The Scary Truth About the Quantum Realm

The Scary Truth About the Quantum Realm

Thomas Mulligan

1 год назад

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@BusinessKid304 - 18.09.2023 04:18

This is actually so damn interesting thanks for this video cuz I’ve always thought I wanted to try and go down to the quantum realm and if it is even possible 😂

@tombyrne1637 - 18.09.2023 22:58

Great video, but weren’t all the CIA studies that concluded there was any sort of telekinesis just based on terrible studies?

@thedailydoseofscience - 28.09.2023 00:18

No wonder it started from ohio

@Fb-gj5rn - 28.09.2023 03:22

The most interesting fact is, the human brain also has quantum vibrations. And there’s a testable thaory that says the human brain after death transfers it’s energy back to the real life quantum plane. Meaning, that our universe could be more interconnected even down to consciousness than we think

@Kyushu_915 - 01.10.2023 14:58

so if this was simulation the people who own the simulation have been able to manipulate the quantum realm?

@Netcrosystem - 04.10.2023 04:51

So with strong enough will it could be possible to manipulate the world around you simply by observing it?

@notatype9015 - 01.11.2023 13:54

Don’t let him deceive you that’s confusion realm in Hell, it’s 5d, without knowing all moving stuck no way out, terrifying & I seen it unfortunately at the age of 16…

@hadhad06 - 02.11.2023 04:05

I study philosophy and cognitive studies in school and your videos come up and always have so much to do with what I am studying... I'm always saving your videos for later because you explain things so well! I appreciate it!

@abbzalali - 15.11.2023 01:02


@omw2fyb496 - 25.11.2023 07:01

Now I get what everyone means when they say "you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it"

@ethandubois9291 - 26.11.2023 09:48

Who else had an existential crisis thinking about this and wondered if anything Is real

@trollgeeater8055 - 27.11.2023 08:22

If quantum manifestation exist then why don't you manifest some bitches into existence

@kunalnichani1 - 27.11.2023 19:38

I feel the English language is a bit closer to quantum realm. We all know words in english sound similar but they are not spelt same way. Data rhyms with Meta but not Bata and so on. :) English is based more on our intuitive response rather than rules. Our ancestors were more human and closer to nature and they spontanously created the language based on what 'felt right'.
Another aspect is jinxing. There are some people who seem to be quite unlucky. For eg the moment they will enter a room, the opposite team will score a goal. And I can bet everyone has experienced it. And I am sure there are ones on the opposite end. The 'lucky' ones. I personally feel the difference lies in trying to be too logical and controlling. You 'jinx' a situation if you are too logical and trying to measure the nitty gritties. Dont measure the cat! Let it be alive and dead at the same time! Let it be a wave not an object!
Its not something one does intentionally. Its just some people's nature due to their habit or work. They lack 'faith'. Let things unfold on their own. Let go. Relax. Be positive. Dont say everything. Dont say what is going to happen before it happens. Let things be abstract! Creation is called creation for a reason! Creativity is an abstract concept. Its like that bubble which snaps if you try to catch it. Thats how our universe is.
You need to be strong. You need to have faith. And it doesnt happen overnight. Give yourself time :) Make big decisions. Get in the company of right people. Then probably you will align yourself with the Universe. Then probably you will be at the 'right place at the right time' and then probably life will be more rewarding.
Let Go.
Relax :)
You dont have to understand everything :) You just have to have faith that there are bigger powers at play.. (and it doesnt mean cross the road with faith without looking left and right.. that wont be lack of faith.. that will be stupidity.. there is a thin line :) )
Science just has to find some wise people who are in this natural 'state' of flow.. decode their thought patterns.. and create the algorithms they are finding impossible to create at this point. Nature knows all the algorithms that Science is looking for. They just have to find the right ones to listen.
And I wish them all the best :)

@Lightwing- - 06.12.2023 09:32

Technically, in my theory, everything is entangled, it's just that some things are more entangled than other things. I have proof, as when you displace an object, it moves according to the displacement.
Also on the observation theory, I believe that it has too, not be observed, but sent too one of your senses.

@user-pd3zd7nv8e - 06.12.2023 22:38

It's all nonsense and not reality it's spiritualism explained without out a way to understand it..... Meant to confuse the listener and leading to the listener believing the LIE= PAGANISM..... JOHN 3:16-21 KJV JOHN 1:1 KJV///// MISLEADING REALITY..... WAKE UP 🎶🎵🎺

@RMPBuilds - 09.12.2023 09:35

I swear, anything suggested by Einstein isn't a theory to be proven. It's plain facts

@Spedbrenn - 21.12.2023 04:06

Tho doesn’t make sense to me though, how can the cat be both alive and dead just because you don’t know if it’s alive or dead? How I there proof that things only happen if someone sees it? I might just be confused can someone explain it to me

@tkennerk10 - 23.12.2023 07:34

jinxed yah!

@forgotten-sock - 15.01.2024 22:13

So you’re telling me…there is and isn’t a bloodthirsty monster behind me right now, there’s a 50% chance it’s there until I turn around??

@e.a.n_a.n.t.h.o.n.y - 27.01.2024 00:18

I really enjoy your content. You always give me something to think about. That makes me happy 🙂

@Blaah6 - 04.02.2024 07:56

Loving this.

