The keto diet uncovered: The truth about fat vs. carbs | ZOE Dailies with Christopher Gardner

The keto diet uncovered: The truth about fat vs. carbs | ZOE Dailies with Christopher Gardner


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@wardhamrin3979 - 03.02.2024 06:54

We have only eat carbs for such a short period of time in our history lol!!

@wardhamrin3979 - 03.02.2024 06:53

Brain prefers carbs ? Is there some studies to back up that statement? Christopher just states it like well we all know that. low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet may benefit patients with brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and intractable epilepsy so I certainly think this is not so cut and dried and Christoper should be better that considering who he is .Seems like he is not a good guest to have on your podcast as we want open minded people not closed minded.

@neiljoseph1126 - 02.02.2024 17:10

Sounds like Christopher used the wrong chefs

@girl_on_fire_x_x - 31.01.2024 23:28

Jars of fat instead of creating ketogenic meals is just ridiculous. It's not hard to eat fatty cuts of meat and green veggies for dinner. Or fatty fish like mackerel with a salad for lunch. I feel like people just dont understand what ketosis is.
High LDL is not a disease, nor does it directly correlate to heart disease in the same way as high Triglycerides do. Do you know what does directly correlate to heart disease? High sugar consumption/ high carb diet leading to T2 diabetes. Whole grains are not a necessity for longevity and health.

@pedro.almeida - 29.01.2024 16:15

If this was supposed to help people have a balanced view about the keto diet, then it failed. Seemed more of a fear mongering kind of video. So the keto diet is difficult to follow, and most people fail at getting into ketosis, so how the heck you’re getting all these people with the keto flu, that’s easily avoided and it just lasts a few days anyway? And all those people that are pouring in the poor doctors office? They can’t really be in ketosis then, because you said yourself that people aren’t able to do it, so the problem is not the keto diet…

Lots of good fats and proteins you can consume in the keto diet. In fact most people will more plant heavy in a keto diet, compared to what they are eating now. Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, avocado, etc are a staple in a well formulated keto diet. As for the company that were unable to provided a balanced keto diet, that happens because they are working with processed foods, high in sugar and carbs. To do keto right one basically has to throw out every cardboard package in the house, and go eat real fresh food.

@gillsimpson4976 - 27.01.2024 19:51

Its been reported that Dr Garner receives funding from 'Beyond Meat'.
If this is true he should be openly declaring this to Zoe viewers .

@LoveGixx - 27.01.2024 13:35

.. how does being on keto help with epilepsy when the brain is using ketones but eating carbs does not because its using glucose!?.. carbs/sugars destroy the brain.. it is called Alzheimer also known as Type 3 Diabetes.. doesnt make sense.. this channel has been blocked and not recommending.. not sure why it was past through my feed..

@sharky01dancer - 26.01.2024 02:30

Wow !! This and the carnivore diet video has shown that this person isn’t to be trusted with providing correct and accurate information and clearly has an agenda to come out with lies and almost mock people that are on these diets that actually see real results and are getting high fat and are measuring blood ketones and are burning fat and are not hungry it’s ridiculous that this well played actor is using a platform like ZOE to push an agenda

@healthquest365 - 25.01.2024 10:19

Excited to dive into the world of diets with this special episode! 🍽

@antekaramatic4747 - 25.01.2024 04:09

And... unsubscribe from Zoe.

@ambroziajewel - 25.01.2024 01:53

Funny to hear you mention the Stillman diet. That was the first diet I used, 1972 I think. After that I’ve never eaten a piece of meat. 😂

@OceanChild7 - 24.01.2024 22:35

I've unintentionally lost 13 kg in late 2020 when I had a very hectic work schedule and could afford only 2 meals per day and funnily enough those foods I've eaten fell into keto categorie (including the non-starchy veggies), so I'm pretty sure I was in ketosis some time then, butI wouldn't know it because I started analyzing my diet 2 months in, when all my clothes suddenly became too big for me. I tried to keep keto diet in aware way then and I couln't keep up with it so it must be some glitch in the system for me then)) I've been struggling to lose weight half of my adult life and I'm so happy that this accidental ketosis + IF happened to me. I still think the real reason is IF, not a keto food groups but I don't eat sugar and grains to this day, it's very easy for me, and I managed to keep my weight for 3 years now with no sacrifice. So, although I do not approve of the exremes of Keto, I think there is definitely something there in eating a lot of "clean" keto approved food matched with a meal schedule suitable personally for you.

@rextech2016 - 24.01.2024 21:37

Transforming my keto journey with the Rysefureke method has been phenomenal. It's not just about shedding weight; I'm gaining an unmatched vitality. Loving the outstanding results!

@JuanDiegoGruk - 24.01.2024 21:37

The Rysefureke method is the secret behind my upgraded keto lifestyle. It's not just about losing weight; I'm embracing a new level of vitality. Results are truly impressive!

