Lee Harvey Oswald's Final Phone Call

Lee Harvey Oswald's Final Phone Call

City of Allen - ACTV

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Truth Aloud
Truth Aloud - 25.09.2023 20:50

From the stories I read about Oswald, he was a fan and admired JFK!!!
He was conveniently located in the right place and the right time of the assassination, which was probably a regularly scheduled time for his job

Genia Short
Genia Short - 25.09.2023 20:38

Did they have anything to do with John Jr. in his death

serge Pichette
serge Pichette - 25.09.2023 14:31

Tête d'empaff

Sharron Brooks
Sharron Brooks - 25.09.2023 12:30

Hale Boggs wasn't going to sign off on the Warren commission and then his plane went down over Alaska.

Roger Miller
Roger Miller - 25.09.2023 11:06

Let's all realize this assassination was ĥeavily involved on planned, executed.. heavily MANY

Dave Simmons
Dave Simmons - 25.09.2023 09:02

JFK. was shot by an accidental discharge shot fired by a secret Service agent at the rear of the Lincoln limousine. The round blew threw John Kennedy’s skull taking a chunk of brain matter, bone and hair.

James Goode
James Goode - 25.09.2023 00:21

This guy is an idiot. Oswald did it alone.

Janis - 24.09.2023 21:28

Let me try this again.
All witnesses said there was someone in the patrol car with Tippitt.
All said two men talked to Tippitt.
The witnesses that survived questioning, all changed their story to Oswald.
Tippitt was shot with a .22. Oswald had a different caliber handgun.
Oswald was shot with a .22. Ruby shot Oswald.
Ergo, Ruby shot Tippitt.
When Ruby was in jail, he was visited by a friend.
He told his friend the law had been there. Don't remember if it was CIA or FBI.
That they had injected him with a cold, and he didn't have long.
When Tippitt was shot, a code blue was supposed to go out on the police radio.
Code blue being, officer down.
The police were supposed to go into the Texas Theatre with guns blazing. They did not do that.
That left Oswald as a loose end that Ruby took care of.
Oswald did not kill JFK. Oswald did not kill Officer Tippitt.
Jack Ruby killed Officer Tippitt with a ,22.
Jack Ruby killed Oswald with a .22.
Kennedy's head smacked backward. The school book depository was behind Kennedy.
He was shot in the throat, and the back of his skull was blown out.
They put a tracheotomy where the bullet hole was, and patched his skull back.
Kennedy's brain and related items have disappeared from the repository where the brain was kept.
I was 12 when this happened.
It never made sense to me.
Oswald could not have taken two buses and a cab and been where he was in 15 minutes.
Witnesses would not have known to send the police to the Texas Theatre.
Witnesses told police the guy that shot Tippitt emptied his gun and threw all the bullets under a bush there. Nobody followed that up.
My dad knew lots of officers on the Dallas Police. They all withdrew for a while. Didn't laugh and joke when they got together.
One last loose end.
A few months later, a man flying into Red Bird airport crashed upside down in a yard and burned to death.
The official story was he clipped a power line coming in too low.

Unknown first Unknown last
Unknown first Unknown last - 24.09.2023 20:56

In the State of Texas and all other States u go to execution as accessory to murder if u knew about the murder—- in Gods law all who knew about the corruption of the JFK murder and the burning of all innocent—- are in danger of eternal hellfire—- Because God’s laws are like Texas laws!

Mtnshooter - 24.09.2023 20:29

Little by little truth finds a way to wiggle out.

Caleb Reeder
Caleb Reeder - 24.09.2023 17:44

Oswald is behaving like a guilty person he shot a police officer.

Rafiq Zaidi
Rafiq Zaidi - 24.09.2023 12:00

This is a bombshell!

Rafiq Zaidi
Rafiq Zaidi - 24.09.2023 11:59

This is a bombshell !

stellar - 24.09.2023 11:43

Crazy his final phone call was 2 hours long

Mrs. K
Mrs. K - 24.09.2023 04:53

Abraham is friend’s with the author of “Lee and Me.” I highly suggest everyone read that book. It puts more pieces together.

Jeff - 24.09.2023 02:26

So the call to NC must be Oswald's cia handler. Since Oswald knew he was at the end of the line on his last chance to get any help. After being proven innocent of shooting a gun that day by the Dallas Police Department!!! So the call was a final attempt go to, with the best chance to change his current circumstances. We already know that Oswald was recruited into the CIA at age 16 through a local community branch where he lived that he walked into.

Earlene Edgmon
Earlene Edgmon - 23.09.2023 22:27

My Grandfather (a navy veteran)said that Hoover and Johnson had President Kenneday assassinated.

