Is Indonesia Still A Bastion Of Moderate Islam & Diversity? | Insight | Full Episode

Is Indonesia Still A Bastion Of Moderate Islam & Diversity? | Insight | Full Episode

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@axl9182 - 31.01.2024 01:11

Kadrun emang selalu gitu.

@namesarecliche3850 - 28.01.2024 20:38

yes yes.. go deeper into islam. pathway to destined economic failure.

@karlbryant5706 - 28.01.2024 06:52

Muslim Indonesians are going the wrong way 😔 should be ultra conservative.

@karlbryant5706 - 28.01.2024 06:33

Muslim women should not expose skin 😤 because exposed skin is sexually attracting. Muslim women and men should be ultra conservative. Muslim should not touch other men unless they are husbands

@SkinnyNorris2905 - 25.01.2024 00:32

Since i knew that Indonesian Mujaheddins helped the Bosnians against serbs and croatians and helped them to create a jumping boards in front of the gates of europe, i have no respect and sympathie for them.

@imran8295 - 21.01.2024 05:20

Subhan allah great to these brothers and sisters

@user-hp6cz1ls2v - 04.01.2024 02:02

Orang2 Jawa, Batak, Bali, Bugis, Bawean, Papua, Bali, Dayak, Sakai dan lain2 kaum di Indonesia adalah antara kaum2 dibawah rumpun Bangsa Melayu sejak berkurun yang lalu yang dulunya dikenali dengan Nusantara Tanah Air Melayu (The Water Land of Malay Archipelago). Bangsa Indonesia hanya terbentuk apabila negara Indonesia merdeka dari penjajahan Belanda, namun begitu kaum2, suku2 kaum samada di negara Malaysia, Brunei Darussallam, Singapura, Indonesia maupun di negara2 bawah Asia Tenggara (Asean) sekarang semuanya asal usulnya ialah dari rumpun Bangsa Nusantara Tanah Air Melayu.
Bangsa Melayu telah digelarkan dalam sejarah dengan satu puak yang hilang (The Lost Tribes). Bangsa Melayu adalah dari keturunan Nabi Ibrahim Alaiissallam dari isterinya yang ketiga bernama Qauntura yang melahirkan 3 orang anak. Ketika zaman Nabi Ibrahim, ketiga2 anak dari Qauntura itu telah diperintahkan Nabi Ibrahim supaya merantau ke benua di bahagian persisiran pantai Timur yang sekarang digelar Asia Timur menyebar agama Islam. Mereka berangkat melalui lautan.
Setelah beberapa kurun lamanya, ketiga2 anak Nabi Ibrahim Alaiissallam itu tidak langsung pulang ke negara asalnya di Timur Tengah dan langsung tidak diketahui keadaan mereka, sehingga mereka digelar bangsa keturunan Nabi Ibrahim Alaisalam yang hilang, itulah bangsa Melayu.
Rupa2nya setelah sejarah mengungkap asal usul penduduk2 di Asia Timur maka sehingga beberapa kurun yang lalu barulah dunia mengetahui bahawa kaum yang hilang itu adalah Bangsa Melayu dari keturunan anak2 Qauntura. Bangsa Melayu ketika itu bermastautin di Asia Timur termasuk Bangsa dan kaum2 yang terdapat di negara2 Mongolia, negara Cina, Asia Tenggara (sekarang Asean), kepulauan Jepun, Korea dan kepulauan Australia (kaum Mauri), New Zealand sehinggalah ke pulau Hawai.
