Where to Meet 30 Hot Women In 30 Days (HINT: NOT Bars or Clubs)

Where to Meet 30 Hot Women In 30 Days (HINT: NOT Bars or Clubs)

Marni Your Personal Wing Girl

1 год назад

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@JDOGFTW - 26.01.2024 02:58

I get no matches on tinder or hinge what do I have to lose espically not the type I want. I have a car.

@mannysantana - 08.09.2023 16:00

I’m not tryna be negative or anything, but you also have to consider the fact that the feminist movement has made it difficult for the average man to approach any woman in any setting. It’s seen as inappropriate and he’s at risk of being accused of misconsuct.

@michaelcanoe - 17.07.2023 12:45

She’s really cleaning up huh

@johnr6143 - 05.07.2023 09:19

Fact is unless youve got good looks, resources and game, for the most part, trying to approach 99 plus percent of women is just a good way to get hurt, so then whats the point?
A pet would cost far less, then dealing with the modern femnazi wy-men!

@stanspb763 - 28.06.2023 13:06

I am often asked how to meet women because, despite being older and not classically handsome, it is a rare day I do not meet a very interesting attractive women. One key is being interesting. Have a wide range of passions, interests and activities which is less common than it might seem because the men who ask me how I met the woman they say saw me with, it turns out that most males are boring with few dimensions. When you have lots of interests, more interests open up. Just yesterday a young man asked how did I meet the pretty blonde I was with at a jazz club. It was simple, we were in the same line for intermission glass of wine at the one of the most renown opera houses and she was 2 people back and I simple let the two people in back of me to go ahead, plus the girl who looked amazing in a formal gown. She spoke first simply thanking me for being a gentleman and the conversation started, we had only 10 minutes before the 3rd bell. That was enough time to arrange to continue the talk at the end, to meet in the lobby. Nothing out of the ordinary. The conversation continued as she was about to flag a taxi. I suggested to continue the talk at the small Irish pub across the street. The range of topics covered many twists and turns, obviously she was as bright as beautiful. Not being as young or good looking as the younger man who was asking for advice, it was obvious she would not have been so eager to chat until 3am in an Irish bar with him because his main interest was girls, not the wide range of topics we talked about. Interesting and less attractive wins out over boring and good looking for women who have more than just elegant beauty. She was an anthropologist and finding someone who knew what she was talking about, and the 12 other topics had mutual experience with.
Know something, be passionate about something, and better, a lot of something's.
While writing this, another girl texted me asking if I would do her a favor and come to a recital for her students and take photos. She has a school for 5-14yo ballet students. One of my side businesses is professional photography, and when not having paid sessions I take photos for actor workshops, and conduct 2-3 day actor master classes for professional stage actors who want to transition to cinema. 70-80% are attractive women from 16 to 50. We conduct these twice a month, for 20-60 participants and guest film directors and casting directors. Naturally, they are attractive multitalented people. That is another interest so I meet so many really beautiful women. My largest business is incoming tourism and the guides are all personable attractive women, and so know most of the hundreds of guides in this city. In the summer I hire 60-80 of them.
Most women who are singers know me or know of me in this city of 7 million that is know for its arts and culture, before moving here to this city, for 25 years owned a large recording studio with 3 studios in the stand along building and we produced albums for top artists, and earned 197 gold and platinum albums before I left the US and moved to my current country. So I meet a lot of females who are single and singers, one very interesting one who introduced herself to me is really young looking but she said she was 27, she looks 18, and showed me her art work and portfolio, as a model. She is really cute, and very vivacious, and bright. She took my to a small rock/blues club where the house band was really good, and the singers were all the audience, all singers or aspiring singers. That little connection led to a wild 3 days holed up in her apartment where she wanted to prove she was a woman instead of a kid. She did. Meeting girls out hiking in the forests or in the fall collecting mushrooms and berries, fixing a car for a stranger who was stranded on a country road last summer lead to a week of being together nonstop.. Walking down the street, with my camera and taking street shots that are very flattering using a telephoto lens from 60 feet away and giving them my card so they can download the file that causes me to meet 30-50 attractive women a week. Making a woman feel beautiful or glam is a powerful attractant. I volunteered to gather food for distribution to recent immigrants brought into contact with all the other volunteers who were females, and sharing the work together bonds the volunteers.
