Web Design Vs. Web Development — What's The Difference?

Web Design Vs. Web Development — What's The Difference?


4 года назад

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@mathswealth - 02.06.2023 15:42

Thank you very much!!!!!!...Am enlightened

@sreejith9922 - 13.12.2022 12:57

Extremely like the video, man. Very helpful and informative. Thank you very much. It is presented so well too. Great, positive work.

@jameschasezmutai - 29.09.2022 12:57

Right brained, here we go, WEB DESIGN for me, artistic, visual, creative perfect fit for me. revelatory, thank you for this video.

@CristianDominguezReloaded - 01.09.2022 15:43

So if you build the website and design it , you can charge for both to your clients . Some believe they both are the same .

@Max-LifeCoach - 18.10.2021 17:25

Thanks for such simple and understandable explanation.

@BioAliyu - 27.06.2021 18:12

Which class does a WordPress user falls?

@julesjgreig - 21.05.2021 06:41

Very clear, Clare thank you

@wesleybates9111 - 09.12.2020 13:45

Thanks for providing such wonderful and meaningful information. Good luck for your upcoming updates.

@totallynotasimpdude8784 - 13.10.2020 05:42


@E71 - 23.12.2019 06:18

Architect vs builder is NOT a good analogy, because it implies a lot more of the core responsibility behind a site going to the designer when in fact it's the other way around.

It would have been more accurate to say that if a website was a car, the web designer designs the dashboard, steering wheel, etc, while the web developer designs the engine, underlying mechanics and electronics upon which everything runs.

It's also worth noting that web developers also typically also web designers, but web designers are typically not also web developers.

TL;DR: A slightly crude way of putting it is Engineering (Development) vs Art (Design).