@ferencbodnar2969 - 24.01.2024 21:37

Thanks to the Rysefureke method, my keto lifestyle is thriving. Beyond weight loss, I'm experiencing a remarkable surge of vitality. Results are absolutely amazing!

@andreasalexandrou6505 - 24.01.2024 15:09

What nonsense. Out of date, myth propogating and a complete disregard for our health.

@emmabannister210 - 24.01.2024 12:21

As Nina Teicholz writes in Unsettled Science , Prof Gardner is Director of the Stanford Plant -Based Diet Initiative PBDI launched in 2021 with a 5 year grant from meat replacement company Beyond Meat. This diet series from Zoe is like the soft drink companies and cereal companies giving away exercise vouchers. I unsubscribed.

@myopenmind527 - 24.01.2024 10:57

Very disappointing and misleading Zoe Podcast.

So much bias on show here.

I lost 36lb on this diet in the first four months of 2023. Never felt so healthy in my life. My cholesterol improved. My ALT returned to well within the normal range . My fatty liver resolved.

You really need to have Eric Westman on your podcast. He’s been using this diet for the past two decades.

There’s no mention of leafy green and other veg on this diet.

My advice is do your own research. Zoe is defiantly anti keto and for very poor reasons.

@myopenmind527 - 24.01.2024 09:59

If he was talking at a medical conference he would have to declare any funding that he has received and any conflicts of interest.

@beckyconstantinides2546 - 24.01.2024 03:45

Thank you

@drewetpa - 23.01.2024 23:50

The twins study programme on Netlfix put me off Christopher Gardner. It was basically an advert for veganism. Totally lacking in scientific rigour. All the twins were specially selected for TV. They were all rather "telegenic" No mention whatsover of the requirement to supplement to make up for the nutrient deficiencies of a vegan diet.

@studiophantomanimation - 23.01.2024 21:25

This comes across as unbelievably biased. I eat low carb, keep my fat and protein to average levels and eat a ton of vegetables. I lost 3 stone in 3 months, feel great and have kept it up for 6 months.

@ferencbodnar2969 - 23.01.2024 20:36

Transforming my keto journey with the Rysefureke method has been phenomenal. It's not just about shedding weight; I'm gaining an unmatched vitality. Loving the outstanding results!

@jmorales8 - 23.01.2024 16:38

Just incorporated the Rysefureke method into my keto routine, and WOW! The energy boost is unreal, and I'm torching fat like it's nobody's business. Feeling fantastic!

@simonround2439 - 23.01.2024 15:52

A few points that for his undoubted erudition, Chris has got wrong. Firstly he asserts that your body prefers to run on carbs. Certainly the body will attempt to burn carbs as a priority but that's not because it prefers them, it's because excess glucose is dangerous, therefore your body know it needs to be swept out of the bloodstream quickly. He talks about the keto flu as if this is an actual problem. A few people have mild symptoms when they change their diet, as you would when presenting a different kind of nutrition to your body. I never experienced this at all and those who do rarely have an symptoms for more than a couple of days. He says most people find keto unsustainable. I have eaten this way for a year and a half now. It is incredibly easy, tasty and there is infinite variety. To say otherwise is just propaganda. Then there is the saturated fat red herring. Firstly you do not have to even eat meat to be keto. You could easily be a keto pescatarian there are examples of keto vegetarian and even vegan diets. LDL does not necessarily become raised on keto. Many experience no rise in LDL and those who do usually find that it is accompanied by other positive markers such as higher HDL, lower triglcerides, lower blood pressure, lower blood glucose and weight loss. I am now leaner, fitter and more healthy than my pre-keto self. Not everyone will enjoy this diet but those who do will undoubtedly benefit.

@finlaywhiskard3965 - 23.01.2024 15:10

Unsubscribed. Based on politics, not facts.

@felipearbustopotd - 23.01.2024 10:31

I lost 39 lbs / 18 kgs by moving more ( NEAT and Specific exercises ) doing OMAD and eating 60% fat ( so not strictly KETO - but still higher than what would be recommend ) and 20% from protein and carbs. This has recently changed but only w/r to changing to 2MAD.

No hunger dips vs how it was when I was eating higher carbs and multiple times per day.

The fat came from Nuts, seeds and from animal products, I avoided as best I could, all liquid fats which did mean reading nutritional and kcal labels with scrutiny. Ultra processed foods were also kept very much in check.

W/r protein - our bodies turn over ( so it has been said ) 300g per day, so saying that our protein requirements are not that high is counter to what I have heard.

As we age our bodies become less efficient at processing protein, so eating more would be beneficial and with movement it could potentially avoid sarcopenia. Looking scrawny is not a good look.