If you do not meet single females every day, something is wrong. Where I live now however, men and women are not afraid of each other so even meeting a solo girl on a mountain bike trek, means here, she will have no fear of a male on the same isolated trail. In the US however there is a lot of fear between the sexes.
Find something you MIGHT be interested in where the type of girls you would like to meet even if you have no experience with it. A guy who admits he is a beginner will have women naturally want to assist. For example I like to dance and do it often but ballroom or Tango is not something I am that familiar with. So when I joined a Tango class, amazing things happened. First off, it is a very sensuous and romantic form of dance and life style and women LOVE it but in every class, 80% or more of the students are women. By their interest in it, you can bet they are the romantic inclined women, and any man who has any modest skills will become a prize women will fight over.
Another local zero cost activity where women of above average appearance dominate, is amateur theater groups. I never wanted to appear on stage but volunteers to do sound or photography or video and, like dance, a lot more females volunteer than males. If you are a good guy, spending weeks of rehearsals together creates bonds that can lead to more. Here, the professional actors, there are 270 drama theaters within walking distance of my home in the city center of a stunning culture capital city. Almost 300 world class museums in the same city. Acting is a serious profession and there are excellent academies where the students have to become competent to excellent in all of them from gymnastics, comedy, playing instruments, stage makeup, acting, singing, speech and dance. Every actor I work with in the master classes is amazingly well rounded in skills, any roll, and genre. I have worked with Hollywood film production and most film actors are not that flexible. Even their dialog is only 10-100 seconds long while a stage actor has to know the entire 2-3 hour play, and nail it every night. I have grown to have a lot of respect for the actors here, all are very talented people who are also humble and nice.
Yes, there are girl in bars. Lots of them but more boys and my experience tells me more attractive females go to jazz clubs, opera or ballet. You haven't lived until you date and become intimate with a ballet dancer, a toned sensuous female with slims strong body with grace and elegance of movement. The style of classical Russian style is pure romance and sexual expression of the human form. I know many and not one of them is just a female, their grace and femininity while performing incredibly difficult feats of strength is the very definition of femininity. They learn to be very aware of their bodies so any sexual activity is particularly exciting to their partners.
I am single because I love all the women I know, and picking just one is too difficult to even consider. When a woman is around me she knows my 100% attention is on her and pleasing her is my main goal. I really do not care whether I get off, the entire experience is my reward. My focus is on her pleasure. Maybe that has some connection with why I get along well with so many beautiful women who ignore better looking younger men.
Younger men tend to be too needy, self centered and unpolished. If they slowed down, and focused on the women, they would be rewarded intensely. It is something like investing compared to buying.

@blackparabellum - 08.06.2023 02:56

30 girls in 1-2 weeks sounds better. 1 girl a day is garbage statistics

@MrRiadKhalil - 19.05.2023 11:30

All women are so beautiful and gorgeous

@Mr.Meme1885 - 07.05.2023 03:52

Dating Coaches = Marketing themselves, sponsoring products, playing double agent, false hope, teaching you that looks aren't that important to women, but it actually is. Teaching you that confidence, and a good personality will make you attractive to women, but it won't.


@chrismcevoy2503 - 16.04.2023 03:01

My passions and interests Marni, are Reading, History, Bowling, Swimming.

@chrismcevoy2503 - 16.04.2023 02:58

I love art Marni.

@chrismcevoy2503 - 16.04.2023 02:58

I love to read and listening to music Marni.

@chrismcevoy2503 - 16.04.2023 02:54

I value intelligence, beauty, personality in a woman Marni.