@xqcpog7597 - 10.03.2024 11:28

Ur videos are so good, u definitely deserve soooo many more views. They will come with time though

@quantumpizza576 - 10.03.2024 19:03

Bro this channel is so gooddd
Extremely underrated, you just got a new subscriber

@sakethsonu - 14.03.2024 15:13

Bro now all the delusional women will try to 'manifest' thier rich simp husband 😒

@broteinpowder6068 - 22.03.2024 21:28

Im a year late.. but as someone from the area, its "pick-wa", not "pee-qua" 😅

@HolyTrinity970 - 24.03.2024 02:25

Thanks for your input

@PixelatedB - 25.03.2024 07:36

I had a time where I watched a 50 shades of grey film theory and then my Amazon music randomly started a 50 shades of grey song

@rxpterr - 28.03.2024 18:12

i clicked on this vid because i almost went a day without an existential crisis

@solocede - 07.04.2024 12:24

Absolutely beautiful video. Thank you so much.

@eyeessee - 09.04.2024 15:58

🏠I choose to wake up in my mansion tomorrow. It will happen as soon as I open my eyes and observe it. 👀🏢

@MaoiForLIFE - 09.04.2024 19:08

It made me rethink my life

@PastAff4irs - 13.04.2024 10:43

"Consciousness gives form to matter"

This is a proof for God if I have ever seen one

Because the state of something is apparently undetermined without an observer thus for anything to exist and for even the big bang to happen there would have to be an observer.

This brings up other major conversations such as the necessary being ; one who pushes the domino but also that this observer is necessary and it's what we call God.

This God is revealed in and by Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour.

Eastern orthdoxy has preserved his teaching ☦️
Christ loves you and is calling unto you rnn
Repent and beleive ☦️

@RachelWrites - 17.04.2024 04:21

You should have millions of followers.

@RachelWrites - 17.04.2024 04:37

Manifesting works.

@JordanG4117 - 22.04.2024 10:08

You’re telling me that manifestation is real?

@Perdita_Animas6840 - 22.04.2024 23:31

this reminds me a ton of the a netflix film I saw, "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar". There was a guy who was able to tell what card was on top of a deck that was upside down. He spent years practicing this until he was able to know the card consistently and instantly. Maybe related to Quantum Mechanics?

@DummyFace123 - 27.04.2024 12:15

That is not how quantum entanglement works at all. The best way to understand the entanglement is to think of them as RSA keys sharing the same seed data.
When two RSA keys have the same seed, then you can know that the other key is reading the same value that you are. There is not communication or interactions between the entangled particles, they simply share the same data, until you F with one of them.
You can interact with a particle by measuring it, and you can slow down a particle's spin by measuring it frequently. Physicists who are terrible at describing things, refer to this as 'observing' it, but this has nothing to do with normal room lighting or a human eyeball looking at it.
The Quantum Zeno effect is what people mean when 'observing' it where observing is continuously measuring it's spin, as opposed to a single 'observation' measurement.
When you quantum lock an entangled particle's spin by continuous observation, guest what happens to the other particle that it used to be entangled with? Nothing, because they are no longer entangle.
That is to say, interacting with an entangled particle in such a way that "does something" with it has absolutely no effect on the other particle. They just share the initial seed data, and theres not too many practical applications of it.
Except possibly message tamper detection/integrity validation. But the scifi FTL instant communications is just scifi; messing with one particle does not effect the other one.

@kendallvanarsdale1802 - 09.05.2024 19:28

me watching this like i have a single clue about anything that happens in the quantum realm

@mLBB-x-HoK22savg - 13.05.2024 22:08

Adds on this channel matches the audience

@isken6593 - 14.05.2024 18:50

It is absolutely about to get weird : OHIO

@pija9505 - 29.05.2024 01:42

Was just about to flick on.. after half way... Then it got deeper.. robots.. ect.. holy joe.. it gets deeper and deeper.. suppose. Yu did say yu trawlled up all the info on it.. well done.. even yu... Get more exited ect the deeper yu go with it.. cool.. yur voice is real easy.. if yu familier with subject.. real easy to listen to and absorbe into data.. lol even or especially when yu talk quick.. thats pretty cool.. can dump stuff out to us exited and it gets received perfect.. r e m a r k a b l e ! Lol thanks.. yu just bump started my stalled quantum interest again.. with just one word.. a missing step in my ladder.. respect.. tis his to be square.

@pija9505 - 29.05.2024 02:10

Ferrari! Ferrari ! Ferrari ! Bags of cash ! Bags of cash ! Weres my secret book ? Ferrari ! Chics ! Robots ! ? Dont know where that came out of.. no robot ! No robots ! I think i burnt the secret book.. or hid it coz its a secret book ... Ferrari ! Munay !

@handsomejack8751 - 14.06.2024 02:46

Dude it has been YEARS since I've been left so shocked as with the twins story.. fuck man my mind just can't

@formedbyfusion - 29.06.2024 08:26

I think neil degrasse tyson said that the act of observing chsnges stuff because of light psrticles interacting with electrons. He can an exampe of shining a light in something to see it and thst action has caused a reaction on electrons (light particles intrracting with electrons)

@houdaopps536 - 30.06.2024 18:54

Anyone else here after watching Dark Matter

@HariPrasad-mn5vu - 01.07.2024 14:02

Sounds like a pseudoscience video

@Buddddddyy - 06.07.2024 06:13

The craziest one for me is when a song is stuck in my head and then it plays on the radio