Karen Cornwell
Karen Cornwell - 23.09.2023 21:54

Bush Senior

Dick Roethel
Dick Roethel - 23.09.2023 20:56



Arielle - 23.09.2023 19:49

It’s about time everything to be released to the public on what happened to JFK!!

james R karolchyk
james R karolchyk - 23.09.2023 19:14

They want us to all discuss and argue over how many shots or shooters or directions… the more important question is … why kill him? I dont believe the Vietnam pullout story. I believe JFK and RFK were both killed for this simple reason.

John Kennedy was going to go public and tell the American people before the 64’ election the real reason for going to the moon. Under pressure for massive NASA spending and budgets he was going to explain the artifact that we captured in ww2 from the Germans. This artifact telling us to go to the moon for contact.

Jerry Parrish
Jerry Parrish - 23.09.2023 18:24

I still say LBJ had him shot so he could git the jpb as president. Only way he would ever become president.

Jerry Parrish
Jerry Parrish - 23.09.2023 17:58

He is real hard to listen to!! I know he is not, but it sounds like he is making this up as he went along.

jorge hernandez
jorge hernandez - 23.09.2023 17:34

Where are they going with this? Does it have to do anything with Trump? Are they preparing us for something that might happens?
In case it might happen. All of a sudden, they were co with something that happened. A long time, adomino it was a devastating blow to our country. I still remember I guess most people who were just kids when it happened. I don't know, but this is kinda weird. It's not like they can do anything about President Kennedy anymore. Who would they bring to justit's? I guess it's for history. Maybe they want to change history on the way things happen

Oceans of time
Oceans of time - 23.09.2023 11:46

So,was the SS watching/following her family from that moment she intercepted the call that Oswald made from the jail?”God bless and protect LHO’s daughter, and that of Mrs.Trion’s family,wherever they may be.The cover up is real, and very disturbing .too bad our young educators today are being so brainwashed as to not question the events of that horrible day, and the ones with information etc.have been murdered , or age related,or have since passed on..Prescott Bush, a real criminal imo too…

ViridianG - 23.09.2023 04:32

RIP Jim Marrs.

Tracilea Dixon
Tracilea Dixon - 23.09.2023 02:13

❤ Wow !
Thanks for your information. 😢

Tim Schweitzer
Tim Schweitzer - 22.09.2023 17:55

Why is this so hard to remember for Americans

Tim Schweitzer
Tim Schweitzer - 22.09.2023 17:54

Shortly after the jfk promise close air
support for American CIA operatives on the beach ⛱️
It never happened everyone died at Castro's hand
. A week later Oswald pulls the trigger

Tim Schweitzer
Tim Schweitzer - 22.09.2023 17:51

Yeah he made the shot

Tim Schweitzer
Tim Schweitzer - 22.09.2023 17:50

Mr. History changer Republican hero dragged out of the dustbin of History

David Kiely
David Kiely - 22.09.2023 12:14

You know who did it . They're controlling your country now .
What can you do about ?
Nothing . What can you do to fix your country .Best start would be to Nationalise the FED. As a private bank it loves wars . They get everybody in debt to them . " all wars are bankers wars "
Google that suckers .

Vivian Day
Vivian Day - 22.09.2023 08:38

But , what if of the two John Hurts, the one that has been 'dismissed' as having any significance, ....being that he is a mechanic,... , might also be with some significance/connection ....ie. a mechanic for his regular life , and , on 'free' time, 'working' for the 'gov't.\/CIA ...or something....?

Sofia Smith
Sofia Smith - 22.09.2023 05:04

Read ‘Me and Lee’ by Judith Vary Baker…your eyes will be opened!

Omar Haro
Omar Haro - 22.09.2023 03:02

A shocking new fact I found is that apparently there were other assassination plots in October, and the real freaky part is they mimicked the Dallas shooting including the use of large buildings, street turns and patsies.

John Idyakunnel
John Idyakunnel - 22.09.2023 00:28

What did Russia do to Syria?

jimmy harris
jimmy harris - 21.09.2023 17:51

Don’t blame him!

The Mystic Supreme
The Mystic Supreme - 21.09.2023 00:51

JFK was assassinated by the Military Industrial complex. Eisenhower warned us. They're running the show now.

Will Grice
Will Grice - 20.09.2023 08:00

Noticed that you had security (thankfully). Just out of curiosity, where did the guy come from? Did he work for the government? Does he work for a private firm? Truly glad you were looking out for your safety.

