Starfield - Ship Building Tips & Tricks! 10 Things You Need To Know When Building Your Ship

Starfield - Ship Building Tips & Tricks! 10 Things You Need To Know When Building Your Ship

Arekkz Gaming

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J P - 08.10.2023 21:36

Nothing more lazy than a pit bull who didn’t do nothin all day.

S P - 06.10.2023 06:10

How do I move parts from one ship to another?

Deus Vlad2.0
Deus Vlad2.0 - 04.10.2023 00:04

What do each part in the menu mean? Like what is structural for?

Deus Vlad2.0
Deus Vlad2.0 - 03.10.2023 23:59

So whats best to go with A B or C Ship?

Caleb Neiman
Caleb Neiman - 01.10.2023 21:00

Super helpful thank you

shemgriffiths1 - 01.10.2023 19:16

what is the max mass, width and length possible

Ning Mixayboua
Ning Mixayboua - 01.10.2023 00:13

Thank you, triple thank you for making this very easy follow step by step guides for dummies like me. I love the game but I am really slow when it comes to reading the tutorials, you slowly pointing out and showing me this has made my life easier I now understand what all the red and errors mean this was so helpful and you don’t ramble on forever like some tutorials, that I can’t pay attention thank you so much ❤❤❤❤❤

AbsolutelyFeral - 30.09.2023 17:46

I can't figure out why I can't add more of the same landing gear, any suggestions?

DoomOfConviction - 29.09.2023 22:52

Ship building is simply broken! If i want to swap a captain living quarters vs a laboratory and i delet the living quarter to implement the same module just with a laboratory in it, the game will give me an error that I have unconected shp parts, while I have no unconected ship parts! This makes the whole experience completely so frustrating that I have no fun to try build my own ship, if i cant easily swap a part in a given ship! Bethesda is Junk and Jank, Todd gets his Money while modders have to fix his tragedy!

DarkieDark9087 - 28.09.2023 23:50

prolly a good mention, when you steal a ship from bandits or whatnot, it will have shipparts you havent unlocked yet.
But when you want an extra landing gear or engine you can just duplicate by holding down options and select duplicate.

MikeTrans - 27.09.2023 16:42

Thanks for this video, I was searching for long to get infos about what things you actually CANNOT do in the ship building and you mostly got me covered here. I have 2 questions: a) Can you just remove modules / weapons of your ship and get some money back? b) Can you remove modules from a ship and use it on another registered ship or store them somewhere? I'm asking these 2 mainly for knowing if I can do something different with boarded ships I took over than just registering and selling these ships if I don't want to keep them. Thanks very much to feedback, cheers!

Turtle Feet
Turtle Feet - 24.09.2023 00:08

How do you see which type of weapon these are? I can’t see anything that says “balistic”

Izaah Cruz
Izaah Cruz - 24.09.2023 00:05

What? But I want to know something? How do you put a hanger on the back part of the ship become when I do it? It doesn't allow me or say something different?

tyrant1384 - 22.09.2023 19:06

I would like to disassemble ships in my fleet and use the parts on other ships on own

Ethan Metcalf
Ethan Metcalf - 21.09.2023 21:00

I found a ship without missiles but i can NOT figure out how to add them someone please help me. This game has failed us all when it comes to a tutorial.

- Arm_The_Insane -
- Arm_The_Insane - - 20.09.2023 23:15

Wow you told exactly the stuff i learned when i was looking for like 5 min in the ship builder

Blockd Party
Blockd Party - 20.09.2023 22:19

I spent for 3 hours trying to modify my ship before giving up. Why can't I just have multiple reactors.

AJG - 19.09.2023 19:08

Has anyone else experienced a situation where literally every ship you find that lands on a planet has a closed landing bay? i dont know when it happened but now every time i try to find a ship after it lands has a closed landing bay. If this is a glitch then it ruins my current playthrough.

Bi773n - 16.09.2023 22:21

Whenever i change anything on any ship it becomes inaccessible....... If anyone knows anything on how to fix this would be super.

Wretched Slippage
Wretched Slippage - 16.09.2023 06:09

I would LOVE to see a save option form when youre half way through a build and have to leave so you dont lose 2 hours of design. Ask me how I know. Id also like to see filters to select parts by brand and class to make it easier to find parts and match them. They put a lot into this ship builder and then didnt add pretty obvious basic comforts lol

Crusader - 16.09.2023 02:49

So I was customising my ship and bought like 60,000 worth of new parts and got them all attached, but it said there was 1 error, I think it was too heavy? So I quit to start over but when I went back in all the parts I bought were gone and so was my money still. What am I missing? Where are the new parts I purchased?

Daniel Raynor
Daniel Raynor - 15.09.2023 22:22

Tip A is not the best class somehow ik its navy way aint boats imo and confusing af

Tyler Coffelt
Tyler Coffelt - 15.09.2023 13:43

Yeah i bought a Narcissus at the nova store and upgraded it into basically a luxury ship with 3 stories and it looks like an ice cream sandwich

Rip Dip
Rip Dip - 15.09.2023 05:51

I just want to put a fallout bobblehead on the dash. Nothing else is required.

dplusavg - 15.09.2023 01:17

Great video! Thx! I see all throughout your video your able to manuever your ship with NO HUD.

