The Most Feared Reptile On The Planet | Asia's Deadliest Snakes | Real Wild

The Most Feared Reptile On The Planet | Asia's Deadliest Snakes | Real Wild

Real Wild

1 год назад

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Khmer Sota
Khmer Sota - 24.10.2023 23:41

I had to eat a lot of insects and of course snakes to survive during genocide under Pol Pot Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1979. Only memories live on and it was seemed just like yesterday. Most of my family members did not survive to see the days. There are still a lot of snakes there until today!

G K - 24.10.2023 01:07

Why no saw scaled viper?

MyPetVelociraptor - 23.10.2023 21:13

Great video

Craig R. H. Laurent
Craig R. H. Laurent - 21.10.2023 19:41

The background "music" isn't necessary especially while a narrator is speaking. Your editing out that "music" apparently was not a concern for you. The photos of various snakes and the narration don't need anything additional.

Sharon Rigs
Sharon Rigs - 21.10.2023 05:35

Russell's Viper and the Fer de Lance scare me the most.
I would rather take a mortal bite from a neurotoxic krait or death adder.

jkirk1626 - 17.10.2023 20:20

Lots of Darwin Award contenders.

Kathy Bradbury
Kathy Bradbury - 17.10.2023 08:26

I’ve seen adult humans recovered out of the bellies of large pythons-don’t let this snake lover convince you otherwise.

Smoken Joe
Smoken Joe - 16.10.2023 06:40

I’m over 16 minutes into this video and haven’t seen a man killer yet! I can’t believe I wasted this much time on it!

Reginald Williams
Reginald Williams - 16.10.2023 04:37

Wouldn't stay there , staying in Texas my home don't have all of them snakes amen

Christopher Franklin
Christopher Franklin - 15.10.2023 06:06

Several months ago this year (2023), a housekeeper went missing, Indonesia, I think. They found a large python in the area with a large stomach bulge. They dispatched the snake and a necropsy revealed it had killed and consumed the housekeeper, a 54 year old woman. There was a video floating around a couple of years ago showing a python regurgitating a young hippo; young but still large. I think any child under 10 would be snack food for a 3-4 meter python. You better hope he eats the neighbor kid down the street first. When I was an Army officer in Vietnam I would tell my platoon on patrol to keep looking up for snipers and down for snakes.

Rich Abrams
Rich Abrams - 15.10.2023 03:37

Nearly all official sources name the saw scale viper as killing more people in Asia then all the rest put together. I guess not sexy enough to make this list.

Brother Malachai
Brother Malachai - 14.10.2023 01:21

"Snakes...why did it have to be snakes?"

forandon behalfof
forandon behalfof - 13.10.2023 03:46

Errrr...... The One-eyed trouser-snake causes more unplanned pregnancies than any other.
If untreated; complications include weight gain, unusual hormonal 'issues' and post-natal birth.

Cranky Pest
Cranky Pest - 12.10.2023 21:34

Hmmm odd that the carpet/Saw Scaled viper is not on her since it is one of they big 4 of danger snakes in Asia. I guess it could also be because they span all the way to Africa.

johnba291972 - 12.10.2023 00:18

lolwut, did he just say he's going to Asia to rape a snake??

M. ROGERS - 09.10.2023 23:48


Topher Chen
Topher Chen - 08.10.2023 18:20

i thot the king cobra is deadliest!

Ruud Raneberg
Ruud Raneberg - 04.10.2023 12:23

omg what a beautyfull animal the snake

Kimberly Ballard
Kimberly Ballard - 30.09.2023 10:14

My mom lived in Taiwan when she was a preteen. She got very close to a Russells viper snake . Her sister brought home a cobra from school another day.

O. Ben Perry
O. Ben Perry - 28.09.2023 00:38

saw scaled viper??

St. Clair Dancing
St. Clair Dancing - 27.09.2023 07:43

Ok, what about the Burmese python and the Anaconda...they are huge. The villagers near the rivers of the amazon say that a 50 foot Anaconda is a small one. Reptiles grow their entire lives, with the right heat and oxygen content and food....they will grow their entire lives...So Anaconda, and the Burmese pythons never stop growing.

sam martin
sam martin - 23.09.2023 06:38

That’s one job I wouldn’t want I can’t stand snakes if I lived over there I’d be packing all kind of 💪 guns

Animalyze71 - 22.09.2023 08:51

Next we go handle and cuddle the Inland Taipan, Crazy folks, too many Tokes I say lol. Great video this Guy reminds me of the late Steve Irwin with coolness around a deadly snake. Takes a special person with maybe a loose wire or three, to be hangin around these snakes lol. Brave or foolhardy they got more machismo than me for sure ;)

Saw scale Viper kills more than 50,000 people per year (No joke), that's literally a small towns worth and it doesn't make the list? It's tiny, deadly and even with the warning it gives awnry enough to outright bite first and figure out the threat later. Not sure how thorough the investigation was but being in India this was would be impossible not to run across, they are that common.

