Algebraic Geometry is Impossible Without These 6 Things

Algebraic Geometry is Impossible Without These 6 Things


2 месяца назад

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@CamiloDioseselAsteroide - 06.02.2025 06:17

The algebraic geometry was important to the creation of Topos theory and the applications of category theory in machine learning. I understand how Algebraic Geometry became important, only by his conection with artificial intelligence.

@saull287 - 03.02.2025 15:41

Yes, Quintic explanation please

@michaelgonzalez9058 - 16.01.2025 14:22

As u begin al north by nw the x =0

@michaelgonzalez9058 - 16.01.2025 14:20

Once polynomial is a then b is always constant

@michaelgonzalez9058 - 16.01.2025 14:18

By making the polynomial oval

@hamedzahmati4530 - 10.01.2025 03:04

Not very accurate. You made some mistakes. But please continue your works. Making complicated subject simple enough for general audience demand a deep understanding of it.

@abdellahmouterf5525 - 31.12.2024 20:57

Soyons serieux comme se bonhomme aurait su resoudre cette equation du second degré zlors que l'algebre lui meme et apoaru zi environs du neuvième siecle

@mathematiconmatrix - 29.12.2024 22:47

i work at the Mathematicon-Foundation academy! be the #1 math channel in the world you desserve it!! canon-mathematicon has gone beyond geometry & manifolds, diff-geo! geometric algebraic topology & visualisation of all this! could we set some joint work!

@christressler3857 - 27.12.2024 05:26

This was my complaint with the differential geometry video weeks ago. You didn't explicitly say what the 6 things were, you didn't even number them in the video. You did list topics, but the first (2? or considered two different facets of one topic?) was particular constructions of lines, vs later were actual subtopics as lines of inquiry. This caused confusion for me thinking you would use the lines to segue into topics but i don't think that's quite how it ended up?

@pwd-tk9 - 25.12.2024 20:50

I think A^2 stands for affine spaces. I find the definitions of the concept less intuitive. Even in V. Arnold's classical mechanics book the definition is rather short and not so tangible.

@petercoool - 25.12.2024 14:04

The third example is not komplex with p,q

@ready1fire1aim1 - 25.12.2024 04:03

Algebraic Quantum Gravity Framework

Building on our monadic foundation, we introduce an algebraic approach to quantum gravity:

Rμν = k [ Tμν - (1/2)gμνT ] (monadic-valued sources)
Tμν = Σab Γab,μν (relational algebras)
Γab,μν = f(ma, ra, qa, ...) (catalytic charged monads)

This framework allows us to describe gravity and spacetime as emergent phenomena from the interactions of monads (knowers).

@Marko_Gavrilović-c3l - 24.12.2024 20:42

❄웃❤유=웃유 + ( (?) )Oo(:-{P)(P-:)oO( ( o Y o )(I)( Y ) ) (B-{O)(((( Don't worry, be happY )))) 👽@🐒=🧠

@leotuculito - 24.12.2024 17:05

Oh, no! Está en inglés!
No puedo apreciar este video (aún) 😭
Incluso con subtítulos se vuelve más complicado xP

@JojiThomas7431 - 23.12.2024 22:10

Superb video

@larbaud - 23.12.2024 05:40


@terry_willis - 23.12.2024 01:12

Say what?

@trump1678 - 22.12.2024 18:35


@Log-Phi - 22.12.2024 15:22

why should I pee on the circle?

@SobTim-eu3xu - 22.12.2024 12:14

Yay, my loved category of vids!)

@asifalamgir5135 - 22.12.2024 11:56

You cooked with this one bro!!!

@Noconstitutionfordemocrats1 - 22.12.2024 11:54

Ellipses are projections of circles.

@plranisch9509 - 22.12.2024 00:30

Beautiful! 🎉Thanks, carry on, please.

@willnewman9783 - 21.12.2024 22:20

There are several issues with this video.

1. You say Algebraic Geometry is the "cornerstone of modern mathematrics." While it has many connections to other areas, so do most fields of mathematics. Even Algebraic Geometers would not agree with this statement.
2. While your first two examples are somewhat related to algebraic geometry, the second two are not, at least in the way you describe them. "Finding" roots of a single variable polynomial is not a focus of algebraic geometry. Note that these formulas have roots in them, while algebraic geometry deals strictly with rational functions.
3. Your sterographic projection example is related to algebraic geometry, but not birational geometry. The map you define extends an isomorphism between the conic and the line, so nothing birational is happening.
4. Your sentence "Birational geometery lacked the tools to analyze complex structures and local properties of surfaces in higher dimenisons..." is either very wrong, or does not make any sense.
5. You conflate the notion of Riemann surfaces with algebraic sufraces. Riemann surfaces are the same as algebraic curve, meaning they have dimension 1.
6. You say that y/x doesn't make sense when x=0, which is true, but blowing up the origin in A^2 does not fix anything. What you probably want to be doing is considering the (rational) map A^2 to P^1 which takes a point (x,y) to [x:y], which is the slope through (x,y) and (0,0). This map is not well defined at the origin, but blowing up the origin gives a well defined morphism.
7. You do not say what algebraic geoemtry is. While the first two examples are related to algebraic geoemtry, they do not give a sense of what it is past configurations of points and lines in the plane. And, as mentioned, the next two examples are not really part of algebraic geometry as you explaned them. So only the last two feel like algebraic geoemtery, and my issues stated above show that they are poor explanations of concpets from algebraic geometery. Moreover, in these examples, you use terms which you do not define, which I feel leads to viewers not understanding what is happening.

When you make videos like these, you speak with authority, which you clearly lack. You need to learn more abouut a subject before making a video like this.

@CategoryTheorist - 21.12.2024 19:10

Please some more videos on Galois theory!

@mayankthakur5341 - 21.12.2024 18:49

How does this video not have like a 100k or 1mil views it has great explanations

@KaliFissure - 21.12.2024 17:39

Surface(cos(u/2)cos(v),cos(u/2)sin(v), sin(u)),u,0,2pi,v,0,2pi

Radially symmetric Klein bottle?
Single sided surface?

@jonathandawson3091 - 21.12.2024 17:20

I liked the video.

@jonathandawson3091 - 21.12.2024 17:20

I do not understand. The infinite slope problem can be solved if we specify the line as such, ax+by = 0 where (a, b) is the point we want the line to be perpendicular to. Granted this is a shift of thinking, from "if x is this then y is that", to "set of all (x, y) points such as this holds", but it's a small shift and no Riemann surface is needed.

@ajmergill7157 - 21.12.2024 16:57

Thanks for this.I have a request to you can you make a video on what is homogenisation of second degree curve actually means? What we do actually when we homogenise equation with another equation like parabola equation with straight line equation. How this is related to conic sections? I should be very thankful to you for this.

@m_c_8656 - 21.12.2024 16:32

yo, that's the cornerstone, yo. Fir real, that's what's up.