Di bawah bumi Nusantara Tanah Air Melayu (The Water Land of Malay Archipelago - sekarang ASEAN) sendiri, kaum Melayu yang keseluruhanya beragama Islam, juga adalah antara salah satu kaum di bawah naungan Bangsa Melayu yang mana di Indonesia, kaum Melayu kebanyakan nya berada di Sumatera, Riau, Aceh, Sulawesei dan kepulauan Andamas, juga kebanyakan kaum Melayu berada di keseluruhan bumi Malaysia, Brunei dan Singapura (dulunya Temasik) dan di selatan Thailand (di negeri2 Narathiwat, Patani, Songkra, Yala dan Satun) dan di kepulauan Mindanao, juga di kepulauan kecil Filipina selatan Sulu, Palawan. Manakala Bangsa Melayu yg biasa digelar Bumiputera atau Pribumi, pula adalah terdiri, bukan hanya di khalangan kaum Melayu, tapi juga terdiri dari berbagai kaum2, etnik2 dan suku2 kaum yang lain samada yg beragama Islam atau lain2 agama, seperti kaum2 dan suku2 kaum Semang, Senoi, Bugis, Jawa, Sunda, Madura, Minangkabau, Sasak, Sumbawa, Banjar, Minahasan, Acheh, Bawean, Batak, Sakai, Mendailing, Iban, Kadazan, Dayak, Bidayu, Monado, Banjai, Bajau, Suluk, Ubian, Bisaya, Rungus, Murut, Berunai, Kedayan, Iranun, Tidong, Lendayuh, Tagol, Melanau, Kelabit, Muruk, Bajai, Mindanao, Bikolano, Gadang, Moro, Lumad, Mangyan, Tagalog, Baba-Nyonya, Gerago-Portugis, Mamak, Visayan, Andamanese, Mamanwa, Siam, Sinpi, orang Ulu, orang Asal, orang Dusun, Irian, Kirowai, Kulofu, Mali, Kalasi, Laut, Palaung, Khmer, Muong, Fujian, Hawaian dan berpuluh2 suku kaum lagi maupun yg Islam atau yg bukan Islam, semuanya dari keturunan asal usul anak2 cucu2 cicit2 nenek moyang Nusantara Tanah Air Melayu-The Water Land of Malay Archipelago.
Kaum atau orang Melayu terkenal dengan kesemuanya menganut agama Islam. Seseorang itu bukan orang Melayu jika ianya bukan Islam. Ini fakta sejarah. Manakala jika seseorang itu kaum Jawa, maka mereka tidak boleh digelarkan yang mereka keseluruhannya Islam, sedangkan orang Jawa sendiri ramai penganut Kristen dan Hindu tempatan, bukan agama Hindu seperti terdapat di negara India.
Bahasa utama ibunda mereka ialah berbahasa Melayu kuno, selain dari bahasa2 kaum2 atau suku2 kaum mereka sendiri. Namun begitu setiap hari mereka semuanya bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu selaku bahasa utama di negara2 Asean Nusantara Tanah Air Melayu.
Manakala gelaran Bahasa Indonesia itu ujud hanya disekitaran tahun 1975 yang telah memisahkan dari bahasa asalnya ia itu Bahasa Melayu. Pada hakikatnya Indonesia tidak ada hak mengelarkan nama bahasa Melayu itu sebagai bahasa Indonesia. Seharusnya Indonesia mengambil bahasa Jawa sebagai bahasa Persekutuan mereka.
Oleh sebab logat, pelet percakapan dan perkataan2 yang berbeza, Indonesia tidak boleh asingkan Bahasa Melayu sebab Bahasa Melayu sendiri ditutur dalam berbagai longat mengikut daerah masing2. Contohnya negeri Kelantan, yang rata2 masyarakat nya bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu sungguh berbeza logatnya dari bahasa Melayu ditempat dan kawasan lain, adakah kita perlu gelarkan bahasa Melayu di Kelantan itu sebagai bahasa Kelantan? Begitu juga bahasa Indonesia, tidak ada nas nya bahasa Melayu di Indonesia digelar sebagai Bahasa Indonesia, sepatutnya ia harus digelar dengan gelaran bahasa Melayu Indonesia. Seperti yang berlaku dalam bahasa Inggeris yang mana kalau di Britain bahasa Inggeris itu digelar dengan Bahasa Inggeris British, di Amerika Syarikat, digelar Bahasa Inggeris US, di Canada digelar dengan Bahasa Inggeris Canada, juga di New Zealand, Australia. Oleh itu sudah tiba masanya gelaran kepada bahasa Indonesia harus ditarik balik dan digelar dengan panggilan nama Bahasa Melayu Indonesia.
Hilangnya Bahasa Melayu, maka hilangnya Bangsa dan Kaum Melayu dari bumi ini.
Semoga Allah SWT melindungi Bangsa Melayu dari dipinggirkan dalam bumi keturunan asal usul nenek moyang mereka sendiri ia itu bumi Nusantara Melayu. Aamiin Yarobbil Aalamiin 🕌🌙🤲🌷❤️🇲🇾🇧🇳🇮🇩🇸🇬🇵🇭🇹🇭🇻🇳🇱🇦🇲🇲🇰🇭🤲❤️🌷🌙🕌🌺

