The Dark Souls Iceberg Explained

The Dark Souls Iceberg Explained


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Nigglet Farm
Nigglet Farm - 15.09.2023 16:36

Hole ahead try finger

Cyber Tedium
Cyber Tedium - 12.09.2023 13:41

I'll never understand why people think Yulia is anything other than a cat, other pet that has a missing model. Why else would he be "stroking" thin air?

Solaire - 03.09.2023 20:09

Praise the Sun!

Some Guy
Some Guy - 03.09.2023 02:02

wall of text in bound. avert your eyes child

you didnt even cover the most obvious. gwen has 2 kids. gwendolin dark sun (moon) he was even raised as a girl because of a strong connection to the moon and gwenevere sun goddess. all with the dark sign are eclipses. it looks like what you see with a eclipse. they can turn hollow. every one doesnt turn undead. thats why there are dead people all over the place and why the undead are hunted down and sent to the asylum. many assume the pygmy is all humans but no. gwen isnt giant and gwendolin isnt either. human parts of the spider sisters and crazy lady pyromancer in lost izolith are not giant either.pygmy isnt all humans its a bloodline. your all related even if just barely if you are undead. why dont the bosses hollowfy when you kill them. no undead quelaag duh but no undead bighat either. no undead smough or orn . no undead gwendolin. death is final for your npc enemies even if they claim to be undead. crestfallen will try to kill you in the ruins of new andolor he has humanity you can tell by look and still no hollow after the mortal wound. oscar was wounded gravely and tells you to go ring bells and leave him at the begining. return to the asylum and he has turned . mindless. your distant relatives killed and or ran off normal humans from the land mostly after turning hollow. you were pulled from a normal ish place and dropped in the asylum . berg doesnt look normal enough to justify the drunk tank . so gwen isnt hollow when you fight him. gwen steals a lord soul from the burning world round about the same time the pygmy steals the dark soul from it in the intro. so look at the guy he isnt normal looking you say. hes ancient and covered in ash from the first kiln. hes just crazy trapped in the first kiln for who knows how long so others wouldnt get his power. possibly locked away by the primordial serpents. he may even have had unwanted dirty talks perpetrated by the serpents when he grew tired and he had to fend them off which is why they waited for some smuch to show up and do the dirty work. the serpents are now gate keepers / prison guards of the area needed to go to gween with the lord vessel by the time you arrive. might even be artorias's fault gween got locked away. wandering into the abyss and finding interesting very talkative companions who wait for him to turn after being robbed of a connection to a fire (the abyss itself is the opposite of the fire) and loosing a fight (broken arm). things not of this world wandered in following the path some half tard made wandering through the abyss. pillar trees and the slab mentioning yggdrasail the world tree that supports many worlds. the abyss is another world and possibly unrelated to the dark sign but the opposite of the fire and they just want you to get rid of the thing standing in the way. worst case scenario your immortal and wait until the right time and relight it in a good place. so do it now or walk away. dont go to firelink and try it no stay here in this are we made a prison for gween and do it. stay behind the giant stone doors that we will close behind you and do it. "no they wouldnt they are my friends and gave me spooky hand" you cry . sadly you have no friends. thats why your playing dark souls. and the serpents know this all to well. the serpents in the you walked away ending are illusions. you cant leave. you never did. thats why you cant return to the surface and keep playing without the ng+ restart of the story

Poket - 28.08.2023 15:16

fun fact: Sen is actually the nameless king, there are lots of evidence. For example the fortress being isolated from Anor Londo, because Sen was exiled by his father Gwyn. Another evidence is that there are lots of Snake men in the Sen's fortress, the same Snake men that could be fount in the Peak where Sen's living

GLOOM59 - 24.08.2023 10:10

Love all the legend of Zelda music.

oddoutdoors - 21.08.2023 03:34

I like to think its the happiest dream a care bear ever had.

Delving Deeper
Delving Deeper - 18.08.2023 22:21

10 mins in and already found 3 major mistakes in your explanations and I was only half-listening…. Do better research next time

IMrAverage - 18.08.2023 14:07

The boulder levers do move on their own. You can see it happen in Co-op.

Larson Racing.
Larson Racing. - 17.08.2023 22:25

The crystal knight or the skull in ash lake are supposedly the blacksmith god

ZeroCharisma - 15.08.2023 00:42

Solaire isn't the worm, one of the bug pellet consumables in Dark souls 3 states that the giant worms were native to carthus and that it moved to the smoldering lake at a later date.

Rattn Tattn
Rattn Tattn - 14.08.2023 02:48

Who tf is Mayazaki?

josh torres
josh torres - 13.08.2023 17:35

hawk eye dialogue changes so yeah it was intended

josh torres
josh torres - 13.08.2023 17:31

havel wasnt locked for his own safety havel was planning to kill the gods as suggested by the ocult club found inside the fireplace which is forbidden and the only weapon that could kill a god

Dark the Hunter
Dark the Hunter - 12.08.2023 23:46

The use of sh2 soundtrack gives me PTSD

Andrei Alex
Andrei Alex - 12.08.2023 11:21

Wow. First time I encounter this game . Is this like a skyrim? Looks very good with nice soundtracks

Kazey - 10.08.2023 11:27

Hiditahhkah mayazaki ?

malachi tilley
malachi tilley - 09.08.2023 13:05

I have a question is the person we play as in darksouls 1 the final boss in darksouls 3 ?

