Masturbation is KILLING Your Strength! (NEW RESEARCH)

Masturbation is KILLING Your Strength! (NEW RESEARCH)


1 год назад

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@Noah-357 - 06.02.2024 01:42

Bro, in the masterbation process, you are literally throwing away trace vitamins and minerals your body needs to survive and to function in every day life. Masterbation is a destruction for the life and body to benefit the curropted porn industry. There are vague is false research about benefits of masterbation similar to nicotine companies back in the days saying smoking cigarettes is really good to your body and it isn't, but curropted companies want to promote fake studies and fake scientific researchs to promote its product and make more cash

@y-shot_69 - 01.02.2024 11:57

Most of the viewers are between 12-16

@psalm-oz1od - 31.01.2024 12:21

yes, masturbation weakens you, we don't need search engines with paid websites, it's real because we can literally just feel it after we ejaculate, that we lose some percentage of our strength, and it's not just physical strength, but overall, to mental strength, strength to socialize (that's why most masturbation addicts are socially awkward),

and spiritually - in major, we don't need websites for that, just pure common sense - masturbation is ethically wrong, a big strain to our mind and soul

@tanveer.s.t1661 - 31.01.2024 10:31

I didn't get anything 😢 is it ok to do that or not

@Realgigclin - 25.01.2024 09:51

I find it hard to push myself after doing it. Even the next day. If you abstain for at least a month ive found i become almost unstoppable in the gym, i feel like my tolerance to weight, pain and the ability to push myself through workouts is much much better.

Its a double edge sword, sometimes the relaxation is nice because i will admit you start to feel like youve got a stick up ur ass once you go several months without indulging. But overall i believe you are more of a man for it and its one of the better ways to unlock your potential. I definitely dont recommend going at it consecutive days. Im at the point were i maybe do it 3 or 4 times a year though

@HH-hc7mg - 25.01.2024 00:54

I am on 3- 4 months without, I feel like my muscles are growing extremely good , I see results every week

@allentaylor3325 - 18.01.2024 04:17

Sorry man, but I actually think of that as a muscle AND some things are just more important.

@JamieEhh - 16.01.2024 22:30

I went a month without it, and I was the same. So it doesn't affect me

@Sander1678 - 10.01.2024 13:01

What I didn't here in this video is the fact that an orgasm drains your testosterone which you would need to gain muscles.

@mccabessupplementsandgym3913 - 10.01.2024 08:08

I struggle to make a week

@ekulda - 07.01.2024 10:39

In yoga, masterbation is not recommended. In ancient times there was no porn. Sand masturbation is not normal. The indigenous only made love for procreation. And masturbation is avoided by Mohammed Ali, Mike Tyson to get greatest performance. Anyone who says otherwise, is suspect of denying you your full potential.

@blanquitochulito7466 - 02.01.2024 22:49

Jeff always gets in one more rep on an evening pull.

@EliHank49 - 29.12.2023 14:58

Never masturbate and NEVER under any circumstance watch p(0)rn

@jyeremheavyarm8605 - 21.12.2023 10:23

Nobody talks about the use of protein that it takes to replenish sperm. Does your body use more protien for sexual preservation before it utilizes protien for muscle growth?

@shivamsinghal3230 - 13.12.2023 12:38

Absolutely right

@mrj4674 - 09.12.2023 22:55

Doing masturbation is good but under limits ,,,7 to 8 times a weak is okay .

@4TengrisSake - 09.12.2023 06:19

I masterbate but don’t watch porn anymore. Masterbaiting is a normal behavior that shouldn’t be looked downed upon

@BlakeCulpepper-rh7gk - 06.12.2023 09:41

It's so bad for your mental health that I would say to never do it. Have sex if you like, but never masturbate because it is so bad for your confidence, and your energy and just everything as a man. I would put masturbation in the same category as smoking and drinking and doing drugs. I think it's a terrible habit that shouldn't be part of anyone's life who wants to be their best in the gym or in life in general.

@FranciscoGarcia-yt2jm - 05.12.2023 21:34

If you masturb@te, you're not gonna train harder, you're going to train more flacid.

@rabiiwolfborn - 04.12.2023 19:07

Actually, it increases my strength, after masturbation I do x3 more exercises than without masturbation. I feel like superhuman :)

@muntadheralgazaly3969 - 25.11.2023 21:46

listen man I am sure what you said in this video helpful stuff but I have adhd I was looking at your lips and his glasses and that's it I and many others would be grateful if you take 20 more seconds to sum up the points you made bog love

@rokljhui864 - 25.11.2023 11:15

Once per month, even if you don't want to.

@orangeman9237 - 21.11.2023 20:42

I used to be addicted to jacking off and every time I do this, I feel much more fatigued and I run slower whenever I’m training 💀

@quaterman1270 - 19.11.2023 05:03

And there are guy like Huberman who say that if you don't ejaculate for one week, your testosterone level increases by 400%. I wonder where he has this data from

@mohammadsajidkhan8098 - 16.11.2023 18:43

Impressive skills! I'm amazed! 👍 👅👅👅🍌🍌🍌

@sebastianhajek2278 - 15.11.2023 23:06

So if I am training for strenght Is it okay to masturbate or not?