Rose Forkell
Rose Forkell - 20.09.2023 05:19

CIA is corrupt as the FBI this is a joke this person. Is a joke

Rose Forkell
Rose Forkell - 20.09.2023 03:18

He was set up by the CIA n FBI are the guilty ones. They wanted war n President Kennedy wanted peace

Sandy Hagan
Sandy Hagan - 20.09.2023 00:04

I never thought he killed President Kennedy I was a little girl in 1963 I always thought it came down higher than the presidency I even thought the FBI was involved. Jack Ruby kill Oswald to make sure the true story never got out I think our own government killed Kennedy that was a little girl thoughts.

William Wells
William Wells - 19.09.2023 16:19

Read Dealey Plaza - The End of Camelot to see what really happened with all the conspiracy theories. The FBI agent in charge of tracking Marina Oswald harassed her and Ruth Paine unmercifully setting Lee off. They had no idea where Lee was or that he worked at the Texas Book Depository. Lee went to the Dallas Office looking for FBI agent James Hostsy. He was not in. Oswald was screaming and making threats to see him. He handed a note to his secretary to give to him in an envelope, contents not seen. On Friday, November 22 at 12:30 p.m., JFK was shot. On Sunday at 9:30 a.m., November 24, Agent Hostsy and the FBI chief met at the Dallas FBI office and flushed down all notes and information about Oswald and his wife down the toilet.

What about that Conspiracy?

levis76 - 19.09.2023 02:38

JFK wanted to dismantle the military industrial complex that Ike warned everyone about, and he was subsequently murdered for it, plain and simple. Regardless of who shot him, how many there were, etc, he was murdered in cold blood by his own government. If they’d kill the leader of the free world in broad daylight, what would t they do? Slam planes into skyscrapers, murder citizens, steal trillions. The US g’ment is a mad dog that needs to be put down.

Brad Langston
Brad Langston - 18.09.2023 09:41

We know exactly why JFK was assassinated by our own government. Anyone who stands against the political narrative set forth by most politicians in DC will be dealt with swiftly no matter how many lies have to be told or who has to be unalived. We live in a dictatorship that is in total control of the national media outlets to keep propaganda healthy for their distinct narrative. We the people deserve better, should demand better, and the government is now actively doing it again. If you were to take the same microscope they are using to scrutinize Trump and turn that microscope onto every politician in DC we would have indictments handed down on almost every single one of them. Trump doesn't play by the same rules of lies and deception that most in our government like to perpetuate as they are controlled like string puppets by the pursuit of power and wealth no matter what it takes with the biggest corporations in their deep pockets buying the way our country is run in order to fleece the citizens of this nation among other things. Trump probably is no angel himself but he is definitely the lesser of two evils and would at the very least do what he could to try and turn our current sh!t show of a nation into something better for us all.

Billy Dee
Billy Dee - 17.09.2023 18:39

Wow, no matter how you cut it. It puts the blame on Johnson and the cover-up on Hoover and Dulles.

William Wells
William Wells - 17.09.2023 15:46

Watt about Senator Spector silly???

William Wells
William Wells - 17.09.2023 15:45

In my research for Dealey Plaza – The End of Camelot, I went to Swarthmore College Library’s Ruth Paine section. I spent three mornings reviewing Oswald’s information.

I viewed a rough draft of a letter Oswald had scribbled on a plain piece of paper that Ruth Paine had found in her house. It was a strange, rambling letter with uneven margins all broken up, revealing a confused state of mind.

I have studied people’s handwriting most of my life. His handwriting was unclear, meandering across the page, very childlike, a scribble in places, unsteady with no continuity. His grammar poor. A bizarre letter - wandering, nonsensical.

What engrossed me was his “Signature Block.” It was a jumble that screamed an indescribable horror leaping out at me from the page, frightening me, captivating me for minutes. It was like looking into hell only worse. I saw the “Embodiment of Evil,” a horrifying numbing experience, a horror beyond description.

Dealey Plaza - The End of Camelot is a story about people and events surrounding John Fitzgerald Kennedy's life, his Presidency, his assassination, and the conspiracy theories about his death swirling like vortexes spinning round-and-round. The book describes the end of Camelot and what it meant to society. This book will blow your mind. It delves into the inner psyche of Lee Harvey Oswald and his tumultuous relationship with his wife, Marina. It touches on the lives of those at Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963: the motorcade watchers, the motorcade participants, the Secret Service men, the newspaper reporters, and the police. The life of Lee Harvey Oswald is analyzed and portrayed as he moves from place to place. The book is as much about understanding Lee Harvey Oswald as it is about JFK and his life........