Marcin D
Marcin D - 09.08.2023 08:01

Great lore, but the presentation in the game itself is still lazy, cost cutting dog shit.

goofy goober
goofy goober - 08.08.2023 14:51

It doesn’t go deeper, it goes higher. All the way to the sun.

Theo Cound
Theo Cound - 06.08.2023 06:23

I always thought that yulia was the undead merchants katana

Nilstro Baggia
Nilstro Baggia - 01.08.2023 07:46

Nuclear war between the US and Russia is so unlikely that you should be more worried about dying from escaped zoo animals or spontaneous combustion.

Dampierre - 23.07.2023 19:52

The Havel ring thing makes so much sense now that I think about it. He never needed that ring

ThePowerfulOnes - 21.07.2023 20:14

I go by Frampt telling Gwyn how the world functions and Gwyn making the Chosen Undead plan with Frampt going "alright then, lets see where this goes...", effectively just being along for the ride until the inevitable next age

Race McCool
Race McCool - 12.07.2023 09:34

I believe Jeremiah was a bullfrog and I know this to be because he is a good friend of mine

Ben Sosnowski
Ben Sosnowski - 10.07.2023 13:14

I thought walking over the traps in sen’s fortress is what causes the Boulder path to change

Fondl Mibals
Fondl Mibals - 02.07.2023 14:45

On my first and only try at Ds1i accidentally hit Andre too hard and angered him and i felt really really bad after.
And now my first game of ds3 i unknowingly got greirat killed when i didnt want to and i feel like garbage

DRAAAVEN Noxus - 26.06.2023 13:04

Why does the the gates of Sens Fortress open when the bells are rung

Samuel Leveque
Samuel Leveque - 25.06.2023 07:25

Idk who this Mayazaki is

Dom Okami
Dom Okami - 16.06.2023 13:46

Regarding the Jeremiah theory: the yellow king is an entity from lovecraft's universe. Maybe it's a nod to that, or they might even have some kind of similar backstory. Just a thought though, I don't have enough lovecraft knowledge to link them one another , if that might be the case at all.

Joshua Lynch
Joshua Lynch - 12.06.2023 15:16

currently stuck in blight town! playing through the darksoulds trilogy after beating elden ring 7 times! And I love the game!

Eastern Empire
Eastern Empire - 30.05.2023 13:56

Making a powerful illusion isn't too much of a thing, you know, all the giants and silver knights are illusions, yet, quite powerful

Souls Hunter
Souls Hunter - 30.05.2023 02:32

Whats pretty crazy is that i hear the same whispers in some places in dark souls 2, gives chills.
Even more now that i know they are in DS1 too 👻

Grant Mackey
Grant Mackey - 27.05.2023 21:51

The true Havel is the friends we made along the way.

Brett Pardue
Brett Pardue - 24.05.2023 08:35

I have actually experienced that several times with the boulder lever moving on its own in Sen's fortress 😂 like I went up there to change the direction of the boulders to where they are dropping off outside then run down to get Logan or the other way to get the mimic chest and then the boulders are suddenly coming down the aisles again on the way back up lol

Sunshine lollipops
Sunshine lollipops - 22.05.2023 02:58

Dark Souls is so popular because it has become a rite of passage whereupon young men can earn a feeling of pride, at least in a pseudo sense (it is just a videogame, after all). Quite simply, this game is a strict teacher that’s ok with your struggle towards growth

A - 18.05.2023 12:01

With the last fight from Elden Ring, the Ashlake hypothesis seems much more likely

Klatschi - 29.04.2023 21:56

Intimidating and dangerous? I always thougt the basilisc looked goofy af, and i have never been killed by one or cursed enough to die from them. Also not having any poise res makes them a big joke. Atleast imo and experience

Derrick Bartledoo
Derrick Bartledoo - 26.04.2023 09:48

Thought Yulia was the broken barrel and that he was just a very sad and lonely nutter.

Time to backtrack and introduce him to my big black fuckoff sword.

BASILIS ARSENAUT - 17.04.2023 20:08

ξανθός means blonde, not yellow

BlackHeart Gaming
BlackHeart Gaming - 11.04.2023 09:57

ive been wondering for awhile now if people die in certain places in the game why is their amor and or weapons so far away from them

Mr. Frog
Mr. Frog - 22.03.2023 04:15

Awesome video

Lunastyx - 12.03.2023 05:41

Bullshit video, half the shit you present, you dont give them a bar of credit, some """theories"""" are a compilation of bullshit of blind denying of the actual lore of Dark Souls, I hope it wasnt too difficult to do your 20min research on google typing the entries of an iceberg you found, and then recording the whole, not even understanding, nor believing half the things you're speaking about

you should be ashamed to not being just able to be curious to understand the lore you're making money on

Rai Beenah
Rai Beenah - 12.03.2023 02:44

this is one of the worst videos I've seen in a while

not a spider
not a spider - 27.02.2023 14:42

You said Kaathe wanted the age of dark to "return". What do you mean "return"? If the age of dark was brought about in Dark Souls 1, that would be the first age of dark. There was the age of the ancient dragons (age of grey, age of stone, whatever you wanna call it), then the age of fire, and dark souls takes place when the age of fire starts to dwindle. There was no age of dark, not until the chosen undead chose to usher it in.

Steve Michael
Steve Michael - 25.02.2023 08:41

Why are you using Zelda music for a Souls video ? Ugh