@AshTrizey - 30.12.2023 06:17

Wahhabi scumbags. Arab wannabes.

There's a reason the shittiest parts of the country are the most extreme. Poor and uneducated goof balls.

@AshishYadav.111 - 28.12.2023 18:50

First of all Indonesian people following islam are more blind than an actual blind person. Come on wakeup and understand that its a foreign religion. It flourished on your land through outsiders. Stop making fool of yourself by following it. Secondly even if you are a follower still it should be practiced in a moderate manner. Hard line extremism will bring nothing to your beautiful country. Live n let live should be the approach.

@ksrawat88 - 27.12.2023 21:50

Indonesia going Turkey way to become extremist Islamic country .

@getblacked1351 - 27.12.2023 10:31

tolerance and Islam?????? are you kidding me?

@vikavika1611 - 26.12.2023 13:40

and now all the world rejected ISRIWIL n stand with palestina free palistina

@abainataif4800 - 25.12.2023 20:34

In the late 90s, when religious symbols did not enter the world of education, the life of diversity was very enjoyable.
It is true that the majority of Muslims still have tolerance, but intolerance has developed to such an extent that it started in educational institutions and has had an unpleasant impact on social life.

@Dk-uh4no - 25.12.2023 20:11

Without oil every Islamic country is destined to be like paxtan!!

@jumawardi5287 - 18.12.2023 14:02

Media barat tidak akan pernah meliput kebaikan indonesia muslim yang di bunuh dll giliran demo begini mereka paling cepat

@johmad9893 - 07.12.2023 08:21

This is why Abu Bakr wept over not knowing whether he was truly saved or not:

“Although he had such a faith, which was too great to suffice all the inhabitants of the earth, he was afraid that his heart might go astray. So, he used to utter, while weeping: ‘Would that I have been a bitten tree!’ Whenever he was reminded of his position in Allah’s sight, he would say: ‘By Allah! I would not rest assured and feel safe from the deception of Allah (la amanu limakr Allah), even if I had one foot in paradise.’” (Khalid Muhammad Khalid, Successors of the Messenger, translated by Muhammad Mahdi al-Sharif [Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut Lebanon, 2005], Book One: Abu Bakr Has Come, p. 99; bold and italic emphasis ours)

What a sad state of affairs! Abu Bakr was so fearful of Allah’s schemes that he still felt that he couldn’t be safe from Allah’s deceit even if he already had one foot in paradise!(1)

Abu Bakr had every reason to be fearful that his heart might turn away from the faith since this close companion of Muhammad knew what the Quran says about Allah misleading and turning people away from the guidance:

Then what is the matter with you that you are divided into two parties about the hypocrites? Allah has cast them back (to disbelief) because of what they have earned. Do you want to guide him whom Allah has made to go astray? And he whom Allah has made to go astray, you will never find for him any way (of guidance). S. 4:88

And We sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in order that he might make (the Message) clear for them. Then Allah misleads whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. S. 14:4

@asiancat2053 - 05.12.2023 00:26

the problem of islam is fundamentalism

@creestee08 - 03.12.2023 13:25

so indonesians tbelieve what hamas did in the concert was ok?

