40K EXPLAINED - THE EMPEROR'S GOLDEN THRONE | Warhammer 40,000 Lore/History

40K EXPLAINED - THE EMPEROR'S GOLDEN THRONE | Warhammer 40,000 Lore/History


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@VeryFinalBoss - 10.02.2024 02:32

I'd really like to hear from Rowboat what his take on the current state of the Emperor is.

@unkeljerk - 09.02.2024 22:34

Gut feeling is the human psychic power.

@MortRotu - 09.02.2024 18:21

Is there a lore reason that the imperium (and most others) don't seem to go far out of the galactic plane? I'm thinking that if the gigatrix maladictum is across the galactic plane then it cannot extend across the universe so you could travel over or under it?

@sebkent6691 - 09.02.2024 13:58

Being a bit of lore fan, after finishing the end and the death part 3 I went back to read "Horus Rising", while initially this does not seem relevant to the subject matter of the golden life support machine, there are links

For those who have finished reading Part 3 I strongly recommend taking 30 minutes to revisit the opening chapters of Horus Rising so you can enjoy the references made in the last book to the first. There are enough to make me grin lots

@Anaverageguy41 - 09.02.2024 11:44

Hot take: Perpetuals can only resurrect if the thing that made them a Perpetual still exists in the universe
Earth is where the emperor was created, without Earth he can't come back
So hes stuck in a catch 22 he can't leave the throne because the earth will fall to chaos but he needs to in order to resurrect

@Wobbles789 - 08.02.2024 22:38

My friends jokingly refer my wheelchair as the golden throne because I need it for well because of my cerebral pasly although i would rather a wheelchair then the actual golden throne 😅

@coliander4180 - 08.02.2024 20:54

PU Leather. So, plastic?

@emsalwaysasight4501 - 08.02.2024 06:10

I have an odd theory of sorts, and it is based on certain observations, but also one which requires an element of creative thinking. So here it is. There has been some degree of discussion about "The Child in the Warp." It is not without consideration that there is a plausible belief that this is the manifestation of the Emperor within the Warp itself, perhaps a sort of 'Ascension' in some terms. You've discussed this yourself to some extent, and I think it bears greater scrutiny, but I have an adjacent theory about that particular item along with your recent video here about the Golden Throne. Let's say, hypothetically, that The Emperor, being the perpetual that he is of course now mind you, could at any point rise off of the throne, and then physically recover over some period of time. Granted, there are many reasons as to why he cannot simply do just that right now, but considering this as a certain possibility, and the ongoing manifestation of "The Child in the Warp" perhaps one might look at this from a peculiar perspective. What if, after all of this time, and with the advent of the Sicatrix Maladictum as well, a sort of "Singularity" has coalesced. What if all of that faith, belief, psychic sacrifice, and the very power of the Emperor fueled by the Golden Throne has caused the birth of a Human God within the Warp. One has to wonder however though, is it the Emperor, or something altogether different. Could it possibly be something like a dual presence? Many queries arise out of this train of thought, but there is precedence for such a thing after all. One of your recent videos discussed the manifestation of a Tau God in the Warp called "Tau'va." So it stands to reason that such is inherently a possibility, though it does present something of a mind-bending idea. As crazy as it sounds, it could be possible, and crazier things by far have seemingly occurred in Warhammer 40k.

@uchiha617hh - 08.02.2024 04:38

actually just a question nobody thought of, it was possible for the custodians to hold the webway against the endless swarms of demons briefly when the emperor was not sitting on that throne, right? then when they won the war, and the primarch came to terra (before they decided to up and leave again) why cant all the remaining primarchs hold the webway while the emperor gets off the throne revive or heal as we know he could if hes off the throne

@TheTheguywithnovideo - 08.02.2024 03:33

Now that I think about it, what a dumb way to be defeated. In being consigned to sit on a chair for 10,000 years. Fated to slowly, painfully watch as all that was built left to rot and crumble.

I don’t play the game, I watch a tonne of lore videos, I’ve never read a book. But this nearly all powerful character is as much a victim of his own scheming as the chaos gods.

We’ll never get an ending to this lore, we’ll never see the Big E get up from his dusty chair, and I’ll never get to see the imperium win, not in an absolute sense.

And I feel like that’s what takes the fun out of it for me, as a prospective game. What’s the point if you don’t know where it ends up, or worse still, you’re resigned to stories/books few and far that develop the main plot line for the pursuit of profit.

In reality, people want the primarchs back, they want the big E back. They want some final confrontation with the demon primarchs/chaos gods that ultimately undoes the damage of the HH and puts the imperium on a path of redemption and not stagnation.

Big golden chair 1- 0 Everyone in the WH universe

@kofahuva - 08.02.2024 00:20

Doesn't the Emperor tell cipher "not yet"
When he is about to kill him?

@shaolingaming333 - 07.02.2024 22:02

Great video. Very informative and thought-provoking.

@illidoth - 07.02.2024 17:22

GW writers taking notes watching Luetin’s videos

@lloydgush - 07.02.2024 16:38

The emperor, for the sake of the game, can't leave the throne, physically.
But the ways he's "leaving" the throne are interesting.

@lloydgush - 07.02.2024 16:37

Don't forget another likely function for the throne...
Text to speech.

I would like more interesting possibilities.

@christmasham4312 - 07.02.2024 16:28

Some lore is poorly written like Magnus

@tibbydudeza - 07.02.2024 14:56

I need that chair !!!!!

@JustMe-tc8qd - 07.02.2024 10:57

Man...The Emperor is cool.

