Awaken: Chaos Era - Goodbye

Awaken: Chaos Era - Goodbye

CwC Zeppelin

1 год назад

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@zelmavalpetere8160 - 26.08.2023 01:32

Epic comeback incoming...

@stevendeleon7621 - 06.08.2023 00:46

We need you to come back

@prosperanukposi3763 - 31.07.2023 07:37

Please CwC Zeppelin give me your account and let me continue on your legacy as am still passionate about the game, let me take your account higher

@VIDA-MORTE - 09.07.2023 04:40

Make content aborto other games, I like your opinion and the facts that you show,
Sorry for the bad english.

@etshhady8064 - 25.06.2023 06:01

In fact if i didn't get opal this time I'll leave the game too

@Druhhhhh9905 - 19.06.2023 20:46

just faced you in RTA. Welcome back 🤗

@TheTi3Ru - 10.06.2023 12:45

Try Raid Shadow Legends. Whatever everyone says its top 1 in the market.

@channingk9955 - 09.06.2023 22:19

Sad to see you leave the game. I thoroughly enjoyed your content and it helped me greatly in the game. Would love to know what you're playing next!

@hasahyo3762 - 09.06.2023 15:47

come to play Dragon Heir, lot of your guild mates and ex ACE platyers switched to Drago Heir

@CHROMEBLAZEstudio - 01.06.2023 18:33

Recommend me something similar as ACE or Raid, but not so pay to win please...

@earneststamp2021 - 31.05.2023 10:22

Sad to see you leave. Will you be giving away your account?

@g-g-9 - 30.05.2023 18:36

Same thing with Raid. Stupid game devs and company(s)

@calvincheng8442 - 27.05.2023 09:10

Really bad news, newbie from new Asia server, watching yr channel every day in d past month, u r doing good and valuable game video, this is big lost of us. By d way will check up what u post next. THanks

@bryantinnin27 - 27.05.2023 04:03

Come play genshin impact or mobile legends adventure. We have cookies😊

@jay13200 - 26.05.2023 09:09

Bye its time for call of dragon

@billywu130 - 26.05.2023 04:27

Why is the event so one sided for whales? I am so confused. Who is their audience lol. So sad to see a game going from great to zero.

@wal3rus898 - 26.05.2023 03:25

You should definitely keep making content on other games, I know they aren't super similar but Diablo 4 is coming out soon and I am sure you could grow your channel a lot on such a popular franchise if thats something you would enjoy. Thanks for the content, sad to see the devs destroy their own game like this.

@ellenferra6488 - 26.05.2023 02:46

This stinks. 🥺

@huw5424 - 25.05.2023 23:15

You did some really good videos. I’ll miss your output.

@CSWrecker - 25.05.2023 23:12

NOOOO. We finally had a CC worth listening to. ACE really messed this one up.

@inna8821 - 25.05.2023 23:08

Greatest thanks for your reviews and guides!

@ilsleetli259 - 25.05.2023 23:05

That's too bad man, hate to see ya go. Since I came back to the game your channel has helped me catch up the most. Ya gotta do what's best for you though. Good luck to whatever you do next.

@nutz79ful - 25.05.2023 22:49

What game do you recommend

@Scor0586 - 25.05.2023 21:17

You are great CC and you have good logic and good narrative skills so its sad and bad for ace community that you are leaving. Good luck wherever you end up :)

@cykwon75 - 25.05.2023 21:12

Big disappointment but I felt it coming. When everything new in the game focuses on broken unfun content, it’s a rapid downward spiral. Would love to see you explore and recommend other games. Hope you continue to produce content. You’re clear, concise, blunt and honest in your opinions. Much appreciated.

@nicholas8315 - 25.05.2023 21:07

appreciate the hard work even though i recently subbed.... i hope they make the changes needed to make it better for everyone!

@ImListless - 25.05.2023 20:37


@Druhhhhh9905 - 25.05.2023 20:17

I remember when the game first came it was very f2p friendly. Then devs turned almost everything in this game p2w. RTA is content for whales and l/d abusers and is not balanced. Rifts almost same story as most players cannot even access the content . Introducing books was a horrible idea. All of these moves may have increased the devs pockets but has totally destroyed the game. Regular players have been screaming about most of these problems for months but since it didn’t affect whales, all of the discord bunch just kept on and laughed. Now since rifts came out, the end gamers and whales are FINALLY seeing all of the issues with the game. It’s been shit for awhile

@Jamesallen-qu5ke - 25.05.2023 19:55

I'm really close to following you

@veto1421 - 25.05.2023 19:45

I think they know the game will die and they just trying to milk what they can that’s y they don’t care. I came back because of the afk farming and I finally have some decent gear but now I need books and I don’t have any and without those my champs can’t beat anything and for some reason they price them $10 a piece instead of 2$ or 3$ a piece. U were the only one keeping me playing this game and with u out I’ll say F this game too. Let us know if u gonna cover other games , OUTERPLANE infinite magic raid etc

@yoshanity2409 - 25.05.2023 19:39

Are you planning to play any other game?

