Catastrophizing: How to Stop Making Yourself Depressed and Anxious: Cognitive Distortion Skill #6

Catastrophizing: How to Stop Making Yourself Depressed and Anxious: Cognitive Distortion Skill #6

Therapy in a Nutshell

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@ruksarharoon7278 - 28.01.2024 11:09

Just accept life for what it is dont resist dont fight back just surrender and let the God take control. We cant control everything. Do meditation, offer your daily prayers if you are muslim, lean to God. Humble down. Become ordinary. read the power of NOW. Its ok to have a simple life and be a nobody in particular. Things am learning about practising and finding really helpful. Life is short we came with nothing (naked) and we will go with nothing. So just breathe and live a good life.

@antoniocarlosrodriguescamp1497 - 27.01.2024 00:25

This all requires therapy ; tips don't solve out mental problems. Anyone needs help in these cases.

@kiks12345 - 26.01.2024 14:09

You are doing God’s work… thank you 🙏

@luca2232 - 26.01.2024 02:03

Thankyou very much doc this is what i have for sure now i can handle it accordingly

@milesfann33 - 25.01.2024 08:51

How do I stop believing everyone hates me even though they probably don't? Like I'll just be driving in my car and suddenly just think that no one else driving in their car likes me and it creates this empty feeling inside me that I didn't have before I started thinking that way. I have a fear that people want to take their car and drive into me on purpose even though this isn't true at all. How do I stop my brain from thinking this way? Why do we create fake stories in our heads about other people that probably aren't true?

@pippipster6767 - 25.01.2024 08:10


@sunnylilacs - 24.01.2024 23:52

Oh, I didn’t realize calling myself awkward could be a form of catastrophizing. Dang, I do that a lot

@randyrobinson3951 - 22.01.2024 05:11

Do not. It is as bad as you think

@NV-wf1nu - 19.01.2024 19:53

Typing this with some tears in my eyes. I've been on a catastrophizing spiral because of some unexpected financial setbacks and a streak of rotten luck. I needed the clarity of your words to lift some of the burden and make me think a bit more rationally and kindly. Thank you!

@Andrei.R - 19.01.2024 19:48


@melonpanenjoyer - 16.01.2024 08:45

I really appreciate your videos, I’ve unknowingly been doing this before going to school, and now with your advice, school will be less dreadful, and more less anxiety inducing to me, thank you so much

@Manas_Choudhary - 15.01.2024 02:41

Thank you. I feel better now.

@Coolcat2710 - 13.01.2024 20:07

This was a wonderful video thank you

@ThatgirlLondon. - 12.01.2024 20:02

Please pray for me, I wake up every night and go to sleep every night feeling anxious and depressed! It’s an ongoing cycle. I’m noticing my emotions are cut off and I’m severely dissociated. I just had a baby 6 months ago I regretted I had her because before her I was better. My sister passed away 2 yrs ago as well.

@stevenneal7900 - 06.01.2024 04:00

I’m always have thoughts about confrontation and it always end bad! It’s got so bad I sometimes talk out load! I feel like I’m drowning in my own thoughts. People around me when I do this must think I’m insane 😢

@rc9145 - 05.01.2024 02:02

I’ve struggled with an anxiety disorder since October and up until last night all my symptoms were pretty run of the mill until i had my first ever closed eye hallucination last night, i woke up constantly thinking about how its not normal and that there really is something wrong with me even cried constantly thinking what if it happens again tonight but i guess at the end of the day its just a hallucination, it doesnt hurt me it wasnt even a particularly scary one so so what if it happens again

@vinci7039 - 02.01.2024 17:18

I never thought there’d be a term for this. Being aware of it is a big help. Thanks! :)

@BMHM-se3vu - 31.12.2023 19:42

I'll stop catastrophizing when I can replace the income I lost due to disability after a brain injury. Unless you're going to give me the silver bullet to get me out of this financial hell, no amount of introspection and coping skills are going to be actionable. Yeah, let me just focus on channeling my thoughts elsewhere when I can barely use my hands for beyond a few moments and my face is now disfigured, leading to isolation and no emotional support group; great! Don't forgot about those who have very valid reasons for assuming the worst will happen.

@alterego5617 - 30.12.2023 18:10

so true

@ydbandz - 30.12.2023 08:32

its been hard… im really trying my best right now

@stephbyerly9491 - 30.12.2023 03:22

Great video! But please stop saying EK-CETERA! It's ET cetera. ET means AND in Latin. CETERA means OTHERS.

@douglas2510 - 27.12.2023 01:06

Very strong and life changing words. Thank you

@naomilichtner6637 - 26.12.2023 07:14

I wish her examples applied to animal rescue 💔I struggle so much, because what do you do if you feel the catastrophizing of these animals, who so often are right about their futures.💔 Especially when the rescue community did everything they could to save them 😣aka we have no control over the heartbreak - but feel it regardless every time it needlessly comes. What would a therapist say then? Because our cstastrophizing is so very real, though it’s somewhat outsourced outside of ourselves. We know we are not in danger; but we know - and the animals know - they are.

