Tales From Tech Support - One click only!

Tales From Tech Support - One click only!

Story Time with Uncle Jon

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@ziggy5987 - 28.04.2020 17:27

Great video

@okie-kan9240 - 28.04.2020 18:04

That first story was really cool. He lied, that was wrong, but he learned how to do his job and do it right, good on him.That's funny, half a double click, yeah, that would be a single click.

@SandraNelson063 - 28.04.2020 19:18

He's made fire that moves around and kills you!!! He's a genius!!! A 7 yr old that has found a new way to kill people. Hurray! His school friends will worship him as a god!

@vijayrajpal1010 - 28.04.2020 20:25

"Half double click..!!!".. Good one...

HDMI monitor story is FAKE..!!! (if monitor was in garbage, it means, OP did complete connection.. and did not observe anything in cables..??? DUMB

@23catzilla - 28.04.2020 20:50

I'd tend to worry about telling a customer about sending hits to the box. if anything goes wrong in the future they might just start hitting the box. :)

@anndownsouth5070 - 28.04.2020 21:50

The guy in the first story is in my opinion amazing. I cannot do the simplest things in Excel without messing up the formulas.

@gayle525 - 29.04.2020 06:49

I think the guy was a natural problem solver. He just applied his excel to fix things.

@bavarianmapper4566 - 29.04.2020 08:58

I have nothing else to do so when I see you posted a video I be like OH WHATS THIS I HAVE HERE? I'M WATCHING IT RIGHT NOW

@deanacollins3508 - 30.04.2020 17:33

A “hit” is a very basic signal sent to the cable box, let’s the box recognize any changes. An “int” signal initializes the box to fix more technical issues (although unplugging your box for 30sec does about as much good). So for example if someone called in to add/remove channels or buy a ppv you’d send a hit so the box updates.

@bearstarpresents2264 - 04.05.2020 16:05

Mob is short for monster.

@geraldgrenier8132 - 06.05.2020 01:17

VBA =  Visual Basic for Applications

@geraldgrenier8132 - 06.05.2020 01:57

I got started moding my Applesoft Basic games on an Apple ][e, lake edited the word list in Hangman. but yes get what the kids did with moblie (mob) is a great start 8)

@Kryten428 - 07.05.2020 20:45

Bandit (while Frog is driving) "what was that"?
Frog "That was a left, or half a U".
Bandit "well don't do it again".

@hayuseen6683 - 07.05.2020 22:04

GUI, graphic user interface, has always been pronounced GOO-EE as far as I’ve experienced. Even as I saw it on the screen, hearing it as Gee You Eye made me flinch.

@clar1nettist204 - 12.05.2020 11:21

About the minecraft story, a Mob is an entity that the player interacts with. A hostile mob would be a zombie, creeper (the famous green character) and skeletons. Non hostile mobs are like Pigs, cows, and sheep. You can breed mobs and make farms (not actual agriculture farms, mob farms for survival and resources) like how you need a Zombie and a villager (traders) to make an iron (iron golem) farm.

@barelyasurvivor1257 - 21.05.2020 21:46

Great Stories

@Roadent1241 - 27.05.2020 21:11

Well you know what a mob of PEOPLE is, like an Angry Mob? Just a large group of people.
Mobs in Minecraft is just groups of NPCs in a section of the world, like a zombie mob, villager mob, etc. Just what they call it.

@Beliar275 - 02.01.2021 21:34

The story about the excel sheets and formulas reminds me of my current job. But I see a different side - you cant know everything .. and people with a different expertise have different expectations about the complexity of different fields - last month my colleage asked me to implement a printing feature to a user control I created previously .. all in all it took me an hour (2 sessions of about 30 minutes) and this only because the original developer of that control wants to sell a custom printing functionality for a hefty amout of $$ - so naturally I looked at different approaches - first was a fail (printed page was empty) - second was a success - its ugly .. but it works for a basic printing job - I only had to move the printed section of the screen to where the custom control was et voila .. worked. Next he came up with a demand which was working in the original software before I replaced the custom control ... Took me another hour. In that time span his small team of 4 people was still discussing what the customer actually might want next. When he passed my office door I called out that his demands were already "solved and working" .. But I cant blame him - I'm a developer based around visual studio .net (c# primarily) - and his home is primarily databases. So we help each other out and everything is fine - and on top you get praised for stuff you do with ease.

@MCEvans66 - 09.02.2021 00:03

Creating a functional mob in Minecraft is Coding/programing and usually in Java. But there is already a burning fire mob it's called the Blaze and found in the Neither

@shauron2569 - 10.02.2021 08:15

I still double click items all the time, I guess I just can't get windows 95 out of my head yet and I'm only 38. It's too well ingrained in me...