I assume you did this by going into FREELOOK but your somehow making it so you steer the ship instead of moving the camera, as normal.

Ive done this a few diff times myself by accidental keypress (I thought?) but now that I want to do it, I cant figure out how.

Im really hoping you can drop some knowledge and help me out!

Based Chad
Based Chad - 14.09.2023 20:23

Every time no matter what I do I get the cockpit not connected error, trash game

naw man
naw man - 13.09.2023 20:53

Is there any point in the game where they teach you how to do any of this? I got to Constellation in New Atlantis and decided to do side missions and exploring right away. I don’t know how to do much but grind and level.

Zach McGaugh
Zach McGaugh - 13.09.2023 19:21

FYI there are docking modules you can flip upside-down to put at the bottom of your ship instead of the top

Zach McGaugh
Zach McGaugh - 13.09.2023 19:21

FYI there are docking modules you can flip upside-down to put at the bottom of your ship instead of the top

morbid steel
morbid steel - 13.09.2023 14:27

Fingers crossed a dlc let's us build space stations

Riley Weimer
Riley Weimer - 13.09.2023 08:26

How does ship mobility really affect gameplay? Can’t you fast travel/jump drive anywhere? Also, it’s really appalling that you can’t rotate/flip most parts in the builder. Kerbal Space Program had an AMAZING builder, was hoping this game would be similar. I am still having a lot of with with it though, just been building up my material/xp farms lately :)

Jack Eriksen
Jack Eriksen - 13.09.2023 03:25

Tip 11: 2x1 habs got crafting and research tables.
It's kind of hidden due to inconsistent ui, but habs got variations you can toggle trough.

Look for Workshop, Research and living quarters. (the cooking station might be a bit buggy, targeted off center)

Hairy Hillman
Hairy Hillman - 12.09.2023 19:46

Does the build placement make a difference in gameplay? Like can you bury the reactor or grav drive behind habs to keep it from getting damaged in a fight?

Vern - 12.09.2023 15:09

Not one of these was a tip or a trick. Just knowledge

Ed Crosbie
Ed Crosbie - 12.09.2023 11:10

Next you should do a tutorial on how to place the doors and ladders WHERE YOU FKN WANT THEM!!! The seen to palce themseves in the dumbest way possible... like with a fkn rng roll or somrlething

crow's nest
crow's nest - 12.09.2023 05:15

Just hi jacked a spacer ship😅

Ryhan Langford
Ryhan Langford - 11.09.2023 19:25

I got a glitch saying my ship has a module not attached but flysheet anyway

SAB5106 - 11.09.2023 19:11

Very very infuriating building a ship and the doors just DO NOT appear where I need them to. The ship builder does not reflect where doors can't go.

ARC1701A - 11.09.2023 04:05

I got a free ship from the Kid Stuff perk because my virtual Dad won it in a poker game.

Wolfhors3 _
Wolfhors3 _ - 11.09.2023 02:07

I wonder if it would be advantageous to use class c reactor, weapons and shield then use A or B modules to lower mass and in crease mobility.

_CANITO2X_ DZ - 11.09.2023 02:03

Does anyone knows how to fix the ship not moving at all when I go to my ship it says I got engine power but when I’m in space I can’t w at all

Astria TV - Truth Exposed
Astria TV - Truth Exposed - 11.09.2023 01:21

I judt started the video so not sure if its stated but i was having trouble getting peices to snap they would go under the ship. I found out on controller pressing up and down on the D pad you can raise and lower the ship parts. Helped tremendously

e smith
e smith - 11.09.2023 01:19

So I got a free ship but it didn't have any weapons. I was able to add weapons to the W0 and W2 spot but I have no idea where to add it to the W1 spot but it always has that error. Do I need to add a part to the ship to able to attach the 3rd weapon? The first 2 added fine.

nick nagy
nick nagy - 11.09.2023 00:09

Use the cash hack in New Atlantis and get your money back from upgrades

Parwitch - 10.09.2023 07:41

Few more things that need clarification:
Hull number has any importance?
How the minimum landing gear numbers are calculated?

Roddy T Knight II
Roddy T Knight II - 08.09.2023 19:01

Does anyone know which have modules allow you to walk unencumbered through your ship? I noticed that some Han modules, when connected don’t have hatches end to end. So you end up turning left or right, while attempting to walk a straight path through your ship end to end.

Roddy T Knight II
Roddy T Knight II - 08.09.2023 18:59

Does anyone know which have modules allow you to walk unencumbered through your ship? I noticed that some had modules, when connected do have hatches end to end. So you end up turning left or right, while attempting to walk a straight path through your ship end to end.

Killingblaze - 08.09.2023 15:37

One other thing, anything that uses power can only have a total power count of what ever is on the bar, say engines, you can have as many as you want as long as they don’t exceed the total power allocation bar, think the number is 12 total power

Defender2516 - 08.09.2023 08:56

Honestly I can't even play this game with my 1080. I get 25 fps on ultra settings and turning it down to low i get 35 fps. I'm use to 90% of the games I play atleast getting 80 fps. This thing is a unoptimized mess and I'm not really enjoying it.