@asiayricardoalvarado - 01.12.2023 05:42

Religión make people stupid to the Point they can't realise Chinese or Asian people didn't exist or were mentioned in the fake Arabian books, and they dared to that there weren't more different races agter Noah, so on they counties to invade and control countries but people should open their eyes , stop the manipulation and get free feom those lies...... God is not Arabian and they aren't the owners of world

@asiayricardoalvarado - 01.12.2023 05:39

Arabians and ISRAEL or Palestine people get there to conquer qnd steal terrains, water and get submissions from Asians, they are stealing countries through their fakes religions, and Indonesia is another victim of their manipulation, they have invaded and manipulated them to the point they are their puppets, they have to dress and do whst Arabians do, what a huge inherence and invasion

@NinhAaron - 28.11.2023 23:56

Im coming ro visit indonesia again and hope I don't have to see these headache protests.

@shin-ishikiri-no - 28.11.2023 22:26

I don't really like any Abrahamic religions. They all seem to make people crazy. Islam in particular rubs me the wrong way, and seems dangerous/intolerant, while Christians are generally just annoying, at worst. Not sure why Japan is deciding to invest in a religious environment like Indonesia. Are there no better options? Perhaps Myanmar, Malaysia, or Sri Lanka? I'm so tired of Abrahamic religion, I want to be as far away from it as possible.

@homosapien6414 - 28.11.2023 14:53

I would add something.

The extremist version of islam came after birth of wahabbism.

Pilgrimage to Tomb is forbidden in wahabbism.
This salafist ideology is the underlinig ideology of ISIS.
They bombed many tombs and razed others to ground.

This spread is gradual and it is all because of petro dollars SAUDIS are pouring in to spread their soft power.

Shia islam is comparatively lot more moderate in comparison to sunni islam.

@WeKnowIslam94 - 26.11.2023 12:54

No matter what Islam has the potential to destroy every religion, every ideology, Humanity, Science because it's the core objective of Islam. In the starting phase it looks beautiful but when you study Islam deeply with the real meaning example Qur'an, Hadith etc then you realise it's the most evil religion on this planet period.

@bentumblingh6640 - 25.11.2023 11:23

scary for Indonesian women, look what happened to Afghanistan, women have no rights, even education is forbidden

@budiamartha5174 - 24.11.2023 02:49

Banyak orang2 indo itu sange skali, bangsat itu, ngomong nya suci tapi their actions kaya taii

@WanglembaElangbam-xj7yl - 22.11.2023 04:26

There is no such thing as moderate Islam

@driwoe - 21.11.2023 08:16

President Suharto iis the best he always be president

@nanoreyes7864 - 16.11.2023 22:16

Indonesian most of you don’t understand Arabic.

@taufikirawan7601 - 16.11.2023 02:52

Novel is called leader of kadrunisme

@joeGuizan - 12.11.2023 04:38

Islam is religious and nothing spiritual, because their Allah has no spirit.

The Spaniards came to Philippines and stopped the spread of Islam, limited to one region in Mindanao. Full of Spanish names😅😅😅.
Later Americans took over and infused English and certain American way of life on the nation. Philippines is blessed. Now turning Evangelical, and Roman Catholics are making noises😅😅😅.

@user-or5gr3jj8r - 04.11.2023 15:08

It puts western tourists coming here as well cause the mosque call to prayer at 4am in the morning

@InsightGrid620 - 31.10.2023 19:08

diversity is already dead literally 90 perent population is muslim, what kind of diversity in Indonesia after this?

@InsightGrid620 - 31.10.2023 18:47

90 PERENT ARE MUSLIMS. then what kind of diversity is this.

@Live-jk1pn - 27.10.2023 11:12

Why don't you do the same report about Hindus? In India, there is a right-wing Hindu religious party that excludes non-Hindus. Why don't you talk about them?

