GoCar - Car won't lock | How GoCar Works

GoCar - Car won't lock | How GoCar Works

GoCar Ireland

1 год назад

2,100 Просмотров

If you finish your trip and the GoCar doesn't lock, double check that all doors including the boot are fully closed and try locking the GoCar again.

If this doesn't work, book the car again for one hour and start & end the trip immediately, we will then refund the cost of the trip automatically. If the vehicle still isn't locking, please call our support team on 01 8441969 and they will endeavor to lock it for you as soon as possible.

GoCar rates start from just €10 an hour and GoVan rates starting from just €11 an hour. Your GoCar membership is free with an easy sign up process. Learn more at https://gocar.ie/how-it-works/

Follow GoCar on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoCarIreland, Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gocar_ireland and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoCarIreland


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