@NightShadeXV - 07.02.2024 09:37

Emperor seems kinda useless

@mysticalseapotato8303 - 07.02.2024 09:25

My theory is that the Emperor is going to become one to two gods.
He was wounded irreversibly. He stopped himself from fully becoming the Dark King, but the roots were set. He dies and then the Dark King will rise. He threw a faith driven hail-marry into the warp as to hopefully do something. His broken body was entombed into the Golden Throne as life support. He needed time and worship now. He wants the Imperium, and himself, to last as long as possible. He now needs worship of those in it. He is ever falling into becoming the Dark King, but made a potential counterbalance of the Star Child. Thousands of years of worship to try and culture this counter balance. The psychers are fed to him to stop his body from dying while the worship is going to the Star Child.
Where this goes is incredibly interesting as if one is born, then Chaos probably dies, but if both are born equal to each other, then Chaos would win as they would stale mate.
P.S. Funny how the theory that he was Malice was not 100% wrong

@Alucard99999 - 07.02.2024 07:17

Do they have a silent king necron throne chair?

@jdplante4540 - 07.02.2024 03:11

Deep into Raven Guard soon ?

@robertwiesner6825 - 07.02.2024 00:59

There can't be a resolution to the golden throne and return of the emperor, because that would bring humanity into a new golden age. And that would undermine the base pillars of 40k

@cali-cali6700 - 07.02.2024 00:58

After watching a quite a few of these lore videos, the 40k universe is gabarge.

@ElbowDropper - 06.02.2024 23:37

Can he communicate with the psykers through telepathy?

@almostontimehero5415 - 06.02.2024 19:35

The Emperor cannot be allowed to die until the Emperor is reborn.

@pauloconnor2503 - 06.02.2024 17:27

Finally after 2 + years I’ve caught up. Excellent work as always

@onan-sonofjudahbrotherofer8466 - 06.02.2024 17:04

So in other words it's like the Infinity Gauntlet the Mobius Chair and Cerebro X all in one

@Winston_SA - 06.02.2024 16:07

Emperor lore best lore

@rosstully5960 - 06.02.2024 10:05

The thrones were not made by the Eldar, there are no eldar who could control the throne. The throne was a weapon of the old ones.

@rosstully5960 - 06.02.2024 09:58

I really feel like you wrote a lot of this before The End and The Death 3

@rodrigobueno8652 - 06.02.2024 05:06

The thing is: the empirium from start was anti ethcal,tyranical and autoritharean, it got a lot worse atr the heresy, but well intened or not the emperor was a genocidal tyrant from the begin

@SomeRamdomName - 06.02.2024 05:04

Yea, but does the Golden Throne have good lumbar support?

@elmeric7086 - 06.02.2024 03:36


@NefariousElasticity - 06.02.2024 03:18

The Noblechairs WH40k edition looks cool, but after owning a Noble Epic for 3 years and having it rip apart at the seams and the arm pads bubble up if your elbow so much as grazes the arm rests, I wish Secretlab or someone else had gotten the licensing instead.

@bhoy1989 - 06.02.2024 02:01

You should be over 1 million subscribers ❤

@hotcoldman9793 - 05.02.2024 23:27

WOOOOOOO!!! Thank you for these lore dives!!❤❤

@Jasmine__135 - 05.02.2024 22:57

bleh bleh bleh! I'm not gettin' outta this chair

@Mereinid - 05.02.2024 19:30

Well done, sir. Well done ineed.

@nathanialblock8480 - 05.02.2024 17:54

Guys, guys, the emperor is an anti religious zealot who violently puts down any and all religions explains everything poorly and can’t interact with or read regular human interactions. The emperor is an r/atheism mod

@frostpuma304 - 05.02.2024 16:59

damn... that chair.

@seanbrazell7095 - 05.02.2024 13:59

That soul shard of empathy, love, and joy he sent away I think ended up in imperium Nihilius, bringing the Lion back. But as the enthroned emperor called Guilliman his LAST son/weapon/thing , I think he is unaware of the Lion and the shard on the other side of the rift, that he is cut off from the rest of him still on the Golden Throne. When Guilliman - wielding the emperor's SWORD - reunites with the Lion - wielding the emperor's SHIELD - so too shall the enthroned emperor meet his last shard. What a consequential moment THAT will be. Will he destroy it, will he reunite with it and stand up anew?

@seanbrazell7095 - 05.02.2024 13:47

If a mere million people worshiping him was enough *spoilers from EOD-III* to empower him to destroy horus, what power will ten THOUSAND years of giga-trillions ceaselessly worshiping him have given him?

@savagex466-qt1io - 05.02.2024 07:24

I wonder if the Emperor has a sucktion cup hooked up to his you know what. Just like what Mr. House had in Fallout New Vegas. My character was on all the chems so he kneeled down and got a good look at it. Even zoomed in with his scope to get a better look at it. Then It was all over with full auto granade launcher lol

@timelineenjoyer - 05.02.2024 05:40

Unless the cycle is broken, the Emperor’s future is like that of the Necron’s Silent King; but who knows, species adapt in unforeseen ways even if time is cyclical

@bigprobllama - 04.02.2024 16:02

Nope, with no standard canon in 40k, there's certainly no golden throne.
It's just a chair, the emperor sat down to rest and fell asleep after beating Horus in tennis.
The rest about the psykers sacrificed by the thousands...Imperial propaganda! No wait, in this case it cant be the imperium, it makes big E look bad. It's chaos lies this time...or is it just a guy who made a bench in the rest area of the Palace trying to impress his drinking buddies?

@jumpingman6612 - 04.02.2024 14:58

I don't know why, but when I read that it wasn't supposed to be canon with a Golden Throne.
I've always thought about the real horror it bust be..
