games always felt off to me.

@jesusalvarez5391 - 10.01.2024 03:24

Yeah real unfortunate people nowadays don't have the brain capacity to appreciate a good game anymore

@ZengiXoung - 09.01.2024 20:33

starfield and 76 where trashcan shit games BUT they haven't fucked a elder scrolls game up....yet, I was still/kinda am a die hard fan but fuck am i hoping they dont butcher the next elder scrolls title after Morrowind being my childhood and Oblivion and Skyrim both being great even if they slowly lost some of the RPG aspects.

@bobmcbobbington9220 - 09.01.2024 19:21

Fallout 3's gameplay was so bad that they had to implement an auto-aim system so you can actually hit your target. I can tell when these content creators were between the age of 12- 16 just by how poorly they remember things.

@matthewwebster3143 - 09.01.2024 10:13

You are playing it wrong lol

@SirButtah - 09.01.2024 07:51

Bethesda is a true Fallout and/or Elder Scrolls away from another all time great game.

@boopuchannel - 09.01.2024 00:01

they somehow managed to make starfield a more mundane and uninspiring world than real life. that is the only impressive and saddest aspect about the game

@mobiusZero2 - 08.01.2024 19:03

no man sky for the win again