@marsship921 - 25.12.2023 16:58

My problem is not even the pain, i just wanted to be strong. However, that seems to not exist.
I care more about being seen as strong than my own life.
Bullying and 7 years stuck in a place i thought was hell fucked me up.
I lost opportunities and the pandemic fucked the rest.
I never had a real goal in life, sometimes i get tired of playing this game. I said to myself that i am going to be sucessful or die.
However, it shouldnt be this hard. I am a real clown. I think people messed whit me and i did the favor of fucking the rest.

@Pinocicci - 24.12.2023 22:08

I have a sister who catastrophises like no other…. And expects everyone around her to do the same, to the point where she tries to force everyone around her to see things like she does. A simple situation of me waiting to be picked up by a friend who was running late on a night out, turned into ‘your friends are trash, I knew this would happen’, ’this is why I stopped going out with friends’, ‘people suck’, ‘you should cancel— why won’t you cancel? You’ll be stranded when you go out’.
We’ve stopped talking because she sees me as frivolous or laidback because I refuse to think the same. To the scenario above, my friend did come late but he had a valid reason for which he apologised, we went out with no incident, taxis and Ubers are a thing if I was indeed stranded, and he’s still my friend to this day, while she self isolates.

@blessedbells - 24.12.2023 05:46

Exactly what is happening and i didnt even knew it / realised it.. i feel better now , i can do something about it now , thanks.. it was eating me

@hinatashoyo852 - 21.12.2023 16:52

"If we expect the worst we can prevent it"
I literally think like that all the time thank you telling me that it's not a solution for upcoming events in my life 🌝

@Hrrtshapedsunglasses - 17.12.2023 17:27

Another example (one that i experience) is when its 3 am and I haven’t slept and i start thinking that the next day i will be exhausted and then i wont sleep that night or the one after. The anxiety caused by the idea means that i actually dont sleep!

@teegutta4689 - 17.12.2023 12:08


@Samtheman85844 - 17.12.2023 05:44

Thank you!! For this video.

@walterhartman3275 - 13.12.2023 19:23

Lol😂😂😂 You have no idea what you're talking about. Qi Gong far better.

@topy706 - 13.12.2023 15:46

What if the catastrophe is real and my panic is justified though

@GabyPivet - 13.12.2023 09:46

I wish you could be my therapist 😊

@julsca3738 - 12.12.2023 20:48

I can’t help but chuckle inside when I see get rest and I am a shift worker.

@FEARISLIAR - 09.12.2023 05:08

With this kind of thinking, I also procrastinate and have serious avoiding behaviors.
I didn’t always have these crazy thoughts it’s been in the past four years. Some of the things that happened in my life. I’m loving this video and I hope everyone out there has a great night. 🙏

@AndrewJTCooper-ks1ng - 09.12.2023 02:26

ADHD has been a crutch and tripping wire for me growing up that built up so many insecurities that's lead to all these issues you discussed.

@emma.8244 - 09.12.2023 01:22

Can we all just acknowledge that this woman is wonderful?! I know she makes money off these videos, which is a compensation for her time, but when you think of the amounnt of people shes helped that arent willling to or cant afford therapy its such a beautiful life spent !

@emma.8244 - 09.12.2023 01:16

Along with therapy, faith in God with your affairs helps ! I was faced with back to back death of loved ones in 2019 and my depression and anxiety went from level 2 to level 2000 in the years to come. I can't even pick up a phone call from my siblings on some days without starting off the conversation with "who died". I'm getting better but it's so real. I didn't realize that it was a thing I had untill 2 months ago when a switch went off and my brain put me in a VERY dark place of continuous catastrophizing. I prayed hard everyday because I didn't feel like there was anything all that I can do. I didn't even trust doctors ! I asked God to carry it all and forgive my past sins and to help me with the mindset, tools and heart to overcome this feeling. I forced myself out of my sleep just to pray consistently. I repaired my relationship with my creator and will continue to do so. I saw a huge improvement and I'm slowly getting better. I'm not 100% but much better than I was.

@solidxangryjoer4233 - 08.12.2023 16:37

Very funny when you are on the spectrum, there is a whole book building up in most cases, could be a fork falling on the ground...

@ultimategaming3039 - 06.12.2023 19:24

Please pray for me..I don't want to die..
But this depression and overthinking will kill me..
Please pray for me

@andrewz58 - 06.12.2023 17:15

How do you guys emotionally feel good about yourselves? I understand her points intellectually but just can't get myself to feel it

@YuriLongarms - 06.12.2023 00:42

What a loud start

@Kannot2023 - 02.12.2023 09:56

Imagine that you are in a cold climate and you say it is ok. I don't have to worry for winter. The you will die. If you worry and take measures it is adaptive healthy behavior, if you just worry then it is unhealthy and not adaptive. Fears exists because they help us survive.

@Emisnyan - 02.12.2023 02:55

You changed my life with this video

@monicaburlock1499 - 01.12.2023 04:07

Excellent video! I'm so glad that I found you through the PHP program I'm in. Thank you for what you do! 😊

@riclee9504 - 29.11.2023 04:49

"And completely ruin your life" 😂