@TheAshtonjones - 23.01.2024 09:59

Keto helped reduce my IBS symptoms, I lost 4 stone in weight, and I was never hungry. My cholesterol stayed the same on it, but I’m not sure it was helping my gut diversity. Zoe triggered my IBS, I am for ever hungry and I have piled on the weight again, but my cholesterol did drop a bit. Sadly I wasn’t able to stay on it long enough to have the gut retest. I think the moral is no one diet suits one person.

@AI-vs7sm - 23.01.2024 07:11

The main problem here is that you are asking subjects, who are not motivated to follow the keto diet, to whole heartedly embrace it! That's because Gardner and your channel are plant based biased, and don't want an objective study! You just want to stand up and say ,oh, keto bad plants good! Thousands of people follow keto ,or low carb, or carnivore and have success, because they are committed to doing it! Beside , low carb is not high protein, and Gardner knows that ,he has said in other videos that protein in any diet tends to hover around 20%! He and this site are so biased that it is laughable!! Beyond meat funding is icing on the cake! Almond flour , of coutse!

@the-igloo - 22.01.2024 23:30

Wrong, ketosis is not governed by fat intake.

@pouranszekely-kiraly5076 - 22.01.2024 21:21


@garyroberts3859 - 22.01.2024 20:45

This clown is lying from the beginning…KETO isn’t 70% fat at all

@terenceclark6858 - 22.01.2024 17:30

I am 69 years old now when i was a child, a well balanced diet was 60% carbs...30% Protein...10% fats. Processed food was in its infancy and i believe those proportions were about right.

@rebeccaehoughland - 22.01.2024 16:21

I'm an advocate for the diet Christopher recommended, and skeptical (but not dismissive) of keto diets, but I have a question. How did this diet prevent epilepsy symptoms, was it the production of ketones? If so, surely getting to the point of ketosis isn't as difficult as he is suggesting, given these patients wouldn't have been eating as much fat as he suggested. Can you still produce ketones but not be in ketosis perhaps? Or were the ketones not what stopped the symptoms?

@kismet5487 - 22.01.2024 10:21

I’ve really tried to get into the ZOE podcasts. But I just can’t get past the presenter… what a sap.

@frenchiepowell - 22.01.2024 05:38

Great video with a top researcher. Amazing inputs from what he's seen in clinical research!

@HS-fm9kv - 22.01.2024 03:40

Keto is a shocking diet. We have a friend who follows it, and bis breath is that bad we won't get in a car with him...

Strangely, women are not interested in him because he stinks. Ergo, he is single (would like not to be). He is unlaid, frustrated and lonely...

@TNTpaintballCANADA - 22.01.2024 02:02

Having a 40 year vegetarian offer his opinion on the keto diet wouldn't have any bias showing through would it? These kind of videos is why I don't watch ZOE much anymore. Too much "expert" opinion and not enough good science.

@ausmiku - 22.01.2024 01:59

LOL. So much garbage here. Since 2023 the keto formula has changed. 90% of "keto" books and videos are out of date. Most health scientists now say the 75% fat ratio is wrong, and the protein ratio should be increased. It's difficult, inefficient and also uncommon for the mitochondria to covert amino acids to ATP (energy). Keto is not even the ultimate goal of fat burning, it's beta-oxidation. Ketones are the by-product of inefficient fat burning and disappear when people are fully fat adapted. And the concerns about high LDL and cholesterol have been debunked many times. This video is not with it. These guys need to do their homework.

@Natalia-hh8nl - 22.01.2024 00:49

Keto diet goes against WEF agendas, they what us to eat artificial food, plant based, bugs, all rubbish . This expert is biased, funded by Agendas21,30

@bettykramos1802 - 21.01.2024 22:49

He’s just so so wrong about keto…I’m no longer following this channel…sad..

@vhs10907 - 21.01.2024 21:55

In spite of the comments about a true keto diet being almost impossible, people who lose weight on keto will not be deterred just because they are told that it is not keto. Their goal is weight loss. I am also unsure of the argument that going on a keto diet, then eating a whole carbohydrate, say a banana, which makes the person's blood sugar spike will deter anyone. The person might argue that one should never eat a whole carbohydrate and diabetes will be avoided by staying on keto. Dr. Gardner's comments that people in the study could not sustain a keto diet does make a good point that most will eventually stop the keto diet, and the problems will surface.

@sarab9186 - 21.01.2024 20:38

So glad everyone can see how biased this is! But I'm glad he mentioned the fact that refined grains and sugar aren't great...

@faylinameir - 21.01.2024 20:27

Your bias is showing in all these videos. I’ll bet money once they get to plant based he’ll love it. Given that’s how he eats.

@seaviewpenangoverseas4603 - 21.01.2024 19:36

Step one is look at hormones then look at a complementary diet and lifestyle.

@radek2490 - 21.01.2024 15:53

This has got to be one of the worst nutrition videos in a while. A killer combination of out dated science, anecdotal "evidence" and misinformation. This so called professor bought and paid for by Beyond Meat pushing his plant propaganda once again.