@OisinBuckleyAnimation - 14.11.2023 22:21

Bullshit masturbation is bad for my strength, I jacked off 40 times this week and my right arm looks like a jack hammer

@kingkyle9349 - 14.11.2023 02:17

while i think nofap is a meme i def think the majority do "it" too often. should only really be doing no more than 10 times a month at the max for optimal mental health

@ninjapirate123 - 08.11.2023 00:36

I done it by mistake after one week

@paskahousu6438 - 06.11.2023 00:05

my friends fr failed nnn under a week and it amazed me how weak their minds are fr and how perveted they are i stopped wanking because i thought how nasty that shit is and how scared of girls i was now i can communicate with them like normal people i got a tip to people who want to end fapping just think that someone is watching you and it makes you weak and unmotivated

@jesuii8571 - 02.11.2023 15:36

Don't you fucking take it from me!

@Enzi978 - 01.11.2023 15:17

I spend 5 hours masturbating before my prostate exams. I edge, and edge, and edge, until a butterfly sneezing on my taint could bring me to orgasm. I tactfully shuffle my way down to the doctor's office and when he lubes up I nearly cum every time. But I've trained my keggle muscles enough to the point where I can hold in Mount Vesuvius's wrath. then as soon as he puts the smallest bit of pressure on my prostate | unleash with the fury of a lion hunting it's prey. As the room gets covered in my hot sticky juices the doctor looks on disgusted and leaves the room. I always go to a hospital far away from where I live to get it so that I don't have to go in for surgery under the doctor that | busted to. Best thing is we have free healthcare here, so the doctor gets me off and it's covered by taxpayers.

@Daytruin - 30.10.2023 06:07

(jack black peaked around the corner with a raised eyebrow and brief squint) YOU CANNOT KILL THE METAL!!!!!

@user-pj9fs3rx3u - 20.10.2023 17:38

Does masturbating reduce testosterone?
Ejaculating from masturbation doesn't have any noticeable, direct effects on serum T levels. This means that T levels don't get lower the more you masturbate. ... A 2007 study on rats found that frequent masturbation lowered androgen receptors in their brains. Androgen receptors help your body use testosterone. 24 Jan 2018

@Sunshinehappy_and_the_Coolgang - 12.10.2023 00:57

My absolute favorite video in the history of the internet.

@salt1404 - 10.10.2023 00:00

The problem with masturbation/orgasm before a workout is the fatigue. It makes me so tired I don’t feel motivated to workout and I feel sort of out of it. I feel increased energy levels when I abstain not to mention a primal lust that motivates me to push myself.

@MrBones-bo7ll - 30.09.2023 16:57

I disagree, i mean the facts are there, but masturbation should never be encouraged simply because people find it hard to let go of bad habits, ofcourse the people who this often would find reasons why it's good for you, i could also argue that, smoking is good for you because it increases testosterone and improves relaxation, but nobody talks about the down side, it kills your lungs and provokes cancer, as for Masturbation, it kills your daily energy and sex drive, in my experience it killed my sleep.
I used to wake up twice night before completing a full cycle, i stopped that, now i only wake up once, it's bad for you, don't do it.

@knowledgeishalfthebattle5799 - 18.09.2023 15:08

The BIG M is killing my strength? OMG, I'm gonna die or at least go blind! I can't stop! When I was in the military, I shot my battle buddy in his back! I got discharged over it! :)~

@Zy.t_ - 11.09.2023 18:28

How do you get it back?

@kirbstomp8041 - 10.09.2023 19:54

sad to see a good channel resort to wacky ass thumbnails. I guess you have to do what works tho.

@joesilvareality - 10.09.2023 09:51

For maximum gains, edge before lifting and release at night.

@pvanny1124 - 24.08.2023 07:06

Jessy and Jeff — the perfect internet duo!!

@akhtar7574 - 21.08.2023 00:10

The only time for me would be before bed. After ejaculation, I tend to be sleepy. I lose endurence in whatever I do. It's been this way for me for 27 years.

@TioJan01 - 18.08.2023 17:31

It’s amazing to realize how many people just read the name of the video when you read through the comments

@mybuddies5032 - 16.08.2023 05:37

This is the one of the biggest reasons that I don't masturbate or fornicate, I AVOID SEXUAL CLIMAX because the moment you release sperm or ovary, you loose so much strength and wisdom. The main reason that I don't masturbate or fornicate is because I believe in Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus Christ completes me and I don't want anything else, no sex, no food or compulsive eating. Jesus Christ is enough.

@phralma1000BC - 15.08.2023 21:17

In my experience, going nofap for more than 1 and a half week might keep me more energetic but at the same time I feel like I have weaker joints less overall strength and more prone to injury. So it's just a bad idea to suppress natural calls.

@rickc3456 - 13.08.2023 09:32

And here i thought it was the best forearm workout. Buids big forearms.

@treewisps4085 - 11.08.2023 23:09

you gotta do what your body tells you too. i honestly feel a lot weaker after i've done it. Mike Tyson didn't have sex/ mast for a long time and look at him

@LE_gendaire - 06.08.2023 22:12

I can assure it's a great forearm workout. I speak from experience. I train both arms, to avoid imbalances, and at this point I'm looking like Popeye or Luke from Street Fighter 6.