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 12:05

theres 88 social clases in india ------------ sonu singh

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 12:04

u moved up 4 social classess in india if u pulled that off

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 12:04

the indian guys u had to get out the game az in out the area and back to india

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 11:43

zo yes no more afterlife people arriving to earth just earth people arriving to the afterlife its been perfect since perfectorium

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 11:41

now its just me here az in zazzul

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 11:40

ideal iz to take the anti WRINKLE ((anti aging)) cream and ((it doesnt work on women at all, they just finnessed all women)) ideal for a male iz to take anti wrinkle ((anti aging)) cream and applying it to scars only ((i forgot about Vlad etc.s ability to obliterate the build up of negetive energy in the afterlife ---------- omnizenithal)) now its just me here

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 11:34

aramar from 1920s wouldnt have had that

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 11:34

xing ye: zo anti wrinkle cream is the reason george clooney became a 10/10 penultimately Tranquility pulling the strings etc.

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 11:33

xing ye:::anti wrinkle cream is a red herring it gives u wrinkles to sell more.............. ((correct))

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 11:28

photoshop and the snakes wish they looked like the Castration God snake etc.

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 11:24

the generic snake afterlife is just them snaking forward for eternity something heavenly for us------- generic snake

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 11:23

the fact u can amputate an arm to stop the venom spread isnt that bad because if they were smarter theyd of used a syringe the 40+ year old 125 nonverbal and nonverbal iq only thing to do ((and they were hunted down by the group out of jealousy)) not just laying down and dieing like the rest of them even tho etc.

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 11:19

the 80+ year old appropriate place on earth to live historically

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 11:18

its new still its accurate and where they live seeing snakes stick their tongue out all the time made the men cunnilingus obsessed az well as the women cunninlingus obsessed and oral sex obsessed etc. unfortunately

Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist
Aramar Jadavra The Pickup Scientist - 20.09.2023 11:16

the sexual connotation when they agressively activate their venom ((stick out their tongue)) iz unnecessary porn

Mohamed Samy
Mohamed Samy - 19.09.2023 05:16

I'd love to see one in the wild, as long as it is not a danger to the white people, but brown kids are ok! Typical white savior complex !

Ekklesia Bible
Ekklesia Bible - 16.09.2023 21:47

A good sense of smell helped me to locate and catch different snakes. With many friends while hunting I prove I can smell snakes. Each kind of Snake has a certain kind of a very different smell. Handel enough snakes and you can sense within about fifty feet what kind of snake you are downwind in tall grass or such as a stinky Cotton Mouth snake when near water.

David Jeffreys
David Jeffreys - 14.09.2023 00:09

I think the main reason that pythons probably won't attack a human is because over the years they have learned that if they try it on, they are more likely to get a lump hammer smacked right up the bracket ole

Paul brungardt
Paul brungardt - 13.09.2023 05:03

A water moccasin bit my Mother in Law. Snake convulsed for 15 minutes before it died. I felt guilty for putting the poor snake in her pillow.

namenlos40 - 11.09.2023 12:31

Americans and their stupid units of measurement.

JD Rhea
JD Rhea - 05.09.2023 18:50


Vincent Lombardo
Vincent Lombardo - 04.09.2023 22:55

i think this guy should change jobs .. open up a funeral parlor??!!

Curtis J
Curtis J - 01.09.2023 05:45

I wish he would have taken a bite from each one to prove how deadly they are.

rekleif - 22.08.2023 23:48

If ypoy never been to India. do what the presenter says. If not go to India an experience their roads, then give an opinion. But get to India. It is a wonderful country, faults and all. But your understanding of the world will change greatly in retrospect. Love from an Norwegian who accidentally married into an Indian family. Best decision i ever did..............

melangkoh - 22.08.2023 04:54

you really think he just caught this snakes in the sea? This is so misleading BS content.

Immanuel Weaver
Immanuel Weaver - 22.08.2023 04:30