@danielchoi5943 - 14.04.2023 22:26

Ok problem with this is all my hobbies and interests are sausage-fests (racing, Bouldering, gaming, etc.) and these women are already swamped with other guys.
Guess I gotta be the guy that pretend to like Yoga or beauty products (aka a CREEP).

@LoveFootballOnHD - 09.04.2023 07:09

Make sure when I go to bed that woman are in my head otherwise I'm punching his gay face in.

@lorenzohoward8319 - 15.03.2023 03:16

Hey can you hook me up

@davidnhodges9876 - 22.02.2023 05:34

Hello beautiful princess you're very beautiful and very here are very hot hot 🔥🥵🔥🔥🥵🔥🥵🔥🥵🔥🥵

@justfabian222 - 16.02.2023 23:13

can we get time stamps damn girl lol

@Hateious - 12.02.2023 12:09

Now I know where the ladies are at let me get my magic wand out 🪄

@1matim - 05.02.2023 01:33

thanks, good video

@rdu239 - 17.01.2023 16:47

I had enough with career women, I have couple of friends, former classmates and workmates currently in their early to mid 30s, I still keep in touch with them are still so absorbed in their work and still hasnt started a family of their own. I had one in the past that broke up with me due to the combination of LDR and her refusal to fully commit into a serious life plan, its like "are these women serious?! do they plan to start a family when they reach mid 40s?!"

@aimaction7393 - 12.01.2023 16:55


@litedawg - 09.01.2023 07:27

Target end thread

@jakejake3182 - 08.01.2023 04:57

Good girls are not real. They are all fucking everone now.

@jakejake3182 - 08.01.2023 04:55

Guys you got to get back in there. Woman are so EZ now. Hot ones. It is the 1960s again. If you can get over the Wester BS. Woman are not moral at all now. Go have fun!

@CDaeda - 02.01.2023 13:23

What's your opinion on the Brady and Gisele breakup from a therapist point of view.

@tbone541 - 01.01.2023 16:40

Yéa right Marni

@kriyaban100 - 01.01.2023 13:17

BS. It doesn’t work.

@comeconcon569 - 01.01.2023 01:46

There are some good sites where naughty guys like me can meet naughty gals, but it's not free.

@r.c.salyer3652 - 31.12.2022 18:35

You were at your best in this video. Sometimes you're a little "screachy" irritating, but you were definitely attractive today. Stay in that glow going forward, to do your videos. Maybe got a new lover?

@imchico1970 - 30.12.2022 03:04

Any suggestions for Hearing Impaired Person? Women turns off men with Hearing Impaired Disability.

@rjsledz - 27.12.2022 03:35


@ernstgebhardt765 - 23.12.2022 22:04

Naad jy Gaan Nie meer video he niejy wil my Nie my trug vat Nie jy het met 'n Vir kerde persoon beer Ek wil juo trug he in my lewe

@ernstgebhardt765 - 22.12.2022 20:25

I love you Ek is lief Vir juo seks womend

@ernstgebhardt765 - 22.12.2022 19:54

Naad Ek is jammer wat Ek aan juo gedoen het dit sal nie weer gebeer Nie iemand Anders het my in die Helens gemaak toe haal Ek dit by juo uit Ek is lief vir juo

@zapre2284 - 22.12.2022 14:04

The sad reality is that once you've hit 30 as a man. Women arent interested unless they're older or have several kids.

@physicallyready100 - 22.12.2022 07:32

You have a lot of good information but I have been wanting to tell you something for a long time. You talk about assertiveness in men and I agree but you yourself talk way to fast when you giving adviice to men. I studied women that give advice to men on you tube and 90 percent of them talk way to fast. they should follow you advice and talk slower and give men a better chance and more time to absorb the advice that you woman are sharing. Keep up the good work but please slow down.