@jenesesenriquez1248 - 25.05.2023 19:36


@opticgamer3731 - 25.05.2023 19:28

This does hurt as a new player. But I do agree with yu they need to make a better way to get books that doesn't require yu to buy them.

@CHROMEBLAZEstudio - 25.05.2023 19:24

I left a game 1 year ago and then came back, again. The crazy stuff is I just spend monthly cards, that´s it, but I still can't do Mythic tower or clear Gemini without certain heroes, as a business owner - ACE is a great product, but I am thinking to delete all my champs include light and dark, and delete a game. Dunno what to play after, Raid Shadow legends? Is it the same thing as ACE right?

@natethegrape21 - 25.05.2023 19:22

i’ll miss you zep. you have been a great inspiration for me to make ace content. thanks for everything my guy i wish you the best in whatever you do ❤

@flgator0092 - 25.05.2023 18:52

Wow just wow, so sad to see you go! Hope u come back some day that’s for sure! I think ACE just lost its best CC in my opinion! I wonder how many more CC they got to lose to make some real changes in this game! So tired of good CC leaving I feel really sad to see you go Zep! I wish you nothing but the best brother! Godspeed! 😢

@TheAsureDark - 25.05.2023 18:51

"If a red, green, blue is better than a L/D we are going to nerf it". This statement should tell you all you need to know about how the creators of the game think about you. It sucks that I wont be able to play vicariously through your gameplay anymore. I like the way this game plays and the interactions between hero's but ill never touch this game again. I dumped a lot of money during launch and noticed a lot of glaring issues that are still prevalent to this day. Its bittersweet but all good things come to an end, May we meet again.

@Kosztko - 25.05.2023 18:51

They just dont get it but if they have no view of there game it will die it just à matter of time. They dont want to advertise and they dont help enough the cc.

@Kosztko - 25.05.2023 18:45

Ahhh man that so bad... i love so much your video !!!! I did also try a new game ( outerplane ) that à cool game for now and am waiting to see what the dev do for ACE but man they are sooo sooo bad.

Talisem ( they change is kit half way matrix done when we spend money )

This essence shop is so bad

Matrix système in général is very very bad ( i play from day one and not able to have one legendary hero with matrix )

Pay to way book, pay to win matrix hero.

And that true why they dont add the new hero before we but the badge ... it just no sence man.

So sad man.

@enotpwnzable - 25.05.2023 18:44

Sad to hear that. I want to thank you for played this game with us and wish you all best everywhere you'll go and everything you'll do.
With best regards. Sweenot.

@yoshanity2409 - 25.05.2023 18:38

Enjoyed your content even though I never played

@scubasheev66 - 25.05.2023 18:37

"Well.... bye"
-Curly Bill

@TheKwihany - 25.05.2023 18:37

take care lil brother, u'll be truly missed

@Druhhhhh9905 - 25.05.2023 18:27

Damn you were my fave CC 😢😢😢

@hiimkaz1653 - 25.05.2023 18:24

I quitted the game long ago but still watched your vids man. Will continue supporting u in whichever new game you make vids about

@Nebras06 - 25.05.2023 18:21

all the best.I hope you'll change your mind and back again

@liaqathali1101 - 25.05.2023 18:21

Since they nerfed aphronie i recalled her dont play with her anymore. She was the one helping me move up against whale players. Anyways, good luck on your future and thanks for your videos

@blackosx0930 - 25.05.2023 18:16


@doro626 - 25.05.2023 18:11

You are probably the 7th Content Creator I have seen quit this game. The game has a semi solid foundation but they just arent ready for prime time. They may be content to be a middle of the road game that makes decent money. The HILARIOUS part is the game didnt have books in the beginning. All skill-ups were farmable. Ascension required champions so that was a barrier tied to RNG.

Books are the biggest seller? HMMM where have I heard that before. OH yeah Plarium. You have to only enjoy the game for what it is now, because its not going to get better. Go watch a why I'm leaving video from a year ago and they will be saying the exact same things, for different reasons.

@ibadibadullayev8815 - 25.05.2023 18:07

Man why, why? Let us suffer little bit more together in our guild, may be they change? I am going to miss you buddy