@ichliebemachoman - 12.02.2021 17:57

yuuup wife double clicking everything with a mouse and single clicks everything on a touch screen

@wandrinyew - 18.02.2021 01:31

I got the reputation as an Excel wizard because my Google Fu was strong.

@wolphin732 - 23.02.2021 21:58

Once you learn the advanced functions in excel, they are very easy to use, and impress the managers... and often are easily portable!

@wolphin732 - 23.02.2021 22:06

I work as an internal tech, so only have to deal with others in the corporation, not the public. It's only the rare person that isn't professional. I definitely prefer it that way!

@JoB1019 - 24.02.2021 12:13

Most of my users were friendly/polite. Probably 98%. But since I predominantly worked my years as either a co-owner or sort of (?) in-house IT (meaning for one government division with occasional jobs or collaborations with our dept, other divisions, other depts, or our non-profit partners), they generally knew who could (when remotely within my power) sprinkle their electronic needs, wants and desires with fairy dust ... or not. Ahhhhh...power, and owed favors.

@electronron1 - 26.02.2021 17:15

I faked being an electrical engineer for 41 years.

@eikkO1 - 21.04.2021 12:26

Worked in high level tech support for a telecommunication company and the normal rule is the simplest fix depends on a two week investigation:
Sex life of a Baboon
Had complaint from customer that on intermittent days he had no service from around sunset to sunrise and then it wold start again The whole open-wire route was checked for inter shorts The old magneto instrument replaced by a newly refurbished one. In desperation I organised the tech to sleep in the test room and the customer to drive to his neighbor and call the tech. On the second night it happened and tech drove along the route with a spotlight on the wires. Found two baboons sleeping on a branch of tree causing a dead short. It was cut off immediately One baboon was too light but soon as partner joined him>>>

@jdsetter - 08.05.2021 17:15

hdmi cable... practically the first thing i would have checked. And you would already have realized the damn thing turns on by then. And it would have already given you a "no signal " alert on the screen, so you would no the screen works as well.... and could have adjusted the settings. In fact, whole story sounds bogus, unless the tech was completely incompetent.

@olinewright6877 - 18.05.2021 16:06

I am one of those people that sometimes double-click on things that do not require it. In my defense, I do have things that do require double clicking.

@notoriouswhitemoth - 20.06.2021 00:58

Parents should be proud of their children! That mom has a lot to learn...

@MrGoesBoom - 22.06.2021 21:05

That story with Excel, I wonder how many of the other people making the files OP streamlined got THEIR positions by bullshitting at their interview too. Only they weren't able to teach themselves enough/had the math skills to make it work out right.

@olinewright6877 - 22.07.2021 15:09

While playing MMO's a Mob is generally a group encounter it sounds like the kid was making a group of fire elementals.

@thomassmith4022 - 09.10.2021 04:23

I am a great fan of Sean Connery, and I was slightly confused with your opening line of "One Click Only", till I remembered the line from "Red October". Great story. Thanks. (All you others who are still confused, watch the movie).

@patrickbuick5459 - 28.11.2021 02:15

Here I am picturing a tech inhaling on a joint and trying to blow the smoke down the line! We call them zaps, same thing, and to answer your question, the vast majority of my interactions are good to great. I try to keep the mood light.

@OldieBugger - 10.01.2022 23:34

That Excel guy was the right kind of lazy. Instead of avoiding work like usual, he just automated his work to make his life easier. I also try to find easily automated solutions for any work that's been piled on me. Sometimes I succeed.

@anthonypyritz2927 - 08.02.2022 20:51

If you have a hard job to get done give it to a lazy person they will find the most efficient way to get it done.

@Pokemc0831 - 12.05.2022 23:21

😳 i still double click everything

@FennecTECH - 10.06.2022 06:02

You dont lie to your interviewer in this manor. You tell them “no. But I’m a quick learner and will be up to speed before my first day”. A willingness to learn and improve yourself is more valueble to an employer than a skill

@TheBlindPhotographer - 01.09.2022 17:02

This comment is for another video but I can't find that one. Mouse pads and mice with the Rollerball are still a thing and still sold regularly because some people prefer them. I was going to get a special light up My Little Pony mouse pad.

@Kualinar - 20.10.2022 01:46

That guy was willing to learn new things, and APPLY what he learned. His initial desperate state pushed him to go above and beyond.

@freakklomp - 18.06.2023 05:37

the one with the monitor. that is why i always have a spare HDMI cable with me at all times when i got a fix job. account for everything.