@ernstgebhardt765 - 21.12.2022 22:57

Naad Ek soek Nie 'n Ander een nieek het klaar een

@lightspeed5618 - 20.12.2022 20:02

This makes me angry and jealous

@ernstgebhardt765 - 20.12.2022 14:33

Middig hoe Gaan dit met juo manri het jy juo Gmail van my af gekry

@nobodysperfect06 - 20.12.2022 13:27

Many people will say this is the mindset of an incel, but my thoughts and mindset, perspective has changed recently towards life and the world or reality,, and as i'm sure you know already, people and society will always say that the world or nature, reality, doesn't owe us anything, owes us nothing, that we are not entitled or owed a date or relationship, sex, i like to believe or think that is far more true for men than for women, or just males of almost every animal species on the planet, i like to feel that women or just female animals, are the only gender that are owed or entitled to a date or sex, relationship, mating, relations, companions, etc., because when you are the gender that gets approached or gets advances made on you, gets asked out, hit on, pursued, its like nature, the world, reality is basically handing you dates or relationships, companionship, sex.

Women or female animals of most species are guaranteed attention and options from the other sex for simply just existing, men or male animals are not. Many people will disagree and say this is the wrong mindset to have, but thats sure how the world or nature seems or looks like, its like women or female animals are the only gender that are guaranteed or owed, obligated chances at having dates or relationships, sex, mating, companionship, etc.

I copied and pasted that from another user and I completely agree with what he said

@jeffryrichardson3537 - 20.12.2022 06:49

Hey Marni. Listen love. I love your pod casts and all that you and your wing girls are doing. You are truly helping me to rediscover my true self. Definitely not in a bad way. Lol. I have a suggestion for you. I see all theses things hints and ideas for men like me to be more confident with women. For example I love the offers you put in your pod casts for good looking and glowing skin with the sponsors you advertise. What about for the all the guys out there who have taken the time and financial investment to invest into you and your system. Sometimes it is hard for someone like me to invest more into things like skin care products. I know your sponsors are offering like 30%off and things like that. How about offering a free 30 day trial of the skin care products with any purchase of your winggirl method strategies for meeting new women. Let the men test the product out for themselves and ask them for their reviews. This way you and your sponsors can get extra feedback on how to maybe keep or improve the product line. Heave the guys spread the word about the product also. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising. I would truly love to be apart of it as a test subject. Lol. You have helped me in so many ways so far. I can’t even begin to put into words the thankfulness and the gratitude I have for you and your team. I want a free set of the skin care products so I can see it for myself. I want to keep you and your team informed of my results and progress with your WingGirl Method. Which I love by the way. Send me your thoughts.

@jarrettkurtz5013 - 20.12.2022 04:13

I need your help

@leafyutube - 19.12.2022 17:43

I wanna learn to make women wet like Austin Powers.

@ernstgebhardt765 - 19.12.2022 09:17

More hoe Gaan dit met juo Ek soek juo phone number

@john6358 - 19.12.2022 06:39

I'm a widower I lost my wife of 20 years and I see the dating scene presently is a damned train wreck especially here in Pocatello, Idaho. Both you (Marni) and Courtney Ryan accurately state that social media is to blame however, nobody has any real answers. I'm not saying that I'm joining MGTOW either. (Personally I think is flippin' cult.) The real answer is for social media go "Hasta La Vista Baby!"

@michaelcrowe5089 - 18.12.2022 20:54

When we going out

@storytimedavidcollins2897 - 18.12.2022 17:38

I really love and appreciate your work/ help with things, but I’m a 56 year old guy that is still married to my high school sweetheart hart. We’ve been together for 38 years and married for 36.
You gave me some very exciting advice in one of your videos like six or eight years ago. Which was calling my wife up and telling her on my way home from work that I was going out to dinner and that if she looked good enough that I would take her with. It was excellent advice and it worked. She had been not wearing any real makeup dressing in such ugly clothes that if she left our table at a restaurant I actually had a server ask me “How much would it cost for you to take me out?”