@devkaranmeena5036 - 25.10.2023 10:14

Muslims are basically hypocrite and bigoted religionists. When under two nation theory Pakistan was made all Muslims happily celebrated that. But under same two nation theory when UNO approved a nation for Jews all the Muslim nation were up in arms against Israel and with combined forces attacked it militarily but got defeated and paid the price with takeover of territory. When Hindu genocide by Muslims and exodus took place no Muslim country spoke about humanity. Hence Indonesia has no right to oppose Israel. If they are so sympathetic to Muslim cause why they have not taken in refugees fro Syria and Palestine. Islamic brotherhood is not a religious but political organisation which aspire to capture political power using religion as has happened in Iran and many other countries.

@rustyyb8450 - 23.10.2023 11:56

The contents of the Quran is threatening to all not practicing Islam. Take note that sects of Islam don't even get along, violently.

@Dbeh259 - 22.10.2023 11:26

Indonesian muslims are much more open minded and "soft" than those in south asia

@c__type - 08.10.2023 21:38

Caliphate is solution

@yakujonma3235 - 07.10.2023 06:32

Habaib dari YAMAN adalah PEMBOHONG BESAR, islam di indonesia disebarkan oleh WALISONGO, bukan habaib Yaman zuriyah palsu nabi....

@mdjey2 - 06.10.2023 11:50

Why Indonesia practice this fake religion? Don't they have their own Gods to respect?

@AbdulelahAhmed-nu6zz - 05.10.2023 21:54


@amiyan_yien_75 - 05.10.2023 09:05

lets pray together save minority christian brother and sister and kick out majority kadrunn uclim & islamp from Indonesian 🎉🎉

@bhaqhonq305 - 03.10.2023 17:49

Apa yang anda bicarakan. Gue alumni 212 . Fpi.. 🤔

@eerrbb6241 - 21.09.2023 08:21

We are Indonesia people, sometime have a little disagrreement, but we will united for our biggest of enemy. We hate aggressor because we've once, also a victim of an aggressor.

@xoho3462 - 20.09.2023 07:17

Indonesia ga bisa maju kalo kerjaannya cuma ngurusin agama. Ekonomi lu bagusin dulu jgn tiap hari idup cuma pusingin agama.

@rijowanaazadtonni3572 - 18.09.2023 19:28

There is no need to go for moderation in Islam or any other religions because everyone should follow their holy books and laws over there.
A practicing religious person has never been harmful for human being.
If everybody follows their own religion strictly, world would be a better place to live.
This might be because, no religions teach human being to kill others even religion teach us tolerance, respect, and co-exist.
Religion never teaches us to oppress,loot or kill others, it always against war, extremism and terrorism.
Muslim were not reason for Ww1, Ww2 which caused the highest number of ppl death.
My question is which religious group did that?
Muslim ppl didn’t attack & smash any country like Syria, Palestine, Libya,Afghanistan, Iraq, vietnam by the name of democracy, nuclear project?
Which religious gps ppl did that?
Why can a coutry hold nuclear weapon and others not?
Although, they are always in a threat of nuclear war.

Anyways, love Indonesia from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️🇲🇨.
Love all human being and other animals, plants and everything.
We should concern about our ecology, reduce pollution, otherwise these rapid pollutions will destroy earth and we will not exist here to conflict between us.
Spread love & care not hatred to any animals, plants, environmental elements(water, air, sand &so on)

@dmiddleclassreviews1688 - 18.09.2023 10:27


@Umardau_123 - 15.09.2023 13:04

Masalah sebenarnya adalah.

Belum tegaknya keadilan di Indonesia. Dan kesejahteraan
Sebagai mana di dalam rukun negara sila ke-5. Keadilan bagi seluruh rakayat indonesia.

Jika sila ke-5 itu terwujud, saya bisa jamin kaum fundamentalis, ekstrimis ini akan hilang

@adittohasan9604 - 14.09.2023 14:42

If you have problem in living in here than just go from here simple
