Quick Pool Tip with Jaden Dupree and Charlie “Hillbilly” Bryant | How to Aim

Quick Pool Tip with Jaden Dupree and Charlie “Hillbilly” Bryant | How to Aim

Dupree Trickshots

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John Turpin
John Turpin - 13.01.2021 04:48

Good advice fr 👍🏻

Jeremy Willhoit
Jeremy Willhoit - 21.06.2018 04:14

I won my 4th pool tournament today!! I'm the Champion!!

Robert Reese
Robert Reese - 14.05.2018 07:55

People, look at it like you're firing a pistol. The top of the sight post should be even with the top of the rear sights put a second side post along the barrel and there you have it. Pretty simple.

Patrick Sledge
Patrick Sledge - 07.05.2018 10:54

If I understand correctly, especially from reading the other comments and after practicing it for a few days, if and when using top center (since all of the shots on the video are follow), line up the three sites, the top of the ferrel, the CB and the ghost point of (move the visual GB to the top of OB) the OB; these are the three sights that need to be aligned as if a laser beam was to go through them. Where ever the ghost ball (GB) is to make contact on the OB raise the GB to the top of the OB, this is the tip at the end of the "rifle." All three points should be in a straight line.

To make the point, if you have pocket reducers, get some. With the CB, hit it straight using follow without hitting the cushion on either side. Then moving to hitting an OB and following it into the pocket with the CB. It drives me crazy! It's is a flaw that is going to take some time working on, proper aiming, stance, cue line, and stroke. I'm still developing consistency and killing bad habits from years of playing the wrong way without the right knowledge and techniques that simplify the game.

The problem being worked out is finding true center with top spin in Jaden's shot; he misses certain shots. So using Charlie's method, allow him to find true center an increased accuracy on slices. Thus, improving aim. This video also helps as Charlie pointed out, "finding the vertical center line on the CB." Consistency equals more pocketed balls.

Any lesson or tip that will help improve aiming and accuracy is always appreciated, thanks for the tip!

A little humor: With a M16 in a prone, kneeling or standing position, hold the rifle in your hands and rest your cheek on the butt of the rifle with you eye all the way close to the sight. Almost in the manner of how you aim in shooting pool. Instead of your chin being over the cue, your cheek is resting on the butt and the end of the butt is into your armpit and shoulder. The hole is about the size of a pin head on a stick pin, maybe a little large but not much. Focus! If you don't, the end of the sight on the end of the barrel of the rifle will not be visible. When it is, not only is it clear but it is large and you do don't recognize that you are looking through the hole, even though you are. When you are in alignment you are now looking through the sight. Then the end of the sight is visible and again, it is very large, so is the target to which you are aiming at. Before you squeeze and pull the trigger, slightly pause your breathing when you inhale as to increase accuracy.

Shotgun: Point the barrel, squeeze the trigger. The buckshot will go in any direction that the barrel is pointed at.

The point...take time and line your shoots up correctly if you desire to be more accurate and consistent in playing pool. When you do, you'll see thing clearer and the game will become easier and more enjoyable.

Critter Drew
Critter Drew - 20.04.2018 21:58

Like many of you, I used to just "eye-ball" the line and play my shot... I made some great shots and missed some easy ones. The idea that Hillbilly is trying to make here is that in order to build consistency, you need a repeatable system. The alignment system he uses is similar to shooting a rifle. Once the shooter aligns the top of the cue's tip, the top of the cue ball, and the object ball, it resembles looking through the rear and front sites of a rifle. So, rather than focusing on a general area of the object ball (and blasting away like someone shooting a shotgun), now, everything is aligned and "zeroed in" on a specific spot on the object ball. Replay the video to understand the alignment concept and give it a try... I bet that your consistency will improve. Many thanks to Hillbilly and Jaden for sharing this with the masses.

rudi anto
rudi anto - 03.04.2018 19:35

Very very bad video & angle....come on man!!! Unsubbed!!

James Davis
James Davis - 02.04.2018 10:16

I hate to be rude but some of you guys are not too sharp. The explanation of what they are doing here is VERY easy to follow. It really cannot be easier. Go back over the video and pay attention.

By the way, I play a lot here in the Philippines and about two months ago a VERY good player explained to me how he lined up his shots and it was this EXACT way. I have started to use it and it is very effective. It allows you to see the site line and the aiming point REALLY easy. Very good video.

Patrick Breach
Patrick Breach - 29.03.2018 19:35

Nice tips! I'm going to use them in my match tonight.

Belinda Bentley
Belinda Bentley - 29.03.2018 16:28

Yeah that didn’t make sense to me either.

c west
c west - 29.03.2018 12:26

He needs to have a camera man to follow him around to give better close up footage. That video to me was pointless without being able to see what he's saying

Yolo Teh
Yolo Teh - 29.03.2018 09:45

Wat the heck😂

david arezina
david arezina - 29.03.2018 08:19

Didn't understand anything that went on in this video...lol..
What are those 3 white rectangle things along the rail?

Dr Smoke BBQ
Dr Smoke BBQ - 29.03.2018 06:02

I think it's funny that you teach "how to" videos but yet hire a personal trainer for pool..... LMAO. YOU GOT THE 7 OUT anytime here in Brenham tx from me! Post up

Ryan H
Ryan H - 29.03.2018 03:38

I agree this video was disappointing. I understand the lining up of the top of object ball, top of cueball, top of farrel, but it still requires more explanation. Please next time go into more detail.

abdulmuhimen Salama bak🐔
abdulmuhimen Salama bak🐔 - 29.03.2018 03:05


Michael Leppelman
Michael Leppelman - 29.03.2018 01:16

Nice video but I am confused with what he is talking about the riffle and the 3 circles. You should probably clarify this. We weren't able to see what he was talking about when he showed the circle because the camera was aimed too low.

SirEdwin Bullet Force y Más
SirEdwin Bullet Force y Más - 29.03.2018 01:10

Nice video my bro 😉

حسام حسن
حسام حسن - 29.03.2018 00:14

واول لايك

حسام حسن
حسام حسن - 29.03.2018 00:13

اول تعليق
