Wordware AI, an IDE for programming using natural language - interview with Filip Kozera

Wordware AI, an IDE for programming using natural language - interview with Filip Kozera

Zaiste Programming

1 месяц назад

381 Просмотров

Michal and I decided to go to the Unstructured Data meetup because it sounded interesting, and it was at GitHub HQ, which we had never visited. While we were there, we accidentally ran into Kamil from Poland, and we quickly connected. To our surprise, Kamil and Michal had attended the same high school in Poland, one of the best in the country.

As we talked with Kamil, we discovered he was working at Wordware, a company that builds an IDE for programming using natural language. We asked Kamil to share more about Wordware on camera, but he suggested we meet one of the co-founders instead.

The following day, we met Filip, the CEO of Wordware. Filip was super friendly and energetic. We went for lunch together, enjoying Japanese-style curry outside of Shack15.

We had great conversations about our travels, the differences between startups in Poland and the US, and life in general. Filip also gave me some cool insights about the O1 visa procedure.

We then decided to record a short interview with Filip on the spot. Finding a quiet place at Shack15 was challenging, but we made it work. Despite my initial concerns about the setup, the interview turned out great, and here is the result.

A few weeks after our meeting, Wordware announced that they had been accepted into Y Combinator. Congrats!
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