Poland is the Next Big Tech Hub [Napisy PL]

Poland is the Next Big Tech Hub [Napisy PL]

Dominik Andrzejczuk

2 года назад

26,790 Просмотров

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Ricardo Matuszewski
Ricardo Matuszewski - 20.10.2023 22:32

......pomyśl- zaprojektuj - wyślij do ministerstwa rozwoju ///
drogi ekspresowe (  muszą  dać  miejsce dla  lokalnych małych biznesów'' dla  regionalnej kuchni '' dla  regionalnego rzemiosła'' kultury  i  sztuki  itp  .. dla  podróżnych  okazja by zapoznać się z bogactwem i różnorodnością Regionów i zajrzenia głębiej '' szansa na nowe kontakty kulturalne, gospodarcze itp. Międzynarodowe kołchozy będą wciskać towary międzynarodowych kołchozów- a to nie jest prawdziwa Polska........ w Hiszpanii takie  zlekceważenie potrzeby zarobiania na życie przez  lokalną społeczność  skończyło się biedą i wyludnieniem. Nawet w tv mają o tym cykliczny program ''pusta Hiszpania''

Ricardo Matuszewski
Ricardo Matuszewski - 20.10.2023 22:31

o Euipo słyszeli?

v18744 - 18.09.2023 17:50

and Poland is most safty than USA...

Andrew Kosalka
Andrew Kosalka - 12.09.2023 07:31

Thanks for a kind words about my old country. I left Poland in 1974 for USA. I was successful in America and I hope that one of my kids or grandkid will go back to Poland i will be successful there.

Emiliana Kowalewska
Emiliana Kowalewska - 10.09.2023 18:52

Thanks for this flattering video! Israel and Poland always share similar stories, especially in diaspora. Jewish and Polish are spread around the world indeed, each with different acquired skillsets, knowing that we both have a homeland each where we could return to if we wanted. But at this time I as a more democratic, progressive and liberal-minded person don't have any intention to return, because our current government is too conservative and anti-LGBTQ. That's just for me though. Other Poles may view it differently.

Dogstoryteller28 - 16.08.2023 22:09

Mr Dominik can polish tech companies invent a 6g internet one that is environment friendly and doesn’t harm the animal kingdom. My open challenge to the nation of poland can you make it within 7 to 8months.

Krowa święta
Krowa święta - 06.08.2023 00:13

Hahah, what a silly propaganda picture of Poland.

I mean, i guess we, Poles, love to dream of becoming superpower. "Poland from sea to sea" hehehe

So anyway, Poland developes relatively fast but cmon mate...

Hans Kloss
Hans Kloss - 30.07.2023 13:43

teraz nasz czas ;)

Malutki ejkejej
Malutki ejkejej - 26.07.2023 22:52

very good video.

paszczakone1985 - 26.07.2023 11:47

respect bro.

dj account
dj account - 19.07.2023 18:09

Uwierzę jak zobacze

Tomasz Falkowski
Tomasz Falkowski - 09.07.2023 07:15

I grew up in Poland from 2001 to 2012, I was born in Connecticut, United States. I was able to witness a change and importance that most weren't able to witnesses I can tell you Poland is the future.

jadwiga pomaska
jadwiga pomaska - 22.06.2023 22:01

Great Video dude, keep up the good work :) Let's make Poland the second Silicon Valley :)

Invisible hand of Adam Smith
Invisible hand of Adam Smith - 12.06.2023 12:06

Love Poland greetings from london

Mark SW
Mark SW - 18.05.2023 21:40

Amazing video. As a person of direct Polish descent, this is inspiring and makes me feel more confident as to why I should move and work there.

47morlock - 05.05.2023 23:53

oh gender diversity🙄

World News
World News - 23.03.2023 15:34


Ania Rapacz-Johnston
Ania Rapacz-Johnston - 04.03.2023 22:07

I'm a Polish citizen married to American living in Bay Area California. We also see the potential and how beautiful the country and culture is.
Moving to Poznan in few months❤

J Z - 12.02.2023 01:45

Chyba nie wziąłeś pod uwagę, że Polska zmierza wielkimi krokami w stronę dyktatury, a każda dyktatura kończyła się głębokim kryzysem ekonomiczny.

Sylwia Adamska
Sylwia Adamska - 27.01.2023 14:15

